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There was variation in the ingestion of the food objects by the sexes. Despite the similarity in rank-order of the food objects, the ingestion of the objects vary significantly (rg=0.320, P>0.05). Dipterans adult and Hymenoptera were the only food objects not eaten by the males whereas insect remains and unidentified bivalves were absent from the trophics spectrum of the females. There was significant increase in feeding intensity by females than males. There was significant increase in GRI by specimens from Nipa Creek whereas individuals from mangrove creek recorded higher MGF and vice-versa. Dipterans adult. Hymenoptera, insect remains, Neritina glabrata and unid bivalves were absent from dietaries for nipa creek whereas a complete array of the food objects were eaten in the mangrove creek. The present findings highlights the importance of the mangrove ecosystem as the native vegetation encompassing great diversity of food resources and living conditions than the succeeding alien nipa vegetation
It is often difficult to define ‘water quality’ with any degree of precision. One approach is that suggested by Battarbee (1997) and is based on the extent to which individual lakes have changed compared with their natural ‘baseline’ status. Defining the base-line status of artificial lakes and reservoirs however, is, very difficult. In ecological terms, the definition of quality must include some consideration of their functional characteristics and the extent to which these characteristics are self-sustaining. The challenge of managing lakes in a sustainable way is particularly acute in semi-arid, Mediterranean countries. Here the quality of the water is strongly influenced by the unpredictability of the rainfall as well as year-to-year variations in the seasonal averages. Wise management requires profound knowledge of how these systems function. Thus a holistic approach must be adopted and the factors influencing the seasonal dynamics of the lakes quantified over a range of spatial and temporal scales. In this article, the authors describe some of the ways in which both long-term and short-term changes in the weather have influenced the seasonal and spatial dynamics of phytoplankton in El Gergal, a water supply reservoir situated in the south of Spain. The quality of the water stored in this reservoir is typically very good but surface blooms of algae commonly appear during warm, calm periods when the water level is low. El Gergal reservoir is managed by the Empresa Municipal de Abastecimiento y Saneamiento (EMASESA) and supplies water for domestic, commercial and industrial use to an area which includes the city of Seville and twelve of its surrounding towns (ca. 1.3 million inhabitants). El Gergal is the last of two reservoirs in a chain of four situated in the Rivera de Huelva basin, a tributary of the Guadalquivir river. It was commissioned by EMASESA in 1979 and since then the company has monitored its main limnological parameters on, at least, a monthly basis and used this information to improve the management of the reservoir. As a consequence of these intensive studies the physical, chemical and biological information acquired during this period makes the El Gergal database one of the most complete in Spain. In this article the authors focus on three ‘weather-related’ effects that have had a significant impact on the composition and distribution of phytoplankton in El Gergal: (i) the changes associated with severe droughts; (ii) the spatial variations produced by short-term changes in the weather; (iii) the impact of water transfers on the seasonal dynamics of the dinoflagellate Ceratium.
Distribution, movements, and habitat use of small (<46 cm, juveniles and individuals of unknown maturity) striped bass (Morone saxatilis) were investigated with multiple techniques and at multiple spatial scales (surveys and tag-recapture in the estuary and ocean, and telemetry in the estuary) over multiple years to determine the frequency and duration of use of non-natal estuaries. These unique comparisons suggest, at least in New Jersey, that smaller individuals (<20 cm) may disperse from natal estuaries and arrive in non-natal estuaries early in life and take up residence for several years. During this period of estuarine residence, individuals spend all seasons primarily in the low salinity portions of the estuary. At larger sizes, they then leave these non-natal estuaries to begin coastal migrations with those individuals from nurseries in natal estuaries. These composite observations of frequency and duration of habitat use indicate that non-natal estuaries may provide important habitat for a portion of the striped bass population.
Little is known about the seasonality and distribution of grouper larvae (Serranidae: Epinephelini) in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean off the coast of the southeast United States. Grouper larvae were collected from a transect across the Straits of Florida in 2003 and 2004 and during the Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program spring and fall surveys from 1982 through 2005. Analysis of these larval data provided information on location and timing of spawning, larval distribution patterns, and interannual occurrence for a group of species not easily studied as adults. Our analyses indicated that shelf-edge habitat is important for spawning of many species of grouper—some species for which data were not previously available. Spawning for some species may occur year-round, but two peak seasons are evident: late winter and late summer through early fall. Interannual variability in the use of three important subregions by species or groups of species was partially explained by environmental factors (surface temperature, surface salinity, and water depth). A shift in species dominance over the last three decades from spring-spawned species (most of the commercial species) to fall-spawned species also was documented. The results of these analyses expand our understanding of the basic distribution and spawning patterns of northwest Atlantic grouper species and indicate a need for further examination of the changing population structure of individual species and species dominance in the region.
Field experiments were conducted to test the hypotheses that Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) display small-scale spatial structure within longline catches, relative to other species and empty hooks, or within-species based on sex or length. Sequential hook-by-hook inventories, along with length and sex data, were taken at thirty-one survey stations. Two-dimensional spatial statistics were used to test for 1) aggregation, defined as the clustering of individuals within a given demographic of size or sex over small intervals of distance; and 2) segregation, defined as the sequential occurrence of individuals within a given demographic of size or sex, uninterrupted by other observations, irrespective of the distance between individuals. Statistically significant structure was detected within catches that is more commonly associated with fish length than sex. Significant spatial structuring occurred at 60% of all stations tested. Significant aggregation of halibut of legal length for commercial retention (≥82 cm) was detected at 44% of stations and aggregation of sublegal-size halibut was detected at 11%. Maleand female-based aggregations were observed at 22% and 11% of stations, respectively. Significant segregation of females was observed at 20% of stations, male segregation occurred at 8% of stations, and segregation by size at 16% of stations. Understanding small-scale spatial structure within longline catches may help us interpret changes in survey and commercial catch data. If structure is generated by behavior, then observed size-at-age or relative sex-ratios may be biased relative to underlying distributions. Although physical processes such as gape limitation should remain stable over the time, dynamic processes may be spatially and temporally variabl
The elemental composition of otoliths may provide valuable information for establishing connectivity between fish nursery grounds and adult fish populations. Concentrations of Rb, Mg, Ca, Mn, Sr, Na, K, Sr, Pb, and Ba were determined by using solution-based inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in otoliths of young-of-the year tautog (Tautoga onitis) captured in nursery areas along the Rhode Island coast during two consecutive years. Stable oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotopic ratios in young-of-the year otoliths were also analyzed with isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Chemical signatures differed significantly among the distinct nurseries within Narragansett Bay and the coastal ponds across years. Significant differences were also observed within nurseries from year to year. Classification accuracy to each of the five tautog nursery areas ranged from 85% to 92% across years. Because accurate classification of juvenile tautog nursery sites was achieved, otolith chemistry can potentially be used as a natural habitat tag.
We investigated estuarine spatial and temporal overlap of wild and marked hatchery chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) fry; the latter included two distinct size groups released near the Taku River estuary (Taku Inlet) in Southeast Alaska (early May releases of ~ 1.9 g and late May releases of ~ 3.9 g wet weight). Our objectives were to compare abundance, body size, and condition of wild chum salmon fry and hatchery chum salmon fry raised under early and late rearing strategies in different habitats of Taku Inlet and to document environmental factors that could potentially explain the distribution, size, and abundance of these chum salmon fr y. We used a sampling design stratified into inner and outer inlet and neritic and littoral habitats. Hatchery fry were rare in the inner estuary in both years but outnumbered wild fry 20:1 in the outer estuary. Hatchery fry were significantly larger than wild fry in both littoral and neritic samples. Abundances of wild and hatchery fry were positively correlated in the outer inlet, indicating the formation of mixed schools of hatchery and wild fry. Spatial and temporal overlap was greatest between wild and early hatchery fry in the outer inlet in both habitats. The early hatchery release coincided with peak abundances of wild fry in the outer inlet, and the distribution of wild and early hatchery fry overlapped for about three weeks. Our results demonstrate that the timing of release of hatchery fry may affect interactions with wild fry.
Knowing where pinnipeds forage is vital to managing and protecting their populations, and for assessing potential interactions with fisheries. We assessed the spatial relationship between the seasonal distribution of Pacific harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) outfitted with satellite transmitters and the seasonal distributions of potential harbor seal prey species in San Francisco Bay, California. Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated between the number of harbor seal locations in an area of the San Francisco Bay and the abundance of specific prey species in the same area. The influence of scale on the analyses was assessed by varying the scale of analysis from 1 to 10 km. There was consistency in the prey species targeted by harbor seals year-round, although there were seasonal differences between the most important prey species. The highest correlations between harbor seals and their prey were found for seasonally abundant benthic species, located within about 10 km of the primary haul-out site. Probable foraging habitat for harbor seals was identified, based on areas with high abundances of prey species that were strongly correlated with harbor seal distribution. With comparable local data inputs, this approach has potential application to pinniped management in other areas, and to decisions about the location of marine reserves designed to protect these species.
Sand seatrout (Cynoscion arenarius) and silver seatrout (C. nothus) are both found within the immediate offshore areas of the Gulf of Mexico, especially around Texas; however information is limited on how much distributional overlap really occurs between these species. In order to investigate spatial and seasonal differences between species, we analyzed twenty years of bay and offshore trawl data collected by biologists of the Coastal Fisheries Division, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Sand seatrout and silver seatrout were distributed differently among offshore sampling areas, and salinity and water depth appeared to correlate with their distribution. Additionally, within the northernmost sampling area of the gulf waters, water depth correlated significantly with the presence of silver seatrout, which were found at deeper depths than sand seatrout. There was also an overall significant decrease in silver seatrout abundance during the summer season, when temperatures were at their highest, and this decrease may have indicated a migration farther offshore. Sand seatrout abundance had an inverse relationship with salinity and water depth offshore. In addition, sand seatrout abundance was highest in bays with direct passes to the gulf and correlated with corresponding abundance in offshore areas. These data highlight the seasonal and spatial differences in abundance between sand and silver seatrout and relate these differences to the hydrological and geological features found along the Texas coastline.
Cape Cod Bay (Massachusetts) is the only known winter and early spring feeding area for concentrations of the endangered North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) population. During January–May, 1998–2002, 167 aerial surveys were conducted (66,466 km of total survey effort), providing a complete representation of the spatiotemporal distribution of right whales in the bay during winter and spring. A total of 1553 right whales were sighted; some of these sightings were multiple sightings of the same individuals. Right whale distribution and relative abundance patterns were quantified as sightings per unit of effort (SPUE) and partitioned into 103 23-km2 cells and 12 2-week periods. Significant interannual variations in mean SPUE and timing of SPUE maxima were likely due to physically forced changes in available food resources. The area of greatest SPUE expanded and contracted during the season but its center remained in the eastern bay. Most cells with SPUE>0 were inside the federal critical habitat (CH) and this finding gave evidence of the need for management measures within CH boundaries to reduce anthropogenic mortality from vessel strikes and entanglement. There was significant within-season SPUE variability: low in December−January, increasing to a maximum in late February−early April, and declining to zero in May; and these results provide support for management measures from 1 January
King mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) are ecologically and economically important scombrids that inhabit U.S. waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) and Atlantic Ocean (Atlantic). Separate migratory groups, or stocks, migrate from eastern GOM and southeastern U.S. Atlantic to south Florida waters where the stocks mix during winter. Currently, all winter landings from a management-defined south Florida mixing zone are attributed to the GOM stock. In this study, the stock composition of winter landings across three south Florida sampling zones was estimated by using stock-specific otolith morphological variables and Fourier harmonics. The mean accuracies of the jackknifed classifications from stepwise linear discriminant function analysis of otolith shape variables ranged from 66−76% for sex-specific models. Estimates of the contribution of the Atlantic stock to winter landings, derived from maximum likelihood stock mixing models, indicated the contribution was highest off southeastern Florida (as high as 82.8% for females in winter 2001−02) and lowest off southwestern Florida (as low as 14.5% for females in winter 2002−03). Overall, results provided evidence that the Atlantic stock contributes a certain, and perhaps a significant (i.e., ≥50%), percentage of landings taken in the management-defined winter mixing zone off south Florida, and the practice of assigning all winter mixing zone landings to the GOM stock should
Identifying the spatial and temporal patterns of larval fish supply and settlement is a key step in understanding the connectivity of meta-populations (Sale et al., 2005). Because of the potentially dispersive nature of the pelagic larval phase of most reef fishes, tracking cohorts from hatching to settlement is extremely difficult (but see Jones et al., 1999). However, for many studies it is sufficient to sample larvae immediately before settlement. Many coral reef fish species use mangrove and seagrass beds as nursery habitats (Nagelkerken et al., 2001; Mumby et al., 2004) and larvae of these species must pass over the reef crest in order to arrive at their preferred settlement habitats. The ability to sample this new cohort of larval fishes provides opportunities for researchers to explore the intricacies of the transition from larva to juvenile (Searcy and Sponaugle, 2001). Quantifying the potential settlers also provides valuable information about the spatial and temporal supply of presettlement larvae (Victor, 1986). Therefore a number of larval sampling methods were developed, one of which is the use of crest nets (Dufour and Galzin, 1993).
The importance of glacial ice habitats to harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) in Alaska has become increasingly apparent. However, enumerating harbor seals hauled out on ice in glacial fjords has been difficult. At Johns Hopkins Inlet in Glacier Bay, Alaska, we compared a shore-based counting method to a large-format aerial photography method to estimate seal abundance. During each aerial survey, shore-based observers simultaneously counted seals from an observation post. Both survey methods incurred errors in double-counting and missing seals, especially when ice movements caused seals to drift between survey zones. Advantages of shore-based counts included the ability to obtain multiple counts for relatively little cost, distinguish pups from adults, and to distinguish mobile seals from shadows or glacial debris of similar size. Aerial photography provided a permanent record of each survey, allowing both a reconciliation of counts in overlapping zones and the documentation of the spatial distribution of seals and ice within the fjord.
Longline fisheries have grown throughout the world’s oceans for more than 40 years. This type of fisheries has captured high-quality fish (mature individuals rather than unwanted juveniles), has had minimal destructive effects on bottom habitats, and has produced a low bycatch of nontargeted fish (Brothers et al., 1999). Seabirds, however, are hooked accidentally when they swallow or are snagged on the baited hooks set by commercial longline crews (Brothers, 1991; Barnes et al., 1997; Tasker et al., 2000; Belda and Sanchez 2001; Jahncke et al., 2001
Data from ichthyoplankton surveys conducted in 1972 and from 1977 to 1999 (no data were collected in 1980) by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (NOAA, NMFS) in the western Gulf of Alaska were used to examine the timing of spawning, geographic distribution and abundance, and the vertical distribution of eggs and larvae of flathead sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon). In the western Gulf of Alaska, flathead sole spawning began in early April and peaked from early to mid-May on the continental shelf. It progressed in a southwesterly direction along the Alaska Peninsula where three main areas of flathead sole spawning were indentified: near the Kenai Peninsula, in Shelikof Strait, and between the Shumagin Islands and Unimak Island. Flathead sole eggs are pelagic, and their depth distribution may be a function of their developmental stage. Data from MOCNESS tows indicated that eggs sink near time of hatching and the larvae rise to the surface to feed. The geographic distribution of larvae followed a pattern similar to the distribution of eggs, only it shifted about one month later. Larval abundance peaked from early to mid-June in the southern portion of Shelikof Strait. Biological and environmental factors may help to retain flathead sole larvae on the continental shelf near their juvenile nursery areas.