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This study presents the third post-nourishment survey (January 1989) results for the Sand Key Phase II beach nourishment project carried out in June, 1988. The monitoring program to this beach nourishment project is a joint effort between the University of South Florida and University of Florida. The field surveys include a total of 26 profiles, encompassing approximately 3 miles of shoreline extending from DNR R-96 to R-1ll. The total calculated volume loss of sand in the nourished segment (from R-99G to R-107) between the July 88 and January 89 surveys is 51,113 cubic yards, which is a loss about 9.7 percent of 529,150 cubic yards actually placed in the nourishment project. The total loss of sand computed in the entire survey area is 26,796 cubic yards, which is only 5.1 percent of the sand placed in the nourishment project. It is stressed that a part of these net volume reductions is due to the background erosion and not due to spreading losses induced by the nourishment project. (PDF contains 168 pages.)
Este documento recuerda la figura de Mariano M. Martínez a diez años de su fallecimiento. Se han compilado los homenajes y semblanzas realizadas en ese período y se señalan algunas de sus importantes contribuciones. Los escritos de su padre, amigos y colegas nos describen su capacidad, bonhomía, generosidad y amor por la vida, lo que hizo de Mariano un individuo singular y carismático. Por esto, quién escribe estas líneas, considera que poco se puede agregar a lo ya dicho, ya que el conjunto nos brinda una acabada síntesis de su persona. Las Ciencias Naturales de la Argentina perdieron tempranamente a uno de sus estudiosos y los que tuvimos el privilegio de compartir momentos de su vida, tuvimos a un ser invalorable que recordamos con una profunda nostalgia. (PDF tiene 22 paginas.)
The paper presents: 1) biologic summaries for each of the formations for which paleontologic data are available, with brief discussions of the geologic age; 2) geologic correlations of the formations and the distribution of their age-equivalents in Central America, the West Indies, and the southeastern United States; 3) an outline of the paleogeography of middle America. The biologic summaries are based on the paleontologic memoirs in this vol. by Messars. Howe, Berry, Chuchman, Jackson, Canu and Bassler and Pilsbry, Miss Rathbun and myself.
Marine reserves, often referred to as no-take MPAs, are defined as areas within which human activities that can result in the removal or alteration of biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem are prohibited or greatly restricted (NRC 2001). Activities typically curtailed within a marine reserve are extraction of organisms (e.g., commercial and recreational fishing, kelp harvesting, commercial collecting), mariculture, and those activities that can alter oceanographic or geologic attributes of the habitat (e.g., mining, shore-based industrial-related intake and discharges of seawater and effluent). Usually, marine reserves are established to conserve biodiversity or enhance nearby fishery resources. Thus, goals and objectives of marine reserves can be inferred, even if they are not specifically articulated at the time of reserve formation. In this report, we review information about the effectiveness of the three marine reserves in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (Hopkins Marine Life Refuge, Point Lobos Ecological Reserve, Big Creek Ecological Reserve), and the one in the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (the natural area on the north side of East Anacapa Island). Our efforts to objectively evaluate reserves in Central California relative to reserve theory were greatly hampered for four primary reasons; (1) few of the existing marine reserves were created with clearly articulated goals or objectives, (2) relatively few studies of the ecological consequences of existing reserves have been conducted, (3) no studies to date encompass the spatial and temporal scope needed to identify ecosystem-wide effects of reserve protection, and (4) there are almost no studies that describe the social and economic consequences of existing reserves. To overcome these obstacles, we used several methods to evaluate the effectiveness of subtidal marine reserves in Central California. We first conducted a literature review to find out what research has been conducted in all marine reserves in Central California (Appendix 1). We then reviewed the scientific literature that relates to marine reserve theory to help define criteria to use as benchmarks for evaluation. A recent National Research Council (2001) report summarized expected reserve benefits and provided the criteria we used for evaluation of effectiveness. The next step was to identify the research projects in this region that collected information in a way that enabled us to evaluate reserve theory relative to marine reserves in Central California. Chapters 1-4 in this report provide summaries of those research projects. Contained within these chapters are evaluations of reserve effectiveness for meeting specific objectives. As few studies exist that pertain to reserve theory in Central California, we reviewed studies of marine reserves in other temperate and tropical ecosystems to determine if there were lessons to be learned from other parts of the world (Chapter 5). We also included a discussion of social and economic considerations germane to the public policy decision-making processes associated with marine reserves (Chapter 6). After reviewing all of these resources, we provided a summary of the ecological benefits that could be expected from existing reserves in Central California. The summary is presented in Part II of this report. (PDF contains 133 pages.)
In Central California, and elsewhere around the world, a great deal of discussion is occurring about the use of marine protected areas (MPAs) as a tool to help manage marine resources. This discussion is taking place because there is growing evidence that humans have depleted marine resources in many parts of the world, often despite strong regulatory efforts. Moreover, there is also mounting evidence that the degradation of marine resources began long ago, and we do not fully realize how much humans have altered “natural” environments. This uncertainty has led people to discuss the use of MPAs as a precautionary tool to prevent depletion or extinction of marine resources, and as a means of redressing past damages. The discussion about the use of marine reserves is increasing in intensity in California because several resource management agencies are considering reserves as they create or revise management plans. Often, the discussions surrounding this important public policy debate lead to questions about the biological or ecological value of existing marine protected areas. More than 100 MPAs exist along the coast of California. Many of these were established arbitrarily and lack specific purposes. Some California marine protected areas also have co-occurring or overlapping boundaries, have conflicting designations for use, and have conflicting rules and regulations. Because few of the existing marine protected areas have clearly articulated goals or objectives, however, it is difficult or impossible to evaluate their ecological effectiveness. (PDF contains 18 pages.)
Whenever human beings have looked out on the sea, they have seen whales. First from the shore and later from ships when humanity entered the ocean realm as seafarers, we have responded to seeing these creatures with awe and wonder. Even when we hunted whales, a period well chronicled both in history and in literature, the sight of a whale brought an adrenaline rush that was not totally linked to potential economic gain. The first trips on boats specifically to watch, rather than hunt, whales began around 45 years ago in Southern California where the migrating gray whales, seen in the distance from land, drew vessels out for a closer look. Since that time whalewatching has boomed, currently conducted in over 40 countries around the world, including Antarctica, and estimated by economists at the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society to have a 1999 worldwide economic value of around $800 million USD. The economic contribution to local coastal communities is particularly significant in developing countries and those where declining fish populations (and in some cases like the Japanese, international bans on whaling) have driven harvesters to look for viable alternatives. Clearly, whalewatching is now, in many places around the world, a small but thriving part of the regional economy. Like in the days of whaling, we still get the rush, but for some, money is back contributing to the physiological response. (PDF contains 90 pages.)
Seasonal variations in temperature, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients in the nearshore areas and in the canyon area of Monterey Bay, California during 1971-1972 were similar~ During upwelling periods, however, water in the nearshore areas was higher in temperature and oxygen and lower in nutrients than water in the canyon area~ This was caused by upwelled water moving north and south of the canyon into counterclockwise and clockwise flow in the northern and southern ends of the bay respectively. The water was heated by insolation and depleted of its nutrients by photosynthesis during this movement. The residence time of water in the nearshore northern and southern bay during upwelling is estimated to be 3 to 8 days, and this fits well into the above circulation pattern and average measured current velocities of 10 to 15 cm/sec~ There is sorne evidence that this circulation pattern and the estimated residence time may be also valid for on-upwelling periods. Upwelling apparently occurred in Monterey Submarine Canyon at rates of 0.4 to 2.9 m/day and was stronger in 1971 than 1972. (PDF contains 107 pages)
Power Point from Panel presentation giving implementation and search result displays and linking (17 slides)
A two day workshop was convened on February 2-3, 1998 in Charleston, SC with 20 invited experts in various areas of sea turtle research. The goal of this workshop was to review current information on sea turtles with repect to health and identify data gaps. The use of a suite of health assessment indicators will provide insight on the health status of sea turtle populations. Since the relationship of health factors of sea turtles is limited, a seconde workshop was planned. Using a tiered approach, the first workshop we identified and reviewed the available, pertinent baseline information and data gaps. The second workshop will focus on developing the framework for the research plan. The workshops will address the use of integrated set of health parameters; specific objectives are: 1) Identify reliable indicators of health in sea turtles: assess advantages and disadvantages; determine new indicators/biomarkers which may be useful; 2) Review existing sea turtle field sampling projects; 3) Identify field projects suitable for inclusion for health assessment sampling; 4) Identify data gaps, particularly environmental characterization; 5) Identify new health assessment sampling sites, including reference site(s); and 6) Develop integrated five-year research plan, with focus on health assessment of environmental characterization. (PDF contains 174 pages)
A primary objective of the Common Fishery Policy of the European Union is the reduction of discards and unwanted by-catches in the fishery. In principle this could be achieved if the catching methods were optimised for this. Still high numbers of undersized flatfish are caught in the bottom trawls. Although EU regulations make the use of the BACOMA codend mandatory in the Baltic Sea cod areable to escape through square mesh escape window of the BACOMA net the whereas flatfish still remain in the cod-end. Gear experiments have been carried out with the aim to better separate cod from the flatfish fraction already when entering the rear belly, making use of the natural behaviour of the fish, i. e. the preferred swimming distance from the bottom of the net in the funnel. As cod have a natural tendency to keep a relativly great distance from the bottom, flatfish tend to stay close to it. It was attempted to separate both fractions by splitting the funnel into an upper and lower part with a horizontal panel. This wastested for two different nets, a cod trawl to separate cod from flatfish, and an eel-trawl to separate cod and flatfish from eel. Cod and flatfish separation is best at a panel distance of 50 cm from the bottom. Thus, 74 % of the cod were found in the upper panel, whereas 75 % of the flounder were in the lower section. A separation of eel from cod was however not possible, since eel tend to rise to the upper part of the net, together with cod.
Artisanal fishery is the main type of fishing practised occupationally by the fishermen along the upper sectors of the Cross River. No form of mechanised fishing has so far been introduced to the fishermen in these areas. This study has attempted to find out the different gears used, when and where used along the main river channel, its tributaries and flood plains. An effort has also been made to provide some information on the types of fishes caught with the different gears. Recommendation for effective management are also advanced
ENGLISH: During 1961 the government of Ecuador, with the financial assistance of the Special Fund of the United Nations and the technical assistance of FAO experts, initiated an extensive program of fisheries research centered in a fisheries institute established in Guayaquil. In cooperation with this program, and in connection with Ecuador's adherence in 196l to the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, a two-and-a-half year investigation of the ecology of the Gulf of Guayaquil and adjacent waters was started by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. SPANISH: En 1961 el gobierno del Ecuador con el apoyo financiro del Fondo Especial de las Naciones Unidas y la asistencia tenica de los expertos de la FAO, inicio un programa extensivo de investigacion pesquera centralizado en el instituto de pesquerias establecido en Guayaquil. En cooperacion con este programa y en conexion con la adhesion del Ecuador en 1961 a la Convencion para el establecimiento de una Comision Interamericana del Atun Tropical, se comenzo por esta misma Comision una investigacion de dos anos y medio sobre la ecologia del Golfo de Guayaquil y las aguas adyacentes. (PDF contains 1532 pages.)
ENGLISH: During 1961 the government of Ecuador, with the financial assistance of the Special Fund of the United Nations and the technical assistance of FAO experts, initiated an extensive program of fisheries research centered in a fisheries institute established in Guayaquil. In cooperation with this program, and in connection with Ecuador's adherence in 1961 to the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, a two-and-a-half year investigation of the ecology of the Gulf of Guayaquil and adjacent waters was started by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. SPANISH: Durante 1961 el gobierno ecuatoriano con el apoyo financiero del Fondo Especial de las Naciones Unidas y la ayuda técnica de los expertos de la FAO, inició un programa extensivo de investigación pesquera, centralizado en el instituto pesquero establecido en Guayaquil. En cooperación con este programa y en conexión a la afiliaci6n del Ecuador a la Convención, en 1961, para el establecimiento de una Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical, Cue iniciada por la Comisión una investigación de dos aftos y medio sobre la ecología del Golfo de Guayaquil y de las aguas adyacentes. (PDF contains 501 pages.)
This report summarises the annual rainfall of the River Derwent catchment area and examines the floods of 1931 and 1932. The author uses data from the Meteorological Office to examine if the floods were extraordinary and takes into account local lakes in reducing the magnitude of the flood. Areas that are presented in more detail are Bassenthwaite Lake, Thirlmere, Cockermouth, Keswick, Newlands and Coledale Beck. (PDF contains 38 pages)
The Water Framework Directive (WFD; European Commission 2000) is a framework for European environmental legislation that aims at improving water quality by using an integrated approach to implement the necessary societal and technical measures. Assessments to guide, support, monitor and evaluate policies, such as the WFD, require scientific approaches which integrate biophysical and human aspects of ecological systems and their interactions, as outlined by the International Council for Science (2002). These assessments need to be based on sound scientific principles and address the environmental problems in a holistic way. End-users need help to select the most appropriate methods and models. Advice on the selection and use of a wide range of water quality models has been developed within the project Benchmark Models for the Water Framework Directive (BMW). In this article, the authors summarise the role of benchmarking in the modelling process and explain how such an archive of validated models can be used to support the implementation of the WFD.