74 resultados para Optimization of Water Resources Management and Control


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An experiment was conducted with five treatments i.e. rice combined with fish having regular urea fertilization (T1), rice combined with prawn having regular urea fertilization (T2), rice combined with fish with supplementary feeding (T3), rice combined with prawn with supplementary feeding (T4) and without fish and prawn (T5) was kept as control. The dissolved oxygen values obtained in treatments with fish both in morning and afternoon were lower than the values of prawn containing treatments and control. The values of nitrate-N, ammonia-N, phosphate-P and chlorophyll-a were higher in fish containing treatments than the prawn containing treatments and control. Between the two fish containing treatments the higher gross (539.44 kg/ha) and net (440.14 kg/ha) yield were obtained in T3 with supplementary feeding and the lower gross (424.88 kg/ha) and net (314.32 kg/ha) yield were recorded in T1 without supplementary feeding. Again, between two prawn containing treatments the higher gross (108.69 kg/ha) and net (81.92 kg/ha) yield were obtained in T4 with supplementary feeding and lower gross (64.32 kg/ha) and net (30.98 kg/ha) yield were recorded in T2 without supplementary feeding. The highest yield of rice grain (3.45 mt/ha) and straw (6.37 mt/ha) were obtained in T1 with fish having urea fertilization without feeding.


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, butyltins, polychlorinated biphenyls, DDT and metabolites, other chlorinated pesticides, trace and major elements, and a number of measures of contaminant effects are quantified in bivalves and sediments collected as part of the NOAA National Status and Trends (NS&T) Program. This document contains descriptions of some of the sampling and analytical protocols used by NS&T contract laboratories from 1993 through 1996. (PDF contains 257 pages)


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Fundamental changes in the management of water resources in Portugal are now evolving. Five regional organisations termed Administracaos de Regiao Hidrographic (ARH), will be created to manage water resources within their respective geographical areas. These areas will be catchment based. As a fore-runner to the implementation of the five ARH's a foundation project has been established within the Direcao-Geral do Recursos Naturais to examine the practical implications of the new system. This project has been divided into a number of sub-projects and complementary projects to include the Tejo complementary project. The Tejo complementary project is the focus of this report. The report is to advise on the role of biology in the proposed ARH, to establish priorities for biological studies within the present Projecto de Gestao Integrada dos Recursos Hidricos da Bacia Hidrografica do Rio Tejo (PGIRH/T) and to assist with the planning of laboratory facilities for biology at the new PGIRH/T laboratory at Alges, Lisboa.


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In both developed and developing countries, there is increased competition for water resources, resulting in deficiencies in supply and in various forms of pollution. In developing countries, the nutritional potential of aquatic resources is very important. To realize this potential, integrated research and management for sustainable water resource use are needed. This requires a sound understanding of the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems. A programme is presented which stresses the interrelationships of the physical, chemical and biological components of aquatic systems and their catchments. The programme consists of 16 stages in 5 phases, which are as follows: System description; System functioning and modelling; Resource assessment/dynamics; Resource potential; and, Resource utilization for sustainability. This programme enables workers within different disciplines to identify how their expertise contributes to the overall research requirements to support resource development.


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Biological control was foreseen as the long-term strategy for controlling water hyacinth in Uganda. Two species of weevils, Neochetina eichhorniae and Neochetina bruchi were imported into Uganda from Benin (West Africa) in 1993. A total of 600 weevils of each species were imported. The weevils were tested for specificity using key agricultural crops including maize, beans and bananas and were found to be water-hyacinth specific for their food and reproduction.


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Physical control of water hyacinth consists of removing the plants from the water by hand or machines. It is considered over effetive because it involves removing the whole plants from water. The first attempt on physical control was in 1992 when weed infestation was causing serious problems to the fishing communities in Lake Kyoga. The fishermen had problems of accessing the lake as huge masses of mobile weed blocked landing sites. Furthermore, the fishers lost their nets, which were swept away by mobile water hyacinth. As a result, an integrated control strategy involving physical control (manual and mechanical removal) was put in place. Through this method, the fishers were able to open up access routes to fishing grounds even though weed mats often reblocked the access routes. In the infested lakes, manual removal offered remedial relief to fish Iandings and other access sites. Sites of strategic importance such as hydro-electric power generation dam, water intake points and docking points which had large masses of water hyacinth required heavy machinery and mechanical harvesters were used at these sites.


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This report amplifies and refines some of the data already issued covering the water resources of Volusia County, which were published as Report of Investigations No. 21. The work in the report was accomplished as a cooperative program between the Department of Natural Resources, the U. S. Geological Survey and the Board of County Commissioners of Volusia County. Volusia County is almost totally dependent upon the water which falls upon the county and has a recharge area contained along the western portion and the central portions of the county. Excellent water is produced in the areal recharge and it is anticipated that this data will expand the existing knowledge of the water resources to permit the development of a great capacity for existing utilities and to offset and solve some of the problems now in the area. (PDF has 71 pages.)


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This study was done to determine the amount and kinds of water being produced from the lower Hillsboro Canal Area in Palm Beach and Broward counties. All of the potable ground water being produced from the Biscayne aquifer is developed from the canal through infiltration. Rainfall in the area is the ultimate source for all of the water. Careful control and management will allow the development of large quantities of water from the canal toward Lake Okeechobee, but a fresh water head must be maintained along the contact of fresh water with sea water to prevent salt water intrusion. (PDF contains 51 pages.)


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This document lists the undesirable effects of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on fisheries in Lake Kainji (Nigeria) and the integrated Water Hyacinth Control Programme in its ongoing fisheries management and development activities on the lake. Special regard is given to the design, construction and installation of a water hyacinth barrier across the River Niger. (PDF contains 44 pages)


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The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal is a man-made waterway connecting the upper Chesapeake Bay with the Delaware Bay. It started in 1829 as a private barge canal with locks, two at the Delaware end, and one at the Chesapeake end. For the most part, natural tidal and non-tidal waterways were connected by short dredged sections to form the original canal. In 1927, the C and D Canal was converted to a sea-level canal, with a controlling depth of 14 feet, and a width of 150 feet. In 1938 the canal was deepened to 27 feet, with a channel width of 250 feet. Channel side slopes were dredged at 2.5:1, thus making the total width of the waterway at least 385 feet in those segments representing new cuts or having shore spoil area dykes rising above sea level. In 1954 Congress authorized a further enlargement of the Canal to a depth of 35 feet and a channel width of 450 feet. (pdf contains 27 pages)


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Water hyacinth is a free-floating waterweed native to the Amazon River Basin in South America. In its native range, water hyacinth is not an environmental problem, although the weed is one of the most invasive alien plants in freshwater environments. Water hyacinth has the potential to become invasive through fast vegetative reproduction and rapid growth to accumulate huge biomass and extensive cover in freshwater environments. Over the last 150 years water hyacinth has invaded most countries in the tropics and sub-tropics, introduced by man, mainly for ornamental purposes. Such introductions led to the infestation of most freshwater-ways in the southern United States of America, parts of Australia, the pacific islands, and most countries in Asia and Africa. The extensive tightly packed mats of water hyacinth are often associated with devastating socio-economic and environmental impacts. Invasion by the weed has, therefore, often generated urgent costly problems associated with the weed biomass and its management. A classic example of such problems was triggered by the invasion and proliferation of water hyacinth in the Lake Victoria Basin during the 1980s (Freilink 1989, Taylor 1993, Twongo et al., 1995). The weed infestation marked the beginning of a decade of intensive and systematic campaign by the three riparian states (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) to bring weed proliferation under control. The discussions in this Chapter span over ten years of dealing with the challenges paused by the imperative to manage infestations of water hyacinth in the Lake Victoria Basin. The challenges included the need to understand the dynamics of water hyacinth infestation; its distribution, proliferation and impact modalities; and the development and implementation of appropriate weed control strategies and options. Most specific examples were taken from the Ugandan experience (NARO, 2002).


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The rapid proliferation and extensive spread of water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms in the highland lakes of the Nile Basin within less than 15 years of introduction into the basin in the 1980s pauses potential environmental and social economic menace if the noxious weed is not controlled soon. The water weed has spread all round Lake Victoria and, in Uganda where infes tation is mos t severe, water hyacinth estimated at 1,330,000 ton smothers over 2,000 ha of the lakeshore (August,1994). Lake Kyoga which already constantly supplies River Nile with the weed is infested with over 570 ha, while over 80% of the river course in Uganda is fringed on either side with an average width of about 5m of water hyacinth. As the impact of infestation with water hyacinth on water quality and availability, transportation by water, fishing activities, fisheries ecology, hydro-power generation etc becomes clear in Uganda, serious discussion is under way on how to control and manage the noxious weed. This paper pauses some of the questions being asked regarding the possible application of mechanical and chemical means to control the water weed.Uganda has already initiated the use of biological control of water hyacinth on Lake Kyoga with a strategy to use two weevils namely Neochetinabruchi and Neochetina eichhorniae. The strategy to build capacity and infrastructure for mass multiplication and deployment of biological control of the weevils in the field developed in Uganda by the Fisheries Research Insti tu te (FIRI) and the Namulonge Agricultural and Animal production Research Insti tute (NAARI) is proposed in outline for evaluation. Plans to deploy this strategy on lake Kyoga are under way


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The massive water hyacinth mats that covered water bodies in the 1990s had serious social and economic impacts. They affected fishing, transportation, water quality and health of fishing communities as well as production of goods and services of lake-based institutions (commercial establishments). At peak infestations, the communities and institutions were aware of and participated readily in control effort. However, after the major collapse of hyacinth in 1998, some of them relaxed in their control efforts. The status of knowledge, perception, impacts, preparedness and role of the lakeside communities and institutions to control the weed has, therefore, been monitored since the major resurgence of the weed to find out if the lakeside communities and institutions still perceive water hyacinth as a problem and the extent to which they are prepared to sustain control.


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Kariba weed (Salvinia molesta) is an invasive alien waterweed that was first recorded in Uganda in sheltered bays of Lake Kyoga in June 2013. This waterweed has become a common feature on Lake Kyoga and its associated rivers, streams and swamps, and has spread to other lakes notably Kwania and Albert in addition to Lake Kimira in Bugiri district.


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Ground-water is not widely used in Baker County, but the presence of a high equipotential area in the artesian system beneath the County made it necessary that the resource be understood insofar as this high affected the ground-water resources of Nassau and Duval counties which were being intensively studied and mapped. The method and rates of movement of ground-water from one point to another in the artesian aquifer are understood more fully by use of the data in this report. (PDF contains 30 pages)