48 resultados para Canadian rivers


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The River Great Ouse is a highly managed large lowland river in eastern England. It drains rich arable land in the Midlands and Eastern England and over the years nutrient concentrations have increased and there is a general perception that the clarity of the water has decreased. The main river channels have been dredged a number of times partly for flood control reasons but also for recreational boating and navigation activities. The period covered by this first report has been used to develop specific methodology and instrumentation for measuring turbidity, suspended solids and underwater irradiance for conditions found in the middle abd lower reaches of the River Great Ouse. Sampling strategies have been developed and an extensive sampling programme is now underway covering phytoplankton, suspended solids and turbidity in relation to algal epiphyte growth on underwater macrophytes. Preliminary data are presented relating light levels on the river bed to the river bed profile, turbidity levels and phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentrations. Studies are underway concerning the extent of macrophyte cover and periphyton densities.


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Both chemical and biological methods are used to assess the water quality of rivers. Many standard physical and chemical methods are now established, but biological procedures of comparable accuracy and versatility are still lacking. This is unfortunate because the biological assessment of water quality has several advantages over physical and chemical analyses. Several groups of organisms have been used to assess water quality in rivers and these include Bacteria, Protozoa, Algae, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish. Hellawell (1978) provides an excellent review of the advantages and disadvantages of these groups, and concludes that macroinvertebrates are the most useful for monitoring water quality. Although macroinvertebrates are relatively easy to sample in shallow water (depth < 1m), quantitative sampling poses more problems than qualitative sampling because a large number of replicate sampling units are usually required for accurate estimates of numbers or biomass per unit area. Both qualitative and quantitative sampling are difficult in deep water (depth > 1m). The present paper first considers different types of samplers with emphasis on immediate samplers, and then discusses some problems in choosing a suitable sampler for benthic macroinvertebrates in deep rivers.


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At the present time hydrobiological indicators are widely used for the control of surface water quality. Results of the applying of methods suggested at the 1st Soviet-American seminar (1975), development of improved methods and estimation of their usefulness for various conditions are presented in this report. Among the criteria permitting an estimation of the degree and character of changes in water quality and their connection with the functioning of river ecosystems in general, the biological tests of natural waters appears to be the most universal one and is being carried out in two main directions — ecological and physiological. This study summarises approaches in both directions.


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This bibliography covers published and unpublished work on the freshwater sections of the rivers North Tyne, Wear, Tees and Swale, their catchment areas and their tributaries. 393 references are included in the bibliography.


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The stock of salmon in any river is largely dependent upon the escapement of sufficient fish to ensure that an adequate quantity of ova is deposited and full use is made of all suitable spawning areas. At the present time, no accurate information is available on the numbers of fish entering rivers. Therefore, catch returns provide valuable information on fish stocks. This report summarises the catch returns for salmon in the Lancashire River Authority in the North of England for the years 1960-1964. Rivers included are the Lune, Ribble, Kent, Leven and Duddon.


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The River Ribble bailiff team completed a total of 377 salmonid creel censuses by interviewing anglers fishing on the banks of the Rivers Ribble and Hodder during 1994. The study was undertaken for a number of reasons: (i) , To determine which areas of the river were fished by anglers. (ii) To ascertain which fishing methods were used in these areas. (iii) To identify the success of each fishing method within each area of the River Ribble system. In a limited 1993 sampling programme, 55 censuses were carried out. Results from these indicated that fishing with worm as bait was the most common method (39% of anglers interviewed) and also resulted in the greatest number of salmon being caught (61% of all salmon). The 1994 census data were collected from all areas of the Ribble system during the months of June to October. The data presented here are for anglers fishing for salmon only or for those fishing for salmon and sea trout at the same time. All of the fish caught were salmon.


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Fisheries technical staff from the North West Central Area of the National Rivers Authority (NRA) currently provide a service for the ageing of salmon scales from fish caught by anglers on the Rivers Ribble and Hodder in order to gather information on the biological characteristics of the salmon population on the River Ribble system in terms of weight, freshwater age and sea age. At the beginning of each fishing season, scale envelopes are distributed by the NRA to angling clubs and some individual anglers. Scales taken from salmon caught on the rivers are returned to the NRA Central Area Office by the anglers, or more often, by NRA bailiffs. The age of each fish caught is then determined by the identification and counting of annuli for both the river and sea zones on the scale. Information is provided by the angler on the scale packet concerning the length and weight of the fish caught, and the date, location and method of capture. Both this information and the age of the fish is recorded on a database. These data can be used to investigate the distribution, and exploitation patterns of the different age classes of the salmon stock within the river system. This report is principally concerned with the scale samples received in 1994, although comparison is also made with samples from 1993 and 1992. References to data will all relate to that received in 1994 unless an alternate year is stated.


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Many of British rivers hold stocks of salmon (Salmo salar L.) and sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) and during most of the year some of the adult fish migrate upstream to the head waters where, with the advent of winter, they will eventually spawn. For a variety of reasons, including the generation of power for milling, improving navigation and measuring water flow, man has put obstacles in the way of migratory fish which have added to those already provided by nature in the shape of rapids and waterfalls. While both salmon and sea trout, particularly the former, are capable of spectacular leaps the movement of fish over man-made and natural obstacles can be helped, or even made possible, by the judicious use of fish passes. These are designed to give the fish an easier route over or round an obstacle by allowing it to overcome the water head difference in a series of stages ('pool and traverse' fish pass) or by reducing the water velocity in a sloping channel (Denil fish pass). Salmon and sea trout make their spawning runs at different flow conditions, salmon preferring much higher water flows than sea trout. Hence the design of fish passes requires an understanding of the swimming ability of fish (speed and endurance) and the effect of water temperature on this ability. Also the unique features of each site must be appreciated to enable the pass to be positioned so that its entrance is readily located. As well as salmon and sea trout, rivers often have stocks of coarse fish and eels. Coarse fish migrations are generally local in character and although some obstructions such as weirs may allow downstream passages only, they do not cause a significant problem. Eels, like salmon and sea trout, travel both up and down river during the course of their life histories. However, the climbing power of elvers is legendary and it is not normally necessary to offer them help, while adult silver eels migrate at times of high water flow when downstream movement is comparatively easy: for these reasons neither coarse fish nor eels are considered further. The provision of fish passes is, in many instances, mandatory under the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Act 1975. This report is intended for those involved in the planning, siting, construction and operation of fish passes and is written to clarify the hydraulic problems for the biologist and the biological problems for the engineer. It is also intended to explain the criteria by which the design of an individual pass is assessed for Ministerial Approval.


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In order to improve the habitat of the Rivers Ribble and Hodder in the north west of England it is necessary to assess existing fish stocks. To assist the Ribble Fisheries Association a test census of stock has been made on the rivers Hodder and Ribble. The fish have been taken by electro fishing techniques. The following fish were collected over six days in September 1965: dace, chub, grayling, eel, salmon and trout. This short report summarises the findings of the survey.


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Sediments are an essential component of rivers and of their biological functioning. In addition to their influence on river geomorphology (maintenance of river forms and habitats such as pools and sand bars), sediments also include nutrients, detritus and organic debris of various sizes which interact with the river’s different life forms, including fish. The interaction between sediments and aquatic organisms, directly or indirectly through the effects of sediments on physical habitats, unquestionably influences the biodiversity and productivity of a river. The current report reviews the interactions between sediments and fish in tropical rivers and in the Mekong, and focuses more specifically on a reduction of sediment loads following dam const


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The creation of extended zones (EEZ's) has shifted some aspects of fisheries management and policy from the arena of international negotiations to the economic and political decision making process within the coastal state. The transition from a world of international commons to one of coastal state jurisdiction raises a variety of issues. The one of concern here is a broad welfare question: Given the transfer of assets from the international commons to the coastal state, how well (efficiently) has the state used these new assets to increase the flow of income and Gross National Product (GNP)?


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Sampling is a key element in the assessment of any fish stock. It is often one of the most expensive activities of the management process; thus, improved efficiency can result in significant cost savings. In most cases a two-phase sampling strategy is employed. Two commonly used versions of such stratified random schemes were simulated using a test population based on Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. A 1 otolith per 1 cm length frequency currently used for many flatfish and some smaller gadoids and a 3 otolith per 3 cm length frequency currently used for many of the larger gadoids. No difference was detected in the age composition or mean length at age for either scheme; however, 10 percent fewer otoliths were collected in 1 for 1 sampling than 3 for 3. There was an improvement of between 30 and 60 percent in the coefficient of variation of the estimated catch numbers at age using the 1 for 1 compared with the 3 for 3 stratified sampling. For these reasons and other operational considerations, the 1 for 1 stratified random design of sampling appears to be superior.


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This is the Roy of the Rivers (cartoon) report produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) South West Region. This NRA document is a leaflet comic format which looks at the fishing and safe issues in rivers. This comic highlights the community policing to help guard the water environment. It gives a 24 hour emergency number and three steps to be followed in case of pollution, dead, distressed fish or suspects someone of illegally catching or selling fish.


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This is the assessment of the flow requirements for upstream migration of salmonids in some rivers of North West England produced by the North West Water Authority in 1985. This report focuses on the automatic fish counters operating on the resistivity principle used for several years in North West England. This report aims to investigate the flow requirements for upstream migration of salmon and migratory trout. The data obtained confirmed that during summer months most fish movement occurs in the higher range of the available flows, but the migration flow range varied from year to year, depending on prevailing river levels. Of the other environmental variables measured, only water temperature and incident light intensity appear to have any direct association with fish movement. Information on migration flow ranges were used in conjunction with computer simulations of the effects of abstraction proposals on historical flows to assess the implications of these proposals for migratory fish.


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This is a handbook about Chalk Rivers Nature Conservation and Management from March 1999 by the Water Research Centre and commissioned by English Nature and the Environment Agency, primarly provides an objective basis for formulating conservation strategies for relevant Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). It was also seen as being applicable to chalk rivers more generally and has increasingly been regarded as important to the work of the Biodiversity Action Plan Steering Group on chalk rivers, which is led by the Environment Agency. This report contains information on characteristic wildlife communities, their habitat requirements and the ecological impact of activities that are relevant to the chalk river environment. It provides guidance on setting management objectives, options for mitigating impacts, and measures for the maintaining and enhancing the river channel, riparian and floodplain areas associated. The term `chalk river’ is used to describe watercourses dominated by groundwater discharge from chalk geology, including those that flow over a range of non-chalk surface geologies at various points along their length. England contains numerous examples of this river type, located in and downstream of areas of outcropping chalk in the south, East Anglia and up into Lincolnshire and Yorkshire. Indeed, England has the major part of the chalk river resource of Europe. A number of chalk rivers have been designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) and English Nature and Environment Agency work drawing up joint conservation strategies.