22 resultados para África sub Sahara
Under stable conditions of stratification of the sea, evidence of generic differences of the associated bacterial flora of the water masses has been obtained, between surface and sub-surface water. Gram negative rods, especially pseudomonads and achromobacters were more frequent at the surface. The fermentative and oxidase negative flora was more frequent in sub-surface water. The surface water in general had a greater variety of bacterial types while the sub-surface water had a flora with a greater range of biochemical activity. These results are discussed in relation to the hydrological condition of the water masses and the bacterial flora of freshly caught fish.
This report on the “Sub-regional Dialogue on Labour, Migration and Fisheries Management”, held at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, from 11 to 13 December 2013, highlights the issue of migrant labour on board fishing vessels and the problems migrant workers face in their workaday lives. This report will be useful for students, researchers, activists and anyone else interested in matters related to fisheries and small-scale fishing communities.
La difusión de datos de las colecciones biológicas es importante, sin embargo su divulgación es escasa. En esta publicación se informa sobre los huevos depositados en la Sección Ornitología del Museo de La Plata. Los mismos son producto de compras, donaciones o de ejemplares provenientes de cautiverio. El objetivo del presente trabajo es dar a conocer las especies de aves de Eurasia, África, Oceanía y América del Norte representadas en esta colección oológica. Esta colección cuenta con aproximadamente 3.800 huevos, 99 de los cuales pertenecen a aves de las regiones que ocupa este estudio. Se destaca Europa (n= 82), seguido por África (n= 6), Oceanía (n= 5), América del Norte (n=3) y Asia (n= 2). Los huevos de estas regiones representan a 17 órdenes, 37 familias y 72 especies; siendo el Orden Passeriformes el mejor representado con un total de 15 familias. El continente europeo es el mejor representado con un 77,5 % del total de las familias y un 87,7 % del total de las especies; con mayor número de ejemplares en los órdenes Passeriformes (n= 41) y Anseriformes (n= 8). Las colecciones son una valiosa fuente de referencia para diferentes tipos de estudios debiendo ser depositadas en lugares que permitan su correcta preservación y que estén a disponibilidad de quienes lo requieran.
Limnological factors of a sub-tropical lake Manchar were studied on seasonal basis. The mean values of various parameters were: transparency, (secchi disc reading): 90.5 cm, Orthophosphate: 0.257 mg/l, TDS: 3310,5 mg/l, Conductivity: 5232 µs/l, Total Chlorophyll (Planktonic): 31.3 µg/l Planktonic biomass: 5466 µg/l. Trophic state index (TSI) was calculated by using Carlson's (1977) equations. Mean TSI for transparency was 61, while for orthophosphate and chlorophyll, it was 82 and 64 respectively. TSI values indicate advanced eutrophic state of Manchar Lake. Morphoedaphic index (MEI) was also calculated on seasonal basis. The mean values were, TDS: 1103, conductivity: 1744, alkalinity: 60, transparency: 29 and biomass (plankton dry weight): 1746. Fish yield prediction for Manchar Lake (Z =3m, mean area=100 km²) was calculated by using MEI values. The results were quite different among various parameters. Conductivity (89.1mt/y), biomass (67.6 mt/y) and TDS (44.6 mt/y) were found to be good predictors of fish yield. Chlorophyll, transparency and alkalinity values gave very low estimate.
This paper presents the results of the study on the Arabian Sea sub-surface salinity minima (ASSM). The data collected under the North Arabian Sea Environment and Ecosystem Research (NASEER) programme and World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) has been used in the study. Study of the Arabian Sea water masses is most significant in understanding marine productivity and monsoonal reversal features. Analysis of the data shows that the Arabian Sea sub-surface salinity minima (ASSM) can be found between 25.8 to 26.0 Sigma Theta surfaces. ASSM originates from the south and south east. It is inferred from the results that the salt content of the ASSM varies during different seasons. Appreciable mixing of Arabian Sea salinity minima is observed over Murray Ridge.
The workshop agenda included: presentations from collaborative institutions, national governments and resource persons; a draft scoping study on nutrient loading; and an ecosystem approach to pollution management was tested.
The Globalisation and fish utilisation and marketing study is a collaboration between the Fisheries Resources Research Institute (FIRRI) and the Mike Dillon Associates Limited , with funding from the Department for International Development (DFID) of the Government of the United Kingdom. The study is designed to examine the impact of the development of the export fishery on the fish producers, processors, traders and consumers in the artisanal fishery in Uganda. FIRRI 's role is to collect field data relating to the livelihoods of artisanal fish producers, processors, traders and consumers. in particular data relating to income and revenue flow. The initial focus is on the eccnomic structure of fish landing sites. The purpose of this paper is to review the progress in implementation of the project and present the interim findings for discussion. During the first quarter, namely April to June, 2002, work was carried out on Lakes Kyoga and Albert and a report produced. During the second quarter, July to September, 2002, Lake Victoria was covered. In both phases, the focus has been on the economic structure of fish landings.