119 resultados para Obesidad-Tratamiento-México-Campeche
Rangia and marsh clams, Rangia cuneata, R. flexuosa, and Polymesoda caroliniana, occur in brackish waters along México’s eastern coast from the northern State of Tamaulipas to the southern State of Campeche. The clams were important to the prehispanic people in the southern part of the State of Veracruz, where they were used as food and as construction material. In modern times, they are harvested for food. The fishermen wade in shallow water and harvest the clams in soft sediments by hand. Annual landings of whole clams during a recent 5-yr period, 1998–2002, were 1,139–1,695 t. The only area with a substantial ongoing clam fishery is in the Lower Papaloapan River Basin, including Alvarado Lagoon, where as many as 450 fishermen are licensed harvesters. This fishery for the Rangia and marsh clams is the most important clam fishery along México’s Gulf Coast.
A study of growth and seasonal recruitment of the cephalopod Octopus maya on Campeche Bank, Mexico, was conducted, based on catch at size data sampled from 1983 to 1988. The parameters of a seasonally oscillating version of the von Bertalanffy growth function and total mortality estimates were obtained via the ELEFAN software. It was found that when recruitment occurs early in the year, the growth curve of the next year does not display seasonal oscillations, and conversely. Total mortality estimates ranged from Z = 2.6 to Z = 6.3/year.
A description of the Cuban set longline fishery on Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico is given, with emphasis on the effects of different species of pelagic fishes used as bait. The target species is the red grouper Epinephelus morio, with incidental species consisting of other epinephelids (13%), lutjanids (5.4%) and sparids (1.6%).
The exploitation of California sea lions, Zalophus californianus, in Mexican waters can be divided into four periods as defined by political characteristics of the country: Prehispanic, Colonial, Independent, and Postrevolutionary. During the first period (pre 1533), Native Americans took sea lions at low levels. During the second (1534–1821) and the third (1822–1911) periods, most exploitation was by foreigners and was incidental to other marine mammal harvests. During the Postrevolutionary period (after 1911), sea lions were exploited by Mexican and U.S. citizens for several commercial uses. Exploitation officially ended in 1982, although some small-scale poaching still occurs.
Mortality and population size. of the Red Grouper (Epinephelus morio) fishery from the Campeche Bank