479 resultados para Stocks.


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ENGLISH: Samples of yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, collected from five areas of the Pacific Ocean (Mexico, Ecuador, Australia, Japan, and Hawaii) between January and May of 1988 and 1990 were examined for spatiotemporal variation in morphometric characters and gill-raker counts. 'Iwo-factor analysis of variance, with area and year treated as grouping factors, indicated a significant difference in the means of the total gill-raker counts among fish from different areas, but no significant difference between fish caught in different years. The morphometric data were adjusted by allometric formulae to remove size effects. The correct classification rates for the five groups, using discriminant function analysis, based on adjusted morphometric characters, were 77.60/0 for the samples from 1988 and 74.40/0 for those from 1990. These are 72.00/0 and 68.00/0 (Cohen's kappa statistic) better than would have occurred chance. The pattern of geographic variability, however, is unstable for these two years, thus requiring separate discriminant functions for each year. Although there is annual variability in the morphometric characters, these results demonstrate that the stocks examined are morphometrically distinguishable and that their phenetic relationships reflect their geographic origin. SPANISH: Se examinaron muestras de atún aleta amarilla, Thunnus albacares, tomadas de cinco áreas del Océano Pacífico (México, Ecuador, Australia, Japón, y Hawaii) entre enero y mayo de 1988 y 1990, para descubrir variaciones espaciotemporales en las características morfométricas y los conteos de branquiespinas. Un análisis de varianza de dos factores, con área y año como factores de agrupación, indicó una diferencia significativa en los promedios de los conteos de branquiespinas totales entre peces de distintas áreas, pero ninguna entre peces capturados en distintos años. Se ajustaron los datos morfométricos con fórmulas alométricas para eliminar los efectos de la talla del pez. En un análisis de función discriminante, las tasas de clasificación correcta de los cinco grupos, basadas en características morfométricas ajustadas, fueron 77.60/0 para las muestras de 1988 y 74.40/0 para aquellas de 1990. Estas cifras son 72.00/0 y 68.00/0 (estadístico de kappa de Cohen) mejores de lo que se hubiera obtenido al azar. Sin embargo, la variabilidad geográfica es inestable en estos dos años, requiriendo por lo tanto funciones discriminantes separadas para cada año. Aunque existe variabilidad anual en las características morfométricas, estos resultados demuestran que los stocks examinados son morfamétricamente distinguibles, y que su relación fenética refleja su origen geográfico. (PDF contains 31 pages.)


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Lake Chad is a very large, shallow eutrophic lake shared by Chad, Nigeria, Niger and Cameroun. It supplies approximately 13% of Nigeria's inland fish. It however lies in an unstable ecological environment characterised by intermittent period of rainfall and drought. This creates a very large draw down area. Consequently, the fisheries are affected by the oscillation in the size of lake due to the drought. Other factors affecting the volume of water are the numerous dams on the inflow rivers. The fishery is also subjected to intense overfishing and may be affected by pollution and other land use practices. The paper discusses changes that took place over the years as a result of the factors of drought, effect of dams on the inflow rivers. The fishery is also subjected to intense overfishing and may be affected by pollution and other land use practices. The paper discusses changes that took place over the years as a result of the factors of drought, effects of dams and overexploitation. Previous records of fish production, species composition and distribution, the status of the fish stocks, their sizes are compared with more recent data. The status of the fishery before and after the contraction of the lake is discussed. Suggestion for a national exploitation of the lake based on habitat improvement, increasing the volume of the water in the lake through controlled use of the influent rivers as well as reduction in overfishing are made


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ENGLISH: It is important to the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission to know whether the anchoveta (Cetengraulis mysticetus), the principal tuna bait species in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean, is composed of one or several populations. Earlier research indicated that, on the basis of significant differences in certain meristic counts, populations of this species in six of the major baiting localities between Mexico and Peru, should provisionally be considered as separate stocks. Since that time, additional collections of anchovetas have been obtained from these and other intervening localities. Purpose of the present study was to confirm the results of the earlier work, and to determine whether the differences in the meristic counts persisted from year to year, as well as to examine certain morphometric characters of the fish from these areas, and to learn whether the populations from the other localities are also separate entities. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical está interesada en saber si la anchoveta (Ceteugrautís mvsticetus}, la principal especie usada como cebo para la pesca del atún en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical, está compuesta de una o de varias poblaciones. Investigaciones previas indicaron que, a base de diferencias significativas encontradas en ciertos caracteres numéricos, las poblaciones de esta especie en seis de las principales localidades entre México y Perú, podían ser consideradas provisionalmente como pertenecientes a "stocks'' separados. Desde entonces se han venido haciendo recolecciones adicionales de anchovetas en éstas y otras localidades intermedias. El propósito del presente trabajo ha sido confirmar los resultados obtenidos previamente, y determinar si las diferencias en los caracteres numéricos han persistido de un año a otro, así como examinar ciertos caracteres morfométricos en los peces de estas áreas, y resolver si las poblaciones de las nuevas localidades muestreadas son también entidades diferentes. (PDF contains 76 pages.)


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Knowledge of the population structure of an exploited stock is necessary for the effective management of a fishery. For this reason the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) has sponsored numerous genetic, morphometric, and migration studies of yellowfin, Thunnus albacares, and skipjack, Katswonus pelamis, in a concerted effort to determine the structure of these stocks in the eastern Pacific Ocean. (PDF contains 171 pages.)


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This paper sets out to explore how Uganda's lake Victoria fishery has been managed. It explores the management of the fishery during the protectorate period, and argues that the apparent success of regulation during this time may be attributed to the very heightened controls arising from Sleeping Sickness Controls. Once these were removed, entry into the fishery was rapid and uncontrolled, and the resultant impact on fish stocks was quickly felt. With its huge area, considerable shoreline, and innumerable islands, the lake Victoria fisheries service was quickly overwhelmed and disbanded as a result. In the early independence years, the Republic's government focused on developing the fishery, plans thwarted by turmoil of, and following, Idi Amin's reign. More recently, the fishery has prospered from Uganda's entry into the Nile perch fillet export market, which ahs adversely affected stocks. We present and comment on recently collected data that considers fishers' impressions of the status of the fishery, regulations and future managerial possibilities, and comment on these in the light of recent changes to Uganda's fisheries administration


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A lakewide hydroacoustic research programme was designed in the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria in order to ascertain the status of fish stocks. Data obtained from the hydroacoustic surveys were complemented with by catch data from multi mesh gillnets and frame trawls to validate acoustic estimates. Fish were distributed over the whole survey area, though the densities and species composition varied from place to place. Echo traces showed the fish formed schools during daytime and became more dispersed towards evening. Approximately equivalent indices of abundance were estimated for Rastrineobola argentea and Haplocromines. The distribution of the freshwater prawn, Caridina nilotica and the lakefly Chaoborus sp. was patchy. Dense swarms of Chaoborus larvae were observed to disperse from the lake bottom as the night approached thus assuring echo-traces formed by fish on the echogram and making their interpretation difficult. Caridina nilotica were observed to form dense echo-traces at the thermocline


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Trawl surveys to assess the stocks of Lake Victoria (Tanzania) for estimates of biomass and yield, together with the establishment of exploitation patterns, are being undertaken under the Lake Victoria Fisheries Research Project. Preliminary surveys to establish the sampling stations and strategy were carried out between October 1997 and February 1998. Three cruises to cover the whole of Tanzanian waters were undertaken with 133 sampling stations. Data on each rates, species composition, and distribution were collected. Three sampling areas were designated: area A, B and C. In each area, almost the same distribution pattern over depth was found. Lates niloticus (L) formed over 90% of the total catch. Most L. niloticus were from 5-40 cm TL. Abundance decreased with depth, few fish were found deeper than 40m and most fish were caught at <20 m deep. Catch rates varied considerably between stations and areas. Area A had the highest catch rates with little variation over the stations. There is an indication of recovery of species diversity compared with the surveys of RV Kiboko(1985 and 1989)


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Information is given on the results of the last two meetings (May 97, October/November 96) of the Advisory Committee on Fishery Management (ACFM) of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) with special emphasis on the status of those fish stocks utilized by the German fishery and/or the German fishing industry.


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Since 1988 the ‘Precautionary Principle’ for human activities in the global environment has rapidly gained recognition in UN conferences (especially UNCED, Rio de Janeiro, 1992). For fisheries the UN Agreement on the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks was a milestone for the implementation of the Precautionary Approach to fisheries management. The International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) and the Scientific Council of NAFO (Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation) were requested to implement the Precautionary Approach in the advice for fisheries management. The ICES concept for implementation consists of stock specific biological and management reference points, harvest control rules and recovery plans in case of overfished stocks. The NAFO concept is similar.


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Investigations concerning the intensity and duration of spawning seasons of cod stocks are parts of the work of the reproductions ecology of commercial fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. The Institute of Baltic Fisheries Rostock has sampled and analysed data for this goal since 1992. The first data analyses for the spawning season 1997, sampled in the areas Kiel Bay, Mecklenburg Bay and Arkona Sea showed that the process of the spawning season is different compared to the years before. The spawning process starts earlier than the other years in Kiel Bay and Mecklenburg Bay. The results show that a high proportion of the spawning stock was part of the spawning process in this area. The Arkona Sea cod are regarded by ICES definition as belonging to the western cod stock. In this ICES sub-division only a low number of spawned cod was observed in March, the main spawning time of the western cod stock. Opposite to the theory of the stock units intensive spawning activities were observed in June as in the years before in the Arkona Sea.


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The October meeting of the ACFM of ICES gave advice for a number of North-Atlantic fish stocks. The results of the most important stocks are given here from the perspective of German fishery management. The are chiefly North Sea plaice and sole, for which a reduction of 25 % of the fishing mortality (F) is recommended for 1998, North Sea saithe (minus 20 % in F), while North Sea cod is in the process of recovery and North Sea haddock is inside safe biological limits. The mackerel stock of the North Sea has not yet recovered, while the western mackerel stock as an entity has stabilised at a level of about 2.3 million t.


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At present, the severe decline of the fishery off Greenland is being discussed controversially. In contrast to overfishing, climate changes and emigration are itemized causal. Available German data on commercial catches and research cruises are presented for clarification. A few years after the beginning of heavy exploitation during the early sixties, the stocks of cod, golden and beaked redfish reflected a significant rejuvenescence based on catch analysis. Regular scientific surveys• for stock assessment purposes commenced in 1982 when the productivity of the stocks was already adversely affected due to low spawning stocks and extremely irregular recruitment. From this point of view, the results of the latest survey in 1995 showing stagnant fish biomass at record low level since 1991 are not surprising. The status of the cod stock is still considered severely depleted. Taking the high abundance of juvenile redfish into account, recovery of the groundfish stocks is unlikely in short term and depends on the non-predictable recruitment only.


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This study includes an analysis of the trawl survey that was carried out by the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project in May, 1997. The objective of the survey was to assess the biomass and the potential yield of clupeids and the carrying capacity of the beach seine fishery in the entire Kainji Lake (Nigeria). The biomass of the beach seine by-catch was also estimated. The density (kg /km super(3)) of the clupeids was higher in the Bussa and Foge than in the other stations. The lowest density of clupeids was in the Anfani station followed by Jetty, both in the southern basin. These stations were the deepest parts of all the areas trawled, measuring between 37-120 m of depth. There was an inverse correlation between depth trawled and the catch rates of clupeids, though the correlation was poor. The average annual biomass of the clupeids was estimated at 36,769.85 Mt in the entire Lake with an MSY of 11,705.95 Mt. The smaller species, Sierrathrissa leonensis, made up about 97% of the total clupeid population in the lake and occurred at a shallower depth than the larger species Pellonula afzeliusi. From the clupeid production statistics in 1996, it is estimated that the MSY is already overshot by 34%. Therefore, about 698 beach seines instead of the present 810 would be sufficient for sustainable exploitation of the clupeid stocks. Because of the substantial by-catch in the beach seines, this fishing method was banned from Kainji Lake in 1997. An offshore open water seine net is recommended to replace the beach seines on the lake. The number of these nets should not exceed 500. The current ban on beach seine is supported by this study. Nevertheless, and since the ban may not be 100% effective, effort should concentrate on maintaining that the number of beach seines must be kept at most at the present level. Recommendation is made against the introduction of the pair trawling not only from an economic point of view but also for resource conservation, legal and social reasons. The development of this fishery could pose a serious danger to continuity of stocks. It is proposed that priority be given to the development of an open water seine which is at the same level of exploitation as the beach seine and requires similar cost to acquire. (PDF contains 39 pages)


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This article informs about the current status and development of fish stocks which are•of commercial importance for all branches of the German fisheries in the•entire North Atlantic. The information is based to a large extent on the reports of the Advisory Committee on Fishery Management (ACFM)of the International Council of the Sea(ICES) and in close connection with the results of scientific investigations of different institutes in Europe dealing with fish including the Institute for Sea Fisheries in Hamburg.


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This study was carried out to establish trends in the cast net fishery of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. The cast net fishery was second in importance to the gillnet fishery in the early years after impoundment of the lake and still continues to be an important component of the fishery. Some of the economically important species such as Citharinus spp, Tilapia spp, Labeo spp, Alestes spp and Synodontis spp are exploited by cast nets. The study has not revealed any drastic perturbation in the species diversity, catch composition, and any real ecosystem overfishing. On the other hand, both the catfish, Auchenoglanis spp and the predator Hydrocynus spp appear to have increased in the catch in recent years. Never-the-less there is a decline in the mean weight of the major exploited fish species due to the capture of under sized fishes without allowing them to grow to 'legally' marketable sizes. The use of small meshed cast net and also fishing in the shallow waters of the lake can give rise to this situation. Thus, there are signs of growth overfishing in the fish stocks. It must also be acknowledged that the situation is complicated by the fact that in a multi-gear fishery as on Kainji Lake, the cast net fishery could not be managed in isolation without due regard to the other competing gears. The catch per unit of effort (CPUE) has declined in the cast net fishery possibly due to the increase in effort by the major fishing gears over the years. The ongoing extension campaigns by the KLFPP appears to be having the desired effect, as there was reduction in the number of the major fishing gears on the Lake in 1997. It can be anticipated that if this trend continues, the CPUE will recover in the long run. Yields observed from the mesh selectivity study revealed that for major species in the cast net fishery, both by number and weight, were maximal at 2.5 inch mesh, which contrasts with the fact that current minimum allowable mesh in the Fisheries Edict for the Lake is 2.0 inch. The adoption of 2.5 inch as the minimum allowable mesh in the cast net fishery is recommended to be included in future revision of existing regulations. It is also recommended that for this control to have a desired effect, the casting of the net from the shore should be prohibited so as to reduce the incidence of juvenile mortality in the nursery areas. (PDF contains 28 pages)