57 resultados para Polyculture


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A three months experiment was conducted to study the species interactions of two carp species in polyculture system under supplemental feeding. Four species of fishes such as silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), mrigal (Cirrhina cirrhosus), catla (Catla catla) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) were cultured in four different combinations each containing two species. The combination of silver carp and mrigal in treatment 1, and silver carp and common carp in treatment 2 resulted better growth and production than other two treatments of different combinations of catla and common carp, and catla and mrigal.


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The optimisation of stocking density of Thai silver barb (Barbodes gonionotus) in the polyculture with Labeo rohita, Catla cat/a and Cyprinus cmpio was investigated in seasonal ponds. Three different stocking densities of Thai silver barb i.e., 5,000, 6,000 and 7,000 fingerlings ha-1 were tested with stocking density of carps fixed at the rate of 10,000 fingerlings ha-1 Duckweed was applied to all ponds supplemented with rice bran and oil cake. There were no significant variations on either water quality parameters or abundance of planktonic organisms due to the different stocking densities of silver barb. A significantly higher fish production (p


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A 120-day long experiment was conducted to find out the effects of urea plus triple super phosphate (UT), cow manure (CM) and poultry manure (PM) having iso-nil:rogen content on pond productivity and fish yield. Three fertilizer treatments, with three replicates each, were randomly assigned into nine earthen ponds of 100 m2 each. The stocking fish were rohu (Labeo ruhita), catla ( Catla catla) and mrigal ( Cirrhinus mrigala) in each treatment pond at the rate of 10000/ha with the ratio of 1:1:1. All ponds were fertilized fortnightly at the rate of 125 kg/ha urea plus 100 kg TSP/ha, 7000 kg/ha cow manure and 3500 kg/ha poultry manure for the treatment of UT, CM and PM, respectively, having an iso-nitrogen content of 56 kg in each. Though the physicochemical water quality parameters were more or less similar in all treatment ponds, the chlorophyll-a content and abundance of total plankton were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the ponds receiving the treatment PM. Final growth as well as per unit production of fish was significantly higher (ppolyculture system under prevailing conditions.


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A study was conducted to evaluate the effects of feed made from locally available ingredients on polyculture of shrimp and three brackishwater finfish species. Hatchery produced post-larvae (PL) of shrimp Penaeus monodon (0.005g) were stocked at the rate of 15,000 PLs/ha. Brackishwater finfish species Liza parsia, Mugil cephalus and Rhinomugil corsula of 0.63-1.4lg collected from local rivers were stocked at the rate 8,000, 1,000 and 2,000/ha, respectively in four treatments. Shrimp and finfishes were fed four different experimental diets composed of fish meal, mustard oil cake, rice bran, oyster shell power and vitamin premixes at the rate of 3-5% estimated crop/day for 195 days. Among four treatments, P. monodon showed comparative better growth in T4 and T3. Finfish L. parsia showed its better performance in treatment T2. Species M. cephalus and R. corsula showed insignificant production. P. monodon showed better growth with diet of fish meal and mustard oil cake@ 28.84 and 33.65%, respectively in T 3 and 19.22 and 43.27%, respectively in treatment T4.


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Effects of three stocking densities, viz., 35, 50 and 65/decimal (1 decimal = 40.48 m2) of juvenile freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) on prawn and fish production were tested in a polycuture system with silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), catla (Catla catla), Grass carp (Ctenophmyngodon idella) and silver barb (Barbodes gonionotus). The fish stocking density was 19/decimal with the species combination of silver carp-10, catlac-6, grass carp-1 and silver barb-2. In a 8-month culture period, the prawn yield 423 ± 144 kg/ha was significantly lower (P< 0.5) with the prawn stocking density of 35/decimal than that of 548 ± 178 kg/ha and 662 ± 243 kg/ha with 50 and 65/decimal respectively. The fish production (1844-1891 kg/ha) did not differ significantly (p <0.05) among the three treatments indicating that prawn stocking densities had no influence on fish yield. The lower mean harvest weight (62 g) and survival rate (67 g) and higher yield (2.67 kg/decimal) with the highest stocking rate of prawn reveals that as density was increased, prawn survival and individual weight at harvest decreased but total yield increased.


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An on-farm trial was undertaken in twelve earthen ponds (1200-1600 m') to evaluate the growth and production of over-wintered fingerlings of rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Carla catla) and mrigal (Cirrhinus rnrigala) in polyculture at three stocking densities. The stocking densities were 2,250; 3,250 and 4,250 fish/ha in treatment-1, treatment-2 and treatment-3, respectively. Fish in all ponds were fed with rice bran and mustard oil cake at the ratio of 3:1. Fish production obtained in three treatments were 2325±74.75, 2620±49.66 and 2982±171.52 kg/ha. The results demonstrated higher mean growth in T-1 than in T-2 and T-3. However, the highest production as well as net benefit was obtained in treatment-3.


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A 120 day long experiment was conducted to find out the effects of cow manure with urea and triple super phosphate (CUT), poultry manure with urea and triple super phosphate (PUT) and cow manure with poultry manure (CP) having similar quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus on pond productivity and fish yield. The stocking fish were rohu (Labeo rohita), catla ( Catla catla) and mrigal ( Cirrhinus mrigala) in each treatment pond at the rate of 10000/ha. All ponds were fertilized fortnightly at the rate of 4000 kg/ha cow manure with 62 kg/ha urea and 65 kg/ha TSP, 2700 kg/ha poultry manure with 62 kg/ha urea and 16 kg/ha TSP, and 4000kg/ha cow manure with 2700 kg/ha poultry manure for the treatment CUT, PUT and CP respectively. Each treatment contained an iso-nitrogen and iso-phosphorus of 56 kg and 46 kg respectively. Though the physico-chemical parameters were more or less similar in all ponds, the chlorophyll-a content and abundance of total plankton were significantly higher (P< 0.05) in the ponds receiving the fertilizer treatment of PUT than those of other treatments. Final growth as well as per unit production of fish of treatment PUT (1773 kg/ha) was significantly higher (P< 0.05) than that of treatment CP (1528 kg/ha) followed by that of treatment CUT (1336 kg/ha). The over all results showed that poultry manure with urea and triple super phosphate proved to be superior to cow manure with urea and triple super phosphate, and poultry manure with cow manure, even when nitrogen and phosphorus content was similar, in carp polyculture system under prevailing conditions.


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Performances of fingerling size and water area was studied. Seven species of fish included 25% of Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, 15% of Gada catla, 20% of Labeo rohita, 10% of Cirrhinus mrigala, 10% of Ctenophyringodon idella and 20% of Macrobrachium rosenbergii were stocked at the rate of 8,000 individual/ha along Barbodes gonionoms at 6.0g weight size with a stocking density of 2,000 indl./ ha. Survival of all species was in the range of 39.9 to 96.3% except M. rosenbergii The highest survival was obtained from L. rohita (96.3%) followed by C mrigala (96.0 %)., B. gonionotus (92.3%), C idella (90.6%), H. molitrix (84.0%), C cada (81.7%) respectively. While the survival of M. rosenbergiiwas 13.1%. The highest production of 4912 kg/ha/yr was obtained from the bigger ponds (0.4 ha) stocked with 20-32g size of fingerlings, while lowest production (3123 kg/ha/yr) from small pond (0.1 ha) stocked with 3-10 g fingerlings. Economic analysis shows the highest net profit in bigger ponds stocked with bigger fish seed.


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The production of fish and net economic return in pangasiid catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) monoculture and polyculture with silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) in farmers' ponds were assessed. The experiment was arranged in three treatments each with three replications. The ponds were stocked with 30,000 fishes per hectare. In treatment 1 (T1) pangasiid catfish only, in treatment 2 (T2) pangasiid catfish and silver carp at the ratio of 1:1, and in treatment 3 (T3) pangasiid catfish and silver carp at the ratio of 2:1 were stocked. At harvest, production of fish was found significantly (p<0.05) different among the treatments, highest in T1 and lowest in T2. Though the total biomass production and total economic return was significantly highest in T1 than in T2 and T3, the net economic return was lowest because of the required highest input costs especially for supplemental feed and fingerlings, resulted the highest cost per unit yield (CPY in Tk/kg) in T1. Highest cost for supplemental feed required in T1 was due to highest quantity of feed required for the highest number of pangasiid catfish stocked in that treatment. The findings of the present study suggest that though monoculture of pangasiid catfish give higher fish biomass production but polyculture with silver carp is environmentally good and economically profitable.


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Microalgal community structure in experimental carp-pangasiid catfish polyculture ponds under four different stocking rates (treatments) each with three replications in the Field Laboratory of the Faculty Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh was studied. A total of 38 microalgal genera were identified under four major groups: 18 genera belong to Chlorophyceae, 9 to Cyanophyceae, 8 to Bacillariophyceae and 3 to Euglenophyceae. Chlorophyceae was abundant in all treatments followed by Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae and Euglenophyceae throughout the study period. The cell densities of total microalgal population varied between 51.66x10^3 cells/L in June in T1 and 126.4x10^3 cells/L in August in T2. The appearance of Microcysris, Oscillatoria, Gomphospheria, Hildenbrandia, Chlorella, Scenedesmus, Cyclotella, Navicula, Nitzschia, Euglena and Phacus as dominant genera throughout the study period may related to sufficient nutrient availability, good light conditions and high growth rate of these genera. Water quality parameters of the experimental ponds were within suitable range for microalgal production and fish culture though the nutrient (nitrate-nitrogen and phosphate-phosphorus) concentrations were high. The factors involved in structuring a phytoplankton community arise from the relationship generated by physical, chemical and biological conditions especially the stocked planktivorous carps. Microalgal bloom formation is very common in pangasiid catfish monoculture ponds but in the present study bloom was not formed and the algal species diversity was found to be slightly increased with the study period. The introduction carps of carps in the experimental ponds might have helped in controlling the microalgal bloom formation and maintenance of the species diversity.


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An attempt was made to study the input-output relationships and economics of pangas monoculture and carp-pangas polyculture in Bangladesh. By analyzing the data collected from 50 pangas farms and 55 carp-pangas farms, the study has investigated the production systems of two technologies and the effects of fingerling stocking and applications of feed and fertilizer on fisheries income. The data were collected from the fishermen of Trishal and Bhaluka of Mymensingh district, and Kahaloo and Adamdighee of Bogra district during 2001-02. For pangas monoculture, the stocking density was 31,561 per ha while it was 55,017 per ha in carp-pangas polyculture. Most of the farmers used urea, TSP and lime before stocking. Rice and wheat bran happened to be the most common feed ingredients for both types of culture in general. Other important ingredients used were mustard oil-cakes, rice polish, wheat flour, fish meal, bone meal, soybean meal and poultry litter. In terms of quantities, rice bran and wheat bran dominated the farmers list. Rice and wheat bran together constituted about 60% of all studied feeds. Feed cost constituted 59.13% of total costs for pangas monoculture and 67.44% for carp-pangas polyculture. Per ha productions of pangas and carp-pangas in a single culture cycle were 15,508 kg and 19,745 kg, respectively. Per ha gross profits were estimated to be Tk 310,311 and Tk 464,418 for pangas monoculture and carp-pangas polyculture, respectively. Net profit appeared to be Tk 264,216 per ha for pangas monoculture and Tk 416,509 per ha for carp-pangas polyculture. The BCRs calculated were 1.46 and 1.68 for monoculture and polyculture, respectively. The break-even costs per kg of fish were estimated at Tk 36.93 for pangas and Tk 30.93 for mixed species which was much lower than the prices the producers received. Break-even productions were estimated at 10,702 kg per ha for pangas monoculture and 11,784 kg per ha for carp-pangas polyculture. Fingerling and feed cost, and pond size significantly explained the variation of income from pangas monoculture. These factors have significantly influenced the income from the crop. Functional analysis shows that 1% increase in the feed cost might increase 0.51% of pangas income and 0.41% in carp-pangas income. No other inputs had shown this much of responses to increasing income from a fish.


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A study was conducted to determine the factors affecting adoption of pond polyculture in six villages of three districts namely Mymensingh, Bogra and Narshingdi in Bangladesh. In Mymensingh, 75% pond owners adopted carp polyculture technology whereas in Bogra and Narshingdi only 16% and 25% pond owners, respectively adopted this technology for fish production. The production of fish per unit area was found to be 5 to 10 times higher in Mymensingh compared to that of Bogra and Narshingdi. Fish farmers identified three main problems affecting the adoption of pond polyculture viz. lack of input used in aquaculture, low fish yield and lack of credit facilities for pond polyculture. The technological awareness of the farmers directly contributed towards use of inputs in culture ponds. The positive impact of technological dissemination found on input use, fish yield and uplifted socioeconomic condition.


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The growth, survival and profitability of C. chanos and P. monodon grown in 5 different combinations for 100 days in 500m2 brackish water ponds were assessed. Differences in the growth and production of prawns cultured singly or in combination with milkfish at increasing stocking density strongly suggests that the presence of milkfish exerts some negative effect on prawn. However, growth production and competition index data suggest that the presence of prawn do not significantly affect milkfish. While the maximum production of prawn can be attained in monoculture, its polyculture with 2000 milkfish/ha is also economically feasible.


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Twelve 1,000 m super(2) earthen ponds were used to compare the growth rates, survival and production of milkfish (Chanos chanos)) and prawn (Penaeus monodon ) in monoculture and polyculture systems in shallow brackishwater ponds and without supplemental feeding. The low production and survival rates obtained were attributed to the lack of natural food; the high salinity during the first month of culture could be one of the causes of the high mortality of prawn observed in both mono and polyculture systems. Although the results of the trial were not ecouraging, it is possible that high yields may be obtained from the combination of the 2 species given enough natural food and favourable water conditions.


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Mud crabs (Scylla serrata) were cultured singly and in combination with milkfish (Chanos chanos) to compare growth, survival and production rates. Net production of crab was higher in polyculture than monoculture, but the reverse was observed for milkfish.