25 resultados para Low protein foods


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Two experiments were conducted to formulate and evaluate test diets using locally available ingredients to find out suitable diets for mono and polyculture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in ponds. The first experiment was conducted from 1 July 2003 to 29 September 2003 in 12 experimental ponds each measuring 30 square meters behind the Fisheries Faculty Building, BAU campus, Mymensingh. Three experimental diets containing 30% protein were formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oilcake, sesame meal and rice bran and assigned to treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. A special shrimp feed (Starter-II) from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. was assigned to treatment 4 (Control). Each treatment had three replications. Juveniles of M. rosenbergii (2.90±0.81g) were stocked at the rate of 4/square meter. Prawns were fed three times daily at the rate of 15% of their body weight at the beginning, which was gradually reduced to 10% and 5% for the last two months. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference between the weight gains of prawns fed diets 1 and 4 (control), but they were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of diets 2 and 3. The FCR values of diets ranged between 2.61 to 3.36 with diets 1 and 4 showing significantly (P<0.05) lower FCR values. The survival rate of prawns ranged between 68 to 78% with prawns fed diets 1 and 4 showing significantly higher survival rate. The production of prawn ranged from 921 to 1,428 kg/ha/90 days and diet 1 gave the highest production. Treatment 1 gave the highest net profit ofTk. 161,980/ha/90 days. The second experiment was conducted from December, 2003 to April, 2004 to see the growth of over wintered M. rosenbergii juveniles in polyculture with indigenous major carps (catla and rohu) in ponds using formulated diets. Three isoenergetic experimental diets formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oil cake, rice bran, wheat bran and molasses, and a shrimp feed 'Golda special feed' from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. were assigned to treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 (control), respectively, each treatment had two replications. Eight experimental ponds each measuring 80 square meters in the Field Laboratory Complex of the Faculty of Fisheries, BAU campus, Mymensingh were used. The mean initial weights of M. rosenbergii, catla and rohu were 1.60±0.01, 30.0±0.09 and 25.0±0.08 g, respectively. A total of 160 fish and prawn (20,000/ha) were stocked in each pond at the ratio of 2:1:1 (prawn: catla: rohu). Fish were fed at the rate of 3-5% of their body weight. Prawns fed diet 1, 2 and 4 showed higher weight gains compared to diet 3. The weight gain of catla was significantly higher in T1 while in case of rohu was higher in T1 and T4, respectively. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the survival rate of fish as obtained from different treatments. The overall total fish production ranged from 2196 to 2679 kg/ha/5 months. The highest production and the highest profit (Tk. 56,531/ha/5 months) was obtained from T1 and the lowest (Tk. 24,932/ha/5 months) from T4.


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A feeding trial was conducted for six months in farmer's ponds to assess the performance of BFRI formulated catfish feed on the growth and survival of Clarias batrachus (L.). Nine interested farmers and their ponds (size range: 10-15 dec) in the Barera union of Mymensingh Sadar were selected. The ponds were divided into 3 treatments each with 3 replications. Among the three treatment diets, two diets - traditional (F1) and BFRI formulated (F3) were prepared by using low cost agro-based locally available ingredients and the commercial diets was Saudi-Bangla Grower-1 (F2). The diets were designed as F1, F2 and F3 for traditional (20.40% protein), Commercial (31% protein) and BFRI formulated (30.44% protein) diets respectively. The fingerlings of catfish (7.3 g) were collected from local fish vendors and stocked at the rate of 100/dec. Feeding rates were adjusted by weight after fortnightly sampling of fish. Feeding rate were 10 and 8% of the total body weight respectively for 1st, 2nd month and 5% for the rest of the experimental period. The range of some selected water quality parameters were as follows: dissolved oxygen 4.0 - 7.4 mg/l, temperature 24.0°- 33.9°C, pH 6.8 - 8.00, and transparency 17.0 - 32.00 cm. Which showed suitability of the ponds for rearing fish. At the end of the experiment, significantly highest gain (p<0.05) in weight (1210.96% ±87) and lowest gain in weight (865.25% ±90) were observed in the group of fish fed on diets F3 and F1 respectively. However, no significant differences in growth (p>0.05) was observed in fish fed on commercial diet (F2) and BFRI formulated diet (F3). The FCR value ranged between 2.00 and 2.80 with the traditional diet (F1) showing significantly lower FCR. The total production of fish ranged between 1398.08 and 2145.34 kg/ha with F3 diet resulting in the highest production and net profit. A simple economic analysis showed that fish fed with BFRI formulated (F3) diet resulted in the highest net profit in farmer's pond.


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Three enrichment broths and six plating media were compared for efficiency of detection Salmonella in the presence of numbers of Coliforms (10super(5)/ml) and proteus (10super(3)/ml) from artificially inoculated fish samples. Recovery experiments Salmonella anatum, S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis indicated that the two enrichment broths Dulcitol Selinite (DSE) and Selinite Cystine (SC) were equally efficient. Further, the viability of Salmonella, inoculated into fish muscle and kept at 4°C for 48 hours, was found to be not affected by the low temperature storage. Selective plating media like Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate agar (XLD), Brilliant Green Sulphadiazine agar (BGS) and Brilliant Green agar (BG) were found to be superior in performance to Salmonella-Shigella agar: (SS) and Bismuth Sui phite agar (BiS).


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Growth rate of fish appeared to be related to the levels of the protein in the diet up to 40%. Fish fed diets containing 50 and 60% grew slower than those fed 40%, and the optimum level appears to be 40% when fed to fry at a rate of 10% of body weight. Best feed conversion of 1.96 was also obtained from the 40% protein diet. Mean survival rates were low in all treatments, but highest for the 40% protein diet. The competition of 5 isocaloric experimental diets containing various levels of protein are tabulated, as are weight gains, diet conversions and survival rates for milkfish fry fed various dietary levels of protein. Growth curves for milkfish fry are shown, and the relationship between weight gains of milkfish fry and the dietary levels of protein are illustrated.


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A study was carried out to determine the effect of 10 or 20% leaves or seeds in the diet of Penaeus monodon , and the extent to which local ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala ) could replace head shrimp meal. A brief description is given of the experimental methodology, and details of composition of the diet, proximate chemical composition of the diets, mean weight gain and survival of Penaeus monodon larvae fed shrimp head meal and ipil-ipil as protein sources, are presented. Mean weight gains for all groups were poor and not statistically significant. Survival rates for those fed 10% ipil-ipil were significantly higher than those fed 20% diets. Wherever the survival rate was high, mean weight gain was low and vice versa. The presence of the toxic alkaloids mimosine in ipil-ipil could have caused the low survival rate.


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A comparative study of the suitability of five species of fish, namely, threadfin bream (Nemipterous [sic] japonicus), cat fish (Tachysurus fella), ribbon fish (Trichiurus spp.), barracuda (Sphyraena jello) and jew fish (Pseudosciaena spp.) for the production of texturised meat has indicated that all these species are good source for the purpose. Protein content of the final product from all the species was higher than that prescribed for FPC type A. The product had excellent rehydration capacity and firm and elastic texture. No significant difference was observed in the rehydration capacity of the texturised meat from all the species studied. Salt concentration was found to influence the texture and salt content of 1.5 to 2% was found to result in the desirable firm and elastic texture. Rehydration capacity was not influenced to any significant extent by the salt content.


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Penaeus monodon juveniles were fed diets containing fish meal, shrimp head meal and ipil-ipil leaves soaked and unsoaked, local and peruvian varieties. Mean weight gain at the end of 8 wk was significantly highest among those given the diet containing commercial ipil-ipil leaves. Gain in length followed the same pattern as mean weight gains. Among the diets containing ipil-ipil leaves there was a direct relationship in the amount of mimosine in the diet and the survival rate, the lower the amount of mimosine (due to soaking) the higher the survival rate. The Results thus indicate the beneficial effect of the addition of commercial ipil-ipil leaves to the diets of prawns, providing the mimosine content is kept low by soaking. A reduce in costs is also obtained, since 1kg of shrimp head meal or fish costs more than 2 or 4 tons, respectively, than that of ipil-ipil foliage.


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An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of control of carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio) by addition of low cost carbohydrate to the water column on water quality and pond ecology in freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii post-larvae nursing system. In this experiment, two level of dietary protein 20% and 35% without carbohydrate addition (‘P20' and ‘P35') and with carbohydrate addition (‘P20+CH' and ‘P35+CH') were compared in small ponds of 40 m² area stocked with 20 post-larvae (0.021 ± 0.001g) per m² . Maize flour was used as low cost carbohydrate and applied to the water column followed by the first feeding during the day. The addition of carbohydrate significantly reduced (p< 0.05) ammonia-nitrogen (NH sub(3)-N) and nitrite-nitrogen (NO sub(2) - N) of water in P20 + CH and P35 + CH treatments. It significantly increased (p< 0.05) the total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) population both in water and sediment. Fifty nine genera of plankton were identified belonging to the Bacillariophyceae (11), Chlorophyceae (21), Cyanophyceae (7), Dinophyceae (1), Rotifera (7) and Crustacea (9) without any significant difference (p>0.05) of total phytoplankton and zooplankton among the treatments. Survival rate of prawn was significantly lowest (p<0.05) in P20 and no significant difference (p>0.05) was observed between P20+CH and P35 treatments. Control of C/N ratio by the addition of low-cost carbohydrate to the pond water column benefited the freshwater prawn nursing practices in three ways (1) increased heterotrophic bacterial growth supplying bacterial protein augment the prawn post-larvae growth performances, (2) reduced demand for supplemental feed protein and subsequent reduction in feed cost and (3) reduced toxic NH sub(3)-N and NO sub(2)-N levels in pond nursing system.


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Studies were conducted on the organoleptic, biochemical and bacteriological aspects of three dried fish products produced from two different model of low cost solar tunnel dryer. The overall quality of the products obtained from both dryers was excellent. Sixty minutes soaking showed the maximum water reconstitution of the products with values between 66.82 to 75.28% and 71.98 to 78.09% in dryer 1 & 2 respectively. The highest reconstitution was obtained from Silver Jew fish (75.28-78.09%) and lowest from Bombay duck (66.86-71.98%) from both dryers. The average moisture, protein, lipid and ash content of the dried products were 11.8-15.0%, 57.32-68.49%, 6.08-8.62% and 12.25-14.88% respectively in fish in dryer 1 and dryer 2. The TVB-N values were in the range of 24.3 to 30.9 in dryer 1 and 22.1 to 28.2 mg/100 g samples in dryer 2. The highest values were obtained from Bombay duck and lowest value in Silver Jew fish in both dryers. The peroxide values varied from 14.1 to 16.9% in dryer 1 and 13.3 to 16.4% in dryer 2. The highest peroxide value was obtained from Ribbon fish and lowest from Silver Jew fish. Total bacterial load varied in the range of 6.6x10⁴— 8.6x10⁴ CFU/g in dryer 1 and 2.54x10⁴ to 4.9x10⁴ CFU/g in dryer 2. The highest value was obtained from Ribbon fish and lowest from Silver Jew fish.


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Fish are an important part of a healthy diet since they contain high quality protein, but typically present a low fat percent when compared to other meats. Fish is an extremely perishable food commodity. On the other hand, food borne diseases are still a major problem in the world, even in well-developed countries. The increasing incidence of food borne diseases coupled with the resultant social and economic implications means there is a constant striving to produce safer food and to develop new antimicrobial agents concerns over the safety of some chemical preservatives and negative consumer reactions to preservatives they perceive as chemical and artificial, have prompted on increased interest in more ‘‘naturalgreen’’ alternatives for the maintenance or extension of product shelf-life. Particular interest has focused on the potential applications of plant essential oils. However, to establish the usefulness of natural antimicrobial preservatives, they must be evaluated alone and in combination with other preservation factors to determine whether there are synergistic effects and multiple hurdles can be devised. In this study, were evaluated the effects of different concentrations of Rosmarinus officinalis and nisin and storage time (15 days) on growth of Streptococcus iniae GQ850377 in a lab conditions and a food model system (fillets of rainbow trout) in 4 and 8 °C. In addition, we also studied multi factorial effects of four different concentration of rosemary, three different concentrations of nisin, two different levels of pH in 3 temperature 4,15 and 37 °C on log% of S.iniae during 43 days in BHI broth. The results on growth of S. iniae were evaluated using SPSS 20.0 statistical software and analyzed the logarithm of total count of the bacterial by Tukey Test. Results were considered statistically significant when P<0.05. MIC and MBC values of rosemary and nisin were 0.03, 0.075 % and 5, 40 μg/mL, respectively. The growth of S. iniae was effected significantly (P<0.05) by rosemary and nisin and also combination of rosemary and nisin in 4 and 8 °C. Samples treated with 0.135 and 0.405 % of rosemary showed a significant decrease on the growth of the bacteria compared with control sample(P<0.05). The most ١٤٦ inhibitory effects were seen in samples treated with 0.135 and 0.405% of rosemary until 9 days after storage. Also, the synergism effects of rosemary and nisin on the growth rate of bacteria was significant (P<0.05) compared with untreated samples and samples treated with the rosemary or nisin, only. Synergistic effects was observed at concentration of 0.405% rosemary and 0.75 μg/mL nisin in both temprature. Results of this study showed that different concentration of rosemary a significant inhibitory effect (P<0.05) on log% of S. iniae, in BHI broth in pH 5.5 and 7 in 4,15 and 37 °C during 43 days. In concentration of 0% rosemary (control) in pH 5.5 and 7 and 37°C, log% were 1.099 and 3.15, whereas in concentration of 0.015% rosemary were -4/241 and 1.454, respectively. The use of essential oils may improve food safety and overall microbial quality. If essential oils were to be more widely applied as antibacterials in foods, the organoleptic impact would be important. In addition, it is recommended to apply essential oils or their compounds as part of a hurdle system and to use it as an antimicrobial component along with other preservation techniques. Thus essential of R. officinalis with high antibacterial activity selected in this study could be a potential source for inhibitory substances against some food-borne pathogens and they may be candidates for using in foods or food-processing systems.