17 resultados para Águas profundas
The deep-water shrimp were already studied many years ago, but their commercial fishing on large scale, only developed from the seventies. Two Luso-U.S. fishing companies (1966), and a Luso-South African company (1963- 1968), dedicated to the fishing of deep-water crustaceans, including Haliporoides triarthrus species (Araújo, 1973). Also Champion (1973) described commercial catches of Plesiopenaeus edwardsianus, Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Haliporoides triarthrus in the waters of Mozambique. The first Spanish vessels began fishing activity in 1968 (Freitas and Araújo, 1973) but all of these companies captured mainly penaideos on the continental shelf.
This paper deals with demersal fish. The authors described the characteristics of species composition, biology, distribution of catches by area and depth. They also provided the biomass of two main fishing areas: Boa Paz and Sofala Banks.