46 resultados para Exotic dancing
Whole-lake techniques are increasingly being used to selectively remove exotic plants, including Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.). Fluridone (1-methyl-3-phenyl- 5-[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-4(1 H )-pyridinone), a systemic whole-lake herbicide, is selective for Eurasian watermilfoil within a narrow low concentration range. Because fluridone applications have the potential for large effects on plant assemblages and lake food webs, they should be evaluated at the whole-lake scale. We examined effects of low-dose (5 to 8 ppb) fluridone applications by comparing submersed plant assemblages, water quality and largemouth bass ( Micropterus salmoides ) growth rates and diets between three reference lakes and three treatment lakes one- and two-years post treatment. In the treatment lakes, fluridone reduced Eurasian watermilfoil cover without reducing native plant cover, although the duration of Eurasian watermilfoil reduction varied among treatment lakes. (PDF has 11 pages.)
Torpedograss (Panicum repens L.) is one of the most invasive exotic plants in aquatic systems. Repeat applications of (N-phosphonomethyl) glycine (glyphosate) herbicides provide limited control of torpedograss; unfortunately, glyphosate often negatively impacts most non-target native species that grow alongside the weed. This experiment studied the effect of glyphosate on pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata L.), a native plant that shares habitats with torpedograss. Actively growing plants of torpedograss and pickerelweed were cultured in 8-liter containers and sprayed to wet with one of four rates of glyphosate: 0%, 0.75%, 1.0%, or 1.5%. Each treatment included a surfactant to aid in herbicide uptake and a surface dye to verify uniform application of the treatments. All herbicide treatments were applied with a backpack sprayer to intact plants and to cut stubble of both species. Four replicates were treated for each species-rategrowth combination during each of two experiment periods. Plant dry weights 8 weeks after herbicide application suggest that torpedograss was effectively controlled by the highest rate of glyphosate applied to cut stubble. Pickerelweed was unaffected when the highest rate of glyphosate was applied as a cut-and-spray treatment. These data suggest that a cut-and-spray application of a 1.5% solution of glyphosate may be an effective strategy to control torpedograss without deleteriously affecting pickerelweed. (PDF contains 4 pages.)
Waterlettuce ( Pistia stratiotes L.) is a free-floating exotic aquatic weed that often invades and clogs waterways in the southeastern United States. A study was conducted to evaluate the potential of using remote sensing technology to distinguish infestations of waterlettuce in Texas waterways. Field reflectance measurements showed that waterlettuce had higher visible green reflectance than associated plant species. Waterlettuce could be detected in both aerial color- infrared (CIR) photography and videography where it had light pink to pinkish-white image tonal responses. Computer analysis of CIR photographic and videographic images had overall accuracy assessments of 86% and 84%, respectively. (PDF contains 6 pages.)
A review and analysis of the exotic fish distribution and introduction is made using bibliographic information. Both lentic and lotic environments were considered. In order to classify the state of the populations, different categories were defined as follow: permanent, probably permanent, reported and unknown. Results show that 15 species were attempted to be introduced from 1904. Only 8 of them arose an successfull aclimatization: raimbow trout, brown trout, lake trout, landlocked salmon, carp, goldfish, and mosquitofish. For the salmonids, ecological features were analized, in order to explain the disappearence or the permanence in some regions. (Document contains 90 pages)
determine the impact of water temperature on the efficacy of the contact herbicides diquat (6,7-dihydrodipyrido [1,2- α:2’,1’-c] pyrazinediium ion) and endothall (7-oxabicyclo [2.2.1] heptane-2,3-dicarboxylic acid) for control of the exotic nuisance species curlyleaf pondweed (Potamogeton crispus L.) across a range of water temperatures.
Studies were conducted to evaluate whether the herbicide imazapyr or a combination of imazapyr and fluridone could be used effectively to control torpedograss ( Panicum repens L.), an exotic perennial plant that has replaced more than 6,000 ha of native vegetation and degraded quality wildlife habitat in Lake Okeechobee, Florida. Torpedograss was controlled for more than one year in some areas following a single aerial treatment using 0.56, 0.84, or 1.12 kg acid equivalents (ae) imazapyr/ha. Combining imazapyr and fluridone did not increase the level of torpedograss control. In areas where plant biomass was reduced by fire prior to being treated with 0.84 or 1.12 kg ae imazapyr/ha, torpedograss was controlled for more than two years and native plant species, including duck potato ( Sagittaria lancifolia L.) and pickerelweed ( Pontederia cordata L.) became the dominant vegetation in less than one year. Although torpedograss was controlled in some areas, little or no long-term control was observed at 16 of the 26 treatment locations. To reduce the uncertainty associated with predicting long-term treatment affects, additional studies are needed to determine whether environmental factors such as periphyton mats, plant thatch, hydroperiod and water depth affect treatment efficacy. , he
Florida’s large number of shallow lakes, warm climate and long growing season have contributed to the development of excessive growths of aquatic macrophytes that have seriously interfered with many water use activities. The introduction of exotic aquatic macrophyte species such as hydrilla ( Hydrilla verticillata ) have added significantly to aquatic plant problems in Florida lakes. The use of grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella ) can be an effective and economical control for aquatic vegetation such as hydrilla. Early stocking rates (24 to 74 grass carp per hectare of lake area) resulted in grass carp consumption rates that vastly exceeded the growth rates of the aquatic plants and often resulted in the total loss of all submersed vegetation. This study looked at 38 Florida lakes that had been stocked with grass carp for 3 to 10 years with stocking rates ranging from < 1 to 59 grass carp per hectare of lake and 1 to 207 grass carp per hectare of vegetation to determine the long term effects of grass carp on aquatic macrophyte communities. The median PAC (percent area coverage) value of aquatic macrophytes for the study lakes after they were stocked with grass carp was 14% and the median PVI (percent volume infested) value of aquatic macrophytes was 2%. Only lakes stocked with less than 25 to 30 fish per hectare of vegetation tended to have higher than median PAC and PVI values. When grass carp are stocked at levels of > 25 to 30 fish per hectare of vegetation the complete control of aquatic vegetation can be achieved, with the exception of a few species of plants that grass carp have extreme difficulty consuming. If the management goal for a lake is to control some of the problem aquatic plants while maintaining a small population of predominately unpalatable aquatic plants, grass carp can be stocked at approximately 25 to 30 fish per hectare of vegetation.
Wild taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott), is an exotic, emergent perennial that has established in many shallow-water wetlands throughout the southern United States. Although wild taro is a cultivated crop in many tropical and subtropical areas of the world, its invasion in riverine and lacustrine wetlands in the U.S. has resulted in the loss of habitat for native plant species. Once established, wild taro forms dense, monotypic stands that reduce the diversity of native vegetation, as has occurred in Louisiana, Florida, and Texas (Akridge and Fonteyn 1981, Simberloff et al. 1997). Akridge and Fonteyn (1981) reported that although wild taro is considered naturalized in south-central Texas, its present dominance along the San Marcos River has altered the native vegetational structure and dynamics of this river system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of four aquatic herbicides for control of wild taro.
A study of aquatic plant biomass within Cayuga Lake, New York spans twelve years from 1987-1998. The exotic Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.) decreased in the northwest end of the lake from 55% of the total biomass in 1987 to 0.4% in 1998 and within the southwest end from 50% in 1987 to 11% in 1998. Concurrent with the watermilfoil decline was the resurgence of native species of submersed macrophytes. During this time we recorded for the first time in Cayuga Lake two herbivorous insect species: the aquatic moth Acentria ephemerella , first observed in 1991, and the aquatic weevil Euhrychiopsis lecontei , first found in 1996 . Densities of Acentria in southwest Cayuga Lake averaged 1.04 individuals per apical meristem of Eurasian watermilfoil for the three-year period 1996-1998. These same meristems had Euhrychiopsis densities on average of only 0.02 individuals per apical meristem over the same three-year period. A comparison of herbivore densities and lake sizes from five lakes in 1997 shows that Acentria densities correlate positively with lake surface area and mean depth, while Euhrychiopsis densities correlate negatively with lake surface area and mean depth. In these five lakes, Acentria densities correlate negatively with percent composition and dry mass of watermilfoil. However, Euhrychiopsis densities correlate positively with percent composition and dry mass of watermilfoil. Finally, Acentria densities correlate negatively with Euhrychiopsis densities suggesting interspecific competition.
Euhrychiopsis lecontei RAYMOND M. NEWMAN 1 AND DAVID D. BIESBOER 2 ABSTRACT The native milfoil weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei Dietz, is a candidate biological control agent for the exotic Eurasian watermilfoil ( Myriophyllum spicatum L.) in northern North America. Declines of Eurasian watermilfoil populations have been associated with the weevil but many of these examples are poorly documented. We report the first documented decline of Eurasian watermilfoil in Minnesota due to the milfoil weevil.
Includes Exotic Mollusca in California, by G. Dallas Hanna p.298-321.(PDF contains 57 pages.)
HIGHLIGHTS FOR FY 2005 1. Assisted with a study to assess hurricane impacts to Gulf sturgeon critical foraging habitat. 2. Documented Gulf sturgeon marine movement and habitat use in the Gulf of Mexico. 3. Documented Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Apalachicola River, Florida. 4. Documented Gulf sturgeon spawning with the collection of fertilized eggs in the Yellow River, Florida. 5. Assisted with benthic invertebrate survey at Gulf sturgeon marine foraging grounds. 6. Implemented Gulf Striped Bass Restoration Plan by coordinating the 22nd Annual Morone Workshop, leading the technical committee, transporting broodfish, and coordinating the stocking on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) river system. 7. Over 87,000 Phase II Gulf striped bass were marked with sequential coded wire tags and stocked in the Apalachicola River. Post-stocking evaluations were conducted at 45 sites in the fall and spring and 8 thermal refuges in the summer. 8. Completed fishery surveys on 4 ponds on Eglin AFB totaling 53 acres, and completed a report with recommendations for future recreational fishery needs. 9. Completed final report for aquatic monitoring at Eglin AFB from 1999 to 2004. 10. Completed a field collection of the endangered Okaloosa darter to be incorporated into a status review to be completed in FY06. 11. Provided technical assistance to the Region 4 National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) program on changes to the fishery conservation targets for the region. Also provided technical assistance to four NWRs (i.e., Okefenokee NWR, Banks Lake NWR, St. Vincent NWR, and St. Marks NWR) relative to hurricanes and recreational fishing. 12. A draft mussel sampling protocol was tested in wadeable streams in Northwest Florida and southwest Georgia, and an associated field guide, poster, and Freshwater Mussel Survey Protocol and Identification workshop were completed in FY05. 13. Implemented recovery plan and candidate conservation actions for 14 listed and candidate freshwater mussels in the Northeast Gulf Watersheds. 14. Initiated or completed multiple stream restoration and watershed management projects. A total of 7.5 stream miles were restored for stream fishes, and 11 miles of coastline were enhanced for sea turtle lighting. A total of 630 acres of wetlands and 2,401 acres of understory habitat were restored. 15. Conducted a watershed assessment to develop a threats analysis for prioritizing restoration, protection, and enhancement to natural resources of Spring Creek, Georgia and Canoe Creek, Florida. 16. Continued the formation of an Unpaved Road Interagency Team of Federal, State, and local agencies in Northwest Florida to promote stream protection and restoration from unpaved road sediment runoff. Began the development of a technical committee agreement. 17. Conducted Alabama Unpaved Road Inventory within the Northeast Gulf Ecosystem. Data collection will be completed during FY06. 18. Finalized the development of two North Florida hydrophysiographic regional curves for use by the Florida Department of Transportation (DOT) and others involved with stream restoration and protection. Initiated the development of the Alabama Coastal Plain Riparian Reference Reach and Regional Curves for use by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM). 19. Provided technical assistance in collecting data, analysis, and thesis formulation with Troy University, Alabama, to identify the influence of large woody debris in southeastern coastal plain streams. 20. Completed pre- and post-restoration fish community monitoring at several restoration projects including Big Escambia Creek, Magnolia Creek, and Oyster Lake, Florida. 21. Established a watershed partnership for the Chipola River in Alabama and Florida and expanded development and participation in the Spring Creek Watershed Partnership, Georgia. 22. Continued to identify barriers which inhibit the movement of aquatic species within the Northeast Gulf Ecoregion. 23. Completed a report on road crossing structures in Okaloosa darter streams to guide the closure/repair/maintenance of roads to contribute to recovery of the endangered species. In cooperation with Three Rivers RC&D Council, fish passage sites identified in the report were prioritized for restoration. 24. Monitored Aquatic Nuisance Species in the Apalachicola River and tested the sterility of exotic grass carp. 25. Multiple outreach projects were completed to detail aquatic resources conservation needs and opportunities. Participated in National Fishing Week event, several festivals, and school outreach.
An investigation was undertaken to study the physicochemical characteristics, phytoplankton and fish fauna of three major deep lakes on the River Mahaweli: Kotmale, Victoria and Randenigala. These lakes were created mainly for hydroelectric purposes during the period 1984 to 1986. In all three lakes, thermoclines were present during most months of the year, but did not appear to be very stable. They tended to disappear during January - February but were well established in August - November. Fifteen species of blue-green algae were identified as well as 27 desmid species and 25 non-desmid green algae. Melosira granulata and M. undulata were the dominant diatom species. The family Cyprinidae dominated the fish fauna by number of species, but by biomass the exotic cichlids (tilapias) were dominant.
The Lake Victoria fish fauna was dominated by cichlids before the establishment of the exotic species Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and Latus niloticus (L.). With the alterations in the ecology of Lake Victoria, changes may be expected to occur in the population dynamics of the fish species. In two zones of Lake Victoria, the size structure, distribution and abundance, condition factors, length-weight relationship and sex ratios of O. niloticus were determined. Larger fish were found in zone II than in zone III, where very few larger fish were recorded. More O. niloticus were caught in zone III, especially in Itome Bay, than in zone II but catch by weight was greater in zone II. More males than females were encountered in both zones. Oreochromis niloticus had similar condition factors in both zones.
Rainbow trout is one of the important exotic species that is well established in the upland waters of India. This paper presents the historical background of its introduction and the present status of the fish in the streams of he Nilgiri peninsula of India. The rainbow trout inhabits natural reservoirs and streams of the region as a self-recruiting population. The growth rate is reported to be relatively low and conflicting views about its taxonomic status have been reported. Successful crossbreeding of the Nilgiri rainbow trout with trout stocks from the Indian State of Himachal Pradesh has indicated the scope for utilizing cryopreserved milt as a mode of introducing new genetic material into the Nilgiri rainbow trout population. This paper outlines the requirement of ecological and genetic data to develop a strategy for management and reintroduction fresh stocks.