331 resultados para Pirate Bay


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Life history aspects of larval and, mainly, juvenile spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) were studied in Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida. Collections were made in 1994−97, although the majority of juveniles were collected in 1995. The main objective was to obtain life history data to eventually develop a spatially explicit model and provide baseline data to understand how Everglades restoration plans (i.e. increased freshwater flows) could influence spotted seatrout vital rates. Growth of larvae and juveniles (<80 mm SL) was best described by the equation loge standard length = –1.31 + 1.2162 (loge age). Growth in length of juveniles (12–80 mm SL) was best described by the equation standard length = –7.50 + 0.8417 (age). Growth in wet weight of juveniles (15–69 mm SL) was best described by the equation loge wet-weight = –4.44 + 0.0748 (age). There were no significant differences in juvenile growth in length of spotted seatrout in 1995 between three geographical subdivisions of Florida Bay: central, western, and waters adjacent to the Gulf of Mexico. We found a significant difference in wet-weight for one of six cohorts categorized by month of hatchdate in 1995, and a significant difference in length for another cohort. Juveniles (i.e. survivors) used to calculate weekly hatchdate distributions during 1995 had estimated spawning times that were cyclical and protracted, and there was no correlation between spawning and moon phase. Temperature influenced otolith increment widths during certain growth periods in 1995. There was no evidence of a relationship between otolith growth rate and temperature for the first 21 increments. For increments 22–60, otolith growth rates decreased with increasing age and the extent of the decrease depended strongly in a quadratic fashion on the temperature to which the fish was exposed. For temperatures at the lower and higher range, increment growth rates were highest. We suggest that this quadratic relationship might be influenced by an environmental factor other than temperature. There was insufficient information to obtain reliable inferences on the relationship of increment growth rate to salinity.


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A density prediction model for juvenile brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) was developed by using three bottom types, five salinity zones, and four seasons to quantify patterns of habitat use in Galveston Bay, Texas. Sixteen years of quantitative density data were used. Bottom types were vegetated marsh edge, submerged aquatic vegetation, and shallow nonvegetated bottom. Multiple regression was used to develop density estimates, and the resultant formula was then coupled with a geographical information system (GIS) to provide a spatial mosaic (map) of predicted habitat use. Results indicated that juvenile brown shrimp (<100 mm) selected vegetated habitats in salinities of 15−25 ppt and that seagrasses were selected over marsh edge where they co-occurred. Our results provide a spatially resolved estimate of high-density areas that will help designate essential fish habitat (EFH) in Galveston Bay. In addition, using this modeling technique, we were able to provide an estimate of the overall population of juvenile brown shrimp (<100 mm) in shallow water habitats within the bay of approximately 1.3 billion. Furthermore, the geographic range of the model was assessed by plotting observed (actual) versus expected (model) brown shrimp densities in three other Texas bays. Similar habitat-use patterns were observed in all three bays—each having a coefficient of determination >0.50. These results indicate that this model may have a broader geographic application and is a plausible approach in refining current EFH designations for all Gulf of Mexico estuaries with similar geomorphological and hydrological characteristics.


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We examined the spatial and temporal distribution, abundance, and growth of young-of-the-year (YOY) Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) in Delaware Bay, one of the northernmost estuaries in which they consistently occur along the east coast of the United States. Sampling in Delaware Bay and in tidal creeks in salt marshes adjacent to the bay with otter trawls, plankton nets and weirs, between April and November 1996–99, collected approximately 85,000 YOY. Ingress of each year class into the bay and tidal creeks consistently occurred in the fall, and the first few YOY appeared in August. Larvae as small as 2–3 mm TL were collected in September and October 1996. Epibenthic individuals <25 mm TL were present each fall and again during spring of each year, but not in 1996 when low water temperatures in January and February apparently caused widespread mortality, resulting in their absence the following spring and summer. In 1998 and 1999, a second size class of smaller YOY entered the bay and tidal creeks in June. When YOY survived the winter, there was no evidence of growth until after April. Then the YOY grew rapidly through the summer in all habitats (0.8–1.4 mm/d from May through August). In the bay, they were most abundant from June to August over mud sediments in oligohaline waters. They were present in both subtidal and intertidal creeks in the marshes where they were most abundant from April to June in the mesohaline portion of the lower bay. The larger YOY began egressing out of the marshes in late summer, and the entire year class left the tidal creeks at lengths of 100–200 mm TL by October or November when the next year class was ingressing. These patterns of seasonal distribution and abundance in Delaware Bay and the adjacent marshes are similar to those observed in more southern estuaries along the east coast; however, growth is faster—in keeping with that in other northern estuaries.


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The blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) plays an important economic and ecological role in estuaries and coastal habitats from the Gulf of Mexico to the east coast of North America, but demographic assessments are limited by length-based methods. We applied an alternative aging method using biochemical measures of metabolic byproducts (lipofuscins) sequestered in the neural tissue of eyestalks to examine population age structure. From Chesapeake Bay, subsamples of animals collected from the 1998–99 (n=769) and 1999–2000 (n=367) winter dredge surveys were collected and lipofuscin was measured. Modal analysis of the lipofuscin index provided separation into three modes, whereas carapace-width data collected among the same individuals showed two broad modes. Lipofuscin modal analysis indicated that most adults (carapace width >120 mm) were <2 years old. The results indicate that use of extractable lipofuscin can provide a more accurate and better resolved estimation of demographic structure of blue crab populations in the field than size alone.


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Large (>458 mm) striped bass (Morone saxatilis) are dominant predators in Chesapeake Bay. In recent years, the Chesapeake Bay stock of striped bass has increased dramatically, raising concerns about their predatory impact and their forage requirements. In response to these concerns and the need for more recent ecological studies, this investigation was conducted to characterize feeding habits of large striped bass in Chesapeake Bay. Stomach contents from 1225 striped bass from 458 to 1151 mm TL were examined in the spring and fall of 1997 and 1998. Striped bass consumed 52 different species of vertebrates and invertebrates; however, only a few species of clupeoid and sciaenid fishes dominated diets across both the seasons and size ranges of striped bass examined. Of finfish species, menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) was the dominant prey in most areas and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) replaced menhaden in importance in lower salinity waters. Spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) and other sciaenid fishes and anadromous herrings (Alosa spp.) also contibuted large percentages of striped bass diet. Although pelagic schooling fishes formed the majority of the diet, benthic fishes contributed a higher percentage to the diet than in previous studies of striped bass diet composition.


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The tautog, Tautoga onitis (Linnaeus), ranges from Nova Scotia to South Carolina and has become a popular target for recreational and commercial fisheries. Although tautog are a multiple spawning species, reproductive potential, measured as annual fecundity, has not been estimated previously with methods (batch fecundity, spawning frequency) necessary for a species with indeterminate annual fecundity. A total of 960 tautog were collected from the mouth of the Rappahannock River in the lower Chesapeake Bay to 45 km offshore of Virginia’s coastline to investigate tautog reproductive biology in the southern portion of the species range. Tautog did not exhibit a 1:1 sex ratio; 56% were females. Male tautog reached 50% maturity at 218 mm TL, females at 224 mm TL. Tautog spawned from 7 April 1995 to 15 June 1995, at locations from the York River to 45 km offshore. Batch fecundity estimates ranged from 2800 to 181,200 eggs per spawning for female tautog age 3–9, total length 259– 516 mm. Mean batch fecundity ±SEM for female tautog ages 4–6 was 54,243 ±2472 eggs and 106,256 ±3837 eggs for females ages 7–9. Spawning frequency was estimated at 1.2 days, resulting in 58 spawning days per female in 1995. Estimates of potential annual fecundity for tautog ages 3–9 ranged from 160,000 to 10,510,000 eggs.


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Each spring horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus L.) emerge from Delaware Bay to spawn and deposit their eggs on the foreshore of sandy beaches (Shuster and Botton, 1985; Smith et al., 2002a). From mid-May to early June, migratory shorebirds stopover in Delaware Bay and forage heavily on horseshoe crab eggs that have been transported up onto the beach (Botton et al., 1994; Burger et al., 1997; Tsipoura and Burger, 1999). Thus, estimating the quantity of horseshoe crab eggs in Delaware Bay beaches can be useful for monitoring spawning activity and assessing the amount of forage available to migratory shorebirds.


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The spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) is one of the most sought after recreational fish in Florida Bay, and it spends its entire life history within the bay (Rutherford et al.,1989b). The biology of adult spotted seatrout in Florida Bay is well known (Rutherford et al., 1982, 1989b) as is the distribution and abundance of juveniles within the bay. The habitats and diets of juveniles are well documented (Hettler, 1989; Chester and Thayer, 1990; Thayer et al., 1999; Florida Department of Environmental Protection1). Nevertheless, the spatial and temporal spawning habits of spotted seatrout and the distribution of larvae have only been partially described (Powell et al., 1989; Rutherford et al., 1989a).


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Culture of a non-native species, such as the Suminoe oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis), could offset the harvest of the declining native eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) fishery in Chesapeake Bay. Because of possible ecological impacts from introducing a fertile non-native species, introduction of sterile triploid oysters has been proposed. However, recent data show that a small percentage of triploid individuals progressively revert toward diploidy, introducing the possibility that Suminoe oysters might establish self-sustaining populations. To assess the risk of Suminoe oyster populations becoming established in Chesapeake Bay, a demographic population model was developed. Parameters modeled were salinity, stocking density, reversion rate, reproductive potential, natural and harvest-induced mortality, growth rates, and effects of various management strategies, including harvest strategies. The probability of a Suminoe oyster population becoming self-sustaining decreased in the model when oysters are grown at low salinity sites, certainty of harvest is high, mini-mum shell length-at-harvest is small, and stocking density is low. From the results of the model, we suggest adopting the proposed management strategies shown by the model to decrease the probability of a Suminoe oyster population becoming self-sustaining. Policy makers and fishery managers can use the model to predict potential outcomes of policy decisions, supporting the ability to make science-based policy decisions about the proposed introduction of triploid Suminoe oysters into the Chesapeake Bay.


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In recent years, increasing commercial landings of horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) along the Atlantic coast of the United States have raised concerns that the present resource is in decline and insufficient to support the needs of its user groups. These concerns have led the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) to implement a fishery management plan to regulate the harvest (ASMFC1). In order to properly manage any species, specific management goals and objectives must be established, and these goals depend on the resource users involved (Quinn and Deriso, 1999). Horseshoe crabs present a distinct resource management challenge because they are important to a diverse set of users (Berkson and Shuster, 1999).


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Life-history dynamics of pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) were examined from data derived from random station surveys conducted in Tampa Bay and adjacent Gulf of Mexico waters during 1993–97. In addition, patterns in spatial distribution and abundance in Gulf of Mexico waters were investigated. Ages determined from whole otoliths ranged from 0 to 7 years, and von Bertalanffy growth models for males and females were not significantly different. Von Bertalanffy growth model parameters were L∞=219.9 mm SL, k =0.33/yr, and t0 =–1.10 years for all fish combined. High gonadosomatic indices during October–December indicated that some spawning may occur in Tampa Bay. Estimated lengths at 50% maturity were 132 mm SL for males and 131 mm SL for females. Total instantaneous mortality rates derived from the Chapman-Robson estimator ranged from 0.88 to 1.08/yr, and natural mortality was estimated to be 0.78/yr. In Gulf of Mexico waters, pinfish catch rates declined with increasing depth, and most pinfish were caught in <17 m of water. Length distributions showed that pinfish segregate by size with increasing depth.


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The bays and estuaries of the southeast United States coast generally are thought to serve as nursery areas for various species of coastal sharks, where juvenile sharks find abundant food and are less exposed to predation by larger sharks. Because these areas typically support substantial commercial and recreational fisheries, fishing mortality of sharks in the nurseries particularly by bycatch, may be significant. This two-year project assessed the relative importance of two estuaries of the southwest Florida Gulf coast, Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor/Pine Island Sound, as shark nursery areas, and examined potential fishing mortality of these young sharks in the nurseries.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Arima analysis was used to compute cross-correlations between principal component axes that described environmental variables, chlorophyll concentration and zooplankton density for the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and Suisun Bay. ... Cross-correlations among the time series may provide information about links between environmental and biological variables within the estuary and the possible influence of climate.


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Long-term changes in chlorophyll production were predicted from environmental variables for the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and Suisun Bay using Box-Jenkins transfer function models. Data used for the analyses were collected semimonthly or monthly between 1971 and 1987. Transfer function models developed to describe changes in chlorophyll production over time as a function of environmental variables were characterized by lagged responses and described between 39 and 51 percent of the data variation. Significant correlations between environmental variables and the California climate index (CA SLP) were used to develop a conceptual model of the link between regional climate and estuarine production.


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EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Twenty-three years of physical, chemical, and biological data were used to characterize conditions associated with wet, normal, dry, and critical water year types in the upper San Francisco Bay estuary.