222 resultados para Methods and gear. Catching of fish


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Fishing communities that have exploited the resource for generations constitute the main stakeholder groups in the fisheries of Lake Victoria. Several studies have examined Uganda's Lake Victoria fishing communities and characterised key stakeholders at community level over the last decade (SEDAWOG 1999a and b; Geheb 1997; FeSEP 1997; Kitakule 1991). The communities are made up of scattered settlements at the shores and on islands. The categories of people living in these communities include fishers who consist primarily of large numbers of male youths who provide labour to boat and gear owners. There are resident and non-resident fish traders who after securing their supplies at the beaches, depart for their market destinations. In addition, there are fish processors, mostly operating traditional and improved smoking kilns. Many other people, dealing in provisions and supplies also stay at the beaches, their activities depending on the level of fish catch. The fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda, include auxiliary livelihood activities such as boat building, net repairing and transportation; bait supply and beachside kiosks, video halls and retail shop business. Other economic activities are brick making, charcoal burning/wood trade, farming and livestock keeping.


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Of all the great lakes, Lake Victoria has the highest population concentration on its fringes. This has resulted into serious human impacts on the ecosystem through intense agricultural activities (cultivation, livestock and over fishing), sporadic settlements, urbanization and industrial establishments. The consequences have been loss of animals and plant life, deforestation and general land degradation, pollution, loss of water quality and clean air. Aquatic life has become endangered and less guaranteeing to continued fish production. Awareness workshops and general talks have been done to a few selected communities by the lakes landing sites and in the catchment area to mitigate the deteriorating environmental conditions. Naturally the situation calls for reversal to the increasing stress of the ecosystem. As a result, every water body surveyed put forward some mitigation suggestions


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Biological diversity of an ecosystem is considered a reliable measure of the state of health of the ecosystem. In Uganda's large lakes, the Victoria and Kyoga, the past three decades have been characterized by profound changes in fish species composition following the introduction of the piscivorous Nile perch (Oguto-Ohwayo 1990). Over 300 haplochromine cichlid species comprising a wide range of trophic groups were lost along with a host of non-cichlid fishes which occupied virtually all available ecological niches and in the lakes (Witte 1992). A second major ecological event has been the gradual nutrient enrichment of the water bodies (eutrophication) from diffuse and point sources, while at the same time pollutants have also gained entrance into the water systems in pace with indusfrial development and human population increases in the lake basins. Eutrophication and pollution have drastically altered the physical and-chemical character of the water medium in which different fauna and flora thrive. In Lake Victoria these alterations have resulted in changes of algal species composition from pristine community dominated by chlorophytes and diatoms (Melosira etc) to one composed largely of blue-green algae or Cyanobacteria (Microcystis, Anabaena, Planktolyngbya etc) (Mugidde 1993, Hecky 1993).


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Food and feeding, condition factor, breeding periods, growth and size at first maturity of a small pelagic cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea (P.) in Lake Victoria are determined. Fishing gears and methods that have been used in the exploitation of the species and could be harmful to the fishery are outlined. Management measures leading to possible sustainable exploitation of the fishery are suggested. Adult R. argentea feed on zooplankton during daytime. Juveniles feed on planktonic early instars of lakefly larvae. Although the species breeds throughout the year, two breeding peaks were observed during the drier months of August and December January. Least breeding was observed in the rainy months of April-May and October November. Fishes from the open water station at Bugaia showed higher numbers of breeding individuals than those from inshore areas. The mean monthly condition factor of fish from Napoleon Gulf confirmed breeding peaks as obtained from the number of fish with ripe gonads. The species showed a mean instantaneous growth rate (K) of 1.75 and attains length infinity (Lx) of 54mm. Females of the species in these waters show a reduced size at maturity as compared to ten years ago when exploitation of the species was at minimal levels. The males have however not changed much.


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There have been considerable changes in fish species composition in Lakes victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo since the Nile perch were introduced. Populations of most of the native species have declined and many species may have become extinct. The original decline in the fish stocks was due to overfishing but the recent and more drastic decline has been attributed to predation by the Nile perch. Nile perch feeds on invertebrates changing to a piscivorous diet with size. Haplochromine cichlids, which were the most abundant fish in Lakes Victoria just before the Nile perch populations started increasing rapidly have been depleted. As more suitable types of prey were depleted in the new habi tats, Nile perch switched to other prey types to the extent of feeding even on its own young. There are, fears that the Nile perch will overshoot its food supply, resulting in a reduction of its own population and subsequently a collapse in the fishery (FAD 1985).


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A reduction in native fish stocks and the need to increase fish production for food, recreation, ornamental purposes and to control disease vectors and weeds have often justified and led to introduction of non-native fishes. Some of these introductions have been followed by benefitial and others by undesirable consequences. For instance introduction of the Nile perch Lates niloticus L. and several tilapiine species into lakes Victoria and Kyoga, and the clupeid Limnothrissa miodon into lakes Kariba and Kivu have resulted in increases in the quantity of fish available to the people around them. Predation by Nile perch and competition with introduced tilapiine species in lakes victoria and Kyoga have caused a severe decline and in some cases total disappearance of many of the native fish species.therefore the concern about fish introductions arises


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The Uganda sector of Lake Victoria occupies 29,580 km2 (43%). The lake used to boast of a multi-species fishery but presently relies on three major species Lates niloticus, Oreochromis niloticus and Rastrineobola argentea. During the past decade the total fish production on the Ugandan sector increased drastically from 17,000 tonnes in 1981 to about 13,000 tonnes 1991, indicating a healthy state of the fishery. This was contributed by a combination of factors including the explosive establishment of the introduced L. niloticus which contributed 60.8% in 1991 and the increase in the number of fishing canoes from 3470 in 1988 to 8000 in 1990. Isolated fishery resources studies carried out in different areas of the lake since 1971 seem, however, to indicate contrary trends in the available stocks and, therefore, the status of the fishery. In the experimental fishery, continued decline in catch rates have been recorded. Similarly, in the commercial fishery catch per unit of effort has been considerably poor (33 kg per canoe during January - March 1992) and the average size of individual fish laRded continued to decline, obviously pointing at possible over-fishing. This, therefore, calls for further urgent research on the available stocks for proper management strategies to be formulated.


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Unlike Lake Victoria, the fisheries of Lake George have undergone gradual changes in the size and proportion of the major commercial fish species, the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus: cichlidae) in the last 40 years (1950-1989). The size decreased from an average weight of 900g in 1950 to 430g in 1989 while percentage contribution in commercial catches during the same period declined from 92% to 36%. The over all annual commercial catches though showed a steady increase from the period 1950 when the fishery was opened to intensive and controlled exploitation, consistently high catches were observed in the 1960s and 1970s followed by a general decline in the early 1980s to amore or less stable fishery in the late 1980s. These changes are attributed to increased fishing pressure especially on the nil tilapia and to increased use of smaller gill net mesh sizes lower than the recommended 127mm mesh. The changes in gill net mesh have brought O. leucostictus, acichlid, into commercial catches confirming that the 88.9mm mesh size nets are used by the commercial fishermen to harvest smaller fish species. The commercial catches are presently dominated by the piscivorous fishes,(over 60%) whose contribution was less than 10% during initial exploitation of the virgin fishery in 1950.The piscivorous fish are mainly caught using hooks and lines. The entire fishery is believed to be exploited close to the maximum. The above trends serve to show the impact of exploitation on fish species diversity. Quantitive and qualitative changes of the major fish species on lake George are due to exploitation pressure unlike Lake Victoria where it is a combination of both exploitations and impact of fish introductions. There has been no fish introduction in Lake George.


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The fishery of Lake Wamala has declined since the lake was stocked in 1956 and opened to fishing during the 1960s. Surveys were conducted on the lake during 1975/78 and 1988/92 to investigate the causes of declining fish catches. The lake produced an average of 4000 - 6000 tonnes of fish annually from 1960s through 1970s. Total fish catches decreased from a maximum of 7100 tonnes in 1967 to less than 500 tonnes by 1990s. Catch rates decreased from about 8 kg in the 1960s to less than 1 kg per net per night by 1975. During the 1970s the catch was dominated by Oreochromis niloticus (67%) followed by Clarias gariepinus (17%), and Protopterus aethiopicus (15.1 %). By 1990s the proportion of O. niloticus had decreased to 45.1% while that of P. aethiopicus had increased to 37.6%. These changes seem to have been caused by overfishing resulting from increased fishing effort from the recommended 250 to about 1000 boats and the additional increase in effort through driving fish into the nets by beating water. The maximum size of O. niloticus in the fishery decreased from 32 cm total length in 1975/78 to 22 cm in 1988/92 while the size at first maturity decreased from about 21 cm to 14 cm during the period. This has been concurrent with a shift in the mesh size of gillnet used from 127 mm (5") in 1960s to 64 mm by 1990s. Environmental changes, especially in lake level in 1980, may also have affected the fishery.


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This study analyses competition in the wholesale and retail fish marketing system in Kisumu, which is Kenya's largest fish market. It is based on cross sectional and time series primary data collected in a survey involving 88 retailers and 47 wholesale traders of fish in the town. Stratified random sampling method was used in selecting the respondents, Concentration ratios, Lorenz curves and Gini coefficients are derived and evaluated for both markets. They demonstrate that market shares are unequally distributed among the wholesalers and retailers. The Gini coefficients are 0.37 and 0.45 for the whole and retail markets respectively. Based on a Gini coefficient cut-off level of 0.4, it is concluded that the wholesale fish market exhibits effective competition while the retail outlet has oligopolistic tendencies. The implication of this level of competition to price efficiency is discussed. Intervention measures to enhance competition in the market are recommended.


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An experimental bottom trawl survey was carried out in the Uganda sector of Lake Victoria during the period May 1993 through May 1995 with the aim of establishing the current composition, distribution and abundance of the fish stocks. A total of 205 successful one-hour hauls were taken using the 25.4mm mesh size codend trawl net during the 19 cruises. Fourteen fish taxa (excluding the haplochromines) were recorded with Lates niloticus constituting the bulk (97 %) of the fish retained. Haplochromines and L. nilolicus were encountered in all areas sampled while Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and other tilapiines were restricted to waters less than 20 metres deep. An average catch of 154 kg/hr was obtained in waters less than 30 metres deep. Species diversity and relative abundance varied with depth. Only two of the fifteen fish taxa (haplochromines and L.niloticus) were recorded in waters deeper than 30 metres and the bulk of the fish by weight (92 %) was obtained in waters less than 30 metres.