207 resultados para Detroit River (Mich. and Ont.)
Unlike Africa and Asia, where a large part of the population are heavily dependent upon fishing for their livelihoods, fishing for a living in the interior of Central and South America (CSA) remains a marginal occupation for all but the most isolated of families. As such, the economics and management of fisheries on the continent have received little attention from within the continent and the rest of the world. This study shows that while a number of studies have been carried out on fishing in the region, they tend to be limited in their geographical focus and time scale. Although fishing of freshwater species may appear to be comparatively insignificant in the region, the rivers of CSA are very important. This report attempts to analyze the literature available on CSA river fisheries and attempts to draw out an economic value of these fisheries. It is divided into a number of sections. First, the authors describe the major river basins on the continent, characterize their fisheries, and place freshwater fisheries in CSA into a global context. Second, the authors provide a review of valuation techniques for fisheries and use this analytical framework to review the principal literature on freshwater fisheries in the region. Then they turn their attention to the economic impact of dams and water abstraction schemes, reviewing the available literature to ascertain how/if economic values are computed for the impact on fisheries. Finally, they offer some conclusions and recommendations on the direction for future studies of freshwater fisheries in CSA.
River structure and functioning are governed naturally by geography and climate but are vulnerable to natural and human-related disturbances, ranging from channel engineering to pollution and biological invasions. Biological communities in river ecosystems are able to respond to disturbances faster than those in most other aquatic systems. However, some extremely strong or lasting disturbances constrain the responses of river organisms and jeopardise their extraordinary resilience. Among these, the artificial alteration of river drainage structure and the intense use of water resources by humans may irreversibly influence these systems. The increased canalisation and damming of river courses interferes with sediment transport, alters biogeochemical cycles and leads to a decrease in biodiversity, both at local and global scales. Furthermore, water abstraction can especially affect the functioning of arid and semi-arid rivers. In particular, interception and assimilation of inorganic nutrients can be detrimental under hydrologically abnormal conditions. Among other effects, abstraction and increased nutrient loading might cause a shift from heterotrophy to autotrophy, through direct effects on primary producers and indirect effects through food webs, even in low-light river systems. The simultaneous desires to conserve and to provide ecosystem services present several challenges, both in research and management.
Adult salmon and sea trout rod catches in the River Wyre have been subject to considerable variability over the years. Annual rod catches ranging from 6 to 401 have been reported since records began in 1905. It has long been suspected that the physical nature of the catchment, combined with anthropogenic influences, has resulted in a deleterious effect on the Wyre fishery. Acidification problems in the head water streams (Marshaw Wyre and Tarnbrook Wyre) have been reported and are thought to threaten salmon juvenile survival. The construction of Abbeystead Reservoir and an increased tendency towards rapidly rising water levels during storms (flashiness) 1 are thought to have a significant impact on spawning gravel quality and quantity, both of which are thought to be deteriorating. As part of an overall desire to maintain and improve the migratory salmonid population in the River Wyre, this project has been commissioned to investigate remedial action which may improve and enhance spawning success, leading to an eventual improvement in the status of adult stocks. The primary objective is to establish whether the quantity and/or quality of available spawning gravels are limiting migratory salmonid productivity. The investigations undertaken confirm the general observation that useable spawning gravels appear to be in short supply in the River Wyre, and may be the limiting factor influencing returning adult stock.
This contribution gives an overview of the fisheries in the Central Delta of the Niger River (Mali) and highlights the results of a multidisciplinary research and management program conducted in the area to assess the status of the fisheries and improve their management. The importance of multidisciplinary approaches is emphasized to fully elaborate the problems impacting fisheries and the measures for their resolution. Directions for increased decentralization, participation of fishers and ecosystem preservation for improved management of the Central Delta fisheries are briefly discussed.
This is the River Eden RHS and geomorphology evaluation: Final report October 2001 produced by the Environment Agency North West in 2001. This report analysed the River Habitat Survey (RHS) and geomorphology data to evaluate the level of habitat quality and the geomorphological characteristics of the River Eden and sub-catchments. RHS data and geomorphological assessment data was collected within the study areas by CEH and Fluvial Environmental Services Ltd. The River Eden and its sub-catchments are being considered as a Special Area for Conservation (SAC) due to the presence of habitat types and species, which are rare or threatened within Europe. The purpose of the project is to provide an overview of the state of the catchment in terms of river habitats and geomorphological processes in order to aid the derivation of sound management for this proposed SAC.The aim of this report was to determine the state of the environment within the Eden and sub-catchments and identify the main pressures on the system in order to derive sound management options.
Ths report addresses the following two questions: 1) What are the loads (flux) of nutrients transported from the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico, and where do they come from within the basin? 2) What is the relative importance of specific human activities, such as agriculture, point-source discharges, and atmospheric deposition in contributing to these loads? These questions were addressed by first estimating the flux of nutrients from the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin and about 50 interior basins in the Mississippi River system using measured historical streamflow and water quality data. Annual nutrient inputs and outputs to each basin were estimated using data from the National Agricultural Statistics Service, National Atmospheric Deposition Program, and point-source data provided by the USEPA. Next, a nitrogen mass balance was developed using agricultural statistics, estimates of nutrient cycling in agricultural systems, and a geographic information system. Finally, multiple regression models were developed to estimate the relative contributions of the major input sources to the flux of nitrogen and phosphorus to the Gulf of Mexico.
Investigation on the species composition and abundance of zooplankton in Ogun River, Abeokuta, Ogun state, Southwestern Nigeria was carried out for a period of seven months (December, 2011-June, 2012), Using hand trawling method, 55 µm mesh size plankton net was trawled horizontally ten times to capture zooplankton. The zooplankton samples were put into properly labeled plastic containers and preserved in 4% formalin solution. A total of sixteen genera from five taxonomic groups were recorded from Ogun River. Cladocera predominated both in terms of species composition and abundance. Five species of Cladocera was recorded consisting of 31.25%. Protozoa and Rotifera recorded four species each consisting of 25%. Copepoda recorded two species consisting of 12.5%, and Ostracoda with one species consisting of 6.25%. The low nature of zooplankton abundance and species composition observed in this study must have been caused by the polluted nature of the water due to the anthropogenic activities carried out around its shores The dominance of Cladocera in this river is similar to findings from River Echara and River Imo, Southeastern Nigeria.
Sperata aor and S. seenghala are the two important native catfishes of Bangladesh but commercial farming of these species is not possible due to lack of naturally collected or artificially produced seeds for stocking. Attempts were made to develop techniques for seed production by artificial breeding and nursery-rearing of fries of these catfishes. A total of 60 S. seenghala (750-1,500 g) and 10 S. aor (600-1,000 g) broods were collected from the Brahmaputra river-basin and floodplains in Mymensingh region four months prior to their breeding season. The collected brood fishes were reared in separate earthen ponds with supplementary feeds comprising of rice bran (40%), mustard oil cake (29%), fish meal (30%) and vitamin-premix (1 %). Three experiments were conducted to optimize the hormone dose. A total of nine S. seenghala females weighing from 750 to 1,500 g were given an initial and resolving dose of 12-20 and 16-24 mg PG/kg body weight, respectively. The males weighing from 650-950 g were administered a single dose of 18-26 mg PG/kg body weight at the time of the time of administering the resolving dose to the females. The females ovulated partially and the eggs were examined under a compound microscope, but most of them were found to be less ripe or damaged. Collection of milt by stripping the males was not successful. The testes were taken out and sperm were observed to be non-motile and less developed. In view of stimulating natural propagation of S. seenghala, artificial holes (nests) were constructed in the pond bottom. Each hole was 0.7 m in diameter and 0.3 m in depth. A total of 10 holes were made and then 10 pairs of S. seenghala breeders (800-1,200 g) were stocked in the pond. In mid February, 3,000 fry of S. seenghala with a mean length of 4.60 cm and weight of 0.36 g were collected by repeated netting followed by drying of the pond. The fry were then stocked in a nursery pond and fed with commercial feed (SABINCO starter-1). The average length and weight of the fingerlings were 9.01 cm and 3.95 g, respectively and the estimated survival was 60% after two months of rearing. S. aor did not respond to natural spawning. Further study is essential to develop techniques for their successful artificial and natural breeding.
Vancouver Lake, located adjacent to the Columbia River and just north of the Vancouver-Portland metropolitan area, is a "dying" lake. Although all lakes die naturally in geologic time through the process of eutrophication,* Vancouver Lake is dying more rapidly due to man's activities and due to the resultant increased accumulation of sediment, chemicals, and wastes. Natural eutrophication takes thousands of years, whereas man-made modifications can cause the death of a lake in decades. Vancouver Lake does, however, have the potential of becoming a valuable water resource asset for the area, due particularly to its location near the Columbia River which can be used as a source of "flushing" water to improve the quality of Vancouver Lake. (Document pdf contains 59 pages) Community interest in Vancouver Lake has waxed and waned. Prior to World War II, there were relatively few plans for discussions about the Lake and its surrounding land area. A plan to drain the Lake for farming was prohibited by the city council and county commissioners. Interest increased in 1945 when the federal government considered developing the Lake as a berthing harbor for deactivated ships at which time a preliminary proposal was prepared by the City. The only surface water connection between Vancouver Lake and the Columbia River, except during floods, is Lake River. The Lake now serves as a receiving body of water for Lake River tidal flow and surface flow from creeks and nearby land areas. Seasonally, these flows are heavily laden with sediment, septic tank drainage, fertilizers and drainage from cattle yards. Construction and gravel pit operations increase the sediment loads entering the Lake from Burnt Bridge Creek and Salmon Creek (via Lake River by tidal action). The tidal flats at the north end of Vancouver Lake are evidence of this accumulation. Since 1945, the buildup of sediment and nutrients created by man's activities has accelerated the growth of the large water plants and algae which contribute to the degeneration of the Lake. Flooding from the Columbia River, as in 1968, has added to the deposition in Vancouver Lake. The combined effect of these human and natural activities has changed Vancouver Lake into a relatively useless body of shallow water supporting some wildlife, rough fish, and shallow draft boats. It is still pleasant to view from the hills to the east. Because precipitation and streamflow are the lowest during the summer and early fall, water quantity and quality conditions are at their worst when the potential of the Lake for water-based recreation is the highest. Increased pollution of the Lake has caused a larger segment of the community to become concerned. Land use and planning studies were undertaken on the Columbia River lowlands and a wide variety of ideas were proposed for improving the quality of the water-land environment in order to enhance the usefulness of the area. In 1966, the College of Engineering Research Division at Washington State University (WSU0 in Pullman, Washington, was contacted by the Port of Vancouver to determine possible alternatives for restoring Vancouver Lake. Various proposals were prepared between 1966 and 1969. During the summer and fall of 1967, a study was made by WSU on the existing water quality in the Lake. In 1969, the current studies were funded to establish a data base for considering a broad range of alternative solutions for improving the quantity and quality of Vancouver Lake. Until these studies were undertaken, practically no data on a continuous nature were available on Vancouver Lake, Lake River, or their tributaries. (Document pdf contains 59 pages)
The Hawkesbury-Nepean River in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, is the largest river system in the Sydney metropolitan area, and it drains most of the developing areas to the west. This catchment is under increasing pressure from urban expansion and the river frequently experiences extended periods of low flows due to a combination of extensive river regulation and the Australian temperate climate. Added to this, the river and several of its tributaries receive treated sewage and stormwater from various sources. Habitats and biota within the Hawkesbury-Nepean River catchment have been altered since European settlement and many introduced species have spread throughout the terrestrial and aquatic environment (Recher et al. 1993). Submersed macrophyte assemblages within the river have undergone significant changes in their distribution and abundance due to eutrophication, habitat alteration and changes to river flows (Recher et al 1993). Anecdotal evidence and some early unpublished studies suggest that egeria (Egeria densa Planchon), introduced from South America as an aquarium plant, was present in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River prior to 1980. Sainty (1973) reported a persistent and troublesome infestation over a number of years at Wallacia in the upper Nepean River. Here, as part of a larger study on the ecology of macrophyte and invertebrate assemblages associated with anthropogenic disturbance in the Hawkesbury-Nepean River, we document the rapid spread of egeria since 1994. Significant increases in egeria biomass were also found, and we present preliminary evidence which suggest that the native ribbonweed, vallisneria (Vallisneria americana Michx.) is being displaced.
Didemnum sp. A is a colonial ascidian or “sea squirt” of unknown geographic origin. Colonies of Didemnum sp. A were first documented in U.S. waters in 1993 at Damariscotta River, Maine and San Francisco Bay, California. An alarming number of colonies have since been found at several locations in New England and along the West Coast of the contiguous continental United States. Originally believed to be restricted to artificial structures in nearshore habitats, such as ports and marinas, colonies of Didemnum sp. A have also been discovered on a gravel-pavement habitat on Georges Bank at depths of 40-65m. The wide distribution of Didemnum sp. A, the presence of colonies on an important offshore fishing ground, and the negative economic impacts that other species of noninidigenous ascidians have had on aquaculture operations have raised concerns about the potential impacts of Didemnum sp. A. We reviewed the available information on the biology and ecology of Didemnum sp. A and potentially closely related species to examine the environmental and socioeconomic factors that may have influenced the introduction, establishment and spread of Didemnum sp. A in U.S. waters, the potential impacts of this colonial ascidian on other organisms, aquaculture, and marine fisheries, and the possibility that it will spread to other U.S. waters. In addition, we present and discuss potential management objectives for minimizing the impacts and spread of Didemnum sp. A. Concern over the potential for Didemnum sp. A to become invasive stems from ecological traits that it shares with other invasive species, including the ability to overgrow benthic organisms, high reproductive and population growth rates, ability to spread by colony fragmentation, tolerance to a wide range of environmental conditions, apparent scarcity of predators, and the ability to survive in human dominated habitats. At relatively small spatial scales, species of Didemnum and other nonindigenous ascidians have been shown to alter the abundance and composition of benthic assemblages. In addition, the Canadian aquaculture industry has reported that heavy infestations of nonindigenous ascidians result in increased handling and processing costs. Offshore fisheries may also suffer where high densities of Didemnum sp. A may alter the access of commercially important fish species to critical spawning grounds, prey items, and refugia. Because colonial ascidian larvae remain viable for only 12–24hrs, the introduction and spread of Didemnum sp. A across large distances is thought to be predominantly human mediated; hull fouling, aquaculture, and ballast water. Recent studies suggest that colony growth rates decline when temperatures exceed 21 ºC for 7 consecutive days. Similarly, water temperatures above 8 to 10 ºC are necessary for colony growth; however, colonies can survive extended periods of time below this temperature threshold as an unidentified overwintering form. A qualitative analysis of monthly mean nearshore water temperatures suggest that new colonies of Didemnum will continue to be found in the Northeast U.S., California Current, and Gulf of Alaska LMEs. In contrast, water temperatures become less favorable for colony establishment in subarctic, subtropical, and tropical areas to the north and south of Didemnum’s current distribution in cool temperate habitats. We recommend that the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force serve as the central management authority to coordinate State and Federal management activities. Five objectives for a Didemnum sp. A management and control program focusing on preventing the spread of Didemnum sp. A to new areas and limiting the impacts of existing populations are discussed. Given the difficulty of eradicating large populations of Didemnum sp. A, developing strategies for limiting the access of Didemnum sp. A to transport vectors and locating newly established colonies are emphasized. (PDF contains 70 pages)
This report is a summary of the results of 883 purse seine sets made for juvenile salmonids during 15 cruises off the coasts of Oregon and Washington during the springs and summers of 1981-1985. Juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) occurred most frequently, followed by chinook salmon (0. tshawytscha). The juveniles of these two species co-occurred more frequently than expected. Juvenile chum, pink and sockeye salmon (0. keta, O. gorbuscha, and O. nerka), steelhead (0. mykiss) and cutthroat trout (0. clarki clarki) were caught much less frequently and in lower numbers than coho or chinook salmon. We found no evidence of large schools ofjuvenile salmonids. A northerly movement of juvenile coho salmon wa~ suggested by decreased catches off Oregon and increased catches off Washington between early and late summer. Highest catch per set of juvenile coho salmon was usually found inshore of 37.2 km. Juvenile chinook salmon were usually found within 27.9 km of the coast. Juvenile salmonids were found over a broad range of surface salinities and temperatures. High catches of juvenile coho salmon occurred in both the low salinity waters of the Columbia River plume and in adjacent higher salinity waters. Preferences for specific salinities or temperatures were not obvious for any species, although catch rates of juvenile coho salmon were highest in years when chlorophyll content was also high. Based on expansions of fish with coded wire tags, we estimated that hatchery coho salmon smolts comprised 74%, on average, of the juvenile coho salmon catches. The remaining 26% were presumably wild fish or hatchery fish released as fingerlings. Hatchery coho salmon were caught roughly in proportion to the numbers released. However, hatchery fish from the Columbia River and private coastal facilities were caught at slightly higher rates while those from coastal Washington and public coastal Oregon hatcheries were caught at slightly lower rates than expected from the numbers released. No juvenile coho salmon with coded wire tags were caught that had originated from either California or Puget Sound hatcheries. (PDF file contains 88 pages.)
The fishery for crayfish is of considerable importance in the maritime region of the Cross River State, Nigeria, where it forms an important occupation of a host of fishermen. Crayfish landings from this State contributed 11% to the national marine fish landings within the period 1980 to 1984 and also in the same period the volume of crayfish alone formed 26% of the marine fish landings within the State. The species exploited as crayfish include Palaemon hastatus; Hippolysmata hastatoides, and Macrobrachium sp; mixed with the larval, and juveniles of pink shrimp Panaeus dourarum. They are generally small in size ranging from 7 cm (maximum) to 2.5 cm. Crayfish are caught all year round along the Niger Delta, but particularly along the river estuaries and littoral waters of the Cross River State with the highest production occurring in March to May. Crayfish are usually smoked, and occasionally sun-dried, and they form an indispensable food item in the diet of the people of the entire southern States in particular and Nigeria in general. It appears that crayfish landings could be substantially increased without depleting the stock, if a proper exploratory survey is undertaken of the Niger delta, and the Cross River estuaries to chart potentially rich grounds of this resource
The Nigerian pelagic fishery contributes about two-thirds of the total marine fishery resources of the country. The main components of this fishery are the clupeid (Ethmalosa, and Sardinella spp) and the scombroid (jacks, barracuda and tuna) fisheries. In 1979 to 1983, fish production from the national inshore and brackishwater zones was 1,702,685 tonnes. Bonga (Ethmalosa fimbriata) which dominates the pelagic fishery in the Cross River State of Nigeria, contributed about 158,612 tonnes (i.e. 9.3%) of this national marine fish catch. Although bonga is caught along the entire Nigerian coast, a significant fishery exists mostly in the wider estuary of the Cross River State, which borders on the Cameroon Republic. In the Cross River State, and within the period, bonga contributed 24% to the marine fish landings. Bonga is supported by a single species (E. fimbriata). The species forms an important fishery all the year-round in the open sea off these estuaries, whenever the canoes venture to sea, but these open sea fisheries are affected by whether conditions. The best, and most suitable gear for bonga are the gill nets, cast nets, boat seines, and shore seines. Dried and smoked bonga are a common market commodity in the southern parts of the country generally, but particularly in the Cross State where it is a readily available and acceptable food item
The paper appraises fisheries development in Nigeria with specific reference to Cross River State and the problems militating against increased fish production. The potential for developing the industry to supplement the low level of animal protein consumption in Nigeria is discussed as well as the import of a vibrant fishery industry to contribute to the employment and international trade. The need to legislate on fisheries activities while enforcing the existing laws for sustainable exploitation of the fisheries resources is elaborated. Similarly, the need to maximize the proceeds from Nigeria's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) by protecting the operations of this economic sector and other unauthorized fishing practices is elucidated. In view of the present situation where most of the country's water bodies have been over-fished, more attention and emphasis should be placed on aquaculture development. The paper also proffers recommendations to boost fish production in capture and culture fisheries