767 resultados para Fishery technology


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The methodology adopted by the Pelagic Fishery Project, Cochin for surveying the surface fish schools with sonar equipment, is described. The estimates of the biomass arrived at from the surveys conducted during 1975-78 are presented.


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Investigations on the fishery, utilization and development of the crabs in Indian waters have been reviewed. Various factors relating to the improvement of fishery, keeping quality of the crab meat and possibilities for an integrated farming of commercially important crabs are discussed.


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To design, develop and put into operation an equipment either to increase the productivity or to improve the existing technique to obtain a better quality of the product, the fishery engineer/scientist should have a comprehensive knowledge of fundamental principles involved in the process. Many a technique in fish processing technology, whether it applies to freezing, dehydration or canning, involves always a type of heat transfer, which is dependent to a certain extent on the external physical parameters like temperature. humidity, pressure, air flow etc. and also on the thermodynamic properties of fish muscle in the temperature ranges encountered. Similarly informations on other physical values like dielectric constant and dielectric loss in the design of quick trawlers and in quality assessment of frozen/iced fish, refractive index and viscosity in the measurement of the saturation and polymerisation of fish oils and shear strength in the judgement of textural qualities of cooked fish are also equally important.


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Canned and frozen prawns are subjected to compulsory pre-shipment inspection, during which compliance of the products with their declared drained weights is verified. The materials used in the processing of these products being biological in origin, the drained weights are susceptible to variation due to a number of factors. Since determination of the drained weights involves destructive and time consuming procedures, application of control chart for drained weights on the processing line is not possible. The present study has shown that gross weights of the products are significantly correlated with their drained weights and since the determination of the former does not have the disadvantages of determination of the latter, the drained weights can be controlled through the application of control chart for the gross weights.


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The quality of raw and processed fishery products depend on several factors like physiological conditions at the time of capture, morphological differences, rigor mortis, species, rate of icing and subsequent storage conditions. Sensory evaluation is still the most reliable method for evaluation of the freshness of raw processed fishery products. Sophisticated methods like Intelectron fish tester, cell fragility technique and chemical and bacteriological methods like estimation of trimethylamine, hypoxanthine, carbonyl compounds, volatile acid and total bacterial count have no doubt been developed for accessing the spoilage in fish products.


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A simple process is described for extraction of rays from shark fins. The process consists in treating the rays with acetic acid to soften the tissue, separation of the rays by hand and drying. White fins yield almost double the quantity of rays compared to black fins.


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The changes occurring in water and salt extractable protein and non-protein fractions in prawn muscle of different species during freezing, freeze drying and subsequent prolonged storage have been studied. There is no denaturation of water extractable proteins, whereas salt extractable proteins were rendered insoluble to the extent of 21% due to freeze drying. The freeze dried products remained in good edible condition for 32 months of storage up to which storage characteristics were followed.


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Behaviour of freeze dried ready-to-serve fish based food preparations during prolonged storage at room temp has been studied and reported in this paper. Storage life of such products under the conditions employed in this study can be reckoned in years at our ambient temps.


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For bacterial sampling of raw unprocessed fish and frozen fishery products, spread plate method is preferable to pour plate method; incubation of plates at 30°C gives a higher count than incubation at 37°C. Analysis of variance of the data shows that sample variation between different types of fishes is highly significant whereas the variations between triplicate plates are not significant at 5 % level.


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The utility of Summer Institute Efficiency Index (SIEI) is demonstrated using data from evaluation of a summer institute in fish processing. The SIEI worked to 76.16 showing high efficiency rating. The acquisition of skills appears to be independent of coverage and utility perception. The three dimensions of evaluation correlate highly with SIEI.


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The fish fauna of the Ashtamudi, the second largest estuarine system in Kerala (8°53'-9°02' N Lat. and 76°31'-76°41' E Long.) is listed. 97 species belonging to 39 families have been recorded, ofwhich69 are commercially important contributing to the fisheries of the Ashtamudi Estuary. Mullets, cichlids and the glassy perchlets are the most abundant groups and contribute appreciably to the landings. Results revealed that the estuarine system supports a good capture fishery which is seasonal. Majority of the fish fauna in the estuary are marine elements recruited from the adjoining Arabian Sea. An inventory of the craft and gear employed is presented and the sources of pollution in the estuarine system are described, aquacultural prospects of this area are discussed.


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Results of chemical, bacteriological and organoleptic quality studies of cured fishery products of commerce collected from six major fish curing centres on the west coast of India are presented. 77.12% of the samples had moisture above 35%, 97.18% showed salt content below 25% and all samples had acid insoluble ash above 1.5%. 42.32% gave standard plate counts above 10,000 and 45.77% were contaminated with 'Red' halophiles. The major defects in curing were imperfect cleaning, inadequate salting and unhygienic conditions of processing.


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A method has been evolved to enhance the production of natural feed in brackish water fish farms by providing substrates for bio-growth ('aquafeed' production) which is a biomass complex consisting of sedentary and associated organisms of plant and animal species. The seasonal fluctuations of the aquafeed production over different substrates ranged as: 787-1830g/coconut leaf (6m²)/45 days, 16.0-072.9g/glass panel (2x10x10cm²)/30 days, 52-230g/nylon mat (2x25x25cm²)/30 days and 18.6-123.1g/wooden block (6x10x10cm²)/30 days. The average dry weight composition of the major components of aquafeed obtained in the present study was sand-silt-clay 40%, protein 22%, carbohydrate (water soluble) 1.8% and fat 3.35% (water content 85%). Mugil cephalus of 1.85 cm reared in a 0.01ha pond and fed on aquafeed attained a size of 23 cm length and 146.73g weight during one year. Survival rate was 54% at a density of 1000/ha. Salinity and temperature of the pond during the culture period ranged between 1.4 and 32.8‰ and 28.1 and 36.5°C respectively.


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For raw, iced and frozen samples of fish and prawn, significant difference was observed in total plate counts done with various diluents, the significance level ranging from 5% to 0.1%. For raw fish, N-saline, seawater and quarter strength Ringers' solution gave maximum total plate counts. In the case of iced-fish, n-saline yielded highest total plate counts. For frozen samples, however, peptone water and n-saline gave good recoveries. Trials with suitable combinations of diluents showed that though some of them were as good as the control, namely n-saline, none were superior in any way.


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During the course of an investigation on the incidence of Staphylococcus aureus contamination in frozen crab meat, frozen prawns and dried fishes from Cochin, 116 strains of S. aureus were isolated. The sensitivity of the isolated strains towards nine antibiotics showed that all the S. aureus strains were sensitive to kanamycin and streptomycin (100%). Sensitivity to other antibiotics like chloramphenicol, polymyxin-B, erythromycin, tetracycline, neomycin, penicillin and ampicillin were shown by 98.28, 93.10, 87.93, 68.10, 67.24, 56.90 and 55.17 percent of the isolates respectively.