51 resultados para Krill (Zooplancton antártico)


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The seasonal variations of vertical distribution and abundance over the shelf are investigated for Doliolids, Salps and Larvacea. The 3 groups present many similar ecological features. Two maxima of abundance occur during the little and main cool seasons. The second maximum is usually the most important, except for Salps. The 3 taxons inhabit more superficial layers in cool than in warm seasons. This allows them to follow the phytoplankton maximum which drifts near the thermocline during the warm season. Pelagic Tunicates come back to the phytoplankton enrichment areas by the deeper Ivorian under-current. A relationship between the vertical distribution pattern and the life cycle (sexual or asexual generation) is suggested.


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The warm season is the abundance period of the planktonic larval stages of Decapod Crustacea and of Lucifer faxonii in Ivoirian waters. Two or three maxima occur each year during the enrichments interrupting the warm and oligotropic season: February (small upwellings), June - some years - (first rains) and September - November (flood of rivers, end of cold season). Vertical distribution follows seasonal variations and varies little among the taxons. In a general way, Decapod larvae and Lucifer inhabit superficial layers in cold season and sink down during the warm season. It allows them to follow the maximum of primary production. Lucifer faxonii is breeding almost the year long. Breeds succede at rate of 3,7 weeks approximately.


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Euphausiids vertical distribution on the Côte d'Ivoire continental shelf during different seasons, average zonal distrubution, mean distance to the shore, and seasonal variations in abundance computed for five years, suggest that the appearance, and the shifting of euphausiids across and along the shelf are related with the variations of the distance from the shore of the ivorian under-current. The author reports that Nyctiphanes capensis has not been found in the region.


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Seasonal variations of abundance and vertical distribution over the shelf are investigated for Ostracoda, Cladocera and Cirripede larvae. The main characteristics of the environment are the periodical enrichments mainly caused by upwellings, secondly by the river floods. Ostracoda abundance variations approximately follow phytoplankton outburst. Breeding occurs all over the year. Their vertical distribution is correlated with a discontinuity layer. Diurnal migration, when it occurs in warm season consists in an upward movement during the night towards surface layers. The Ostracoda inhabit bottom layers during the day and migrate at night in intermediate and surface layers. For the main two species of Cladocera, Penilia avirostris and Evadne tergestina, abundance periods follow upwellings, especially during the main cool season. However, Cladocera can grow in low salinity but rich waters. On average Penilia inhabits more superficial waters in cold than in warm seasons. Cirripede nauplii and cypris are more abundant off rocky coasts. Their maxima are in the upwelling periods.