23 resultados para King George V
Results of trawl fishing experiments conducted in Hirakud reservoir are discussed. Trawling has been found to be efficient than conventional gear in removing predators and trash fishes especially of the bottom. This method can be of much help in controlling the proliferation of such fishes in many Indian reservoirs.
An investigation was undertaken in order to locate fish using an echo sounder in Dhudawa Reservoir, Madhya Pradesh, India. In general, fish were found to be distributed either towards off-bottom or mid-water areas. Echo sounding is recommended for use in other reservoirs for fish detection.
Observations on the use of stick held drag nets for the removal of shore line fish, which adversely affect the growth of commercially important species in reservoirs, are presented.
Based on the studies to introduce active gears in reservoirs, a prototype shore seine was designed and tested, the details of which are presented in this communication. The results revealed that the operation of this gear could effectively control the proliferation of under-exploited species.
Fish landings by shore seines operated in the Hirakud reservoir were analysed species wise and their morphometrical details were recorded. Based on the above investigation proportionality coefficients in respect of important species of fish were worked out in order to detetmine the optimum mesh size as this was important from the conservation point of view. This communication discusses the significance of mesh regulation for shore seines.
Discriminant analysis takes into consideration the natural correlation existing between different characteristics of fish when studying mesh selectivity. Some specimen data are presented for two different sets of fish and it is shown that the discriminant analysis shows a significant difference between the two sets where F test failed.
High opening trawl was found to be effective for the exploitation of bottom and off bottom fishes from Hirakud reservoir compared to bulged belly trawl.
Sharks are mainly harvested with long lines which is less expensive compared to other methods of fishing. Though this is a common gear operated along the coast, the gear in every region has its own peculiarities in construction and rigging. This communication furnishes detailed description of the gear operated in different centres. Suggestions are also offered to improve the gear and methods for enhancing production.