23 resultados para DNA array


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Larval and juvenile rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) are difficult to identify using morphological characters. We developed a key based on sizes of restriction endonuclease fragments of the NADH dehydrogenase-3 and -4 (ND3/ND4) and 12S and 16S ribosomal RNA (12S/16S) mitochondrial regions. The key makes use of variation in the ND3/ND4 region. Restriction endonuclease Dde I variation can corroborate identifications, as can 12S/16S variation. The key, based on 71 species, includes most North American taxa, several Asian species, and Sebastolobus alascanus and Helicolenus hilgendorfi that are closely related to rockfishes. Fifty-eight of 71 rockfish species in our database can be distinguished unequivocally, using one to five restriction enzymes; identities of the remaining species are narrowed to small groups: 1) S. polyspinis, S. crameri, and S. ciliatus or variabilis (the two species could not be distinguished and were considered as a single species) ; 2) S. chlorostictus, S. eos, and S. rosenblatti; 3) S. entomelas and S. mystinus; 4)S. emphaeus, S. variegatus, and S. wilsoni; and 5) S. carnatus and S. chrysomelas.


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Muscular injection has become one of the direct methods for transferring foreign DNA into organisms. The technique has been recently introduced in the development of vaccines and gene therapy. Vaccine development, in particular, would be desirable in managing viral diseases in farmed fish. In this study, the technique was performed on seabass (Lates calcarifer) and was found that the foreign gene could be transferred successfully through injection into the muscles.


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The present paper reports the extraction of DNA from formalin-fixed Pontoporia blainvillei tissues. Following the Vachot and Monerot (1996) protocol, fragmented DNA (300-700bp) was extracted from more than 95% of liver and muscle samples. DNA yield in liver samples was significantly higher than in muscle samples (4.574 ± 1.169mg DNA/mg versus 0.808 ± 0.297mg DNA/mg). Similar results were obtained from nine other species of cetaceans and five species of pinnipeds. It is of special interest to have a method that allows the utilisation of museum specimens not originally preserved for genetic studies, which may include rarely available, declining or extinct species. SPANISH: El presente trabajo reporta la extracción de ADN a partir de tejidos formolizados de Pontoporia blainvillei. Siguiendo el protocolo de Vachot y Monerot (1996) se pudo extraer ADN degradado (300-700pb) en más del 95% de las muestras de hígado y músculo analizadas. El rendimiento en ADN fue significativamente mayor en muestras de hígado que en muestras de músculo (4.574 ± 1.169mg DNA/mg tejido húmedo versus 0.808 ± 0.297mg DNA/mg tejido húmedo). Resultados similares se obtuvieron en otras nueve especies de Cetáceos y cinco de Pinnípedos. Resulta de gran interés contar con un método que permita la utilización de especímenes depositados en museos y que no hayan sido originalmente colectados para estudios genéticos, incluyendo especies de difícil obtención, en franca declinación o extintas.