203 resultados para Beypore Estuary


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The marine environment of Pakistan has been described in the context of three main regions : the Indus delta and its creek system, the Karachi coastal region, and the Balochistan coast. The creeks, contrary to concerns, do receive adequate discharges of freshwater. On site observations indicate that freshwater continues flowing into them during the lean water periods and dilutes the seawater there. A major factor for the loss of mangrove forests as well as ecological disturbances in the Indus delta is loss of the silt load resulting in erosion of its mudflats. The ecological disturbance has been aggravated by allowing camels to browse the mangroves. The tree branches and trunks, having been denuded of leaves are felled for firewood. Evidence is presented to show that while indiscriminate removal of its mangrove trees is responsible for the loss of large tracts of mangrove forests, overharvesting of fisheries resources has depleted the river of some valuable fishes that were available from the delta area. Municipal and industrial effluents discharged into the Lyari and Malir rivers and responsible for land-based pollution at the Karachi coast and the harbour. The following are the three major areas receiving land-based pollution and whose environmental conditions have been examined in detail: (l) the Manora channel, located on the estuary of the Lyari river and serving as the main harbour, has vast areas forming its western and eastern backwaters characterized by mud flats and mangroves. The discharge of industrial wastewater from the S.I.T.E. and municipal effluents from the northern and central districts into the Lyari has turned this river into an open drain. This, in turn, has caused a negative impact on the environment of the port, fish harbour, and the adjacent beaches. (2) The Gizri creek receives industrial and municipal effluents from the Malir river as well as from several industries and power stations. The highly degraded discharges from the Malir have negatively impacted the environment in this creek. (3) The coastline between the Manora channel and Gizri creek where the untreated municipal effluents are discharged by the southern districts of Karachi, is responsible for the degraded environment of the Chinna creek, and also of the beaches and the harbour. The Balochistan coast is relatively safe from land-based pollution, mainly because of the lack of industrial, urban or agricultural activity, except the Hingol river system where some agricultural activities have been initiated.


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The fish fauna of the Ashtamudi, the second largest estuarine system in Kerala (8°53'-9°02' N Lat. and 76°31'-76°41' E Long.) is listed. 97 species belonging to 39 families have been recorded, ofwhich69 are commercially important contributing to the fisheries of the Ashtamudi Estuary. Mullets, cichlids and the glassy perchlets are the most abundant groups and contribute appreciably to the landings. Results revealed that the estuarine system supports a good capture fishery which is seasonal. Majority of the fish fauna in the estuary are marine elements recruited from the adjoining Arabian Sea. An inventory of the craft and gear employed is presented and the sources of pollution in the estuarine system are described, aquacultural prospects of this area are discussed.


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Marine polychaetes, collected from the Vellar Estuary exhibited arylsulfatase activity. Lumbriconeries sp. Polydora sp. Monojis sp. and Heteromastus sp. were selected for this study. Of these, Heteromastus sp. showed maximum enzymatic activity and it has been chosen for the enzyme kinetic studies such as pH, optimal temperature, period of incubation and the effect of DDT. Enzyme activity showed single peak at pH 6.2 possibly indicating the presence of one type of arylsulfatase. Maximum activity was attained after 12h of incubation at 29°C. DDT has an inhibiting effect on the arylsulfatase activity even at the concentration of 10 p.p.m. and the activity was completely lost at 100 p.p.m.


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Occurrence of enteric bacteria in water, sediment and shellfishes of Mulki, Pavanje, Gurpur and Netravathi estuaries of the Mangalore coast is reported. 70 water samples, 71 sediment samples and 37 shellfish samples were analysed in 18 months. Total bacterial load in sediment and shellfishes was found to be more than that in water samples. The total bacterial load was not very high. However, enterococci, particularly coliforms in sediments, water and shellfishes were found to be quite high, indicative of faecal pollution. The incidence of Salmonella spp. was recorded in all the estuaries except the Mulki estuary.


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A total of 313 strains of bacteria which hydrolysed tripotassium phenolphthalein disulfate (PDS) were isolated from the sediments of three biotopes, namely, Vellar estuary, backwater and mangrove during the period of investigation. They were identified to the generic level. The following genera were encountered, namely, Vibrio, Bacillus, Alcaligenes, Micrococcus, Pseudomonas, Cytophaga-Flavobacterium, Aeromonas, Corynebacterium and members of Enterobacteriaceae. Vibrio and Bacillus were found to be the dominant groups representing 29.26% and 41.80% respectively of the total isolates. Because of the importance of the Vibrio group in marine environment these isolates were further identified to the species level and it included V. parahaemolyticus, V. alginolyticus, V. consticola, V. anguillarum and V. fischeri. These observations suggest that different groups of arylsulfatase – producing bacteria probably occur in marine sediments.


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The present investigation was undertaken to establish a reference situation for future use, to identify temporal and spatial composition of macrofauna and estimate some ecological indices in the sub tidal waters along the Bushehr coastal waters in Persian Gulf. Six transects were selected including Genaveh, Farakeh, Shif, Bandargah, Rostami and Asalouyeh, at each transect 3 station were sampled in depths of zero, 5 and 10 metres. Sampling was seasonally carried out by a VAN VEEN grab 0.0225 m2, during summer 2008 until spring 2009. Samples were wet sieved immediately using 0.5 mm mesh size sieves and sediment retained in the sieve was preserved in 4% buffered formalin solution. Macrofauna specimen were separated from the sediments using decantation and elutriation methods, enumerated and identified up to the Genus level. Environmental factors such as temperature. pH, and salinity were recorded in field using sensitive probs and refractometer (for salinity) and also sediment samples were taken for TOM and grain size analysis in all the stations. 5611 specimens belonging to 66 genera were collected during the present study. Polychaetes were dominant both in terms of genus number (31) and relative abundance (74 % of total macrofaunal abundance). The other dominant groups were Artheropoda, (16.1%), Molusca (2.8%), Echinodermata (1.29%) and others including Nematoda, Nemertina, Echiura and Turbellaria (5.8%). Thirty one Genera belong of 27 families of polychaeta, one genus and family of Subphylum Chlicerata,19 genera belong to 14 families of Crustacea, 8 genera belong to 6 families of Molusca, were indentified in the studied region. 1 family (Polygordidae) and 3 genera (Flabeligera, Pilargis and Polygordius) of Polychaeta, 1 family (Nymphonidae) and genus (Nymphon) of Chelicerata, 1 Family (Nematoplanidae) and genus (Nematoplana) of Turbellaria, were identified for the first time in Persian Gulf area. The result indicated that macrofauna organism have strong relationship with the grain size characteristics of the sediments they inhabit. The most surface deposit feeder specimens such as Prionospio and Cossura were found in zero meters depth of Genaveh, Farakeh, Bandargah, Rostami and Asalouyeh stations with sandy substratum, however the most burrowing deposit feeder and scavenger specimens such as Capitella and Petaloproctus were collected in 5 and 10 meter depths of stations with silty–clay substratum. The annual mean abundance, Shanon- weiner diversity and evenness of macrofauna were estimated1152.73 N/ m² , 2.72 and 0.792 respectively .The annual average biomass and secondary production were computed 1.797 gDW m² and 3.594 gDW m² y-1 .The average of water temperature, salinity, pH and oxygen concentration were recorded between 16.37-36.05 °C, 38-42 g/l, 7.89-8.76 and 4.23-8.23 mg/l, respectively during this study in 6 studied region. Among of investigated stations Asalouyeh adjacent of effluent canal of Gas and petrochemical industry sewage and Farakeh regions adjacent the Helleh estuary had the lowets and the highest community indices. The average of diversity and density in 5 meters depth stations with moderate of sand, silt and clay were slightly more than 2 other depths stations, it seems that 5 meters stations are made a transition habitats between 2 sandy and clay habitats, that can be used by 2 groups of surface and borrowing deposit feeders. Based on the data provided in this survey, the temperature variation, sediment texture, TOM, type habitat and manmade factors of Gas and petrochemical industries have had the most effect on the macrofauna community structure in the studied region during sampling periods.


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Platycephalus indicus is a large benthic fish that inhabits temperate and tropical coastal waters of the Indo-West Pacific and found on sand or mud bottom in vary shallow area of estuary and near shore to depth of 25m. This species is dominant species of platycephalidae family, in Khuzestan, Bushehr and Hormozgan provinces and mainly is captured by bottom trawl, gillnet and moshta in Hormozgan. This study was designed to evaluate population variation and differentiation of bartail flathead (Platycephalus indicus (Linnaeus, 1785))in the Iranian waters of Persian Gulf using the morphometric and meristic characters and by AFLP marker. . A total 180 fish specimens were collected by gill net from six station(khor mosa, bahrekan, shif, motaf, charak and bandar abbas) that was 30 individual related to every station in Iranian shores of Persian Gulf . 28 morphometric factors and 11meristic specialties were measured and morphometric factors was standardized with Beacham formula. Univariate analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) revealed significant differences with varying degrees between the means for 21 standardized morphometric measurements and 6 meristic counts that showed high significant differences between the six stations sampling. Discriminate function analysis (DFA) or the overall random assignment of individuals into their original groups was for morphometric and meristic characters was 47.9% and 53.9% respectively. The data were subjected to a principle component analysis (PCA) which grouped in eight and four factors for morphometric and meristic charactersrespectively.. Genetic diversity of six populations of bartail flathead (Platycephalus indicus) was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). A total of 118 reproducible bands amplified with ten AFLP primer combinations were obtained from 42 fishes that were collected from six different locations in the northern of Persian Gulf. The percentage of polymorphic bands was 57.06%. Average of Nei’s genetic diversity was 0.200±0.008, and Average of Shannon’s index was 0.300±0.011. The results of AMOVA analysis indicated that 66% of the genetic variation contained within populations and 34% occurred among populations and gene flow was 0.6454.The estimated level of population differentiation asmeasured by average Fst value across all loci was 0.327. Plotting discriminant functions 1 and 2 and UPGMA dendrograms based on Euclidian distance and genetic distance also showed at least five separate populations of bartail flathead in the northern Persian Gulf.


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Ecological study on Kolahy and 'flab estuaries were carried out during 1996-1997. Water and sediment sampling was done seasonally. In order to study the physical and chemical characteristic of the water, various animal fauna from different material niches including planktons and fish from water, benthousi from the sediment , and surface living animal such as Arthropod (Crabs) and Waterbirds were identified. I he result shoved, that water salinity of both estuaries was the same as the general salinity existing its the Persian Gulf water, and its variation is same IN those waters Minimum water salinity in both estuaries are seen during Bahairdan or early winter mooth(Jaa.), which is about 31ppt and Maximum is during .rirldlun.) or summer mouth at about 19 ppt. Dissolved otygen and pH are slime as the general Persian Gulf waters., Dissolve Oxygen being directly associated to temperature and its fluctuation is between 7- Sing/I and pH between 7.5-LS. The animals of both estuaries are almost similar having a sal factory species diversity . The birds of the region are often seasonal migrants , the maximum population of which occurs in winter season and the minimum during summer month. Nam coverage is richer in Tiab than Kolahy estuary, where in Kolahy a signal Mangrove tree is in exigence. 'Ile total coverage of Mangrove forest in Tiab is estimated about -29 hec.Both estuaries are included with in the international Ramsar Convention sites in 1971. Due to national importance of these estuaries inproviding refugee for various birds species and also hinting grounds and access traffic for local fishing vehicles, Actiog as an important access for various inhabitancy living with these area of the Persian Gulf. Due to importance or prawn aquacultur for the economical well being of local inhabitance, these areas provide a suitable grandees for prawn production. I-test statistics show, there are no significant difference among various invertebrate and vertebrate animals. In over all out look 21) phytoplankton genera, 21) zeoplankton genera 17 miafauna and 32 roaerofauna genera , 11 different species Carcineacearions and 119 species of walerbirds were identified with in the Tiab and Kolahy estuariesregioos. The X statistic show that the animal density is directly associated to season. Where density of miofauna and maerofauna in both estuaries are in maiticrourn during summer and the minimums existing during the winter season. In addition the bentic invertebrate population density in closlly association to birds population density since , the later, feeds on the former animals. Where the increasing in bird population density during the winter season, the bentic invertebrate animal population density decreases. The over all trend of animal population density in winter tend to increased towards the summer seasons, which this is due to climatic conditions of the region. The bird population on the contrary to other animals of both estuaries tend to increase from summer towards the winter seasons and which this bird population density is in maximum in winter with in the region.