39 resultados para Aerodynamic characteristics


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As is known, copepods play an important role in the nutrition of fish. Therefore with a view to facilitating research on the study of the quantitative side of feeding, there have recently appeared a considerable number of papers devoted to the development of methods for determining the wet. weight of these crustaceans. For the further facilitating of research in the nutrition of fish it would be of great interest to clarify the problem, is there not some kind of rule in the growth of the crustaceans during metamorphosis, and if there is such a rule is it not possible, to determine the length of the larvae at each stage, not by measuring them, but by using the formulae derived on the basis of these rules. This article examines the growth curves of different species of freshwater Copepoda, obtained on the basis of experimental observations in cultures or by way of measurement of mass material at all stages of development in samples from water-bodies. The authors study in particular the ratio of the mean diameter of the eggs to the mean length of the egg-bearing females.


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The results are described of eco-physiological investigations of the broad-pincered (Astacus astacus L.J.) crayfish and the long-pincered (Astacus astacus Esch.) crayfish, conducted in 1963—64 in the Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Academy of Science of the Lithuanian SSR, for the purpose of studying the interspecific relationship of these two species. In the course of the investigation were determined: the influence of the temperature of the environment on the consumption of oxygen by full grown individuals of both species and on the respiratory movements of the scaphognathites, the threshold temperatures and the saturation of the water by oxygen, the diel activity in the winter period.


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When salmonid redds are disrupted by spates, the displaced eggs will drift downstream. The mean distance of travel, the types of locations in which the eggs resettle and the depth of reburial of displaced eggs are not known. Investigation of these topics under field conditions presents considerable practical problems, though the use of artificial eggs might help to overcome some of them. Attempts to assess the similarities and/or differences in performance between real and artificial eggs are essential before artificial eggs can validly be used to simulate real eggs. The present report first compares the two types of egg in terms of their measurable physical characteristics (e.g. dimensions and density). The rate at which eggs fall in still water will relate to the rate at which they are likely to resettle in flowing water in the field. As the rate of fall will be influenced by a number of additional factors (e.g. shape and surface texture) which are not easily measured directly, the rates of fall of the two types of egg have been compared directly under controlled conditions. Finally, comparisons of the pattern of settlement of the two types of egg in flowing water in an experimental channel have been made. Although the work was primarily aimed at testing the value of artificial eggs as a simulation of real eggs, several side issues more directly concerned with the properties of real eggs and the likely distance of drift in natural streams have also been explored. This is the first of three reports made on this topic by the author in 1984.


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In the study of questions relating to the quality of raw water and the biological produc- tivity of water bodies algal indicators have an important place. Despite the importance of these functional indicators in determining the quality of water and the nature of the production processes as a basis for preserving the ecological equilibrium of aquatic ecosystems, their use in the system of hydrobiological methods of monitoring the quality of surface water has not received proper consideration. This paper aims to analyse the matter and the possibl use of functional algal criteria in the system for the biological monitoring of aquatic objects and also to give some results in using these criteria.


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Demographic parameters from seven exploited coral reef lutjanid species were compared as a case study of the implications of intrafamily variation in life histories for multispecies harvest management. Modal lengths varied by 4 cm among four species (Lutjanus fulviflamma, L. vitta, L. carponotatus, L. adetii), which were at least 6 cm smaller than the modal lengths of the largest species (L. gibbus, Symphorus nematophorus, Aprion virescens). Modal ages, indicating ages of full selection to fishing gear, were 10 years or less for all species, but maximum ages ranged from 12 (L. gibbus) to 36 years (S. nematophorus). Each species had a unique growth pattern, with differences in length-at-age and mean asymptotic fork length (L∞), but smaller species generally grew fast during the first 1–2 years of life and larger species grew more slowly over a longer period. Total mortality rates varied among species; L. gibbus had the highest mortality and L. fulviflamma, the lowest mortality. The variability in life history strategies of these tropical lutjanids makes generalizations about lutjanid life histories difficult, but the fact that all seven had characteristics that would make them particularly vulnerable to fishing indicates that harvest of tropical lutjanids should be managed with caution.


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The western butterfish (Pentapodus vitta) is numerous in the bycatch of prawn trawling and recreational fishing in Shark Bay, Western Australia. We have thus determined crucial aspects of its biological characteristics and the potential impact of fishing on its abundance within this large subtropical marine embayment. Although both sexes attained a maximum age of 8 years, males grow more rapidly and to a larger size. Maturity is attained at the end of the first year of life and spawning occurs between October and January. The use of a Bayesian approach to combine independent estimates for total mortality, Z, and natural mortality, M, yielded slightly higher point estimates for Z than M. This result indicates that P. vitta is lightly impacted by fishing. It is relevant that, potentially, the individuals can spawn twice before recruitment into the fishery and that 73% of recreationally caught individuals are returned live to the water.


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Rockfish (Sebastes spp.) juveniles are often difficult to identify by using morphological characters. This study independently applies morphological characters and a key based on mitochondrial restriction site variation to identify juvenile rockf ishes collected in southern California during juvenile rockfish surveys. Twenty-four specimens of Sebastes were examined genetically without knowledge of the morphological assignment. Seventeen fish were identified genetically as S. semicinctus, S. goodei, S. auriculatus, S. jordani, S. levis, S. rastrelliger, and S. saxicola. Identities for the remaining fish were narrowed to two or three species: 1) three fish were either S. carnatus or S. chrysomelas; 2) one fish was either S. chlorosticus, S. eos, or S. rosenblatti; and 3) three fish could have been either S. hopkinsi or S. ovalis, the latter for which we now have distinguishing mitochondrial markers. The genetic and morphological assignments concurred except for the identity of one fish that could only be narrowed down to S. hopkinsi or S. semicinctus by using morphological characters. Genetics excluded more species from multispecies groupings than did the morphological approach, especially species within the subgenus Sebastomus. Species in the genetically unresolvable groups may be similar because of recent divergence or because of interspecies introgression.


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The role of carcass evaluation techniques in aquaculture research programs, especially in genetics, breeding, production management, feeding and nutrition, cannot be overemphasized. Knowledge of production efficiencies and growth potentials in relation to desired carcass attributes has provided an impetus to improvements in genetic selection techniques and management of aquatic food animals. Accurate, standard and uniform methods of carcass evaluation are critically important. A standard format developed for collection of data on carps is presented in this paper.


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A proportionate random sample survey of 10 percent of the driftnet and Payang seine fishers in West Sumatra was carried out in 1998. A total of 45 driftnet and 66 lampara fishers were interviewed to obtain socioeconomic data on the fisheries. About 40 percent of the driftnet and 76 percent of the lampara fishers owned and operated their fishing vessels and gears indicating a high level of ownership of fishing assets by these small scale fishers. The lampara catches consisted mainly of eastern little tuna, skipjack tuna, yellow fin tuna and mackerel, while the driftnets caught mainly Spanish mackerel, Indian mackerel, eastern little tuna and scad.


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We summarize the life history characteristics of silvergray rockfish (Sebastes brevispinis) based on commercial fishery data and biological samples from British Columbia waters. Silvergray rockfish occupy bottom depths of 100−300 m near the edge of the continental shelf. Within that range, they appear to make a seasonal movement from 100−200 m in late summer to 180−280 m in late winter. Maximum observed age in the data set was 81 and 82 years for females and males, respectively. Maximum length and round weight was 73 cm and 5032 g for females and 70 cm and 3430 g for males. The peak period of mating lasted from December to February and parturition was concentrated from May to July. Both sexes are 50% mature by 9 or 10 years and 90% are mature by age 16 for females and age 13 years for males. Fecundity was estimated from one sample of 132 females and ranged from 181,000 to 1,917,000 oocytes and there was no evidence of batch spawning. Infection by the copepod parasite Sarcotaces arcticus appears to be associated with lower fecundity. Sexual maturation appears to precede recruitment to the trawl fishery; thus spawning stock biomass per recruit analysis (SSB/R) indicates that a F50% harvest target would correspond to an F of 0.072, 20% greater than M (0.06). Fishery samples may bias estimates of age at maturity but a published meta-data analysis, in conjunction with fecundity data, independently supports an early age of maturity in relation to recruitment. Although delayed recruitment to the fishery may provide more resilience to exploitation, managers may wish to forego maximizing economic yield from this species. Silvergray rockfish are a relatively minor but unavoidable part of the multiple species trawl catch. Incorrectly “testing” the resilience of one species may cause it to be the weakest member of the specie


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Data collected by fisheries observers aboard U.S. pelagic longline vessels were examined to quantify and describe elasmobranch bycatch off the southeastern U.S. coast (lat. 22°–35°N, long. 71°–82°W). From 1992 to 2000, 961 individual longline hauls were observed, during which 4,612 elasmobranchs (15% of the total catch) were documented. Of the 22 elasmobranch species observed, silky sharks, Carcharhinus falciformis, were numerically dominant (31.4% of the elasmobranch catch). The catch status of the animals (alive or dead) when the gear was retrieved varied widely depending on the species, with high mortalities seen for the commonly caught silky and night, C. signatus, sharks and low mortalities for rays (Dasyatidae and Mobulidae), blue, Prionace glauca; and tiger, Galeocerdo cuvier; sharks. Discard percentages also varied, ranging from low discards (27.6%) for shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, to high discards for blue (99.8%), tiger (98.5%), and rays (100%). Mean fork lengths indicated the majority of the observed by-catch — regardless of species — was immature, and significant quarterly variation in fork length was found for several species including silky; dusky, C. obscurus; night; scalloped hammerhead, Sphyrna lewini; oceanic whitetip, C. longimanus; and sandbar, C. plumbeus; sharks. While sex ratios overall were relatively even, blue, tiger, and scalloped hammerhead shark catches were heavily dominated by females. Bootstrap methods were used to generate yearly mean catch rates (catch per unit effort) and 95% confidence limits; catch rates were generally variable for most species, although regression analysis indicated significant trends for night, oceanic whitetip, and sandbar sharks. Analysis of variance indicated significant catch rate differences among quarters for silky, dusky, night, blue, oceanic whitetip, sandbar, and shortfin mako sharks.


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Alaska plaice, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus, is one of the major flatfishes in the eastern Bering Sea ecosystem and is most highly concentrated in the shallow continental shelf of the eastern Bering Sea. Annual commercial catches have ranged from less than 1,000 metric tons (t) in 1963 to 62,000 t in 1988. Alaska plaice is a relatively large flatfish averaging about 32 cm in length and 390 g in weight in commercial catches. They are distributed from nearshore waters to a depth of about 100 m in the eastern Bering Sea during summer, but move to deeper continental shelf waters in winter to escape sea ice and cold water temperatures. Being a long-lived species (>30 years), they have a relatively low natural mortality rate estimated at 0.20. Maturing at about age 7, Alaska plaice spawn from April through June on hard sandy substrates of the shelf region, primarily around the 100 m isobath. Prey items primarily include polychaetes and other marine worms. In comparison with other flatfish, Alaska plaice and rock sole, Pleuronectes bilineatus, have similar diets but different habitat preferences with separate areas of peak population density which may minimize interspecific competition. Yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes asper, while sharing similar habitat, differs from these two species because of the variety of prey items in its diet. Competition for food resources among the three species appears to be low. The resource has experienced light exploitation since 1963 and is currently in good condition. Based on the results of demersal trawl surveys and age-structured analyses, the exploitable biomass increased from 1971 through the mid-1980’s before decreasing to the 1997 level of 500,000 t. The recommended 1998 harvest level, Allowable Biological Catch, was calculated from the Baranov catch equation based on the FMSY harvest level and the projected 1997 biomass, resulting in a commercial harvest of 69,000 t, or about 16% of the estimated exploitable biomass.


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This study was designed to evaluate the travel characteristics of avid marine anglers off Louisiana in the Central Gulf of Mexico. It focuses on the complex marine travel patterns involving the extensive assemblage of oil and gas structures. In an intercept approach, marine recreationalf isherman were asked to identify near and offshore travel patterns on the day of the interview. Information was also solicited regarding how respondents selected and located fishing destinations as well as what method of fishing was undertaken that day. Petroleum platforms were a principal fishing destination, and platform anglers traveled an average distance of 75.5 km (40.7 n.mi.) to and from offshore fishing locations. In fishing an average of 6.5 platforms per trip, these anglers traveled about 21.3 km (11.5 n.mi.) between the first and last platform visited. Mean total distances for platform anglers were 96 km (51.8 n.mi). Travel distances for bay, nearshore, and bluewater anglers were also obtained.


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Yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes asper, is the second most abundant flatfish in the North Pacific Ocean and is most highly concentrated in the eastern Bering Sea. It has been a target species in the eastern Bering Sea since the mid-1950's, initially by foreign distant-water fisheries but more recently by U.S. fisheries. Annual commercial catches since 1959 have ranged from 42,000 to 554,000 metric tons (t). Yellowfin sole is a relatively small flatfish averaging about 26 cm in length and 200 g in weight in commercial catches. It is distributed from nearshore waters to depths of about 100 m in the eastern Bering Sea in summer, but moves to deeper water in winter to escape sea ice. Yellowfin sole is a benthopelagic feeder. It is a longlived species (>20 years) with a correspondingly low natural mortality rate estimated at 0.12. After being overexploited during the early years of the fishery and suffering a substantial decline in stock abundance, the resource has recovered and is currently in excellent condition. The biomass during the 1980's may have been as high as, if not higher than, that at the beginning of the fishery. Based on results of demersal trawl surveys and two age structured models, the current exploitable biomass has been estimated to range between 1.9 and 2.6 million t. Appropriate harvest strategies were investigated under a range of possible recruitment levels. The recommended harvest level was calculated by multiplying the yield derived from the FOI harvest level (161 g at F = 0.14) hy an average recruitment value resulting in a commercial harvest of 276,900 t, or about 14% of the estimated exploitable biomass.