23 resultados para Sedimented Phosphorus


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The "Río de la Plata" River is one of the less studied systems of the basin with respect to its biological and ecological aspects. Twenty four and twenty seven surface stations were sample on September 22-23 and November 22-23, 1982, respectively. The section studied is part of the zone called inner "Río de la Plata" River. The discharge was 29.000 m3/s in September and 45.200 m3/s in November. Total phosphorus (PT), total organic nitrogen (NOT), chemical oxygen demad (COT) and total cholrophyll were measured. Dissolved oxygen (DO), turbidity (TURB), pH and electrical conductivity (K20) were also measured at the surface with a HORIBA U7 sensor on November 1982. PT was 72-208 mg/m3 and 66-205 mg/m3 in September and November repectively; the higher values were near the Argentinian coast and the outer zone. NOT was 33-106 µM and 49-117 µM and CHL was 1.4-5.8 mg/m3 and 1.3-9.4 mg/m3. TURB was between 44 and 240 NTU in November; the maximun value were obseved in the central zone. Steep K20 gradients were found near both coast. The reduced organic carbon load into the lower and external part of the "Río de la Plata" River was estimated. (Document contains 40 pages.)


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We examined the impacts of mechanical shredding (i.e.. shredding plants and leaving biomass in the system) of the water chestnut (Trapa natans) on water quality and nutrient mobilization in a control and experimental site in Lake Champlain (Vermont-New York). A 1-ha plot was mechanically shredded within 1 h on 26 July, 1999. Broken plant material was initially concentrated on the lake surface of the experimental station after shredding, and was noticeable on the lake surface for 19 d. Over a two week period after shredding. concentrations of total nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and soluble reactive P increased in the lower water column of the experimental station, coinciding with decomposition of water chestnut. Sediments in the control and experimental stations exhibited vet-v low rates of N and P release and could not account for increases in nutrient concentrations in the water column after mechanical shredding. Shredded plant material deployed in mesh bags at the experimental station lost similar to 70% of their total mass, and 42%, N and 70% P within 14 d. indicating Substantial nutrient mobilization via autolysis and decomposition. Chlorophyll a concentrations increased to 35 g/L at the experimental station on day 7 after shredding, compared to a concentration of 4 g/L at the control station. suggesting uptake of mobilized nutrients by phytoplankton. Disruption Of the Surface canopy of water chestnut by shredding was associated with marked increases in turbidity and dissolved oxygen, suggesting increased mixing at the experimental site.


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A post Agnes study emphasizing environmental factors...weekly sampling at eight stations from 28 June to August 30, 1972. Spatial and temporal changes in the distribution of many factors, e.g., salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), seston, particulate carbon and nitrogen, inorganic and organic fractions of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus, and chlorophyll a were studied and compared to earlier extensive records. Patterns shown by the present data were compared especially with a local heavy storm that occurred in the Patuxent drainage basin during July 1963. Some interesting correlations were observed in the data. (PDF has 39 pages.)


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A post-Agnes study that emphasized environmental factors was carried out on the Patuxent River estuary with weekly sampling at eight stations from 28 June t o 30 August 1972. Spatial and temporal changes in the distribution of many factors , e.g., salinity , dissolved oxygen, seston, particulate carbon and nitrogen, inorganic and organic fractions of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus, and chlorophyll a were studied and compared t o extensive earlier records. Patterns shown by the present data were compared especially with a local heavy storm that occurred in the Patuxent drainage basin during July 1969. Estimates were made of the amounts of material contributed via upland drainage. A first approximation indicated that 14.8 x l0 (3) metric tons of seston were contributed t o the head of the estuary between 21 and 24 June. (PDF contains 46 pages)


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Microcosms containing planktonic communities from Chesapeake Bay responded to enrichment with sewage by developing larger standing crops of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Data suggest that increased productivity would be reflected up the food chain but might increase existing problems with dissolved oxygen and might lead to qualitative changes in the composition of the zooplankton. Either phosphorus or nitrogen was removed more rapidly from solution depending on where and when the experimental water was obtained. Increases in standing crop of algae were associated with loss of nitrogen from solution in two experiments and losses of both nitrogen and phosphorus from solution in one experiment.


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Retrofit activities, such as improving hydrology and incorporating more advanced treatment methods into systems where feasible, may improve phosphorus (P) removal performance of current Best Management Practices (BMPs). In the recent past, chemical treatment systems such as chemical dosing and the use of adsorptive media have become more prevalent for treating stormwater and hold promise for improving the P removal performance of stormwater treatment BMPs (Bachand et al., 2005; Patel et al., 2005). Our primary objective for this project has been to investigate whether adsorptive media hold any promise for improving P removal performance of stormwater basins and treatment wetlands at Lake Tahoe.... (PDF contains 99 pages)


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Based on the recovery rates for Thalassia testudinum measured in this study for scars of these excavation depths and assuming a linear recovery horizon, we estimate that it would take ~ 6.9 years (95% CI. = 5.4 to 9.6 years) for T. testudinum to return to the same density as recorded for the adjacent undisturbed population. The application of water soluble fertilizers and plant growth hormones by mechanical injection into the sediments adjacent to ten propellor scars at Lignumvitae State Botanical Site did not significantly increase the recovery rate of Thalassia testudinum or Halodule wrightii. An alternative method of fertilization and restoration of propellor scars was also tested by a using a method of “compressed succession” where Halodule wrightii is substituted for T. testudinum in the initial stages of restoration. Bird roosting stakes were placed among H.wrightii bare root plantings in prop scars to facilitate the defecation of nitrogen and phosphorus enriched feces. In contrast to the fertilizer injection method, the bird stakes produced extremely high recovery rates of transplanted H. wrightii. We conclude that use of a fertilizer/hormone injection machine in the manner described here is not a feasible means of enhancing T. testudinum recovery in propellor scars on soft bottom carbonate sediments. Existing techniques such as the bird stake approach provide a reliable, and inexpensive alternative method that should be considered for application to restoration of seagrasses in these environments. Document contains 40 pages)


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ENGLISH: An average of 78 m. of water was vertically displaced by wind-driven upwelling during the dry season (January-April) in Panama Bay at the head of the Gulf of Panama. The standing crop of phytoplankton and its productivity were significantly greater during the months of upwelling than during the rainy season. Equivalent results were found by three different methods used to calculate photosynthesis: direct measurement with radiocarbon; increase of dissolved oxygen in the water column; and decrease of phosphate-phosphorus in the water column. About 90 g. of carbon per square meter of sea surface were fixed by the phytoplankton during each upwelling season (January-April) and about 90 g. of carbon were fixed during each rainy season (May-December) resulting in an annual production of about 180 g. of carbon per square meter of sea surface SPANISH: Un promedio de 78 m. de agua fué desplazado verticalmente por la fuerza de los vientos que ocasionan el fenómeno conocido por afloramiento durante la estación seca (enero a abril) en la Bahía de Panamá, a la cabeza del Golfo de Panamá. La cosecha estable de fitoplancton y su productividad fueron significativamente mayores durante los meses de afloramiento, que durante la estación lluviosa. Se obtuvieron resultados equivalentes por medio de tres diferentes métodos usados para calcular la fotosíntesis: medición directa con radiocarbono, aumento del oxígeno disuelto en la columna de agua, y disminución del fosfato-fósforo en la columna de agua. Por medio del fitoplancton durante cada estación de afloramiento (enero-abril), se fijaron alrededor de 90 g. de carbono por metro cuadrado de la superficie del mar, y durante cada estación lluviosa (mayo-diciembre) se fijaron 90 g. de carbono lo que resulta en una producción anual de aproximadamente 180 g. de carbono por metro cuadrado de la superficie del mar.