263 resultados para Fishery for individual species


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The changes occurring in water and salt extractable protein and non-protein fractions in prawn muscle of different species during freezing, freeze drying and subsequent prolonged storage have been studied. There is no denaturation of water extractable proteins, whereas salt extractable proteins were rendered insoluble to the extent of 21% due to freeze drying. The freeze dried products remained in good edible condition for 32 months of storage up to which storage characteristics were followed.


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Fatty acid composition of freshwater fish tilapia, (Tilapia mosambica), barbus (Barbus carnaticus) and Varal (Ophicephalus) is determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Varal contained the highest amount of C sub(20:5) acid compared to other 2 spp. Of the odd-numbered fatty acids C sub(17) was the predominant fatty acid present. Palmitic acid was found to have a lower level in these fish compared to marine fish. Barbus recorded unusually high percentage of 23.3% of C sub(18:2) acid.


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The paper deals with the average yield of four spp of prawns viz. Metapenaeus dobsoni, Metapenaeus affinis, Parapenaeopsis stylifera and Penaeus indicus on conversion to peeled and deveined (PD), cooked and peeled (CP) and head less shell on (HL) forms in the different months of a year and the likely variations observed in the average yield.


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Miscellaneous fish from the catches of shrimp trawlers constitute a major portion of the marine fish catch in India, its quantity in annual landing being of the order of 50,000 tons. At present it is often not brought to the shore since it fetches only very low price. It consists of several species and is a cheap source of animal protein. Attempts are made in India in various centres (Anon. 1972-73) to utilise them effectively by formulating various speciality products acceptable to consumers.


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The paper presents results of a study on the analytical characteristics of lipids from the skin and muscle of four important species of Gujarat coast fishes. Changes in characteristics like saponification value, iodine value and unsaponifiable matter of these lipids during different months of the year are also reported.


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Five species of flat fishes, namely Cynoglossus semifaciatus, C. lida, C. bilineatus, C. macrolepidotus and Psettodes erumei caught in trawlers off Mangalore were analysed for proximate composition of different body parts. These data are discussed in terms of their variability and applications. In whole body of C. lida and C. semifaciatus mean values for moisture, protein, fat and ash content on dry basis respectively were 75.9%, 75.3%, 7.1%, 16.1% and 78.9%, 75.6%. 7.9% and 16.6%. Mean values of these constituents of edible parts in the same order for C. semifaciatus and Psettodes erumei were 77.3%, 80.7%, 7.8%, 10.8% and 77.4%, 86.2%, 3.5% and 11.1% respectively.


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Among the fish species of the family Nemipteridae, the two little known species, namely, Nemipterus mesoprion (Bleeker) and Nemipterus delagoae (Smith) are recorded from the Cochin waters. Nemipterus mesoprion is a new distributional record from the west coast of India. N. delagoae is described with adequate numbers of specimen for the first time from Indian waters. Moreover, the results of the present study show that the colour of the viscera, the number of pyloric caeca and the gill rakers can also be used for the diagnosis of the species of the genus Nemipterus. The affinity of the above species with other related species of the genus Nemipterus and their geographical distribution are presented.


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The fish fauna of the Ashtamudi, the second largest estuarine system in Kerala (8°53'-9°02' N Lat. and 76°31'-76°41' E Long.) is listed. 97 species belonging to 39 families have been recorded, ofwhich69 are commercially important contributing to the fisheries of the Ashtamudi Estuary. Mullets, cichlids and the glassy perchlets are the most abundant groups and contribute appreciably to the landings. Results revealed that the estuarine system supports a good capture fishery which is seasonal. Majority of the fish fauna in the estuary are marine elements recruited from the adjoining Arabian Sea. An inventory of the craft and gear employed is presented and the sources of pollution in the estuarine system are described, aquacultural prospects of this area are discussed.


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Observations on the durability of fifteen species of common Indian timber treated with CCA at two absorption levels, for eight years are presented. CCA treatment has improved the durability of this timber to a great extent. T. grandis, D. indicus and X. xylocarpa give maximum durability on treatment with CCA. Less durable A. kurzi, T. nudiflora and P. longifolia when treated with CCA showed results comparable to the best species.


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The native bacterial flora of ocean fresh tropical prawns, Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus dobsoni and M. affinis was more or less similar, mainly consisting of Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Moraxella and Arthrobacter. A definite succession of bacterial genera during iced storage was observed in these prawns. As the day of ice storage increased, the proportion of Acinetobacter and Moraxella also increased considerably and constituted 70-78% of the flora at the time of spoilage. Spoilage by Pseudomonas was very not significant in prawns under iced storage.


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Three species of intertidal filter feeding bivalves (Modiolus carvalhoi, Modiolus sp. and Donax spiculum) exposed to mercury and cadmium filtered significantly less volume of water under individual metal and metal mixture stress. Mercury and cadmium in mixtures interacted additively and more than additively (Synergism) in depressing the filtration rate of the bivalves.


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The total biomass of the demersal stocks in the depth range of 30-200m between 12°401 and 15°N latitudes in the Indian Exclusive Economic Zone is estimated to be a:round 1,23,000 metric tons (t). There is scope for doubling the present catch of about 40,000 t from demersal resources by extending exploitation to 50-200m depth zone. About 78% of this increase is expected to come from four species, namely, Nemipterus japonicus, Priacanthus macracanthus, Saurida tumbil and Arius spp.


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Two trials conducted to demonstrate the suitability of composite carp culture in a small, seasonal, shallow village pond with varied species composition and stocking density indicated the possibility of obtaining higher production with reduced number of species. During the first trial, the Indian major carps, silver carp, common carp and fringe lipped carp were stocked at a density of 5625 fingerlings/ha in the pond in which the maximum water spread area was 1600m². The fish grown over a period of seven months yielded a production of only 242 kg. However, during the second trial, an increase in production by 60.33% was achieved over the same period in the same pond by stocking only the Indian major carps and common carp at a density of 4687.5 fingerlings/ha and feeding them daily with silkworm faecal matter based artificial feed at about 5% of their body weight. The results indicated that for seasonal, shallow ponds stocking of only three species of carps, namely, catla, rohu and common carp would suffice to get optimum yield.


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The chemical composition and nutritional quality of Peristedion adeni and Peristedion weberi, two unexploited fish species available in abundance in the Exclusive Economic Zone of India are reported. Size of the fish is small and separation of edible meat is difficult. Best method of utilization of the fish is conversion into meal. Meals having crude protein content varying from 55.0 to 57.0%, ash content from 17.0 to 19.6% and fat content from 17.7 to 18.1% can be prepared from the two species of fish. PER values of the meals are lower than that of casein. Amino acid analysis showed that isoleucine, leucine and valine are not present in the meals in adequate quantities compared to the FAO/WHO (1973) prescribed pattern.


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Two species of unexploited deep sea fish Peristedion adeni and Peristedion weberi caught from the Exclusive Economic Zone of India were subjected to fermentation at ambient temperature (30 ± 2°C) in the presence of salt in 4:1 ratio. Periodical analysis of the fermented product was carried out up to one year. The sauces had brownish yellow colour and conformed to special grade of the standards prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration. Further solubilization of protein after 9 month's maturation was not appreciable.