56 resultados para Chantecler (Poultry breed)


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An update on the work undertaken by the authors, Macan and Hynes, over the past year. Macan provides details of additional work undertaken since his publication of faunistic work on adult animals, including details on additional field data, further developments of the conclusions intially drawn and further comparisons with fauna of the highlands of Scotland. Two histograms are provided showing succession of Corixidae in two separate waterbodies. Habitat conditions are also discussed for this species and a number of locations are mentioned including, Blelham Tarn, Derwentwater and Rusland Moss. An update on stonefly work undertaken by Hynes is provided, specifically stomach contents of nymphs and habitat preference. Details are also given of aquatic insects being breed by the staff for research.


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The role of life-history theory in population and evolutionary analyses is outlined. In both cases general life histories can be analysed, but simpler life histories need fewer parameters for their description. The simplest case, of semelparous (breed-once-then-die) organisms, needs only three parameters: somatic growth rate, mortality rate and fecundity. This case is analysed in detail. If fecundity is fixed, population growth rate can be calculated direct from mortality rate and somatic growth rate, and isoclines on which population growth rate is constant can be drawn in a ”state space” with axes for mortality rate and somatic growth rate. In this space density-dependence is likely to result in a population trajectory from low density, when mortality rate is low and somatic growth rate is high and the population increases (positive population growth rate) to high density, after which the process reverses to return to low density. Possible effects of pollution on this system are discussed. The state-space approach allows direct population analysis of the twin effects of pollution and density on population growth rate. Evolutionary analysis uses related methods to identify likely evolutionary outcomes when an organism's genetic options are subject to trade-offs. The trade-off considered here is between somatic growth rate and mortality rate. Such a trade-off could arise because of an energy allocation trade-off if resources spent on personal defence (reducing mortality rate) are not available for somatic growth rate. The evolutionary implications of pollution acting on such a trade-off are outlined.


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The eastern Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) population comprises animals that breed along the west coast of North America between California and southeastern Alaska. There are currently 13 major rookeries (>50 pups): five in southeastern Alaska, three in British Columbia, two in Oregon, and three in California. Overall abundance has increased at an average annual rate of 3.1% since the 1970s. These increases can largely be attributed to population recovery from predator-control kills and commercial harvests, and abundance is now probably as high as it has been in the last century. The number of rookeries has remained fairly constant (n=11 to 13) over the past 80 years, but there has been a northward shift in distribution of both rookeries and numbers of animals. Based on the number of pups counted in a population-wide survey in 2002, total pup production was estimated to be about 11,000 (82% in southeastern Alaska and British Columbia), representing a total population size as approximately 46,000−58,000 animal


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Global fishmeal production from wild-catch sources cannot continue to increase indefinitely; suitable alternatives have to be found for sustainable aquaculture. Plant-based aquafeed seems to be the ideal alternative to this, but has its own limitations. Plant ingredients are rich in phytic acid, which reduces the bioavailability of nutrients like minerals and protein to the fish, thereby causing aquaculture pollution. Dietary phytase treatment reduces the aquaculture pollution by improving the bioavailability of nutrients, and reduces the feed cost as evident from poultry and piggery. Phytase activity is highly dependent upon the pH of the gut. Unlike mammals, fish are either gastric or agastric, and hence, the action of dietary phytase varies from species to species. In this article, the authors attempt to summarise various effects of phytase on nutrient utilization, growth of fish and aquatic pollution.


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Selection experiments with the herbivorous blunt snout bream or Wuchang bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) were started in 1985. Mass selection for size and length/depth ratio resulted in a significant increase in growth and better shape, while inbreeding led to a significant decrease in growth. The total selection ratio from fry to mature brooders was about 0.03 per cent per generation. In the grow out stage, the average daily body weight gains of two lines of fifth generation (F5) fish were 29 per cent and 20 per cent respectively more than the control group, with an average of 5.8 per cent and 4 per cent improvements per generation, respectively. The body was 4 per cent deeper in ratio of standard length/body depth. The effects of inbreeding were examined by crossing full-sibs, the offspring of which were kept without selection. The third generation inbred fish showed 17 per cent lower growth as compared to the control group, with an average of 7.5 per cent per generation. The results demonstrate that selection is a powerful tool to improve the economic traits of the blunt snout bream, but inbreeding can rapidly lead to a reduction in performance. In 2000, the 6th generation of selected bream was certified by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture as a good breed for aquaculture.


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This study was conducted to determine which of the two major tilapia species in freshwater capture fisheries in Ghana, Oreochromis niloticus or Sarotherodon galilaeus, is more suitable for breed improvement and pond culture. It compares traits of economic importance, including seed output, specific growth rate, survival and sex ratios following androgen sex reversal. The results of the study showed that the aquaculture potential of S. galilaeus compares favorably with that of O. niloticus. However, S. galilaeus may be preferred because the males and females have an equal growth rate, which allows for manual sorting to raise both sexes in monosex culture, an inexpensive appropriate technology that an ordinary smallscale fish farmer can apply.


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Darwin Station Director's report. Release of captive-bred land iguanas. Land iguanas breed on Venecia. The age of the giant tortoise. Visitors and events at the Charles Darwin Research Station (January - April 1982). Photo of Masked Booby and Swallow-tailed Gull.


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When different strains or breeds of a particular species are available, the best choice is seldom immediately obvious for producers. Scientists are also interested in the relative performance of different strains because it provides a basis for recommendations to producers and it often stimulates the conduct of work aimed at unraveling the underlying biological mechanisms involved in the expression of such differences. Hence, strain or breed comparisons of some sort are frequently conducted. This manual is designed to provide general guidelines for the design of strain comparison trials in aquaculture species. Example analyzes are provided using SAS and SPSS. The manual is intended to serve a wide range of readers from developing countries with limited access to information. The users, however, are expected to have a basic knowledge of quantitative genetics and experience in statistical methods and data analysis as well as familiarity with computer software. The manual mainly focuses on the practical aspects of design and data analysis, and interpretation of results.


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Fluctuations in the K values of Nemipterus japonicus (Bloch) off Bombay coast were interpreted regarding sex, month and females maturity stage. These indicate differential growth rates in males and females. Males and females attain first maturity at 145 mm and 115 mm respectively, second maturity is attained by both the sexes at 195 mm. First spawning occurs when both are of 155 mm length and at second spawning males and females attain 215 and 205 mm of length respectively. The fish mature and breed at "O" year; the main spawning period is from August to November with peak spawning activities in October. It grows about 155 mm in first year at 12.91mm per month and about 215 mm in the second year at 5.0 mm per month on an average. Length-weight relationships for males and females are given. The rate of growth of females by weight was found to be slower below 150 mm, but faster than that of males above 150 mm specimens.


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Common carps are known for prolific breeding habits but they generally do not breed in water with temperature value less than 20 degree C. During winter months of 1985 when the temperature ranged from 15.5-20.5 degree C, the common carps were successfully bred by using ground water having temperature of 25-26 degree C and the results are discussed.


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Pituitary extract is in use for fish breeding since a long. Due to the difficulties in procuring pituitary glands and its preservation, scientists were looking for its substitute. Results on the use of human chorionic gonadotrophin in combination with pituitary for breeding of Cirrhina mrigala and Labeo rohita were encouraging. It has been possible to breed C. mrigala and L. rohita by use of HCG also. An increase in hatching percentage was observed with HCG & PG mixture in modern carp hatchery CIFE D-81.


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Vast barren lands are lying vacant in the semi-arid zone of India, which can effectively be utilised for fish farming. Experiments conducted in semi-arid conditions at Damdama indicated that it is possible to breed Indian major carps and common carp under controlled conditions of modern carps hatchery CIFE D-80 without depending on rain.


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Silver belly (Leiognathus Spp.) forms a major fishery in recent years in the Rameswaram island but fetches for the fishermen very low prices ranging from Rs. 0.03 to 0.12/Kg only, there being practically no demand for the fish. The possibilities of utilizing this cheap fish are discussed and the processing method described. During the glut season the cost of production of Silver belly fish meal works out to competitive prices of Rs. 500 to 700/ton. The silver belly fish meal is of high quality with good protein content averaging 57.71% in commercial samples and 61.90% in laboratory samples and with a high pepsin digestibility of 90.0% to 92.5%. The essential amino acid composition of the Silver belly fish meal compares very favorably with other round fish meals, with high contents of lysine, leucine, arginine, isoleucine, methionine, phenyl alanine, threonine and valine. Since there is good demand for fish meal as poultry and cattle food both in the internal and external markets, there is good scope for large scale production and sale of fish meal.


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Distribution of post larvae, juveniles and adults of Macrobrachium rosenbergii was studied in three rivers of Paikgachha, Khulna during November '91 to Apri1 '94. The adults were found to ascend upstream and the matured ones again return to the estuary to breed. Post larvae of M. rosenbergii prefer a salinity range in between 0.5 to 19.0 ppt and juveniles require a salinity range in between 0.0 to 2.0 ppt.


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Studies on the fecundity, sex ratio and crossbreeding in different strains of the guppy Poecilia reticulata such as Butterfly I, Butterfly II and Cobra strains was carried out. The highest fecundity among Butterfly I strain was at the 5th breed while it was highest at the 6th and 8th breed among Butterfly II and Cobra strain respectively. The average male percentage was 39.88%, 43.39% and 45.02% among Butterfly I, Butterfly II and Cobra strains respectively. The crossbreeding of strains showed good results among crossbreeds of Butterfly II (♀) X Cobra (♂) and Butterfly I (♀) X Cobra (♂). The crossbreed among the Butterfly I (♀) X Cobra (♂) proved to be excellent from the point of view of more percentage, rapid growth, and brilliant body and finnage colouration.