18 resultados para CARBOXYLIC-ACIDS


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The first aim of this research was to identify fatty acids, amino acids composition of Thunnus tonggol roe and their changes during cold storage (-18'C). The second aim was to determine the changes of moisture, protein, fat and ash contents of the roe during one year cold storage (-18'C). 60 samples of longtail tuna (Thunnus tonggol) ovaries were randomly collected form Bandar-e-Abbas landings. The samples were frozen at-30'C and kept in cold store at -18'C for one year. According to a time table, the samples were examined for identification of fatty acids, amino acids, moisture, protein, fat, ash, peroxide and T.V.N. and their changes were evaluated during this time. The results showed that 26 fatty acids were identified. The unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) and saturated fatty acids (SFA) were 62.33 and 37.6%, respectively, in fresh roe. So that, DHA (C22:6) and oleic acid (C18:1) had high amounts (24.79 and 21.88%) among the UFA and palmitic acid (C16:0) was the most content (22.75%) among the SFA. The PUFA/SFA was 0.91. Also, 17 amino acids were identified that essential amino acids (EAA) and nonessential amino acids (NE) were 10478 and 7562 mg/100g, respectively, and E/NE was 1.38. Among the EAA and NE, lysine (2110mg/100g) and aspartic acid (1924 mg/100g) were the most contents. Also, results showed that moisture, ash, protein and fat contents were 72.74, 1.8, 19.88 and 4.53%, respectively, in fresh roe. The effects of freezing and cold storage on the roes showed that UFA and SFA contents have reached to 49.83 and 48.07%, respectively, at the end of cold storage. It indicated that these compounds change to each other during frozen storage. Also, n-3 and n-6 series of fatty acids were 32.75 and 1.61% in fresh roe. But their contents decreased to 22.96 and 1.25% at the end of period. Among the fatty acids, 22:6 and C16:0 had the most changes. The changes of fatty acids were significantly at 95% level except for C15:1, C18:3(n-3) and C20:4(n-6). All of the amino acids decreased in frozen storage and their changes were significantly (P<0.05). EAA was 7818 mg/100g and E/NE was 1.27 at the end of storage period. Among the amino acids, leucine and lysine had the most changes. Moisture, ash, protein and fat contents were 70.13, 1.82, 19.4 and 6.51%, respectively, at the end of storage period. The peroxide value and T.V.N. increased during storage. So that, their contents have reached to 5.86 mg/kg and 26.37 mg/100 g, respectively, at the end of frozen storage. The best shelf life of Thunnus tonggol roe was 6 or 7 months, because of lipid oxidation and increasing of peroxide.


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This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of using n-3 HUFA and Vitamin C enriched Artemia urmiana Nauplii Five difference treament were tested: for Caspian salmon (Salmo trutta caspius) larvae compare with artificial food in five treatment: (1) Artificial food, (2) Newly hatched Artemia (3) n-3 HUFA enriched Artemia (4) n-3 HUFA + 10% Ascorbyl Palmitate enriched Artemia (5) n-3 HUFA+20% Ascorbyl palmitate enriched Artemia during 15 days then all treatment were fed with artificial food during 20 days. In days of 15, larvae fed with newly hatched Artemia didn’t show significant difference of growth rate and survival compared to larvae fed with n-3 HUFA and Vitamn C enriched live food (p<0.05), However all treatment which fed live food have better growth rate and survival compred to larvae fed artificial food. Larvae fed with enriched Artemia with n-3 HUFA + 20% Ascorbyl palmitate has best result of temperature resistance at 26'C and 28'C. There is not significant difference between treatment (1) and (2), (3) and in this manner between (2), (3) and (4), (5) (P>0.05). In days of 35, larvae fed n-3 HUFA + 10% and 20% Ascorbyl pamlitate show better wet weight and dry weight compared to other treatment (P<0.05). Larvae fed n-3 HUFA Artemia showed significant difference compared to treatment (1) and (2), However there is not significant difference between treatment (1) and (2). Larvae fed artificial food show less and significant difference of survival compared to other treatment (P<0.05). Larvae fed artificial food show least of temperature resistance at 26'C and 28'C , However, there is not significant difference between all treatment (P<0.05).


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At the fishing season, in 2000, samples of species persian sturgeon (A. persicus), Severjuga (A. stellatus) and Mullet (L. aurata), were caught from the southern coasts of Caspian Sea and were freezes and preserved in the cold storage for one year They have also become biometery. The tissue's fillet were identified in order to determined the Fatty Acids. This was done during one year, frequently, fresh, two weeks after freezing and then monthly, respectively. So, after the extraction of lipids from the tissues and methylation, was injected to the gas-liquid Chromatography. After calibration, identified Fatty Acids were compared with standards according to their Retention Times. Peroxid value, lipid content and humidity were controlled. The unsaturated Fatty acids had The most amount, and a plenty of Polyunsaturated Fatty acids (PUFA) were observed, so that linoleic (C18:2), a-linolenic (C18:3), Arashidonic (C20:4), EPA (C20:5) and DHA (C22:6) Fatty acids had high amounts. The w-3, PUFA were more in comparison with w-6. The effects of freezing and cold storing on the fish fatty acids , were evaluated by the statistical tests , like SPSS, Tukey, Homogenous and Anova, and showed that in some species, a group of Fatty acids, specially PUFA, had some variation. The peroxide value that indicates the lipid deterioration, increased during toring. So, the best term if preserving in the cold storage, were determined and their Nutrition value and Medical applications due to their consumption were investigated.