25 resultados para % dry wt.


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The Tortugas Integrated Biogeographic Assessment presents a unique analysis of demographic changes in living resource populations, as well as societal and socioeconomic benefits that resulted from the Tortugas Ecological Reserves during the first five years after their implementation. In 2001, state and federal agencies established two no-take reserves within the region as part of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. The northern reserve (Tortugas Ecological Reserve North) was established adjacent to the Dry Tortugas National Park, which was first declared a national monument in 1935. The reserves were designed to protect a healthy coral reef ecosystem that supports diverse faunal assemblages and fisheries, serves as important spawning grounds for groupers and snappers, and includes essential feeding and breeding habitats for seabirds. The unique ecological qualities of the Tortugas region were recognized as far back as 1850, and it remains an important ecosystem and research area today. The two main goals of the Tortugas Ecological Reserve Integrated Ecological Assessment were: 1) to determine if demographic changes such as increases in abundance, average size and spawning potential of exploited populations occurred in the Tortugas region after reserve implementation; and 2) whether short-term economic losses occurred to fishers displaced by the reserve. This project utilized a biogeographic approach in which information on the physical features (i.e., habitat) and oceanographic patterns were first used to determine the spatial distribution of selected fish populations within and outside the Tortugas Ecological Reserve. Before-and-after reserve implementation comparisons of selected fish populations were then conducted to determine if demographic changes occurred in reef fish assemblages. These comparisons were done for the Tortugas region and also for a subset of available habitats within the Tortugas Ecological Reserve Study Area. Social and economic impacts of the reserves were determined through: 1) analyses of commercial landings and revenues from fishers, operating in the Tortugas region before and after reserve implementation and 2) surveys of recreational tour guides. Analyses of the commercial landings and revenues excluded areas inside Dry Tortugas National Park because commercial fishing has been prohibited within park boundaries since 1992. Key findings and outcomes of this integrated ecological assessment are organized by chapter and listed below.


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Heating conditions have been standardised for measurement of moisture in dry cured fish using infrared irradiation source of 150w. Results obtained are comparable to those obtained from standard air oven method (drying to a constant weight at l02°c), the mean deviation being less than two units. The method works equally well for fresh fish muscle.


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The experiment was conducted for 35 days in nine cement tubs (1 x 1 x 1 m) having 15 cm sandy-loam soil base with three treatments in triplicate, viz., cow dung alone at the rate of 1 kg/tub (T sub(1)), cow dung at 1 kg/tub and feed at 10% body wt/d in two meals (T sub(2)), and cow dung at 1 kg and paddy straw at 200 g/tub (T sub(3)). Both manure and substrate were added on dry weight basis. All the tubs were stocked with 10 fry each mrigal (100,000/ha) of average weight of 0.09 g, seven days after the addition of manure and substrate. The total plate count of bacteria in water did not vary much between the treatments and the mean values were 5.13, 5.49 and 5.85 (CFU x 10 super(4)/ml) in T sub(1) T sub(2) and T sub(3) respectively. The number of phytoplankters and zooplankters in water differed significantly between the treatments. The average number of attached algae (no./cm³) and fish food organisms (no./cm³) recorded on the substrate were 145.28 and 70.67, respectively. The mean final weight of mrigal differed significantly (P < 0.05) between the treatments with T sub(3) registering the highest value of 6.93 g followed by T sub(2) (5.01 g) and T sub(1) (3.37 g). The specific growth rate and growth increment of fish also followed the same trend as that of weight recorded in the different treatments. Survival was higher in T sub(2) (83.33%), followed by T sub(3) (80.00%) and T sub(1) (76.67%). The study demonstrates that by the introduction of biodegradable substrates like paddy straw into the culture systems, significantly higher growth and survival can be obtained in the nursery rearing of mrigal.


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In this paper, some results of analyzing the hydrographic characteristics of the seawater temperature and salinity are presented. The received results showed that: in dry season, the influence of the Cai river water has is limited in Cai river estuary with the approximate transferable distance from the river mouth to the open sea of about 1 km. The isohaline 32%o could be defined as the separate boundary of the Cai river water; In rainy season, due to the river water discharges are high, the influence of Cai river water could be transferred to the open sea and island areas. The immerge of the Cai river water in the open sea areas in rainy season has changed the vertical structure of salinity and temperature in the northern part of Nhatrang bay. In both seasons, the Cai river water have influenced in the surface water layers 0 - 2m and the water layers deeper than 2m are influenced by the sea waters with the salinity of higher than 32%o.


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Thermal diffusivity (α) and conductivity (K) of fresh and dry cured fish at different moisture levels were investigated by a calorimeter (regular regime) method and transient line source technique. Thermal conductivity has a linear correlation with packing density and percentage water content. K values calculated from formula method and line source technique are comparable.


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A simple and effective method is described for converting dry fish products infested with fungus and red halophilic bacteria to acceptable ones. Washing, drying and then smearing with a mixture of 3% sodium propionate in dry, refined salt in a ratio of 1 part mixture: 10 parts dry fish resulted in the fish having a shelf life of 5 months.


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The effect of betel leaf (Piper betle Linn.) extract on control of autoxidation of fat in dry fish has been studied. Oil sardine has been selected for experiments since it contains very high amount of fat. The treatments were given with 5% (w/v) betel leaf extract in water at different stages of salt curing. FFA, PV and TVN values of the samples were determined periodically to assess the keeping quality and autoxidation. The sample, prepared by dipping the fish in the extract immediately after salting and then drying as usual, was found to have better keeping qualities.


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Dry fish samples were procured from different fish markets and subjected to biochemical and bacteriological evaluation for assessing quality. The quality of market samples was compared with the samples dried in laboratory and in the mechanical drier [sic]. Most of the market samples had high moisture and sand contents. TVN values of market samples were high showing poor quality of the finished product.


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The findings are presented of a study conducted to determine a method for the calculation of the yield of dried air bladders of eel from the weight of the whole fish.


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Spirulina is a filamentous cyanobacteria with many applications in food and drug industries, as a food in human, aquaculture, vet and poultry industries… . Semi and mass culture of Spirulina carries out in different countries. This study was carried out in five phases in order to produce this microalga in Iran. The first phase, Spirulina pure stock was imported from Indonesia. After identification of species, it was cultured in laboratory until we took 20 liters of biomass. The semi-mass culture was carried out in green house. Cell concentration and size of Spirulina were recorded during culture daily and their growth rates were calculated. After two weeks, when the size of Spirulina was suitable, biomass of Spirulina was harvested then accumulated Spirulina weighted and dried in 24 hours in laboratory. In order to microbiological study, the samples of Spirulina (dry and fresh) were cultured on blood agar medium and coliforms were counted. The chemical composition of produced Spirulina was measured by standard methods. Fatty acid and amino acid profiles were acquired by GC and HPLC instruments, respectively. The amount of chlorophyll in Spirulina was determined by spectroscopy method. Also astaxanthin pigment as an important carotenoid was measured by HPLC in Spirulina and Penaeus semisulcatus larvae fed on Spirulina. At final phase of this project, larva fed on produced Spirulina (biomass and dry powder) was compared to Z plus, microencapsulated Spirulina (M.C.F) and Chaetoceros algae as control. This experiment was carried from zoa to early post larvae stage then survival and growth rate of larvae were recorded. The growth rate of larvae was evaluated with ANOVA test and survival rate of treatments was assessed by Log Rank (Mantel –Cox) test. Also during larvae stage, two parameters of water such as nitrate and nitrite were measured in zoa, mysis and post larvae stages. The results of this study were shown that colifom counts were 1.85×106 and 92.3×105 coliform per ml in fresh and dry spirulina, respectively. Protein percent of dry spirulina was 50.93 % (dry weight) and the amount of astaxanthin in spirulina and larvae fed on spirulina were 0.21 and 0.01 mg/kg, respectively. The most survival rate of larvae were observed in zoa III (88.8%) with Z plus supplement treatment, in mysis III (76.5%) combination of Z plus and dry spirulina in comparative between treatments. Larvae growth (4.5mm) of control in early post larvae was the best.