26 resultados para Special Issue


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From a special issue: A Brief History of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands 1959-1988


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The purpose of this paper is not to justify the existence of limnologists in fishery science, but to illustrate the now well accepted view that limnology holds the key to the understanding of fish production, and that an understanding of environmental relationships and the modification rates at all trophic levels must be the basis of enlightened management.


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Studies on the ecology of freshwaters are basic to the rational development and management of their fisheries. and the relationships between different abiotic and biotic components of aquatic ecosystems are discussed in this paper. Examples are given of the ways in which such studies have been used to establish factors that may limit or increase yields from various Zambian waters.


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The important pelagic fishery resources of northern Lake Tanganyika were identified after a preliminary scientific evaluation, and in Burundi, with governmental assistance they were rapidly developed and exploited more intensively until overfishing was thought to have occurred. At this point, legal measures were introduced in order to protect the resource by restricting fishing effort and maintaining the total yield near the apparent maximum sustained limit. Complementary biological research on the fish stocks did not accompany the rapid fishery development and now an intensive stock assessment programme has been launched by the Government and UNDP in order to define more precisely the available fish stocks and to consider, with the co-operation of the neighbouring lacustrine states, suitable ways of ensuring optimum levels of fish harvest from year to year.


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The fish production of the River Niger can best be estimated from a country by country evaluation of the tonnage exported and that consumed locally. All exported and some locally consumed fish are preserved by smoking or sun drying, a process which entails a loss of weight. Coefficients to correct for this of between 2.6 to 4 have been calculated depending on the type of product. A further loss occurs due to handling and to insect attack, which may account for up to 40% of the production. Taking the above factors into account the productions estimated for the various countries of the Niger River basin are as follows: Guinea (3,600 t), Mali (90,000 t), Upper Volta and Ivory Coast (negligible), Niger (5,200 t), Dahomey (1,200 t), Nigeria (25,000 t), Cameroon (3,000 t). A total production of 128,000 t is, therefore, obtained for the basin as a whole, excluding the Kainji Reservoir. At this level of production, there have been no intimations of overfishing from any part of the basin, and there is unanimity that fishing could be intensified. On the basis of the estimates of existing production and local estimates of potential production it is possible that up to 200,000 t of fish could be produced annually from the basin as a whole.


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Gill-netting and rotenoning have been used for assessing and monitoring fish stock abundance in Volta Lake. The lake and the main gear types used on it have been described. Before a gill-net sampling plan was set up, a preliminary survey was undertaken which largely determined the final form of the plan. An investigation as to whether or not the lake was being overfished concluded that it was being underfished. Commercial and experimental catch data analyses disclosed that the adults of the small species were being little utilized. Commercial sized species were also not being harvested according to their apparent proportion in the population. Production is presently fluctuating between approximately 37,000 and 40,000 tonnes. A high correlation between commercial and experimental catch was realized. Developments which have followed in the wake of stock assessment and monitoring studies include: introduction of monofilament nylon net, development of a special scoop net to permit mass harvest of clupeids after they have been attracted to light, and the design of a larger canoe which would help to extend the fishery into open water. New regulation and management policies will have to be formulated in the light of new findings before a rational exploitation of all the species can be achieved.


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EAFFRO and UNPP/LVFRP bottom trawl exploratory data have been used to describe the depth distributional pattern. relative abundance and magnitude of the demersai fishes in Lake Victoria. The results have been compared with the commercial catch estimates, and various interpretations of the trends in the annual catches and experimental biomass estimates in relation to possible future developments of the fishery have been suggested. Though it is highly desirable to develop the fishery such as by supplementary trawling, certain social and biological consequences and considerations needs to proceed in graded steps guided by several research disciplines. The past trends of the fisheries of Lake Victoria are briefly considered. Recent exploratory bottom trawl data, by EAFFRO and UNDP/LVFRP, have been used to define demersal fish stocks of Lake Victoria in terms of their magnitude, relative abundance and distribution pattern by depth. Enstence of disparity between the relative abundance of the various species in their commercial catches and in their present biomass estimates is pointed out and the various aspects associated with the necessary modification of the fishing practices are discussed. Further and continuing research of the bio-socio-economic vectors of the fishery will be necessary in order to generate the rationale of an efficient fishing regime for a rational management strategy and realistic utilization of the fishery resource.


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Studies of fish and fisheries in Africa fall in to four phases: the period of fisheries expeditions, ecological investigations, the development phase, and the period of mechanized exploitation. There is need to establish the taxonomic status and ecology of the varied components of the potentially important Haplochromis in Lake Victoria. A comprehensive study of their bionomics and life history, population structure, natality, recruitment and mortality coefficients should be undertaken. Emphasis lo be laid on the study of the ecology, especially breeding behaviour of the economically important c1upeids (Stolothrissa tanganciae and Limnothrissa miodon), in Lake Tanganyika. A comprehensive investigation into the migratory and shoaling behaviour of the Lake Victoria Tilapia to be initiated. Pre-impoundment studies to be undertaken to assess effects of hydroelectric projects of fisheries. Studies on parasites of economically important fishes to be stepped up to assess pathological effects and the biological basis for their control. The role of predators, e.g., Hydrocyon, Lates and Micropterus salmoides in commercial fish populations should be evaluated, and the knowledge gaincd used to effectively manage the fisheries in favour of the more desirable fish stocks.


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The paper discusses relevance of studies on the resources to the decisions that have taken for the development of management of African inland fisheries. Particular emphasis is given to outlining the types of advice that can be provided by the biologist, without which the decisions taken can easily be wrong. The primary information concerns the magnitude of the potential yield from the resource, and how it compares with present catches. From this the possibilities for development can be assessed, or the need for management be determined. Methods of determining the potential, and the data used in their application are briefly reviewed. Because scientific advice on the resource is desirable as early as possible in the development of a fishery, simple but rather rough methods may be equally, if not more, valuable than more precise but more difficult methods.


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Estimates of potential yield for Kainji Lake, and the methods of analysis by earlier workers are discussed. Also summarized is the state of the fishery after impoundment, between 1969 and 1971, based on experimental gillnet catches. Recent sampling of the young of the year along the littoral margin indicates that most of the commercially important species have spawned successful1y in the lake. An intense fishing mortality of juvenile fish, owing to the use of small mesh nets by local fishermen, presents a possible threat to the future establishment of the fish in the lake. The results of gill-net selection studies based on HOLT'S (1957) method are given. The data have been extracted from experimental gill-net catches with graded fleets of nets between 1969 and 1971. Recommendations based on the above studies have been made to ensure a successful establishment of the fish species in the lake and an increase in catch-per~unit effort in subsequent years.


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A light fishery for "Ndagala" (Strolothrissa tanganicae) has been practised for many years on Lake Tanganyika. Initially this had a low catch rate, but has since been developed by the introduction of an artisanal fishery unit based on the catamaran. A unit consists of a pair of metal canoes joined together. The fish are attracted by three lights mounted on the structure, and are caught with a pyramid-shaped lift net. Selected beaches have been reserved for the artisanal fishery and the numher of units operating has increased from 12 in 1957 to 538 in 1972. The mean annual catch per unit is 11,000 kg, which is not sufficient for the fishery to be economic. However, prediction of a possible mean catch as high as 40 tons year encouraged the Burundi Government to launch a project with help from the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. This was designed to develop the fishery by the creation of artisanal fishing centres, and to make available a large number of fully equipped catamarans which could be paid for by a system of hire-purchase. The success of the project has illustrated that the furnishing of adequate equipment can bring about a transformation of the traditional fishery.