307 resultados para lithic resources exploitation
With the increasing recognition that climate change is occurring and having large impacts on living marine resources, a sound ecosystem approach to management of those resources requires both understanding how climate affects ecosystems and integration of that understanding into management processes. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) must identify how changing climatic conditions will impact its mission and must be prepared to adapt to these changes. This document identifies the climate related ecosystem concerns in the regional marine ecosystems for which NMFS has living marine resource management responsibilities, what NMFS is currently doing to address these concerns, what NMFS must do going forward to address these concerns, and what climate information is needed to integrate climate into resource management. The regional ecosystems included in this analysis are: the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf; the Southeast U.S. Continental Shelf, Gulf of Mexico, and U.S. Caribbean; the California Current Ecosystem; the Alaskan Ecosystem Complex; the Pacific Island Ecosystem Complex; the Eastern Tropical Pacific; North Pacific Highly Migratory Species; and the Antarctic.
An intensive commercial hook-and-line fishing operation targeted the demersal fisheries resources at Saya de Malha Bank in the Southwest Indian Ocean. Fishing was conducted with 12 dories that were equipped with echo sounders and electric fishing reels and supported by a refrigerated mothership. Over a 13-day period in the 55–130 m depth range, a total of 74.3 metric tons (t) of fish were caught, of which the crimson jobfish (Pristipomoides filamentosus) represented 80%. Catch rates decreased with time and could not be attributed to changes in location, climatic conditions, fishing depth, fishing method, or bait type. The initial virgin biomass of P. filamentosus available to a line fishery at the North Western promontory of Saya de Malha Bank was estimated at 72.6 t through application of the Leslie model to daily catch and effort data. Biomass densities of 2364 kg/km2 and 1206 kg/km were obtained by applying the initial biomass estimates to the surface area and to the length of the dropoff that was fished. The potential sustainable yield prior to exploitation was estimated at 567 kg/km2 per year. The quantity of P. filamentosus caught by the mother-ship-dory fishing operation represented 82% of the initial biomass available to a hook-and-line fishery, equivalent to more that three times the estimated maximum sustainable yield. The results of the study are important to fisheries managers because they demonstrate that intensive line fishing operations have the potential to rapidly deplete demersal fisheries resources.
Management of West Coast groundfish resources by the Pacific Fishery Management Council involves Federal government and academic scientists conducting stock assessments, generally using the stock synthesis framework, applying the 40-10 rule to determine harvest guidelines for resources that are not overfished and conducting rebuilding analyses to determine harvest guidelines for resources that have been designated as overfished. However, this management system has not been evaluated in terms of its ability to satisfy the National Standard 1 goals of the Sustainable Fisheries Act. A Monte Carlo simulation framework is therefore outlined that can be used to make such evaluations. Based on simulations tailored to a situation similar to that of managing the widow rockfish (Sebastes entomelas) resource, it is shown that catches during recovery and thereafter are likely to be highly variable (up to ±30% from one year to the next). Such variability is far greater than has been presented to the decision makers to date. Reductions in interannual variability in catches through additional data collection are, however, unlikely. Rather, improved performance will probably arise from better methods for predicting future recruitment. Rebuilding analyses include quantities such as the year to which the desired probability of recovery applies. The estimates of such quantities are, however, very poorly determined.
The California Department of Fish and Game data base of California commercial fish landings for the period 1928 to 1985 has been assembled in computer accessible form at the Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group in Monterey, California. Time series for fishes whose landings are known to vary during periods of ocean warming were compared to time series of sea surface temperature. Expected patterns of variation were confirmed in the seasonal cycle, but were less clear on the interannual scale. When interannual variation was considered, the most serious hindrance to interpretation of the landings series appeared to be the continued reduction of the fish stocks due to commercial exploitation; other factors are discussed. Landings data contain information potentially useful in climatological studies, but problems should be anticipated in their use.
Concerns about perceived loss of indigenous materials emerged from multiple stakeholders during consultations to plan and design the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems for the Borotse hub in Zambia’s Western Province. To come to grips with and address the concerns, the AAS Borotse hub program of work included an assessment of agrobiodiversity to inform community-level and program initiatives and actions. The agrobiodiversity assessment comprised three components: key informant and expert surveys complemented by review of grey and published literature, focus group discussions in the communities, and individual household surveys. This working paper reports the findings from assessments of agrobiodiversity resources in the Borotse hub by key informants and local experts working in government ministries, departments and agencies, and non-governmental organizations operating in the communities. This working paper covers the following topics: agriculture in the Borotse flood plain; major agricultural land types in the Borotse flood plain; soils and their uses; production systems; crops, including the seed sector and ex-situ resources; indigenous materials collected from the wild, including non-perennial and perennial plants, aquatic plants, and forest biodiversity; fish resources, including both capture fisheries and aquaculture; livestock resources; dietary diversity; and indigenous and local knowledge on management systems.
Prawn seed resources of Sunkeri back waters indicated the availability of Penaeus indicus, P. monodon, Metapenaeus dobsoni and M. monoceros. The monthly variation in seed composition, its correlation with environmental parameters and the aquaculture potentialities are reported
This paper deals in general terms with the historical expeditions to the Antarctica by various explorers leading to the exploration and identification of various living resources of the Antarctica and also a cautionary note not to pollute or disturb the existing ecosystem either for economic or political reasons.
There are two groups of factors, namely fishery independent factors such as current, temperature and salinity and fishery dependent factors such as types of fishing, namely trawling, gill netting etc. with different mesh sizes and intensity of fishing indicating the number of units of each type of fishing. Hence assessment of capture fishery resources remains a puzzle even today. However, attempts have been made to develop suitable mathematical and statistical models for assessing them and for offering suggestions for judicious management of the resources. This paper indicates in brief the important characteristics of the capture fisheries, their assessment and management with particular reference to India.
Potentially the inland fishery resources of the country are of very high order. But the present level of their exploitation is far from optimum, mainly because of the inadequacies of the existing fishing gear and methods. There is vast scope for increasing the fish production from inland waters by improving the existing gear and methods. This would require a thorough study of the fishing gear and methods in vogue, of which very little is known at present. In the present communication the authors discuss the fishing gear and methods of the river Brahmaputra, in Assam, based on a survey carried out by them during January-February 1964. The survey covers a 640 km stretch of the Brahmaputra River, its important tributaries and connected bheels, from Dhubri to Dibrugarh. As a result of the survey about 19 types of fishing nets, which could be grouped into eight classes, were identified. The salient technological features of the gears and their methods of operation are discussed class-wise. The characteristics of the individual types are shown in tables. The materials used for gear and gear accessories, are briefly discussed. The classification and relative importance of different types of gear are examined. Besides, the influence of the ecological and topographical features of the river on the development of different types of fishing gears, is also discussed.
Based on the data collected from the year 1987-1991 the growth, mortality and recruitment pattern of eighteen species of fish, two species of cephalopods and four species of penaeid prawns have been presented in the present communication. The total mortality coefficient, (Z) varied from lowest of 1.20 for O. cuvieri to a highest of 10.78 for P. stylifera. The natural mortality coefficient, (M) varied from 0.52 for T. thalassinus to 3.44 for S. crassicornis. The average annual yield of eighteen species of fish, four species of prawns and two species of cephalopods are 65.083, 38.404 and 11.373 tons as against the MSY of 83.023, 72.460 and 10.475 tons respectively. The MSY estimated for the total fish stock is 1.77.753 tons whereas the present yield is 1.14.859 tons. This indicates that higher yield can be obtained by increasing the effort.