27 resultados para Influence translinguistique


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Three types of prototype (Lege) traps with different numbers of entrance valves were evaluated in River Rima, north western Nigeria. The traps contained 4,6 and 8 valves, tagged 4-V, 6-V and 8-V respectively. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity, number biomass and sizes were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results of the catch composition showed close diversity index of 0.86 for 6-V, 0.80 for 8-V and 0.60 for 4-V Lege traps. However, the number (41%) and biomass 48%) of fish caught in the 6-V Lege trap were significantly (P0.05) higher than those caught in the other traps. There was no definite trend in the sizes (length and girth) of fish caught in the traps. On the basis of species diversity, and the number and biomass of fish caught, the 6-V Lege showed preference for adoption than the other two traps. However, further studies are recommended on the appropriate mesh size net for the trap in line with the provisions of fisheries edicts


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Three types of prototype (Lege) traps with different numbers of entrance valves were evaluated in River Rima, north western Nigeria. The traps contained 4,6 and 8 valves, tagged 4-V, 6-V and 8-V respectively. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity, number, biomass and sizes were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results of the catch composition showed close diversity index of 0.86 for 6-V, 0.80 for 8-V and 0.60 for 4-V Lege traps. However, the number (41%) and biomass (48%) of fish caught in the 6-V Lege trap were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those caught in the other traps. There was no definite trend in the sizes (length and girth) of fish caught in the traps. On the basis of species diversity, and the number and biomass of fish caught, the 6-V Lege showed preference for adoption than the other two traps. However, further studies are recommended on the appropriate mesh size net for the trap in line with the provisions of fisheries edicts


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The likely response of freshwater plankton to the direct and indirect effects of sustained global warming are summarized. The increase in CO2 posited by climatologists will have a direct effect on many biological processes, and an even more important indirect effect on the global climate. Lake plankton populations are relatively well buffered against sudden fluctuations in temperature but can react in unexpected ways to seasonal changes in the wind speed, with effects on seasonal growth and succession of plankton. The direct


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Lough Erne in Northern Ireland has been the subject of much research over the last 30 years by, amongst others, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD). In this article, the authors provide a summary of a workshop held on the 16–17th October 2003 in Enniskillen, on the shores of Lough Erne, which gave an opportunity to step back and take a holistic look at the Erne lakes. Ecological change has been driven by many factors, including land use changes and species invasions. The workshop consisted of five sessions which are summarised in this article: Session 1 – Invasive species, nutrients, phytoplankton and macrophytes; Session 2 – Zooplankton, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish; Session 3 – An ecosystem approach – relating the previous sessions; Session 4 – How does Lough Erne fit into lake classifications? Implications of the Water Framework Directive; Session 5 – Using new techniques to examine food webs and species invasions. Identifying a future research programme for Lough Erne.


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Many have observed the reduction of the quantity of zooplankton in the presence of water blooms. It is known that in seas zooplankton as it were avoids places of accumulation of blue-green algae. By observations on one of the tributaries of the Rybinsk reservoir - the River Shumorovka - the authors tried by simultaneous collections to trace the changes in numbers, not only of zoo- and phytoplankton but also of bacteria. The plankton was collected by quantitative nets with suitable numbers of gauze and bacteria were taken account of by the method of direct calculation on membrane filters. It can be seen that the development of blue-green algae appears as an important factor, determining not only the intensity but also the direction of the process of production of zooplankton.


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Investigations on the control of the embryonic and post-embryonic development of arthropods have formed an intensively studied field of zoological research for a long time, Here in especially favourable cases the causal chain from the operation of external factors on the influence of physiological mechanisms, eg. of the hormone variety, is known right through to its primary influences. A comparative approach to the relevant questions was in the main only made in the case of the insects. For crustacea , investigations are available almost exclusively only for the malacostraca. This study examines the influence of the factors of temperature and photoperiod on the entire development of Cyclops vicinus. Tests were made on whether the light-darkness change serves as a regulator for a possible existing molting rhythm - a question which for the entire arthropods has been settled only very rarely. The basic material for the cultures that were examined originates from Lake Constance.


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The Goggausee, a small, shallow, meromictic lake(700m long, 150m wide, max. depth=12m, mean depth=6m), was the site of a week long study (19-26 May 1974) of the limnology department of the University of Vienna. The study comprised pollen analysis and palaeolimnological studies on the one hand, as well as a stock- taking of physiochemical factors, primary production, bacteria, zooplankton, zoo benthos and fish on the other. This paper studies the zooplankton of the lake. The Goggausee is a meromictic lake, with its anoxic deep water, that restricts the vertical distribution of most zooplankton. The aim of the study was to pursue the vertical distribution of the rotifers and Crustacea. Density of individuals, biomass, percentages of zooplankton together and crustaceans and rotifers as groups. Special consideration is given to the the Dipteran Chaoborus flavicans.


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It is known that an adequately large amount of work has been devoted to investigations on the influence of temperature on the growth period of aquatic invertebrates. However, the action of the given factors on the basic biological characteristics of embryonic growth in crustaceans is virtually unknown. An experimental study of the effectiveness of the transformation of matter and energy during the period of embryogenesis in the isopod Asellus aquaticus L. under different constant temperatures was carried out. Specimens were collected in the quarry lakes of the Kurasovshchin zone (city-Minsk). The authors developed a quantitative analysis of the basic energetic properties of animals during one of the physiological stages at different constant temperatures, which allows one to determine the temperature range in which the expenditure of energy, at a given instance during embryonic growth, is minimised. For A. aquaticus this range is represented by the limits 10-22°C, during which the least expenditure of energy is observed between 14.5 and 18.8°C.


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Abstract Environmental changes may have an impact on life conditions of the fish, e.g. food supply for the fish. The prevailing environmental conditions apply evenly to all age groups of one stock. Small fish have high growth rates, whereas large fish grow with low rates. But, it can be shown on the basis of the von Bertalanffy-growth model that it is sufficient to know only the growth rate of one single age group to compute the growth rates of all other age groups. The growth rate of a reference fish GRF (e.g. a fish with a body mass of 1 kg) was introduced as a reference growth describing the current food condition of all age groups of the stock. As an example a time series of the reference-growth rate of the northern cod stock (NAFO, 3K) was computed for the time span 1979 to 1999. For the northern cod stock it can be observed that environmental conditions caused growth rates below the long-term mean for seven years in a row. After a prolonged hunger period the fish stock collapsed in 1992 also by the impact of fisheries - and this was probably not a coincidence. Now, with the reference-growth rate GRF a simple and handy parameter was found to summarize the influence of the environmental conditions on growth and other derived models and therefore makes it easier to compute the influence of environmental changes within stock assessment. Zusammenfassung Veränderungen der Umwelt können Auswirkungen auf die Lebensbedingungen der Fische haben, z. B. auf das Nahrungsangebot der Fische. Die vorherrschenden Umgebungsbedingungen wirken gleichmäßig auf alle Altersgruppen eines Bestandes, wobei typischer Weise kleineFische hohe Wachstumsraten haben, während die großen Fische mit niedrigen Raten wachsen. Auf der Grundlage des von Bertalanffy-Wachstumsmodells kann gezeigt werden, dass es ausreicht, nur die Wachstumsrate von einer einzigen Altersgruppe zu kennen, um die Wachstumsraten von allen anderen Altersgruppen berechnen zu können. Die Wachstumsrate eines Referenz-Fisches (z.B. eines Fisches mit einer Körpermasse von 1 kg) wurde als Referenz-Wachstum GRF eingeführt, die den aktuellen Zustand des Nahrungsangebots füralle Altersgruppen des Bestandes beschreibt. Als Beispiel wurde einer Zeitreihe der Referenz-Wachstumsraten des nördlichen Kabeljaubestandes (NAFO, 3K) für die Zeitsraum 1979 bis 1999 berechnet. Für diesen Kabeljaubestand war zu beobachten, dass Umgebungsbedingungen für sieben Jahre in Folge Wachstumsraten unter dem langjährigen Mittelwert verursachten. Nach einer längeren Hungerperiode kollabierte dieser Fischbestand im Jahr 1992 auch durch den Einfluß der Fischerei - und dies war sicher kein Zufall. Jetzt, mit der Referenz-Wachstumsrate GRF, ist ein einfacher und handlicher Parameter gefunden, der es gestattet den Einfluss der Umweltbedingungen auf die Wachstumsbedingungen und andere davon abgeleitete Modelle zusammenzufassen. Dies macht es einfach, den Einfluss von Umweltveränderungen innerhalb der Bestandsabschätzungen zu berechnen.


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Comparative studies of the structure and regeneration of tissues in different vertebrates make it possible to get ideas from the evolution and regeneration potential of tissues. In this study are considered the reactive changes in the liver of larvae of the amphibian Rana temporaria to CC14 of different concentrations. Tadpoles of different sizes and different growth were placed once each day every day in a vessel with a determined solution of CC14 in water. The liver of tadpoles has a distinctive structure. It is distinguished by structure not only from the liver of higher vertebrates, but also from the liver of the adult frogs. The liver of the latter has an insignificant amount of fat and a whole series of other characters not typical of the liver of the tadpole. Placing the tadpoles in a solution of CCl4 with a concentration of 0.1% did not produce in the liver noticeable morphological changes. The author concludes that the absence of degenerative changes in the liver tadpoles, in spite of a high percentage of death of the experimental animals, tells of the well-known resistance of their liver to the influence of CC14.


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Experiments were carried out by the method of direct effect of the tested substance on increase of biomass (1,2). Daphnia magna was cultured under laboratory conditions.The author concludes that concentrations of aniline from 5000 to 0.1 mg/1 appear acutely lethal. The disturbance of feeding, reproduction, the disorganization of the nervous system, speak of the toxicity of the substance.


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Works devoted to the influence of starvation on temperature selection by fishes are few and their conclusions are contradictory. This study determined the influence of brief, up to 14 days, starvation on temperature selection by young fishes. The experiments were carried out in August-September 1976 on fingerling bream (Abramis brama L.), roach (Rutilus rutilus L.) and perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) with body lengths of 3-5 cm and weight 0.5-1.2 g. The young fish were caught in the littoral by seine-nets or small drag-nets. Immediately after catching the fish they were put in acclimatization boxes. The period of acclimatization did not exceed 2 days for bream and roach at a temperature of 20 °C and 6 days for perch at 17 °C. Before the start of the experiment and for the first 10 days of the experiment the fish were fed with oligochaetes, earthworms and daphnia, after that feeding discontinued. At the end of a 10-14 day period the giving of food was resumed. The study concludes that the experiments have shown that in the summer season the factor of starvation significantly changes the reaction to the gradient of temperature in young cyprihids - roach and bream.