50 resultados para Krishna gatha.


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The methodology adopted by the Pelagic Fishery Project, Cochin for surveying the surface fish schools with sonar equipment, is described. The estimates of the biomass arrived at from the surveys conducted during 1975-78 are presented.


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Control chart is a statistical tool which can be employed with advantage to learn the situation in the process (whether it is under control or not). There are different kinds of control charts but one which is most commonly used is the control chart for variables, known as X-R chart. This chart can be used for measurable characteristics in food industry like appearance, colour, sizes and dimensions for chemical properties such as moisture, fat and many other analytical counts and measurements. Since construction and maintenance of such charts involve a recognizable amount of time and effort, they should not be used indiscriminately but only where it can be definitely shown that their use improves the overall operation. Since one control chart can be used for only one quality attribute, those for which the charts are used should be selected with care (Kramer and Twigg, 1962). In this article, the procedure of setting up a variable control chart is described with observations taken on filling operation of cans in a shrimp canning factory.


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Canned and frozen prawns are subjected to compulsory pre-shipment inspection, during which compliance of the products with their declared drained weights is verified. The materials used in the processing of these products being biological in origin, the drained weights are susceptible to variation due to a number of factors. Since determination of the drained weights involves destructive and time consuming procedures, application of control chart for drained weights on the processing line is not possible. The present study has shown that gross weights of the products are significantly correlated with their drained weights and since the determination of the former does not have the disadvantages of determination of the latter, the drained weights can be controlled through the application of control chart for the gross weights.


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The quality of raw and processed fishery products depend on several factors like physiological conditions at the time of capture, morphological differences, rigor mortis, species, rate of icing and subsequent storage conditions. Sensory evaluation is still the most reliable method for evaluation of the freshness of raw processed fishery products. Sophisticated methods like Intelectron fish tester, cell fragility technique and chemical and bacteriological methods like estimation of trimethylamine, hypoxanthine, carbonyl compounds, volatile acid and total bacterial count have no doubt been developed for accessing the spoilage in fish products.


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The supply and consumption of shrimp follow a more or less regular seasonal pattern. Like agricultural products, fishery products have also their period of heavy and less productions on which depend their price movements. The prices of shrimp in any particular market reflect this seasonal behaviour quite often.


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Present limit of faecal streptococci as 100/g in fresh frozen shrimp was found to be too strict a standard commercially prepared products. Statistical analysis of the data collected indicates that fixing the maximum permissible limit as 1000/g will be a more workable proposition.


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Size grade composition of different species of prawn caught by various back water fishing gear have been enumerated. 57 to 75% of P. indicus captured was less than 10 cm in length. M. dobsoni and M. monoceros captured were less than 10 cm in length. A cod end mesh size of 20-25 mm has been recommended for stake nets for the capture of P. indicus of 10 cm length along with other species.


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The paper deals with the average yield of four spp of prawns viz. Metapenaeus dobsoni, Metapenaeus affinis, Parapenaeopsis stylifera and Penaeus indicus on conversion to peeled and deveined (PD), cooked and peeled (CP) and head less shell on (HL) forms in the different months of a year and the likely variations observed in the average yield.


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This paper deals with an extensive study conducted to estimate the extent of weight loss in frozen prawns. The weight Joss varied from 7 to 12% in peeled and deveined (PD), 5 to 7% in headless (HL) and about 7% in cooked and peeled (CP) prawns from the date of processing to the date of inspection, normally within two weeks. To compensate the weight loss nearly 11% of excess material is being added with every frozen block resulting in an average annual loss of Rs. 2.68 crores in foreign exchange. The relevant data pertain to the period 1971 to 1973 and the annual average loss was estimated for the ten years ending 1973.


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For bacterial sampling of raw unprocessed fish and frozen fishery products, spread plate method is preferable to pour plate method; incubation of plates at 30°C gives a higher count than incubation at 37°C. Analysis of variance of the data shows that sample variation between different types of fishes is highly significant whereas the variations between triplicate plates are not significant at 5 % level.


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The extent of idle capacity in fish processing (freezing) plants estimated by stratified random sampling is reported. The estimates for 1978 and 1979 for the processing plants on the west coast of India were 76.9 % and 73.2 % respectively at the rate of 250 working days per annum and two shifts per day. The percentage error of estimates worked out to 6.04 for 1978 and 6.98 for 1979. Substantial under utilization of processing plants noticed in all the states accounts mainly to the non-availability of raw material (prawn), high cost of production and shortage of power.


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The extent of idle capacity in the fish processing (freezing) plants in the east coast of India estimated by stratified random sampling and the factors responsible for the same are reported. The estimates of idle capacity of fish processing plants in the east coast for the years 1978 and 1979 were respectively 75.9% and 72.5% on the basis of 250 working days per annum and double shift per day. The percentage errors of estimates worked out to 6.9 for 1978 and 4.7 for 1979. The corresponding figures were worked out on the basis of 200 working days also. Substantial under-utilisation of plants in all the maritime states in the east coast accounted mainly to non-availability of raw material, high cost of production, shortage of power, scarcity of ice and potable water during peak season and frequent labour troubles.


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Cost-benefit analysis of a 9.82 m and 11 m fishing trawlers based on the number of fishing trips is presented. The number of fishing trips per year determines the profit and loss of the trawler. With the increase in the number of fishing trips, the profit also increase for both the sizes of trawlers. The minimum quantity of prawn and fish to be landed for 0-20% profit for varying number of fishing trips are worked out. The break-even for 9.82 and 11m trawlers was observed to be 185 and 210 fishing trips respectively during 1980-81.


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The total viable counts were estimated in one hundred and sixty five samples of raw, iced and frozen fish using incubation periods of 24, 48, 72 and 96h. For raw fish, 24h and for iced and frozen fish 48h incubation of the plates were found to be adequate. Variation between samples was significant at 1% level for raw iced and frozen samples.


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Fish landings by shore seines operated in the Hirakud reservoir were analysed species wise and their morphometrical details were recorded. Based on the above investigation proportionality coefficients in respect of important species of fish were worked out in order to detetmine the optimum mesh size as this was important from the conservation point of view. This communication discusses the significance of mesh regulation for shore seines.