47 resultados para Global changes and construction of future scenarios


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Fish smoking, as a traditional occupation of fishermen and women in Kainji Lake Area (Nigeria) is done using simple traditional ovens called 'Banda', the fuel for the smoking being almost hundred percent dependent on wood. A simple modification was made to the traditional 'Banda' oven using a damper to prevent burning of the fish. A comparison of the improved and the traditional 'Banda' was made. The results indicate that fuel wood consumption was reduced 52 percent by using the improved 'Banda', which implied that 50 percent of fish processor's income could be saved through the adoption of this technology. The most important advantage of the improved kiln, fuel wood conservation, represents for fishers a problem of an economic importance. Whilst they are aware that it is becoming much more difficult to get the needed fuel wood, the children can still conveniently collect enough wood for both home use and processing activities. The cost of the components of the improved kiln, when compared with the traditional version may be considered quite significant, and hence the reluctance of the fish processors in constructing similar ones. Selected blacksmiths were trained to continue the fabrication of the kiln component. The training was carried out to assure that the improved kiln will be constructed even after the project will end to support the fabrication


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Details are given of a study carried out in Nigeria, to introduce the practice of fish-cum-rice culture, using Sarotherodon galilaeus. Two plots each measuring 360m super(2) were used for this study and were compared with the farmer's two plots measuring 300m super(2) and 350m super(2). The plots were modified and had two central canals. Rice seedlings were transplanted into the plots after 19 days using a planting distance of 20 x 20cm. Three rice seedlings were planted per hole, using rice variety FARO 40, and grown for 90 days. About 240 and 180 S. galilaeus fingerlings of mean weight of 30g and 26g were stocked in the two experimental plots, respectively. They were fed with pelleted feed of 25% C.P. and monitored for 100 days. A yield of 22.8kg was obtained in plot A while 15.66kg was obtained in plot B. A rice yield of 250kg (i.e 5 bags) was obtained in each of the plots. The results obtained were compared with plots with no fish


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This document lists the undesirable effects of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on fisheries in Lake Kainji (Nigeria) and the integrated Water Hyacinth Control Programme in its ongoing fisheries management and development activities on the lake. Special regard is given to the design, construction and installation of a water hyacinth barrier across the River Niger. (PDF contains 44 pages)


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This note describes changes to the relative extent of four structurally dominant submerged macrophytes in a pond on Holy Island National Nature Reserve, Northumbria, between 1991 and 1998. The estimated extent of the four submerged macrophytes and bare substratum between 1991 and 1998 showed dramatic changes with no obvious pattern or periodicity, as well as no identifiable natural or anthropogenic causes. Chaotic variation may be an important character of submerged pond plant populations, so that surveys taken in a single year may give an unreliable picture of plant populations.


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The proposed EC Water Framework Directive (WFD) will require member states to monitor both biotic and abiotic components of lake environments. With adoption of the WFD some measurement of fish populations will also be required. This paper describes work carried out since 1971, and particularly since 1991, on the status of fish populations in Lower Lough Erne, Northern Ireland, with an emphasis on defining change over time due to human impacts on the lake. This offers a reasonable starting point from which to develop a monitoring programme suitable for the needs of the WFD in this lake. The implications for as yet unmonitored fish populations in lakes are also determined.


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Technological progress, having reached in our time an unprecedented speed, is still increasing the rate of mineral extraction, industrial construction, and the mastering of new kinds of energy is growing. Correspondingly the anthropogenic load on the biosphere is increased and that requires the comprehensive development of monitoring the anthropogenic changes in the natural environment. Among problems resulting from the scientific-technological development, a noticeable place is given to the problem of pure water. Surface land waters proved to be a sensitive link in the natural environment. The hydrobiological service for observations and control of the surface waters is one of the subsystems of the State/Federal Service for Observations and Control of pollution levels in environmental objects, conducted by the USSR State Committee for Hydrometeor- ology and Control of the Natural Environment. This paper summarises the the main principles of the organisation and goals of the national system of monitoring of the state of the natural environment in the USSR.


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This paper summarizes current information on the American shad, Alosa sapidissima, and describes the species and its fishery. Emphasis is placed on (1) life history of the fish, (2) condition of the fishery by State and water areas in 1960 compared to 1896 when the last comprehensive description was made, (3) factors responsible for decline in abundance, and (4) management measures. The shad fishery has changed little over the past three-quarters of a century, except in magnitude of yield. Types of shad-fishing gear have remained relatively unchanged, but many improvements have been made in fishing techniques, mostly to achieve economy. In 1896 the estimated catch was more than 50 million pounds. New Jersey ranked first in production with about 14 million pounds, and Virginia second with 11 million pounds. In 1960 the estimated catch was slightly more than 8 million pounds. Maryland ranked first in production with slightly more than 1.5 million pounds, Virginia second with slightly less than 1.4 million pounds, and North Carolina third with about 1.3 million pounds. Biological and economic factors blamed for the decline in shad abundance, such as physical changes in the environment, construction of dams, pollution, over-fishing, and natural cycles of abundance, are discussed. Also discussed are methods used for the rehabilitation and management of the fishery, such as artificial propagation, installation of fish-passage facilities at impoundments, and fishing regulations. With our present knowledge, we can manage individual shad populations; but, we probably cannot restore the shad to its former peak of abundance.


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Inaccuracy in the aging of postovulatory follicles (POFs) and in estimating the effect of temperature on the resorption rate of POFs may introduce bias in the determination of the daily spawning age classes with the daily egg production method (DEPM). To explore the above two bias problems with f ield-collected European pilchard (Sardina pilchardus, known regionally as the Iberian sardine), a method was developed in which the time elapsed from spawning (POF age) was estimated from the size of POFs (i.e., from the cross-sectional area in histological sections). The potential effect of the preservative type and embedding material on POF size and the effect of ambient water temperature on POF resorption rate are taken into account with this method. A highly significant loglinear relationship was found between POF area and age; POF area shrank by approximately 50% per day. POFs were also shown to shrink faster at higher temperatures (approximately 3% per degree), but this temperature effect is unlikely to be an important source of bias in the assignment of females to daily spawning classes. The embedding material was also shown to influence the size of POFs, the latter being significantly larger in resin than in paraffin sections. In conclusion, the size of POFs provides an indirect, reliable estimation of the time elapsed from spawning and may thus be used to test both the validity of POF staging criteria for identifying daily classes of spawners and the effect of other factors (such as temperature and laboratory processing) in applications of the DEPM to S. pilchardus and other fish species.


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In the past, agricultural researchers tended to ignore the fisheries factor in global food and nutritional security. However, the role of fish is becoming critical as a result of changes in fisheries regimes, income distribution, demand and increasing international trade. Fish has become the fastest growing food commodity in international trade and this is raising concern for the supply of fish for poorer people. As a result, the impact of international trade regimes on fish supply and demand, and the consequences on the availability of fish for developing countries need to be studied. Policies aimed at increasing export earnings are in conflict with those aimed at increasing food security in third world countries. Fisheries policy research will need to focus on three primary areas which have an impact on the marginal and poorer communities of developing countries: increased international demand for low-value fish on the supply of poorer countries; improved aquaculture technologies and productivity on poorer and marginal farmers; and land and water allocation policy on productivity, food security and sustainability across farm, fishery and related sectors. The key to local food security is in the integration of agriculture, aquaculture and natural resources but an important focus on fisheries policy research will be to look at the linkages between societal, economic and natural systems in order to develop adequate and flexible solutions to achieve sustainable use of aquatic resources systems.


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This article is based on the study, Strategies and Options for Increasing and Sustaining Benefits from Fisheries and Aquaculture Production to Benefit Poor Households in Asia carried out under ADB-RETA 5945, and implemented by the WorldFish Center in partnership with nine participating Asian countries.


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Coral bleaching and subsequent mortality represent a major threat to the future health and productivity of coral reefs. However a lack of reliable data on occurrence, severity and other characteristics of bleaching events hampers research on the causes and consequences of this important phenomenon. This article describes a global protocol for monitoring coral bleaching events, which addresses this problem and can be used by people with different levels of expertise and resources.


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In this study we present new information on seasonal variation in absolute growth rate in length of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in the ocean off Oregon and Washington, and relate these changes in growth rate to concurrent changes in the spacing of scale circuli. Average spacing of scale circuli and average rate of circulus formation were significantly and positively correlated with average growth rate among groups of juvenile and maturing coho salmon and thus could provide estimates of growth between age groups and seasons. Regression analyses indicated that the spacing of circuli was proportional to the scale growth rate raised to the 0.4−0.6 power. Seasonal changes in the spacing of scale circuli reflected seasonal changes in apparent growth rates of fish. Spacing of circuli at the scale margin was greatest during the spring and early summer, decreased during the summer, and was lowest in winter or early spring. Changes over time in length of fish caught during research cruises indicated that the average growth rate of juvenile coho salmon between June and September was about 1.3 mm/d and then decreased during the fall and winter to about 0.6 mm/d. Average growth rate of maturing fish was about 2 mm/d between May and June, then decreased to about 1 mm/d between June and September. Average apparent growth rates of groups of maturing coded-wire−tagged coho salmon caught in the ocean hook-and-line fisheries also decreased between June and September. Our results indicate that seasonal change in the spacing of scale circuli is a useful indicator of seasonal change in growth rate of coho salmon in the ocean.


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The temporal variation of components of a moderately diverse (H=1.46) tropical estuarine fish assemblage (long. 146°30'E, lat. 8°45'S) was directed by salinities that had been determined by local oceanographic and probably topographic conditions. For this assemblage, two types of intrayear component profiles are predicted. Pooled data (1988-91) reveal a large component of regular/resident species (43%) in an assemblage which has been under a narrow temperature regime «5T). These results facilitate a discussion on the relevance and usefulness of three hypotheses often cited in studies concerning species diversity and component characteristics of the subtropical/tropical coastal nonreef fish assemblages. Manifestations of the assemblage are reflected in catch composition and weights of 39 trials conducted for a selective prawning gear whose performance in bycatch reduction, mainly for finfishes, is judged by an index, E, we have previously proposed. This gear is capable of harvesting the prawn while conserving the demersal fish. Behavioral responses to netting of the prawns and the finfishes, especially the nearshore surface schoolers such as leiognathids, are discussed from several points of view. An adaptation in terms of group selection for leiognathids of their locking mechanism of median fin spines has been interpreted. For the purpose of bycatch reduction or E enhancement, suggestions for improvements in net design and trawl configuration by considering the behavioral features of fish are made. Our original formula of E is modified for general use. Bycatch problems in the regional prawn fisheries and their possible impacts on fishery planning and development in Papua New Guinea as a developing country are discussed. The gear tested may offer enormous ecological and economic benefits. The gear is multipurpose, extremely simple, and can also be used as a biological sampler.


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Fisheries gear researchers have employed scuba diver-operated sleds to evaluate towed fishing systems since the early 1950's. One of the earliest sled designs was a converted Stokes litter in which two divers sat tandem with the forward diver operating the diving controls (Sand, 1956). The litter was relatively easy to maneuver and provided a comfortable platform for observing operational fishing gear. However, the use of underwater photographic equipment to document gear performance was difficult due to the limited mobility of the observer-cameraman.