33 resultados para Division of Biological Sciences


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In 1979 at the request of the Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur, staff members of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission prepared synopses of eight species of scombrid fishes. These are to be published in Spanish in Revista de la Comision Permanente del Pacifico Sur, number 11, in 1980. This volume contains English versions of those synopses. The Spanish and English versions are not identical, however, the latter having been updated and somewhat modified after the Spanish versions were submitted for publication. These synopses follow closely the format prepared by Rosa (1965) for the synopses to be published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and cooperating organizations. However, instead of preparing detailed taxonomic reviews of the individual species, the taxonomic information for all of the scombrids and billfishes has been put into a separate chapter.


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This paper deals with the development and use of biological reference points for salmon conservation on the River Lune, England. The Lune supports recreational and net fisheries with annual catches in the region of 1,000 and 1356 salmon respectively. Using models transported from other river systems, biological reference points exclusive to the Lune were developed; specifically the number of eggs deposited and carrying capacity estimates for age 0+ and 1+ parr. The conservation limit was estimated at 11.9 million eggs and between 1989 and 1998 was exceeded in two years. Comparison of juvenile salmon densities in 1991 and 1997 with estimates of carrying capacity indicated that 0+ and 1+ parr densities were at around 60 % of carrying capacity and may relate to the number of eggs deposited in 1990 and 1996 being approximately 70% of the target value. The paper discusses the management actions taken in order to ensure that the management target of the conservation limit being met four years out of five is delivered. It also discusses the balance between conservation and exploitation and the socio-economic decisions made in order to ensure parity of impacts on the rod and net fisheries. The regulations have been enforced since 1999 and the paper concludes with an assessment of the actions taken to deliver the management targets, over the last five years.


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In the absence of analytical methods, the half-lives of biological activity of pesticides can be estimated by bioassays. To determine the half-lives of biological acivity of pesticides to fish, static bioassays were conducted in the laboratory with ten different formulations of pesticides using Labeo rohita as a bio-indicator. The half-lives of biological activity for ten different pesticides in soft water at pH 7.5 and 27°C, ranged from 4.6 days to 11.8 days. The half-life of biological activity of Sumithion 50% EC was only 4.6 days. In contrast, Dimecron 50% EC degraded very slowly and its half-life of biological activity on L. rohita was about 11.8 days. Sumithion 50% EC, Padan 50% SP, EPN 45% EC, Diazinon 40% EC and Diazinon 10 G degraded in less than five to seven days indicating that these pesticides are desirable for rice-fish culture. Contamination by pesticides with long-term residual toxicity in waters may eventually cause high levels of fish mortality.


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The study describes the main causes of captures and productions decreasing of swimming crab Callinectes amnicola (Decapoda Portunidae) in Aby lagoon complex. For that, docks of two Sub Prefectures of Adiaké and Assini-Mafia respectively including the villages of Adiaké, Anga, Assomlan, Epleman, Aby and Man-Man, M'Bratty, Assini-Ngouankro and Assini-Mafia were studied from 2006 to 2009 and completed with previous results obtained from 1988 to 2005. Field investigators were identified by site/village and they recorded daily activities of fishermen (number of effective fishermen, number of gears and area of fishing, duration of fishing, types and quantity of bait) and landing of swimming crabs. During recent period of the study, total production decreased from 3742 tons in 2006 to 1500 tons in 2009. Matrix correlations and correlation analysis indicated that this downward trend was due to the increase of the number of fishermen, number of fishing gear, the decrease in female crabs capture and degradation of the environment related to gradual closure of the Assini-Mafia channel. Despite this decline, total production in Aby lagoon remained high compared to the productions of some lagoons of the country and the region. Given the importance of fishing swimming crabs in Aby lagoon, since it concerns many young people and it is a source of income, stringent measures for sustainable and responsible management must be taken and implemented as part of a co-management plan involving all stakeholders to sustainably manage the resource


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Arima analysis was used to compute cross-correlations between principal component axes that described environmental variables, chlorophyll concentration and zooplankton density for the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and Suisun Bay. ... Cross-correlations among the time series may provide information about links between environmental and biological variables within the estuary and the possible influence of climate.


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This study was conducted using 150 fish of Clarias gariepinus to investigate the growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fed five treatment diets containing varying inclusion level of fermented unsieved maize. The diets were grouped into CT, T1, T2, T3, and T4 with inclusion levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of fermented unsieved maize respectively. Highest weight gain was recorded in T4 with value of 10.24 and lowest weight was recorded in CT with 9.17. High FCR were observed in T2 with value of 0.70 and lower value was observed in T4 with value of 0.62. While, T2, T3, and T4 have highest survival rates with values of 90% in each treatment CT and T1 recorded 80% and 70% respectively. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the food conversion ratios treatment T4 with the best value and other treatments. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the levels of fermented unsieved maize inclusion and the specific growth rate of the experimental fish. The highest value of protein level and feed efficiency were observed in T4 at significant difference level (p< 0.05) than other treatments. It was concluded that fermentation of maize in fish feed has positive effects on the nutritional value of the feed. It is recommend that fermented maize can replace raw maize in fish feed diet for growth performance. KEYWORDS: Fermentation, yellow maize, Clarias gariepinus, Fish, Feed.


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This study was conducted using 150 fish of Clarias gariepinus to investigate the growth performance and nutrient utilization of Clarias gariepinus fed five treatment diets containing varying inclusion level of fermented unsieved maize. The diets were grouped into CT, T1, T2, T3, and T4 with inclusion levels of 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of fermented unsieved maize respectively. Highest weight gain was recorded in T4 with value of 10.24 and lowest weight was recorded in CT with 9.17. High FCR were observed in T2 with value of 0.70 and lower value was observed in T4 with value of 0.62. While, T2, T3, and T4 have highest survival rates with values of 90% in each treatment CT and T1 recorded 80% and 70% respectively. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the food conversion ratios treatment T4 with the best value and other treatments. There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference between the levels of fermented unsieved maize inclusion and the specific growth rate of the experimental fish. The highest value of protein level and feed efficiency were observed in T4 at significant difference level (p< 0.05) than other treatments. It was concluded that fermentation of maize in fish feed has positive effects on the nutritional value of the feed. It is recommend that fermented maize can replace raw maize in fish feed diet for growth performance.


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Studies on the nutrient composition of smoked-dried Clarias gariepinus were carried out, to assess the effects of pest infestation on the dried catfish from two different market (Abakpa and Kpirikpiri market) area in Abakaliki Metropolis, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Fish samples from the two markets where kept for pest to infest it and it were taken to Biochemistry Laboratory of Food Science and Technology in Ebonyi State University to assess the damage of pest on dried catfish using standard methods. There was a significant different among the mean weight of fish from the two markets (Abakpa and kpirikpiri; 19.13kg and 18.98kg respectively) compared with the mean weight of the control 20.09kg. There was a variation in the proximate composition of the fishes from the two markets compared with the control, the decreases of the proximate composition are: crude protein from 60.07% to 40.27%; fat from 8.35% to 5.90%; moisture content from 11.67% to 10.67; fiber from 12.93 to 11.93; ash from 4.02% to 3.54% and carbohydrate 12.67% to 5.89%. The longer the storage periods of the infested smoked fish the more the tissue was degraded. Proper handling and storage of dried catfish are required to prolong the shelf life and nutrient content of dried catfish.


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Tilapia zillii was examined in three major dams in Ekiti State, Nigeria (Ureje dam, Ado, Egbe dam and Ero dam) for their morphometric characteristics and meristic traits. The results showed that the average body weight of the fish sampled were 145.86±50.06g in Ado, 30.19±9.35g in Egbe and 40.58±52.30g in Ero dam. Average total lengths were 21.29±3.20cm, 12.32±1.74cm and 11.24±1.56cm for Ado, Egbe and Ero dam respectively. The relationship between average weight and length of T. zillii showed that Y=15.202X-179.33 (R2=0.7181), Y=4.40049±-24.075 (R2=0.6708) and Y=2.6676X10.596 (R2=0.0063) for Ado, Egbe and Ero dam respectively. The results on headlength, total length, body weight and standard length and pre-pelvic distance are significantly different at 95% among the T.zillii of the three dams. There was no significant difference in the meristic traits of the T. zillii of the three dams. The population size of T.zillii in the three dams was just too small compared to other species of fish hence the need to assess the stock of fish in these dams critically for the encouragement of proper fishing activities in these dams.


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This study was conducted to determine reproduction characteristics, diet regime, age structure and population dynamics parameters of the vimba vimba persa (Pallas, 1811) in Mazandaran waters of the Caspian Sea, from October 2008 to September 2009. A total of 994 specimens were monthly collected by beach seine and cast net from six fish landings of Ramsar, Tonekabon, Chaloos, Mahmood Abad, Sari and Behshahr. Biometric characters were measured for each specimen at the laboratory. Scales were used for age determination. Sex determination and fecundity were determined. Population dynamic parameters as well as stock assessment including cohort analysis were estimated using FISAT software. The finding showed that the mean of fork length and body weight of the Caspian Vimba were 168.4±2.6 mm and 71.94±32.24 g respectively. Strong correlation was found between these two variables (a= 0.012; b = 3.047; r2 = 0.955). 92 specimens were studied from the fecundity point of view. This species was found to have more abundance in spring (esp. Apr-May). The samples composed of 397(42.6%) male, 537(57.4%) female; Overall sex ratio (M: F =1: 1.35) was significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (p ≤0.05). The advanced stages of maturity (4th & 5th) were found in April and May. The highest Gonadosomatic Index in female was in May and the lowest one was in July. This fish is therefore a spring spawner. The maximum absolute and relative fecundities were 34640 and 260.9, respectively; the minimum absolute and relative fecundities were 5400 and 94.5 respectively. The averages of absolute and relative fecundities were 17198±7710 and 171.85±48.8, respectively. Coefficient vacuity index was 59.2% which indicates that this fish is mesophagous. Among of living creature consumes by Caspian Vimba mollusks, 76 arthropods, worms, plants, detritus and fishes were found 32.9% , 26.7% , 13.4% , 17% , 4.4% and 1.6% respectively. The infinite fork lengths were 261 mm for females, 25mm for males and 261 mm for both sexes respectively. For population growth and mortality parameters; K ( 0.28 per year for both sexes, 0.3 per year for males, 0.33 per year for females); t0 ( -0.65 year for both sexes, -0.23 year in females, -0.51 year in males ); Φ' ( 2.28 ); Z ( 0.98 per year ); M ( 0.59 per year); F ( 0.39 per year) and Exploitation coefficient was 0.4. The analysis showed that total biomass and MSY were 1336 and 528.8 tonnes respectively.


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Biological studies and heavy metal (Ni, v, Fe, Pb,Cd) determination in liver, gonad and muscle of Scomberomorus commerson were carried out from Oct 2006 to Sept 2007 in Hormozgan coastal waters. 599 Samples were gutted for reproduction and nutrition studies, fork length and weight were measured to nearest cm and g respectively. Meanwhile 40 samples were also investigated for heavy metal studies. All specimens were collected from two major landing sites (Bandar Lengeh & Bandar Abbas). Minimums & maximum fork length & weight were 29, 128 cm & 235 and 15350 g respectively.Isometric growth was shown according to our study and b was estimated 2.9 (overall), 2.91(male) & 2.89 (female). The average relative gut length was 0.52± 0.007 and it was determined that S. commerson is a carnivorous. More than 99 percent of gut content was different teleost fishes. Gastro somatic index had two peaks in Nov & Jan (before spawning) and with a decreased trend in July, the spawning period. Occurrence of empty stomach was estimated % 65.77. Maximum amount of condition factor was in Dec. Spawning season was started from June. The average of Absolute & relative fecundity (to weight unit) was 1217149±179315 and 178.2±15.58 respectively. Lm50% was estimated 75 cm for females. Sex ratio was 0.97: 1 (male: female). Chi- Square test showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Maximum amount of hepatosomatic index was estimated in March.Metal concentrations were determined using either Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (for Fe) or Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (for Pb,Cd,Ni and V). The mean concentration (μg/g dry weight)of Pb,Cd,Ni,V and Fe in the liver were 0.0309, 0.0268, 0.0672, 0.0077, 2.5159 in the gonad 0.0440 ,0.0295, 0.1096, 0.0000, 1.4449 and in the muscle 0.0244, 0.0324, 0.0656, 0.0128, 1.6138 respectively. The maximum metal concentrations were below the maximum permissible limits for human consumption recommended by the USEPA, WHO and the UK. The results of Kendall's Tau-b correlation coefficient were as follows: The Liver tissue: There were significant positive linear relationships between accumulation of V, Fe, and Pb with Fork length, Pb and Fe with weight, GSI with Pb, Cd, V and 109 Fe, and a negative linear relationships between HSI with accumulation of V and Fe, Fork length, weight and GSI. The Gonad tissue: There were significant positive linear relationships between GSI with accumulation of Pb, Cd, Fe, Fork length and weight, a negative linear relationship between HSI with Fork length, weight and GSI. The Muscle tissue: There were significant positive linear relationships between accumulations of V, Fe with Fork length and weight factors and as well as GSI with Cd, V, Fe, Pb, Fork length and weight,a negative linear relationship between HSI with Fork length, weight, Cd, Fe and GSI. The results of Mann-Whitney U tests (P≤0.05) show that there were significant differences between summer and autumn from heavy metal contents in the studied tissues point of view. The only exceptions were for Ni in the liver, gonads and muscle and as well as there were significant differences between male and female from heavy metal contents in the studied tissues. The only exceptions were for Pb in muscle, Ni in liver, gonad and muscle, V in muscle, and Cd and Fe in gonads.