36 resultados para Illinois. Developmental Center, Dixon.


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The Age and Growth Program at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center is tasked with providing age data in order to improve the basic understanding of the ecology and fisheries dynamics of Alaskan fish species. The primary focus of the Age and Growth Program is to estimate ages from otoliths and other calcified structures for age-structured modeling of commercially exploited stocks; however, the program has recently expanded its interests to include numerous studies on topics ranging from age estimate validation to the growth and life history of non-target species. Because so many applications rely upon age data and particularly upon assurances as to their accuracy and precision, the Age and Growth Program has developed this practical guide to document the age determination of key groundfish species from Alaskan waters. The main objective of this manual is to describe techniques specific to the age determination of commercially and ecologically important species studied by the Age and Growth Program. The manual also provides general background information on otolith morphology, dissection, and preparation, as well as descriptions of methods used to measure precision and accuracy of age estimates. This manual is intended not only as a reference for age readers at the AFSC and other laboratories, but also to give insight into the quality of age estimates to scientists who routinely use such data.


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Post larval stages of Psettina Iijimae ranging from 1.8 mm NL to 44.6 mm SL collected during Naga Expedition and International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE) are described. The characteristics which help to identify larval stages of Psettina are: the presence of pigmented urohyal appendage in early stages which is progressively reduced during flexion stages and which disappears in later postflexion stages, the meristics, the spines on urohyal and posterior basipterygial processes and the absence of spines on cleithra. The P. iijimae can be distinguished by the presence of spines on the median fin rays which differentiate near the baseosts along the dorsal and ventral body wall much before the fin rays. The larvae of P.iijimae were more abundant in the Gulf of Thailand compared to South China Sea and Indian Ocean.


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Among about 65 species of clupeiform fishes present in the seas around India, most are distributed along both the east and west coasts and have similar spawning seasons and spawning grounds. The most difficult problem experienced with regard to the identification of their early developmental stages is the overlapping sets of diagnostic features among many species within the same genus as well as among species belonging to two or more genera. From studies carried out recently, the present paper sites a few instances wherein certain subtle characters have been used for distinguishing the early developmental stages of a few allied species.