60 resultados para 13-126


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This paper tries to develop more generally some fundamental bases for the ecological study of freshwater plankton. A special attention is given to the phytoplankton associations which can be separated out and made into groups according to their dependence upon changing environments. Plankton formations in different types of water bodies (ponds, lakes and rivers) are studied.


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The Nostoc 'Fa Tsai' is sometimes seen in Chinese cooking materials stores. It is investigated what 'Fa Tsai' consists of and where it originates.


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Eudiaptomus vulgaris Schmeil is the most abundant copepod in Lake Maggiore and forms also, in respect to other entomostraca, the most important element, through its average biomass and because it is fairly numerous throughout the year. Plankton samples collected in a systematic and quantitative way, gave the opportunity to study some aspects of the dynamics of the population of this copepod, in safety in view of the uncertainty which in this kind of study can ensue when samples are taken only at a single station - in consequence of the changes in size of population between different water masses. The results of the biometrical observations are of the population of Eudiaptomus vulgaris is presented.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa has for some time been known as a denitrifier. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was chosen for further studies, because P. aeruginosa occurs abundantly in Plusssee and moreover there are contradictory assertions on the gas products of denitrification by this bacteria. In experimental research the pattern of growth and gas production of Pseudomonas aeruginosa on nutrient broth was studied.


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Experiments were carried out by the method of direct effect of the tested substance on increase of biomass (1,2). Daphnia magna was cultured under laboratory conditions.The author concludes that concentrations of aniline from 5000 to 0.1 mg/1 appear acutely lethal. The disturbance of feeding, reproduction, the disorganization of the nervous system, speak of the toxicity of the substance.


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The winter eggs of Daphnia pulex, after passing safely through the winter , develop and hatch in the spring, multiplying by themselves, while some males emerging among them with the changes in environment produce fertile eggs, which are universally known as winter eggs . This study researches the factors governing the development of winter eggs through experiments.


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Since 1975 the wildlife interest of the Somerset Levels and Moors have been assessed. Detailed information has been obtained on the conservation interest of meadows, breeding and wintering bird populations and the botany of aquatic habitats (rhynes). Little work to date has been carried out on the terrestrial and aquatic invertebrate fauna. The prime aim of this survey was to sample a wide variety of rhynes in order to obtain information on the nature and distribution of aquatic invertebrates.


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In the line of the Chalci campaigns 78-01 and 78-02, the aim of this campaign too was the trawl exploration of the Ivoirian continental shelf at the depth of 10 to 120 metres.


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The abundance and distribution of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) in central and northern California was studied to allow future evaluation of their impact on salmonids, the ecosystem, and f isheries. Abundance at-sea was estimated by using the strip transect method from a fixed-wing aircraft with a belly viewing port. Abundance on land was estimated from 126-mm-format aerial photographs of animals at haulouts between Point Conception and the California−Oregon border. The sum of these two estimates represented total abundance for central and northern California. Both types of survey were conducted in May−June 1998, September 1998, December 1998, and July 1999. A haulout survey was conducted in July 1998. The greatest number of sea lions occurred near Monterey Bay and San Francisco Bay for all surveys. Abundance was high in central and northern California in 1998 when warm water from the 1997−98 El Niño affected the region and was low in July 1999 when cold water La Niña conditions were prevalent. At-sea abundance estimates in central and northern California ranged from 12,232 to 40,161 animals, and haulout abundance was 13,559 to 36,576 animals. Total abundance of California sea lions in central and northern California was estimated as 64,916 in May−June 1998, 75,673 in September 1998, 56,775 in December 1998, and 25,791 in July 1999. The proportion of total abundance to animals hauled-out for the four complete surveys ranged from 1.77 to 2.13, and the mean of 1.89 was used to estimate a total abundance of 49,697 for July 1998. This multiplier may be applicable in the future to estimate total abundance of California sea lions off central and northern California if only the abundance of animals at haulout sites is known.