21 resultados para Burlando, Amalia


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The goal of this work is to present a collection of drawings and figures depicting the species present in our country. To achieve this, our main sources of information have been the works of Ringuelet et al. (1967), Reis et al. (2003), and López et al. (2003; 2006), as well as the online databases of W. N. Eschmeyer and Fish Base. Each species has an individual factsheet with selected images, including some from anatomical research works. All the works referenced are mentioned in each factsheet. This is an open-ended publication. As such, it will require permanent updating,which will depend on the good will and collaboration of the ichthyological community. As compilers, we understand that this contribution not only provides valuable information, but also highlights the work of men and women who are part of the rich history of our national and regional ichthyology.


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The goal of this work is to compile the existing information about the species present in our country. This has been done by means of datasheets that list both local references and reviews by foreign authors that include Argentine taxa. The main information sources consulted were Ringuelet et al. (1967), CLOFFSCA (2003), López et al. (2003; 2006), Liotta (2006) and the online databases of W. N. Eschmeyer and Fish Base. This is an open-ended publication. As such, it will require permanent updating,which will depend on the good will and collaboration of the ichthyological community. With this contribution, we hope to help to build a database of the freshwater fish of Argentina. The completion of this project will provide support to diverse plans emanating from different sectors, as well as promote the diffusion of this field of research and reaffirm Argentina’s sovereign rights over our natural resources.


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Esta contribución forma parte de los resultados del PICT 153 de la Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Técnica, dirigido por la autora, entre cuyos objetivos se encuentra la transferencia del conocimiento. Es así, que la presente iconografía, tiene como propósito difundir a diferentes niveles de la sociedad la ictiofauna de una de nuestras provincias mesopotámicas contribuyendo de esta manera a la educación ambiental y al manejo y conservación de los recursos naturales.


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Los censos de la fauna de un país o región cualquiera, constituyen una suerte de codificación de la Naturaleza, como paso previo e indispensable para un ensayo racional de aprovechamiento de las riquezas naturales y de su adecuada conservación. Desde fines del siglo XVIII se ha dicho, y lo han repetido en nuestro medio, Cosme Argerich, Alberto Palcos y otros estudiosos y cientistas, que un Código de la Naturaleza es indispensable para la libertad de una nación” (Ringuelet y Arámburu, 1957).


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La colección actualmente contiene alrededor de 11000 lotes catalogados, que representan más de 400 especies marinas y de agua dulce, de los cuales 3500 se encuentran digitalizados en el sistema de colecciones del Museo. Es importante destacar que las colecciones del Museo forman parte del Sistema Nacional de Datos Biológicos que tiene como misión conformar una base de ProBiota, Serie Técnica y Didáctica Nº 23 – 2014 VI datos unificada de información biológica, a partir de datos taxonómicos, ecológicos, cartográficos, bibliográficos, etnobiológicos, de uso y de catálogos sobre recursos naturales y otros temas afines. Por otra parte, y a modo de resguardo, los registros se continúan asentando en un libro foliado. Su reciente recatalogación ha permitido recuperar algunos materiales de sumo interés y ordenar especimenes tipo existentes, como así también verificar la ausencia de otros, ejemplo, Micropogon barretoi Mac Donagh (1934) cuyo holotipo está asentado en el libro de registros pero nunca pudo ser encontrado. Actualmente la colección cuenta con 28 holotipos y 407 paratipos pertenecientes a 6 órdenes, 13 familias y 49 especies y 4 subespecies los que fueron ordenados sistemáticamente siguiendo el criterio de Nelson (2006). El listado de las especies fue ordenado alfabéticamente. Se incluye el nombre de la especie, los autores, el año de publicación, la página de la diagnosis, figuras y tablas. Cada lote lleva la siguiente información: acrónimo, número de catálogo, número de ejemplares, longitud estándar, localidad, colectores, fecha de captura y observaciones.


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The mud crab Scylla serrata is an important commercial species found in many brackish areas in the Philippines. During spawning and hatching, the berried females migrate to the sea. Seeds for pond stocking are obtained from the wild. Because of the unpredictability of seed supply, there is a need to propagate the species artificially. Thus, spawning, larval rearing, maturation, and rematuration of the species are being studied. The first attempts at hatching S. serrata were successful with rates varying between 75% and 90%. Two out of three trials on larval rearing yielded a few megalops. The first zoeal stages were fed diatoms, rotifers, Artemia salina, and bread yeast. Overfeeding programs were implemented during the critical premolting periods to prevent weakening of the larvae and lessen cannibalism. Larval weakening during the premolt makes them susceptible to attacks by fungi like Lagenidium and ciliates like Vorticella. S. serrata larvae survived salinity levels as low as 15 ppt until the 14th day of rearing. Other larvae were able to survive in salinities of 30-32 ppt for 8 to 13 days. Zoeal molting was hastened by lowering the salinity to 25-27 ppt. Artificial broodstocking of juveniles and adult crabs has been made possible using a simple refuge system made of three-compartmented hollow blocks. This system has been helpful in minimizing fighting among crabs. Remarkable growth rates have been observed with feeds like mussel meat and trash fish. Average growth increments of 11 mm carapace length and 20 . 35 g body weight have been observed every fortnight. A newly spent spawner could gain additional weight of 22 . 5 g in only 6 days. Feeding rates of juveniles and adult crabs have been established based on the average body weight from an experiment using mussel meat. Crabs feed more at night. In another experiment, eyestalk ablation was found to be effective in inducing growth and mating. Aside from hastening the molting process, copulation is induced even among the small crabs (average carapace length = 55 mm). Natural mating lasts about 26 hr. A copulation which lasted for seven days with a break in between was observed.