22 resultados para Operators


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The charter boat industry in U. S. Gulf of Mexico provides access to offshore fishing opportunities for about 570,000 passengers per year on 971 boats. A 25% random sample of charter boat operators was interviewed during 1987-88 to determine species targeted, percent time committed to targeting each species, and reactions to existing catch restrictions. Three-fourths of the charter boat fleet was in Florida, 13% in Texas, 5% in Louisiana, 4% in Alabama, and 2% in Mississippi. Responses were diverse regarding species focus within the region. Species of dominant importance included groupers, Epinephelus sp. and Mycteroperca sp. (Fla.); snapper, Lutjanus campechanus (Ala., Fla., Miss., and La.); king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla (Miss., Tex., Ala. and Fla.); spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Tex. and La.); and red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (Tex. and La). Catch restrictions were generally supported with higher levels of opposition to restricted high effort fish and/or one fish or closed fishery limits.


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Published and unpublished research findings regarding charter and headboat fishing customers from 11 studies were reviewed to provide a marketing data base for operators and to guide further research efforts. Generally, charter/headboat fishing is a male-oriented activity. Customers were between 30 and 55 years of age. Although both groups of anglers considered themselves to be experienced, charterboat anglers had fished for more years. Charter anglers fished more often with their families and headboat anglers more often with their friends. Charterboat anglers reported higher incomes than headboat anglers. Relaxation, having fun, and escaping from daily pressures were generally more important to both groups of anglers than motives relative to catching fish. Most anglers indicated that the skills and performance of the captain and crew contributed heavily to the overall evaluation of their fishing experience. Anglers were more heavily influenced to choose a particular captain or boat by informal advertising methods (i.e., word-of-mouth recommendations, reputation, and visits to the marina) than formal methods (i.e., advertisements, brochures, radio, and television). Charter anglers relied more on word-of-mouth recommendations and headboat customers were more influenced by previous experiences. Implications for further research are discussed.


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Reports of high mortality resulting from the impoundment of crabs (Callinectes sapidus) during the preshedding period, to produce soft crabs, have been current in Maryland and Virginia for many years. The death rate of crabs on floats has been estimated by certain of the operators to run as high as 86% at Cape Charles, and to figures nearly as high at Crisfield and elsewhere during one season of the year. A study of this mortality and the factors influencing it have been in progress at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory for two seasons.


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This Technical Paper is a basic guide to carp pond polyculture practicable in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and the Caucasus and Central Asia (CCA) countries. It provides an overview on the guiding principles, aspects and tasks, and presents the most applicable production techniques and patterns of carp polyculture. For further reading and more in-depth information on the suggested techniques and technologies, it also includes a list of relevant FAO publications. It is expected that this publication will help identify resources and contribute to the successful planning and realization of fish production by those fish pond owners and operators who need to strengthen and improve their knowledge on the subject.


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The Government of Sri Lanka is improving off-shore and deep-shore fishing by introducing more sophisticated and larger vessels into the Sri Lanka waters, together with the offer of subsidies, tax holidays and other concessions to those who seek to operate such fishing vessels. As a first step, some thirty 38 foot class fishing vessels are to be introduced. The requisite variety and quantity of fishing gear is supplied together with the vessels, and operators will be given further assistance to either export or market their catches locally by provision of insulated fish transport vans, jeeps with trailers, crushed ice plants, fish storage cabinets and adequate spares for at least the next few years. A description is given of the credit terms offered for the purchase of such vessels, pre-shipment finance, and loans and hire purchase facilities.


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The study was conducted with the broad objectives to assess the existing situation of broodstock management and fish seed production in private fish seed farms in Bangladesh. The data were collected from 100 private hatcheries and 40 nurseries in seven upazilas under four districts. There was no shed in forty hatcheries and the owners faced many problems. Brood fish ponds were found suitable for rearing brood fish. About 66% of the hatchery owners collected brood fish from their own ponds and ponds of neighboring areas. Activities like pond preparation; manuring and supplementary feeding were done properly but stocking density of brood fish in 76% of the hatcheries was 3,000-7,000 kg/ha. Infection of argulosis was found in brood fish of 87% of the hatcheries. About 67% of the hatchery owners practiced inter-species crossing. Major problems faced by the hatchery owners were argulosis of brood fish, unavailability of pure brood stock, inadequate brood fish pond. The hatchery owners were found interested to find out the preventive measures of argulosis, develop pure brood stock of indigenous carp and import pure strain of exotic carp. According to the nursery operators, they cultivated hybrid fry because of high demand, rapid growth and good taste. Problems of using hatchery spawn as mentioned by the nursery operators were inbreeding, under sized and aged brood stock, stunted growth, physical deformities and high mortality of spawn due to unknown causes.


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The main objective of the study was to assess the production and marketing system of fish seed and examining the demand for and supply of fry and fingerlings in some selected areas viz. Mymensingh, Netrokona and Tangail in Bangladesh. The present study selected the related stakeholders like 20 Fish Seed Multiplication Farms (FSMF) owners, 80 nursery operators, 20 fry traders and 90 fish farmers who are the beneficiaries and directly involved with the fish seed production and supply chain, and marketing system of fish seed. In case of nursing and rearing fingerlings, only those stakeholders (nurserers and fish farmers) attached with NGOs were selected and the NGOs were GRAMUS, SARA and ORD from Mymensingh and SATU from Tangail district. Data were collected for the period 2004-2005 and most analyses were done by using tables and flow chart to determine production and marketing system of fish seed.