18 resultados para 341.522


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Lengths of walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) consumed by Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) were estimated by using allometric regressions applied to seven diagnostic cranial structures recovered from 531 scats collected in Southeast Alaska between 1994 and 1999. Only elements in good and fair condition were selected. Selected structural measurements were corrected for loss of size due to erosion by using experimentally derived condition-specific digestion correction factors. Correcting for digestion increased the estimated length of fish consumed by 23%, and the average mass of fish consumed by 88%. Mean corrected fork length (FL) of pollock consumed was 42.4 ±11.6 cm (range=10.0−78.1 cm, n=909). Adult pollock (FL>45.0 cm) occurred more frequently in scats collected from rookeries along the open ocean coastline of Southeast Alaska during June and July (74% adults, mean FL=48.4 cm) than they did in scats from haul-outs located in inside waters between October and May (51% adults, mean FL=38.4 cm). Overall, the contribution of juvenile pollock (≤20 cm) to the sea lion diet was insignificant; whereas adults contributed 44% to the diet by number and 74% by mass. On average, larger pollock were eaten in summer at rookeries throughout Southeast Alaska than at rookeries in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea. Overall it appears that Steller sea lions are capable of consuming a wide size range of pollock, and the bulk of fish fall between 20 and 60 cm. The use of cranial hard parts other than otoliths and the application of digestion correction factors are fundamental to correctly estimating the sizes of prey consumed by sea lions and determining the extent that these sizes overlap with the sizes of pollock caught by commercial fisheries.


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Growth, recruitment, and abundance of young-of-the-year (YOY) striped mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) in estuarine habitats in South Carolina from 1998 to 2000 were examined and compared to historical data (1986–91) of growth, recruitment, and abundance. Daily growth increments from the sagittal otoliths of juvenile striped mullet were validated by using fish immersed in oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC) for five hours from the Charleston Harbor Estuary system. The distribution of back-calculated birthdates indicated that striped mullet spawn from October to late April and estuarine recruitment occurs from January through May. Juveniles were more abundant in mesohaline and polyhaline salinity regimes but were found throughout the estuary. Juvenile growth after recruitment into the estuary can be described by the relationship Total length (mm) = 0.341 (Age)1.04 (r2=0.741, P=0.001). Growth of juveniles according to the analysis of size-frequency data from historical surveys (1986 to 1991) in the same estuaries gave the relationship Total length (mm) = 8.77 (month)1.12 (r2=0.950, P=0.001). The similarity in the growth curves for both groups of fish suggests that juvenile striped mullet in South Carolina have consistent annual growth during the first year of life.


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The study was conducted to get an idea about the water quality of the Ashulia beel, and its temporal change over wet and dry seasons due to change of the physicochemical parameters. The water body has become a dumping ground of all kinds of solid, liquid and chemical wastes of bank side population and industries. Encroachment and illegal dredging has become a serious threat for the sound environment of the beel. The water parameters of pH 7.1-7.8 and alkalinity 30-63 mg/l in wet, and pH 7.1-8.4 and alkalinity 90-115 mg/l in dry season, respectively, which were within the standard range of DoE investigation. During wet season, EC 130-310 mg/l, TDS 80-132 mg/l, DO 1.1-2.1 mg/l and BOD -4.4-1.6 mg/l were measured. In dry season, EC 341-442 mg/l, TDS 207-276 mg/l, DO 0.5-2.0 mg/l and BOD 1.0-3.0 mg/l were measured. The comparative analysis showed that most of the water quality parameters of the Ashulia beel were suitable for aquatic organisms including fishes while the DO contents were much lower than the desirable level which may not be suitable for fishes.