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Experimental trawling operations for bottom fish were first begun in 1920 and consisted of surveys of the continental shelf around Ceylon and the west and east coasts of India. These preliminary surveys showed that the continental shelf of Ceylon was either very poor in bottom fish or that the ground was so rough that trawling has proved to be economically not sustainable (Malpas, 1926). Although a considerable amount of trawling has been carried out using small-meshed trawls, there is no record of the details of the gear used or any account of the relative efficiency of the different designs of trawls used in the operations. Experimental operations were, therefore, carried out off 80 h.p. boats such as m.f.v. Canadian and North Star, to select the most effective gear for these boats. In more recent times experiments were also conducted to select the most effective trawling gear for the 11-Ton boats of the Ceylon Fisheries Corporation. The results are reported in this publication.


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A new large mesh demersal trawl of 32 m head rope length is found more efficient for the exploitation of demersal fishes off Veraval. Increased catch with a proportionate increase of demersal fishes was obtained when compared to a standard bottom trawl of 32 m head rope length with small meshes, suggesting the possibility of increasing the mesh size of trawl nets in the forepart. This increases the mouth area of net which enhances the fishing power by covering a large area per tow. The net is simple in construction, easy to repair and maintain and fewer in the number of meshes.


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An attempt has been made to evolve a suitable mesh size for the commercially significant size group of S. guttatus. To obtain maximum sustainable yield taking biological factors also into consideration, 52 mm mesh bar nets are suggested for exploiting the fishery on both the East coasts of India.


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Size grade composition of different species of prawn caught by various back water fishing gear have been enumerated. 57 to 75% of P. indicus captured was less than 10 cm in length. M. dobsoni and M. monoceros captured were less than 10 cm in length. A cod end mesh size of 20-25 mm has been recommended for stake nets for the capture of P. indicus of 10 cm length along with other species.


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Fish landings by shore seines operated in the Hirakud reservoir were analysed species wise and their morphometrical details were recorded. Based on the above investigation proportionality coefficients in respect of important species of fish were worked out in order to detetmine the optimum mesh size as this was important from the conservation point of view. This communication discusses the significance of mesh regulation for shore seines.


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Discriminant analysis takes into consideration the natural correlation existing between different characteristics of fish when studying mesh selectivity. Some specimen data are presented for two different sets of fish and it is shown that the discriminant analysis shows a significant difference between the two sets where F test failed.


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Result of comparative fishing trials with a bulged belly design with three different mesh ranges in the body and wing to study the effect of mesh size difference on the performance of gear is discussed. While there is no significant difference in catch rate, predictably the 40 mm mesh size trawl fared wen when small sized fish like anchovies formed the major catch. The trawls with 60 and 80 mm mesh size gave better horizontal spread at a lower resistance showing savings in fuel.


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Results of mesh selectivity experiments on B. tor are presented in this paper. Selectivity curve on the basis of maximum girth of fish in relation to perimeter of mesh was worked out. The optimum girth/mesh perimeter ratio was found to be 1.31. A linear regression of G+0.445L=12.8 was fitted for conversion of length to girth.


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Performance of a 25m large mesh demersal trawl, with 150mm mesh size in the fore parts of the trawl was evaluated in comparison with one boat high opening trawl of the Bay of Bengal Programme (BOBP) with 360 meshes of 160mm mesh size and 25.6m head rope length. An 8.2% increase in catch was obtained by 25m large mesh demersal trawl. The gear is comparatively cheaper, lighter in construction and offered better horizontal spread with significantly lower towing resistance. Commercial suitability of the gear for efficient harvesting of demersal fish resources of the region is discussed.


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Codends of four different mesh size" were compared during exploratory bottom trawling on Lake Victoria. Small mesh sizes (19 and 38 mm) generally caught greater quantities of fish than large mesh sizes (64 and 76 mm) with haplochromis species responsible for the difference. The differences in catch rates were most pronounced where dense concentration of small haplochromis were found. This was generally in shallow water since the average size of haplochromis tends to increase with depth. Catch rates for species other than haplochromis were fairly similar for the codends tested, although there were indications of lower catches in small mesh coderlds fished through dense haplochromis concentrations. For haplochromis fished with 64 and 38 mm eodends, the estimated 50% retention lengths were 13.6 and 8.0 cm, respectively. The predicted value for the 19 mm codend was 4.5 cm.


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Gillnets are popularly used in commercial fishing on both Lake kioga and lake Victoria. On Lake kioga the legal mesh size is from 4½ (114) upwards while on Lake Victoria, a multifishery lake, various mesh sizes are in operation. However, the fishermen on these lakes still use the smaller meshes to be able to harvest certain categories of fish especially Oreochromis species group whose catch rates are already on the decline due to either use of small mesh size nets, high fishing pressure and to L.Kioga in particular, predation by lates niloticus.


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During the year 1969, the fishing industry maintained a rate of increase that had been witnessed in the three previous years. The total catch landed was estimated at 125300 metric tons, valued at shs 130,500,000/-at the lakeside,and about shs 260,000,000/-in the retail market. This was an increase of 16,900 metric tons over the 1968 figure. The largest increases again came from the Lake Kyoga area, where the Nile Perch and the introduced Tilapia species are still expanding. Large numbers of fishermen from other regions (i.e. from Lake Victoria) moved to Lake Kyoga where catches were high and remunerative. This intensified fishing on this lake, resulting in the high figure of catches recorded. As in the previous year, there was a marked increase in the use of large-mesh gill-nets for catching Nile Perch and Tilapia. Individual Tilapia nilotica of up to 5 kg were quite common, and Nile Perch weighing over 50 kg were also regularly taken. The marketing and distribution side of the industry was as active as ever: 87 people took out specific licences, and 640 fishmongers were licensed by different urban authorities. Elsewhere in the Districts, 7,950 fishmongers were licensed. Host of the fish landed was consumed within Uganda and exports accounted for dnly a very small fraction of the market, mainly composed of frozen fiilets to Kenyai and salted fish to the Republic of the Congo. Kampala market was the most important one, serving also as a central market from where fishmongers bought fish for distribution to rural areas.