29 resultados para Curva de Phillips


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Use of manufactured feeds in aquaculture in Bangladesh has grown rapidly over the last five years. More than 1 million tonnes of commercially formulated feeds and 0.3-0.4 million tonnes of farm-made feeds were produced in 2012, and sectoral growth is projected to increase substantially over the medium term. This working paper summarizes findings from a study, conducted as part of the WorldFish/USAID “Feed the Future-Aquaculture” project in 2012, assessing the current status of the aquaculture feed sector in Bangladesh. Fish feed value chains, market trends, ingredients and formulation systems, farm feeding practices, ancillary services and feed regulations were investigated. The study identifies a number of entry points for interventions in the sector, and investments which would improve feed quality and farmer access to better feeds and support the growth of sustainable aquaculture.


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Increases in fish demand in the coming decades are projected to be largely met by growth of aquaculture. However, increased aquaculture production is linked to higher demand for natural resources and energy as well as emissions to the environment. This paper explores the use of Life Cycle Assessment to improve knowledge of potential environmental impacts of future aquaculture growth. Different scenarios of future aquaculture development are taken into account in calculating the life cycle environmental impacts. The environmental impact assessments were built on Food and Agriculture Organization statistics in terms of production volume of different species, whereas the inputs and outputs associated with aquaculture production systems were sourced from the literature. The matrix of input-output databases was established through the Blue Frontiers study.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Havasu Creek is the second largest tributary of the Colorado River in Grant Canyon. Perennial streamflow in the creek seldom exceeds 2 cubic meters per second, but it supports an important riparian habitat as well as unique travertine pools and waterfalls that attract over 20,000 tourists annually. Havasu Canyon is also home to over 400 members of the Havasu Tribe. Despite a long history of habitation and recreation in Havasu Canyon, streamflow records for Havasu Creek are extremely limited, making flood prediction difficult.


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Corría 1968. Yo era un estudiante enamorado de las ampularias, y alguien me regaló una separata del trabajo de María Isabel Hylton Scott titulado “Estudio morfológico y taxonómico de los ampulláridos de la República Argentina”. Hoy soy un profesor e investigador jubilado, … enamorado de las ampularias ¿Qué pasó en el medio? Por diversas circunstancias de mi vida comencé mi carrera estudiando roedores. Pero como canta un tango, “siempre se vuelve al primer amor” y dos décadas después (hacia 1990) conseguí algo de financiación para estudiar uno de estos extraordinarios animales: Pomacea canaliculata. Esto fue para mí un nuevo comienzo: poco a poco fui dejando mis estudios en ratones silvestres, y formando un grupo dedicado a esta ampularia ¡Fue un cambio de phylum! Pecado difícilmente perdonable en un ambiente científico cada vez más competitivo, pero que me llenó de satisfacción, por lo que me felicito de haberlo cometido. Desde entonces he dirigido a siete doctorandos en distintos aspectos de la morfología y la ecofisiología de este animal (Albrecht, 1998; Vega, 2005; Gamarra-Luques, 2007; Koch, 2008; Giraud-Billoud, 2009; Cueto, 2011; Giraud-Billoud, 2011), y sus tesis tienen al menos dos cosas en común: P. canaliculata casi siempre en el título, y el trabajo de Hylton Scott (1957) siempre citado en la bibliografía. Ella, “la doctora”, la “decana de los zoólogos argentinos” (como escribió Cazzaniga, 1991) fue para nosotros, atrevidos que no la conocimos personalmente, a quien llamábamos por sobrenombre “Doña Marisa”, y lo seguimos haciendo. Lo sigo haciendo yo, porque aunque jubilado “en los papeles”, sigo trabajando detrás de sus pasos. Hoy tengo un doctorando (C. Rodríguez) trabajando en P. canaliculata , el octavo de mis tesistas en esta especie, y deseo que no sea el último. Una revisión de la biología de ampuláridos actualmente en prensa en Malacologia (Hayes et al., 2015) cita repetidas veces el trabajo que hoy reedita ProBiota. Los autores provienen de un amplio “mundo”, porque “el mundo” de los ampuláridos se ha extendido antropocóricamente a lo que hoy es Estados Unidos, Europa, China y Japón. Esto no lo podría haber soñado Doña Marisa cuando comenzó sus pacientes estudios de la embriología de P. canaliculata hace ochenta años (Hylton Scott, 1934). Y si algún cientómetra quisiera calcular la vida media de sus citas, se encontraría con algo sorprendente: que la curva temporal de éstas no va decayendo ¡sino creciendo! Hoy no puedo imaginarme a mí mismo, como investigador, si no me hubiera topado con esa separata de cien páginas, escritas en un castellano elegante y hoy amarillentas, a las que guardo como un tesoro (porque las que usamos son sus fotocopias). Por eso, al acercarse los 25 años de la muerte de esta gran cordobesa (y platense por adopción) le propuse a mi amigo Hugo L. López esta reedición, que el aceptó con entusiasmo. Y también le propuse a mi alumno G. I. Prieto, excelente dibujante, que le diera nueva vida a una vieja foto de Doña Marisa que fue publicada por Cazzaniga (1992). Los que conocieron a “la doctora” personalmente, podrán decir si Prieto logró revivir su penetrante mirada. Creo que sí. Alfredo Castro-Vazquez


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This publication is based on materials covered and outputs generated during the Workshop on Risk Assessment Methodologies and Tools for Aquaculture in Sub-Saharan Africa, which was jointly held by WorldFish and FAO in Siavonga, Zambia on 28 June - 2 July 2010. The workshop was delivered as a training exercise to 17 participants from seven sub-Saharan countries and was designed to highlight current methodologies and tools available for environmental risk analysis in aquaculture development. A key focus of the workshop was to encourage participants to consider hypothetical but realistic scenarios and to discuss issues relevant to evaluating the environmental risks of a given activity or scenario. This publication presents selected scenarios from the workshop and the outcomes of the deliberative process as developed by the participants. This publication is factual but not comprehensive, therefore any statements or estimations of risk do not represent the actual risks arising from the described scenario. It is intended to serve as an easily readable introduction to risk analysis, highlighting worked examples that will provide guidance on how a risk analysis may be approached in a similar situation.


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Aquaculture is the fastest-growing food production sector globally, with production projected to double within the next 15–20 years. Future growth of aquaculture is essential to providing sustainable supplies of fish in national, regional and global fish food systems; creating jobs; and maintaining fish at affordable levels for resource-poor consumers. To ensure that the anticipated growth of aquaculture remains both economically and ecologically sustainable, we need to better understand the likely patterns of growth, as well as the opportunities and challenges, that these trends present. This knowledge will enable us to better prioritize investments that will help ensure the sustainable development of the sector. In Indonesia, WorldFish and partners have applied a unique methodology to evaluate growth trajectories for aquaculture under various scenarios, as well as the opportunities and challenges these represent. Indonesia is currently the fourth largest aquaculture producer globally, and the sector needs to grow to meet future fish demand. The study overlapped economic and environmental models with quantitative and participatory approaches to understand the future of aquaculture in Indonesia. Such analyses, while not definitive, have provided new understanding of the future supply and demand for seafood in Indonesia stretching to 2030. The learning from this research provides a foundation for future interventions in Indonesian fish food systems, as well as a suite of methodologies that can be applied more widely for insightful analyses of aquaculture growth trajectories in other countries or regions.


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In Cambodia, fish provide a major source of animal protein for rural households. Capture fisheries have declined and aquaculture has been identified as playing an important role in food and nutritional security and rural income generation. In 2011, WorldFish, in partnership with the Stung Treng Fishery Administration Cantonment and the Culture and Environment Preservation Association, aimed at improving the uptake of small-scale aquaculture by communities with limited experience in fish culture in Stung Treng Province in northeast Cambodia. The system was given the name “WISH ponds,” derived from the combination of the words "water" and "fish" to reflect the integration of fish cultivation with water for storage and vegetable growing. It was targeted towards households with limited space to construct large aquaculture ponds, such as peri-urban households. The study indicated that WISH ponds can create an important learning platform for communities to address challenges associated with small-scale aquaculture development by using scientific data generated and owned by the participants. Results from this 2011 study provided important insights into the challenges and constraints for introducing small-scale aquaculture into rural households in Cambodia. In mid-2013, WorldFish won a Feed the Future Partnering for Innovation grant, funded by the United States Agency for International Development, to build upon its successful engagement with communities in northeast Cambodia where WISH ponds had already been introduced and investigate scaling this technology to establish more WISH ponds in these communities.


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The shore margins of Lakes in the Victoria basin are highly dented and mostly swampy, fringed by Papyrus and other wetland vegetation types important habitats for herpetofauna and wetland adapted mammals. Of recent, the extent of the 'wetland' has been extended in several places by the Water Hyacinth (Eichornia cryaseps). Ecologically, amphibians are important in many ways; they are mostly predators, acting as primary and secondary carnivores. Their prey consists mostly of insects, some of which are pests to crops or disease vectors. They are also inter-inked in food chains, often acting as food for other vertebrates, such as pigs, birds, snakes and sometimes man. Because of their ectothermic physiology, the life history and ecology of amphibians often differ markedly from that of birds or mammals (McCollough el ai, (992).Amphibians are known to be an easily recognisable taxon in given habitats; and populations are sometimes specialised within a narrow habitat. This makes it easy and practical to monitor changes in composition over time, given different onditions (Heyer el al 1994, Phillips 1990). Impacts on their habitat are reflected in changes in numbers and species diversity in a short time. These are some of the factors that have made amphibians to be recognised, nowadays, as good indicators of habitat change


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Fish is crucial to food and nutrition security in Solomon Islands, and demand is expected to increase due to a growing population. However, it is projected that current capture fisheries production will not meet this growing demand. Aquaculture has the potential to mitigate the capture fishery shortfall, and the Government of Solomon Islands is prioritizing aquaculture as a solution to meet future food and income needs. Aquaculture in Solomon Islands is still in early development. Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is farmed for household consumption, but its prolific reproductive rate and resulting slow growth limit its potential as a commercial aquaculture species. More productive fish species that are not indigenous to Solomon Islands but are successfully farmed overseas could be introduced; however, such a decision needs to take into account the potential ecological or social impacts. For land-based pond aquaculture, the only indigenous species that has been farmed extensively elsewhere is milkfish (Chanos chanos). This report presents a feasibility assessment for milkfish farming in Solomon Islands. It synthesizes the current knowledge about milkfish farming and presents results of a 4-year study on the potential for milkfish aquaculture in Solomon Islands.