253 resultados para larval morphometry


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Variations in the abundance and composition of larval decapods were studied from 90 km stretch of the Bombay Harbour-Thana Creek-Bassein Creek (BHTCBC) system for a period of 15 months. The larvae belonged to Penacidea, Caridea, Anomura and Brachyura. Among these, brachyurans were the most abundant in the entire study area indicating good potential for crab fishery. Penaeus, Metapenaeus and Parapenaeopsis were the genera recorded in the family Penaeidae of which Metapenaeus spp. were the most common. Generally there was a higher abundance of Penaeus and Metapenaeus during monsoon probably indicating intense breeding. A few genera of decapods showed patchy occurrence in this system. Results of this first investigation were quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated with comments on fishery potential of the commercially important groups of decapods.


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The paper contains a brief review of the studies on the life histories of Indian species of prawns chiefly belonging to the family Penaeidae. References to similar work carried out outside India are furnished where significant variations have been observed. The three main larval stages viz., Nauplius, Protozoea and Zoea (Mysis) and their important characteristics, including modes of locomotion, are described. The post-larval development of one species that has been studied in detail (Metapenaeus dobsoni) is indicated in outline. Some aspects of the bionomics of these prawns, especially breeding and migration, are also briefly dealt with in view of their relevance in their life cycle. An outline of the life histories of some Palaemonid prawns of both fresh water and marine habitats is added at the end and the need for well- planned investigations in regard to species of such economic value as Palaemon carcinus (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is indicated.


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An experiment was carried out with 1 0 days old Clarias gariepinus fry over a period of 42 days to determine the effects of different feeds on growth and survival of African catfish fry in glass tanks. The experiment was designed into four treatments each having three replications. Thus treatment 1 (T1) was named as Tank Tubifex (TT) and treatment 2 (T2) as Tank Sabinco (TS), treatment 3 as Pond Tubifex (PT), and treatment 4 (T4) as Pond Sabinco (PS). Live Tubifex (protein levels 64.48%) was supplied to treatments 1 and 3 and rest of the treatments were supplied Sabinco starter-1 (protein levels 40.13%). The highest and the lowest growth in total length and weight were 12.90cm, 18.77g and 6.17cm, 4.04g recorded from the treatments 3 and 2, respectively. Growth of catfish fry under treatment 3 in terms of both length and weight were significantly higher (P<0.01) than those of the other treatments. However treatment 2 showed the significantly lowest (P<0.01) growth performance among the various treatments. The highest survival rate (92%) was also obtained with treatment 3. Tubifex proved to be the best larval feed in respect of growth and survival rate.


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The key factor in success of a Macrobrachium hatchery is to yield maximum number of larvae with minimum number of brooders. Suitable environmental conditions were provided and the breeding performance of females of M. rosenbergii was observed. A total number of 140 females brought from wild were used for this purpose. Each female was tagged and given a code number which made it possible to record the gestation period, interbreed period, number of breeding and larval yield of individual female during each breeding. Females were found to breed six times during the ten months duration. Of the total females studied, 99.12 % bred once, while only 2.16 % females bred six times in a total span of ten months. The average number of larvae decreased successively from first to fourth breeding. The average interbrood period was minimum between the first and second breeding and maximum between the fourth and fifth breeding. The highest average larval yield of 25,428 was recorded in the first breeding, the lowest of 4,596 in the fourth breeding. The possible reasons for variations in interbrood period and larval yield are discussed.


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The freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii breeds in estuaries and the juveniles after completion of their larval stage start their upward migration towards rivers. It is at this stage fishing of juveniles takes place in river mouths. Kalu River near Titwala, in Maharashtra is estimated based on data presented by Indulkar and Shirgur (1995) for 1991 and 1992 fishing seasons. The fishing mortality was estimated to be 1.50 and 1.28 for a fishing season of 3 months in 1991 and 1992 respectively, while the migration coefficient was computed to be 3.53 during the fishing season. As the average exploitation rate during the study period was only 0.24, the juveniles are not heavily fished and there is a scope for almost doubling the present catch to about 4 million seeds per fishing season.


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The spawning activities of kingfish, Scomberomorus commerson, in Oman waters are traced out for the first time. The possible spawning period and spawning ground are identified on the basis of collection of its eggs and larvae from Oman waters. The eggs and early larval characteristics are described suitably with photographic illustration of 4.9 mm larva. The optimum surface water temperature and salinity recorded for the occurrence of kingfish eggs and larvae are 23.57-26.05°C and 36.0-36.1‰, respectively.


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This is the second supplement to "A guide to the freshwater fauna of Ceylon" by A. S. Mendis and C. H. Fernando, Bull. Fish. Res. Stn., Ceylon, No. 12, 160 pp. (1962). In the present supplement additions and corrections are made in the sections on Protozoa, Annelida and Arthropoda. The sections on Platyhelrainthes and Nematoda have been expanded and the Acanthocephala added. A list of species recorded and the hosts of the parasitic forms are included. In the "Guide", the insects with only larval stages in aquatic habitats were mentioned only briefly and no species lists were included. In this supplement this gap is largely filled by added notes and inclusion of species lists of all these groups except the Neuroptera, Lepidoptera, Tabanidae, Syrphidae and Stratiomyidae. The orders Neuroptera and Lepidoptera have relatively few members in freshwater habitats and the families Tabanidae, Syrphidae and Stratiomyidae have forms with larvae in aquatic habitats and also in moist places which are not true freshwater habitats. At this time, it is not possible to separate those forms living in freshwater habitats. Short diagnoses of six additional families are given, namely, the ixidae, Psychodidae, Tabanidae Stratiomyidae, Rhagionidae and Sciomyzidae. Keys are provided for the Odonata and Ephermeroptera larvae down to the family level. An attempt has been made to make the references more comprehensive. Works dealing specifically with the Ceylonese fauna are of course included, but in addition those which are of use in diagnosis of local genera and species have been cited.


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Three nematodes, two acanthocephalans and three cestodes were collected by dissecting 15 species of fish. Of these parasites only Hedruris sp. a larval nematode is responsible directly for the death of fish, since it is found in predatory species a reduction of these might prove of considerable consequence to fish, production. Bothriocephalus gowleonensis, a cestode probably introduced from China with Chinese carp, was recorded in an indigenous carp Puntius sarana. This parasite causes heavy mortality in grass carp in China and is a potential danger to local species. A single crustacean parasite was recorded. It is likely that they are widespread. No protozoa were recorded but there can be little doubt that they occur in local freshwater species and may be of considerable importance in fisheries. Several predators (insects, fish and other vertebrates) were recorded and are doubtless of considerable importance. However, the role of parasites and of predators (especially fishes) in relation to the productivity of fisheries can hardly be assessed at present and needs further study. A study of the fauna found at the shallow edges of 21 irrigation reservoirs showed an abundance of fauna in the low-country reservoirs whilst the up-country reservoirs had a poor fauna. The fauna showed insects, crustacea and mollusca in this order of abundance. The presence of insect and molluscs feeding fish in our fauna shows that these rich sources of food are being utilised.


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Además de sus conocidos aportes a la geología, la paleontología y la biogeografía de ecosistemas terrestres de la región pampeana y la Patagonia (Argentina), Darwin realizó notables y poco difundidas contribuciones al conocimiento de los ambientes marinos costeros del actual territorio argentino y de los organismos que habitan en ellos. La intimidad de Darwin con el mar se advierte en toda su obra: en el Viaje y en el Origen igual que en numerosos trabajos de investigación realizados y publicados a su regreso a Inglaterra. Entre 1846 y 1854 dio a conocer una extensa obra sobre cirrípedos o cirripedios, que sentó las bases del estudio de esos crustáceos y, aún hoy, es bibliografía obligada de los taxónomos. Su trabajo sobre la estructura y distribución de los arrecifes coralinos de 1842, es considerado un documento fundacional del conocimiento sobre el origen de los atolones. Los moluscos fueron igualmente objeto de publicaciones y cartas entre 1848 y 1871. La difundida imagen de Darwin sentado ante un escritorio escribiendo sus libros lleva a olvidar que pasaba también mucho tiempo con el microscopio. En el Viaje del Beagle incluyó párrafos sobre aves marinas, lo mismo que sobre briozoos o briozoarios, y en El origen, explicó sus pensamientos acerca de la migración de los ojos en los lenguados. Dedicó especial atención a las algas gigantes o sargazos marinos de Tierra del Fuego (donde se los conoce por cachiyuyos). Se incluyen los siguientes trabajos de divulgación científica -Darwin y los briozoos; -Darwin y el desarrollo larval de crustáceos; -Sobre Cirripedios; De Darwin a los acelerómetros; -Los peces de cara torcida; -La incursión en la costa sur de Buenos Aires.


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Several small scleractinian coral colonies were collected from a remote reef and transferred [to] the Louisiana Universities Marine Center (LUMCON) for in vitro reproductive and larval studies. The species used here were Porites astreoides and Diploria strigosa. Colony size was ~20 cm in diameter. Colonies were brought to the surface by liftbag and stored in modified ice coolers. They were transported from Freeport, TX to Cocodrie, LA by truck for nearly 15 hours where field conditions were simulated in waiting aquaria. This document describes the techniques and equipment that were used, how to outfit such aquaria, proper handling techniques for coral colonies, and several eventualities that the mariculturist should be prepared for in undertaking this endeavor. It will hopefully prevent many mistakes from being made.


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The Trichoptera collected in Sri Lanka by the Austrian Indo-Pacific expedition in autumn and winter 1970 (larvae and adults) are evaluated systematically and ecologically. The following new species are described: Pseudoneureclipsis starmuehlneri, P. maliboda (Polycentropodidae), Oecetis belihuloya (Leptoceridae), and Helcopsyche sri lanka (Helicopsychidae). Helicopsyche ceylanica Brauer 1866 is re-described. Several types of larvae and cases of Hydropsyche (Hydropsychidae), Ceylanopsyche (Sericostomatidae) and Helicopsyche are described or at least roughly characterised. According to the larval characters the genus Ceylanopsyche seems to belong to Sericostomatidae s. str.


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In order to record the effects of thyroxine and cortisol (individual/combined) on hatching, post-embryonic growth and survival of larvae of Heteropneustes fossilis, newly fertilized eggs were given bath immersion treatments of L-thyroxine (T sub(4); 0.05 mg/l), cortisol (0.50 mg/l) and T sub(4)+ cortisol (0.05 mg/l+0.50 mg/l) for 15 days. Hatching of eggs, growth and survival of the larvae improved significantly (P<0.001) in the hormone treated groups as compared to those of control. The frequency of deformities was reduced in the combined hormone treatment group. The present observations suggest that the advanced digestive function probably induced by T sub(4)+cortisol treatment might have resulted in improvement in food utilization during the critical phases of first feeding and promoted vital developmental processes resulting in uniform growth, decreased mortality, better survival and transformation of larvae to juveniles. This combined hormone therapy appears to have practical utility in fish hatchery practice for better success in larval rearing.


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Three different types of culture media: (i) 100% brine (B 100 ), (ii) 75% brine and 25% crude salt (B 75 CS 25 ), and 50% brine and 50% crude salt (B 50 CS 50) were tested to evaluate the possible use of brackish water reconstituted from the crude salt for the production of M. rosenbergii post-larvae. The production rate of 25.26±0.20 PI/l with a corresponding survival rate of 84.20±0.66% was significantly higher (P<0.05) for the larvae reared on B100 than that of 22.10±0.57 Pl/l with a corresponding survival rate of 73.68±1.89% on B50CS50. Larvae cultured on B75CS25 did not show any significant difference (P<0.05) in production as well as in survival of post-larvae than that on B100. The result shows that, for rearing of prawn larvae, use of brine can be replaced up to 25% without any undue reduction in production of post-larvae. However, the production as well as survival rate of post-larvae with 50% replacement (B50CS50) is also appreciable. It is assumed that the mineral constituents of natural seawater might have some triggering effects on prawn larvae in closing their larval cycle.