84 resultados para Long cycles
In July 1994 an internationally coordinated and EU financed multidisciplinary research project about Baltic cod recruitment was started. The primary goals are to identify and describe dominant biotic and abiotic processes affecting the developmental success of early stages and the maturation of cod in the Central Baltic, to incorporate these processes into recruitment models in order to enhance prediction of future stock fluctuations due to environmental pertubations, species interactions and fisheries management directives as a prerequisite for an integrated fish stock assessment in the Central Baltic and to evaluate the feasibility and possible effects of stock enhancement programs on stock and recruitment and providing the biological basis for assessing their economic value.
For more than 55 years, data have been collected on the population of pike Esox lucius in Windermere, first by the Freshwater Biological Association (FBA) and, since 1989, by the Institute of Freshwater Ecology (IFE) of the NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology. The aim of this article is to explore some methodological and statistical issues associated with the precision of pike gill net catches and catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) data, further to those examined by Bagenal (1972) and especially in the light of the current deployment within the Windermere long-term sampling programme. Specifically, consideration is given to the precision of catch estimates from gill netting, including the effects of sampling different locations, the effectiveness of sampling for distinguishing between years, and the effects of changing fishing effort.
The results are described of eco-physiological investigations of the broad-pincered (Astacus astacus L.J.) crayfish and the long-pincered (Astacus astacus Esch.) crayfish, conducted in 1963—64 in the Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Academy of Science of the Lithuanian SSR, for the purpose of studying the interspecific relationship of these two species. In the course of the investigation were determined: the influence of the temperature of the environment on the consumption of oxygen by full grown individuals of both species and on the respiratory movements of the scaphognathites, the threshold temperatures and the saturation of the water by oxygen, the diel activity in the winter period.
Studies by the Freshwater Biological Association over the last 25 years have supplied data relevant to the levels of acidity in local soils and water before the onset of industrial pollution and current interest in acid rain. This article reviews published analysis from cores of lake sediments, in or near the catchment of the River Duddon. Electron spin resonance spectra of humic acids and iodine values confirm evidence from pollen analysis for a history of progressive acidification of the source material of lake sediments since before 5000 radiocarbon years, in upland catchments of the Lake District. Processes involved included: removal of basic ions from soils by rainfall, the effects of which were intensified by removal by man of deciduous forest; acidification of soils and waters by decomposition products of Calluna and further acidification of waters by Sphagnum species which colonized habitats where drainage became impeded by paludification processes.
Guided by experience and the theoretical development of hydrobiology, it can be considered that the main aim of water quality control should be the establishment of the rates of the self-purification process of water bodies which are capable of maintaining communities in a state of dynamic balance without changing the integrity of the ecosystem. Hence, general approaches in the elaboration of methods for hydrobiological control are based on the following principles: a. the balance of matter and energy in water bodies; b. the integrity of the ecosystem structure and of its separate components at all levels. Ecosystem analysis makes possible a revelation of the whole totality of factors which determine the anthropogenic evolution of a water body. This is necessary for the study of long-term changes in water bodies. The principles of ecosystem analysis of water bodies, together with the creation of their mathematical models, are important because, in future, with the transition of water demanding production into closed cycles of water supply, changes in water bodies will arise in the main through the influence of 'diffuse' pollution (from the atmosphere, with utilisation in transport etc.).
Results of the analysis of statistical data gathered aboard 2 crafts licensed for experimental commercial tuna fishing with long-line in the EEZ of Mozambique are presented.
In this report, vertical distributions of the temperature and horizontal velocity components of the currents, got from the two sections BELIER (305 1'W) and VRIDI (4°O 5'W), carried out once a week during the 1983 year, on the Continental shelf of Ivory Coast, are shown.
From Aug 1975 to Jan 1976 a fishing survey for deep-sea red crab Geryon quinquedens was executed along the Ivorian coast between 3{degree} and 7{degree}30'W. Three regions could be distinguished: a central one with poor catches (1.6 kg/trap/20h); an east region with the best catches (5 kg/trap/20h); and a west region, also with good catches (4.5 kg/trap/20h). For the whole survey, catches only took place between 300 and 700m, the best at 400 m. A distinct sexual segregation was observed according to bathymetry with the percentage of males increasing with depth. Nearly the same abundance was observed in Côte d'Ivoire, in Congo and North Angola, while in South Angola catches are somewhat higher.
The standing stock of chlorophyll, the quantities of copepods collected with a 30 liter Niskin bottle and the standing stock of zooplankton collected with a 'Bongo' net were measured from 0 to 200 m depth during a cruise along 10' W from 1' N to 12' S. These parameters are correlated to hydrological conditions measured simultaneously. 6 zonal areas have been delimited and described; the north equatorial convergence, the northern flow of the south equatorial counter-current, the trade winds drift, the south equatorial counter-current and the Benguela's drift.
Genetic structure and average long-term connectivity and effective size of mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis) sampled from offshore localities in the U.S. Caribbean and the Florida Keys were assessed by using nuclear-encoded microsatellites and a fragment of mitochondrial DNA. No significant differences in allele, genotype (microsatellites), or haplotype (mtDNA) distributions were detected; tests of selective neutrality (mtDNA) were nonsignificant after Bonferroni correction. Heuristic estimates of average long-term rate of migration (proportion of migrant individuals/generation) between geographically adjacent localities varied from 0.0033 to 0.0054, indicating that local subpopulations could respond independently of environmental perturbations. Estimates of average longterm effective population sizes varied from 341 to 1066 and differed significantly among several of the localities. These results indicate that over time larval drift and interregional adult movement may not be sufficient to maintain population sustainability across the region and that there may be different demographic stocks at some of the localities studied. The estimate of long-term effective population size at the locality offshore of St. Croix was below the minimum threshold size considered necessary to maintain the equilibrium between the loss of adaptive genetic variance from genetic drift and its replacement by mutation. Genetic variability in mutton snapper likely is maintained at the intraregional level by aggregate spawning and random mating of local populations. This feature is perhaps ironic in that aggregate spawning also renders mutton snapper especially vulnerable to overexploitation.
Fish species of warmwater origin appear in northeastern U.S. coastal waters in the late summer and remain until late fall when the temperate waters cool. The annual abundance and species composition of warm-water species is highly variable from year to year, and these variables may have effects on the trophic dynamics of this region. To understand this variability, records of warm-water fish occurrence were examined in two neighboring temperate areas, Narragansett Bay and Long Island Sound. The most abundant fish species were the same in both areas, and regional abundances peaked in both areas in the middle of September, four weeks after the maximum temperature in the middle of August. On average, abundance of warm-water species increased throughout the years sampled, although this increase can not be said to be exclusively related to temperature. Weekly mean temperatures between the two locations were highly correlated (r= 0.99; P<0.001). The warm-water fish faunas were distinctly different in annual abundances in the two areas for each species by year (1987–2000), and these differences ref lect the variability in the transport processes to temperate estuaries. The results reveal information on the abundance of warm-water fish in relation to trends toward warmer waters in these region
The long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus) (Cuvier, 1829), was used to validate the pre-dictive accuracy of three progressively realistic models for estimating the realized annual fecundity of asyn-chronous, indeterminate, multiple spawners. Underwater surveys and catch data were used to estimate the duration of the reproductive season, female spawning frequency, male brooding frequency, and batch fecun-dity. The most realistic model, a generalization of the spawning fraction method, produced unbiased estimates of male brooding frequency (mean ±standard deviation [SD]=4.2 ±1.6 broods/year). Mean batch fecundity and realized annual fecundity were 213.9 (±110.9) and 903.6 (±522.4), respectively. However, females prepared significantly more clutches than the number of broods produced by males. Thus, methods that infer spawning frequency from patterns in female egg production may lead to significant overestimates of realized annual fecundity. The spawning fraction method is broadly applicable to many taxa that exhibit parental care and can be applied nondestructively to species for which conservation is a concern.
The United States has managed and analyzed its marine fisheries since 1871, and since 1970 via NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). As the primary directive moved from aiding fishermen in expanding their operations emphasizing conservation, the government over time recognized that management involves influencing people not fish, and has hired social scientists to complement the biologists who assess fish populations. This change has not always been smooth. We use archival documents and oral histories to trace the development of sociocultural analytic capabilities within NMFS and describe future plans for growing the program. Four points are made. First, NMFS has created the best developed social science program in NOAA. Second, established institutions change slowly; achieving the social science presence in NMFS has taken over 25 years. Third, change needs visionaries and champions with both tenacity and opportunity. Fourth, social science data collection and research helps in making fishery management decisions, but they have also been useful in evaluating the impact and helping with the recovery from Hurricane Katrina. Good work finds other uses.
Long-term trends in the elasmobranch assemblage of Elkhorn Slough, Monterey Bay, California, were analyzed by documenting species composition and catch per unit effort (CPUE) from 55 sport fishing derbies that occurred during May, June, and July, from 1951 until 1995. The most abundant species (bat ray, Myliobatis californica; shovelnose guitarfish, Rhinobatos productus; and leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata) were also analyzed for size-weight relationships, trends in size class distribution, stage of maturity, and sex ratios. Changes in species composition over the course of the derbies included the near complete disappearance of shovelnose guitarfish by the 1970’s and a slight increase in the abundance of minor species (mainly smoothhounds, Mustelus spp., and thornback, Platyrhinoidis triseriata) starting in the mid 1960’s. The relative abundance of bat rays in the catch steadily increased over the years while the relative abundance of leopard sharks declined during the last two decades. However the average number of bat rays and leopard sharks caught per derby declined during the last two decades. Fishing effort appeared to increase over the course of the derbies. There were no dramatic shifts in the size class distribution data for bat rays, leopard sharks, or shovelnose guitarfish. The catch of bat rays and leopard sharks was consistently dominated by immature individuals, while the catch of shovelnose guitarfish was heavily dominated by adults. There was evidence of sexual segregation in either immature or mature fish in all the species. Female bat rays and shovelnose guitarfish were larger than their male counterparts and outnumbered males nearly 2:1. Female and male leopard sharks were more nearly equal in size and sex ratio. Changes in species composition are likely due to fishing pressure, shifts in the prevailing oceanographic conditions, and habitat alteration in Elkhorn Slough. The sex ratios, stage of maturity, and size class distributions provide further evidence for the theory that Elkhorn Slough functions as a nursery habitat for bat rays and leopard sha
This paper provides an overview of Hawaii's marine fisheries from 1948 to the present. After three decades of decline following a brief period of growth at the conclusion to World War lI, Hawaii's commercial fisheries began a decade of sustained development in the 1980's. At the same time, fisheries management issues became more significant as different segments of the fishery came into more direct competition. This paper provides new estimates of commercial landings for the 1977-90 period, and summarizes limited information on recreational and subsistence fisheries in the 1980's. It also provides some historical context which may be useful in evaluating fishery development and management options.