251 resultados para introduced marine species


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India started mechanization of fishing craft in early 1950. The traditional craft was subjected to technical scrutiny and some of them mechanized with good results. However, due to limitations inherent in the traditional craft, it was found necessary to develop new series of crafts suitable for the operation of modern fishing gears in areas hitherto unexplored. The impetus given to the development of infrastructure like freezing, canning and ice plants, and quickly expanding export market, increased the demand for marine products, hence craft for immediate, as well as long-term needs had to be introduced. In this article the author discusses design of fishing vessels, information from experience used in development of vessels, designs of distant water vessels, productivity studies, income and expenditure, economic values, production cost, and productivity.


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The primary objective in doing this work was to become acquainted with as many forms as possible of the marine fauna of the intertidal zone and if possible to determine some of the environmental relationships which exist in as many different types of habitats as possible. Due to limited amount of time spent in this study no very intensive work could be done and only a general survey was made of the more conspicuous forms of life which were encountered. Most of the work consisted of collecting and observing animals in the tide pools during periods of low tides. The animals collected were then taken to the laboratory and observed and determined as to species. Notes were taken as to place, time, and situation under which the animals were found. As many different types of habitats as possible were visited which included rocky intertidal areas of Mussel Point, Point Pinos, Lighthouse Point, Pescadero Point and Carmel Point just east of Carmel Beach. Sandy beaches were visited at Monterey Beach, Carmel Beach and Asilomar Beach. A marine estuary habitat was visited at Elkhorn Slough. More than two hundred species were identified and observed during this six-week period. A rather hasty population study was made of the eelgrass, Phyllospadix, of the intertidal zone at Mussel Point and of an algae, Gigartina caniculata, which grows at the level just above the eelgrass.


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This study deals with seasonal variations, natural correlations and similarities of fouling assemblages on exposure panels in the Suez Bay during January 1992 to January 1993. Three main sources of pollutions flow into the bay; industrial waste products, domestic drainage of Suez city and ships' oil and refuse.The fouling assemblages on the test pan els after various periods (1, 2 and 3 months) belonged mainly to the algae (Ulva rigida), polychaetes (Hydroides elegans), Cirripedes (Balanus amphitrite) and amphipods. The fouling at the lst station was relatively more dense than at the 2nd station during the summer and autumn seasons. The lowest productivity was achieved at the 3rd station which was considered less polluted being offshore water. The overall paucity of fouling in the bay is because of the silt covering the submerged surfaces, particularly at the 2nd station, leading to the prevention of the settlements or establishment of fouling organisms. The seasonal changes in the intensity of fouling assemblages on submerged surfaces in seawater seems to be closely related to seasonal variations in water temperature. The great fouling communities on the buoys and long exposure panels showed a remarkable variety of species and density rather than on short term exposures, which were more dense during warmer months.


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The growth of three microalgae species, viz., Nannochloropsis oculata, Tetraselmis chui and Chaetoceros muelleri which are commonly used in aquaculture, was investigated using three different inorganic nutrient media: (i) Modified Guillard's f/2 medium (ii) Rix Mix medium and (iii) BFRI medium. Each microalgae species was cultured for 24 days in small- scale with initial inoculation density of 17xl04 cell /ml in the three media with triplicates. N. oculata cultured in modified Guillard's f/2 medium showed superior growth with a mean peak density of 221 ±4.24 x 104 cell/ ml, to Rix Mix medium (141 ± 10.54xl04 cell/ml) and BFRI medium (47±4.94 x 104 cell/ml) on the 16th day of culture at stationary phase. Considering the increase in cell density for 20 days of culture in Rix Mix medium, C. muelleriwas significantly (P<0.05) highest than in other two media. N. oculata cultured in BFRI medium resulted in the poorest growth with a mean peak increase in density of 84±9.19 x 104 cell/ml in 12 days of culture. However, with an increase in cell density, growth of T. chui (182 ± 6.26 x 104 cell/ml) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in BFRI medium than in modified Guillard's f/2 medium. The results of the present study suggest that N. oculata and C. muelleri can be grown very well in both the modified Guillard's f/2 medium and Rix Mix medium. Better growth of T. chui can be obtained while culturing either in BFRI and Rix Mix medium. These three nutrient media used in the present study may be useful for microalgae species culture for establishing green-water culture for suitable target zooplankton, and fish and crustacean larvae in marine and brackishwater hatcheries.


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The study was conducted to investigate the communities perception and compliance to community-based fisheries management (CBFM) in Turag-Bangshi floodplains under Kaliakoir, Gazipur District. Measures such as ban on use of the harmful fishing gears, seasonal fishing closure, halt of fry fishing, halt of dewatering of beels and the impact of establishment of sanctuaries on fish production and species diversity were introduced by MACH project. Almost all members of the communities in Turag-Bangshi MACH (Management of Aquatic Ecosystem through Community Husbandry) site welcomed the introduction and complied with the implementation of all management measures which helped stopped use of harmful fishing gears, ensured survival and breeding of brood fish in the rainy season, protected and allowed fry to grow big, restored lost and degraded fisheries and organized communities for sustainable development of the fisheries. A total of 51 species of fishes were found in Makosh beel (natural depression). Among these, small indigenous species (SIS) under Cyprinidae family (Puntius sophore) was the most dominant. Many species available in the past recorded disappeared from the Makosh beel due to loss of habitat and industrial pollution that damaged spawning and nursery grounds of fish. Introduction of some selective native endangered species (Nandus nandus, Notopterus notopterus, Ompok pabda and Labeo calbasu) by MACH in the Turag-Bangshi water bodies increased diversity of species from 82 to 95. Over a period of five years during MACH intervention, the average production remained nearly 200% higher than the baseline production of 57 kg/ha to present 207 kg/ha due to maintaining sanctuaries and the closed fishing seasons. Per capita daily fish consumption of the surrounding communities also increased by 78% (from 27 to 48 g/person/day) which is much higher than the national average fish consumption in Bangladesh. The implementation of community-based MACH project management measures substantially improved fish habitat, production, consumption and socio-economic conditions of the surrounding communities. The model can be used to improve the floodplains of Bangladesh.


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Excirolana orienta/is (Dana, 1853) belonging to the Cirolanidae, hitherto unknown from Pakistan, is collected from the rocky intertidal region of Manora Island, Karachi coast The specimens are fully described and illustrated. A list of the known species of the genus Excirolana is also provided since the genus is also first time reported from here.


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Among the various antibiotics tried, tetracyclines particularly chlorotetracycline (CTC), chloramphenicol and chlorostrep were found to be fairly effective at 8 and 10 p.p.m. levels. The order of sensitivity to CTC among the six genera studied was found to be Achromobacterspecies belonging to Achromobacter, Flavobacterium and Pseudomonas were generally more resistant to antibiotics than species belonging to other genera. Among the resistant organisms, Achromobacter superficialis was found to be most resistant and only CTC at 10 p.p.m. level could partially inhibit this culture. The useful combinations of antibiotics for commercial application are discussed.


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Wooden test panels of different species of wood sheathed with fibre-glass reinforced plastic were subjected to immersion tests along with corresponding controls in Cochin Port area and the effect of the protective coating studied.


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Fatty acid composition of freshwater fish tilapia, (Tilapia mosambica), barbus (Barbus carnaticus) and Varal (Ophicephalus) is determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Varal contained the highest amount of C sub(20:5) acid compared to other 2 spp. Of the odd-numbered fatty acids C sub(17) was the predominant fatty acid present. Palmitic acid was found to have a lower level in these fish compared to marine fish. Barbus recorded unusually high percentage of 23.3% of C sub(18:2) acid.


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Miscellaneous fish from the catches of shrimp trawlers constitute a major portion of the marine fish catch in India, its quantity in annual landing being of the order of 50,000 tons. At present it is often not brought to the shore since it fetches only very low price. It consists of several species and is a cheap source of animal protein. Attempts are made in India in various centres (Anon. 1972-73) to utilise them effectively by formulating various speciality products acceptable to consumers.


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Lethal and sub-lethal effects of mercury have been studied in Perna viridis and Modiolus carvalhoi. For P. viridis LC30 is 1.0 p.p.m. at 48 h and 0.23 p.p.m. at 96 h. Recorded LC50 values for M. carvalhoi are 0.5 p.p.m. and 0.19 p.p.m. at 48 h and 96 h respectively. The results document that these two species, although inhabiting the same area in the tidal belt, exhibit clear differences in mercury resistance. It is further shown that the duration of exposure affects mortality rates. In sub-lethal concentration, between 0.01 and 0.10 p.p.m. decrease in pedal-gland activity is conspicuous in P. viridis. At concentrations much below LC50 values (at 96 h), although some animals are alive, pedal-gland activity is totally suspended, supporting the assumption that shell closure ability plays a minor role in byssus thread production. In M. carvalhoi total cessation of pedal gland activity occurred at 0.09 p.p.m. of mercury.


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Seasonal patterns of 21 fisheries in Karnataka (after isolation from time-series components) are presented. Depending on the pattern of seasonal fluctuation in landings, 19 fisheries have been grouped into five patterns, A, B, C, D and E. Ribbon fishes and 'other clupeids' did not exhibit any significant seasonal pattern. Pattern A with highest landings in the 4th quarter (October to December), followed by the 1, 2 and 3 quarters, is the most common in 10 species/groups (comprising 78% of the total landings). Harmonic analysis has been carried out using the seasonal indices.


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A total of 313 strains of bacteria which hydrolysed tripotassium phenolphthalein disulfate (PDS) were isolated from the sediments of three biotopes, namely, Vellar estuary, backwater and mangrove during the period of investigation. They were identified to the generic level. The following genera were encountered, namely, Vibrio, Bacillus, Alcaligenes, Micrococcus, Pseudomonas, Cytophaga-Flavobacterium, Aeromonas, Corynebacterium and members of Enterobacteriaceae. Vibrio and Bacillus were found to be the dominant groups representing 29.26% and 41.80% respectively of the total isolates. Because of the importance of the Vibrio group in marine environment these isolates were further identified to the species level and it included V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus, V. consticola, V. anguillarum and V. fischeri. These observations suggest that different groups of arylsulfatase – producing bacteria probably occur in marine sediments.


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The purpose for which this study was intended wasto compare nutritive value among the farmed Vannamei, sea Green Tiger and Banana shrimps native to the PersianGulf. To provide the samples of farmed shrimps at the end of the farming season (Oct. 23rd through Nov. 22nd of 2011), we chosen one farm of the Holleh Shrimp Farming, from which 100 shrimps were randomly selected. From among these 100 shrimps, 3 to 5 ones were taken to conduct an analysis upon. Further, to obtain the Banana and Green Tiger shrimps sampling was done at the fishing season (July 23rd through Aug. 22rd of 2011) at Halileh Fishing Wharf located in Bushehr Fishing Harbor and also Bandar Abbas Wharf. The samples obtained were immediately kept in the ice powder. After some biometric tasks done upon them, they were at the shortest possible time transferred to a laboratory where they went through various experiments to determine their content of raw protein, fat, ash, moisture, various fatty acids and their types, cholesterol, vitamins A and E, and such mineral elements as iron and calcium. All the experimentswere carried out three times to establish confidence in the results to be obtained. Findings of the comparison showed the content of raw protein, fat, moisture, and ash of, respectively, 23.233%, 600%, 73.077% and 2.500% for the Vannamei samples, of 22.717%, 427%, 74.133% and 1.826% for our Banana shrimps and of 17.377%, 430%, 79.866% and 1.313% for the Green Tiger samples. A total of 24 fatty acids for the Vannamei shrimps and 27 for the Banana and Green Tiger were detected. SFA of the Banana shrimps was 368.45 mg/100g (51.76%), while those of the Vannamei and Green Tiger samples were observed, respectively, 363.54 mg/100g (37.26%) and 296.06 mg/100g (49.12%).A similar measurement for MUFA content of the three types of our samples revealed 243.85mg/100g (24.9%) for the Vannamei, 203.177 mg/100g (33.76%) for the Green Tiger and 179.033 mg/100g (25.14%) for the Banana shrimps. The content of PUFA unsaturated fatty acids in the Vannamei, 131 Green Tiger and Banana samples were, respectively, 370.660 mg/100g (37.84%), 101.573 mg/100g (16.9%) and 163.733 mg/100g (23.1%). Further, the comparison found a omega-3-fatty-acids total of 151.747 mg/100g(15.51%) for the Vannamei, 57.123 mg/100g (9.54%) for the Green Tiger and 130.460 mg/100g (18.46%) for the Banana species under study.


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The study of food preference is necessitated by the need to promote coastal culture of shrimps in Pakistan. The cultured Penaeus monodon was selected for study. Food preferences have been examined through the analysis of the gut contents. The shrimp shows a seasonal variation in its preference to food and feeding.