74 resultados para Cochinchine (Vietnam)


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Results of the studies undertaken for breeding and nursing Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in ricefields in Thai Binh province in Vietnam during the years 1995-96 are briefly presented in this paper.


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The article describes the silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys harmandi and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) breeding program in Vietnam.


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The Mekong Delta region in southern Vietnam has high potential for coastal aquaculture, including mollusc culture. Many mollusc species are cultured for domestic and export markets including white clam (Meretrix lyrata Showerby) and blood cockle (Arca granosa). Techniques for clam farming include the nursery and grow-out phases. At present, there are approximately 600 coastal families engaged in clam farming over a total area of 1,870 ha, of which 82.63% is used for the grow-out phased and 17.7% for the nursery phase. Nursery areas are near the coast and receive less than 5 hours of sunlight per day. The average area for a nursery is 3-4 ha and it is fenced with a net or bamboo stakes to prevent clams from escaping and to prevent water currents from carrying them away. Grow-out farm areas are further from the coast and are exposed to sunlight for only 2-3 hours/day. Average farm area for grow-out is 5-6 ha, and may or may not be fenced. Average operating cost is US$1100 per ha for nursery and US$757 per ha for grow-out (the cost of capital assets are not included) with loans being the main source of financial. Problems for clam farmers in the area include natural phenomena, inadequate culture techniques, lack of financing or credit systems, and marketing. Environment-related problems that cause clam mortality include flooding, and freshwater effluent and siltation or sedimentation from Mekong River. Other problems that constrain the development of clam culture in the area are: marketing problems such as lack of buyers and price fluctuations; exploitation of the natural clam populations.


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This paper assesses the costs and benefits of a proposed project for restocking sandfish (Holothuria scabra) in Khanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. It identifies the key stakeholders, institutional framework, management and financing required for its implementation. The recommended management strategy includes a 50 percent harvest at optimum size. Limiting the number of boats fishing an area, possibly through licensing, can control the number of sandfish removed. The easiest way to prevent harvesting of undersized sandfish is to control the size of processed sandfish from processors. The potential benefits of restocking are shown by the rapid changes in selected indicators, particularly the net present value, the internal rate of return, and the benefit-cost ratio. Probability analysis is used to estimate the uncertainties in the project calculations. Based on a conservative estimate, the restocking of sandfish is expected to be profitable, although cost-benefit analyses are sensitive to the survival of restocked sandfish and their progeny, and the number of boats fishing for sandfish in the release area.


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This study was an attempt to apply land-based GIS analysis for freshwater aquaculture planning in the Red River Delta of Vietnam. It was based on diverse data sources in order to help decision makers at the site and also to contribute to the modelling of selection processes for aquaculture development planning in the region.


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This report is an account of a cross-country study that covered Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Covering four sites (one each in Indonesia and Vietnam) and two sites in the Philippines, the study documented the impacts of three climate hazards affecting coastal communities, namely typhoon/flooding, coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion. It also analyzed planned adaptation options, which communities and local governments can implement, as well as autonomous responses of households to protect and insure themselves from these hazards. It employed a variety of techniques, ranging from participatory based approaches such as community hazard mapping and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) to regression techniques, to analyze the impact of climate change and the behavior of affected communities and households.


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Climate change with its attendant geophysical hazards is well studied. A great deal of attention has gone into analyzing climate change impacts as well as searching out possible mitigating adaptive strategies. These matters are very real concerns, especially for coastal communities. Such communities are often the most vulnerable to climate change, since their citizens frequently live in abject poverty and have limited capacity to adapt to geophysical hazards. Their situation is further complicated by the prospect of dealing with a confluence of hazards in comparison with those in other ecosystems. Against this backdrop Worldfish and the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) collaborated to implement the cross-country study “Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability Assessments, Economic and Policy Analysis of Adaptation Strategies in Selected Coastal Areas in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam”. As its title suggests the study covered selected sites in Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Employing a gamut of interdisciplinary methodologies -- ranging from community-based approaches such as community hazard mapping and focus group discussions (FGDs) to regression techniques -- the study documented the impacts from three climate hazards affecting coastal communities. These were typhoon/flooding, coastal erosion, and saltwater intrusion. The team also analyzed planned adaptation options suited to implementation by communities and local governments, augmenting autonomous responses of households to protect and insure themselves from these hazards.


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Data obtained from investigations which had been carried out during 1998-1999 in the waters of South Vietnam indicate that concentrations of Fe and Zn were usually higher than permissible limits. In the East South Vietnam waters, Fe concentration varied from 77 to 4450g/l (mean 1045g/l) and Zn concentration varied from 7.24 to 74.1g/l (mean 26.7g/l), Pollution coefficients of the two metals were 10.4 and 2.7 respectively. In the Gulf of Thailand, variation range of Fe was 133-850g/l (mean 318g/l) and of Zn was 4.8-167.8g/l (mean 23.46g/l); corresponding pollution coefficients were 3.2 and 2.3. Mn, Cu, As had mean concentrations lower than permissible limits. In the East South Vietnam waters, variation range for Mn was 9.0-444.6g/l (mean 57.0g/l), for Cu was 1.0- 20.3g/l (mean 3.1g/l) and for As was 1.0-10.5 g/l (mean 3.7 g/l). In the Gulf of Thailand, Mn concentration varied from 1.2 to 410.5g/l (mean 19.1g/l), Cu concentration varied from 1.2 to 14.7g/l (mean 3.7g/l), variation range of As concentration was 1.0-13.3g/l with the mean value was 3.6g/l. Scarce data relating to Hg, Cd, Pb showed that their concentrations in the East South Vietnam waters were negligible (usually < 1.0g/l).


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The species of Scylla found in Vietnam have been studied in relation to the systematic revision made by Estampador, and to establish the distinctive morphological characters of the species. The status of four forms is discussed: Scylla oceanica, Sc. tranquebarica, Sc. serrata, and Sc. serrata var. paramamosain.


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This paper describes the main responsibilities of the Oceanographic Institute of Nhatrang like the inventory of Vietnamese flora and fauna.


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This record is working at the Pyramidellid fauna from the bay of Nha-Trang and vicinity, collected in beach sands or dredged by “Institut oceanographique”. This fauna is very prolific and includes no less than 210 species, among these 55 only could be assimilated to already known species. There are 7 Pyramidellinae, 12 Tiberiinae, 20 Syrnolinae, 27 Odostomiinae with prevailing subgenus Megastomia, 5 Odostomellinae, 63 Pyrgulininae with very numerous Pyrgulina and numerous Besla, 5 Menesthinae, 61 Turbonillinae with leading genera Chemnitzia. Pyrgiscus, Pyrgisciila, 3 Cingulininae, and 7 Eulimellinae.


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An account is given of the work done on plankton of the Bay of Nhatrang, beginning with a study made by Rose in 1926. At the present time identification studies are being conducted at the Faculty of Sciences in Saigon, bearing on diatoms and protozoa


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In this part 1, after a brief description of the habitat, the author describes in details (in descending order) the supralittoral, littoral and infralittoral zones. The author describes many permanent groups of Cyanophyceae in the higher horizon of intertidal zone, the cosmopolitan group of Navicula Grevillei, Hildenbrandtia prototypus, the pantropical group of Calothrix pilosa, Chaetomorpha antennina, indopacific group of Dermonema Frappieri, Sargassum, Padina, Thatassia Hemprichii, Halophila. The group of cold or temperate habitat with Bangiophycideae are present in winter. Some are described, formed by the oysters, Vermetus or Cirripeds, or by the algae (Calothrix, Brachytrichia, Gelidium, Dermonema, Chaetomorpha).


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So far, the assessment of Vietnamese coastal bios has not been thoroughly researched yet. Only two short notes of P. H. Fischer in 1952 on the coast of Indochina and Cap Saint-Jacques (Vungtau) can be cited. This paper gives a summary of work carried out since 1956. The study was conducted using measurements and sketches made on site and after photos.