592 resultados para Freshwater ecology
The aim of this communication is to briefly review nomenclature in the genus Callicorixa, describe the variation in the dark markings on the posterior legs of all four species, describe alternative diagnostic features, and provide a key to identification based on these alternative features. Attention is also drawn to a small error in FBA Scientific Publication 50 (Adults of the British aquatic Hemiptera Heteroptera: a key with ecological notes).
Laguna Llancanelo is a large (40,000 ha), very shallow (less than 3 m deep), inland saline waterbody, located in southern Mendoza, Argentina. A survey of the avifauna was undertaken during 1983 to 1985; field trips were made mostly to the northeastern and central-western sectors of the lagoon, in the months of April, May, September, October and December. Complementary studies were made by an aerial survey and assessments of terrestrial birds in the surroundings of the lagoon. A total of 64 species in 22 families of birds usually associated with aquatic environments were recorded. The best-represented families of aquatic birds in terms of numbers of species were: Anatidae (13 swans, geese, ducks), Scolopacidae (7 sandpipers and other small waders), Ardeidae (6 herons, bitterns, egrets, Podicipedidae (4 grebes), Rallidae (4 rails, coots) and Charadriidae (4 plovers, lapwings). The most abundant nesting birds on the lagoon were: Black-necked swan Cygnus melancoryphus (824), silvery grebe Podiceps occipitalis (202) and black-crowned night heron Nycticorax nycticorax (100).
This short paper records some measurements made on the Little Sea, a shallow, coastal, acidic lake on Studland Heath, Dorset. The lake, formed about 100 years ago by dunes cutting off a sea inlet, has not received any input of agricultural fertilizers or other waste products for at least the last 30 years. It is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). Samples of surface water were taken from the northern and southern ends of the lake at 3-monthly intervals, from July 1995 to April 1996. The first samples in July 1995 were taken during a period of drought; rain, sometimes very heavy, came in late September. With the exception of silicate, potassium and phosphate, there were no large changes in plant nutrient concentrations during the year. The concentration of nitrate-nitrogen was very low (close to the limits of analytical detection), but total phosphorus at ca. 30 mu g per litre was similar to concentrations found in some of the Cumbrian eutrophic lakes. The large number of algal species at low cell/colony concentrations suggested that the lake is mesotrophic. Sodium, chloride and magnesium in the lake water were close to the same proportions as those found in sea water. Dry and wet deposition of sea-salts on the lake surface and its catchment area probably is the major source of sodium, magnesium and chloride ions in the lake, and also accounts for about half of the mean potassium and sulphate concentrations.
This article is intended to open a discussion about the historical development of lakes Zirahuen, Patzcuaro and Cuitzeo in the state of Michoacan, and the postulated relationships between lake ecology and evolution. Dr Fernando De Buen was the first man dedicated to limnology in Mexico who came to the country in the 1930s. He was adviser at the Estacion Limnologica de Patzcuaro and wrote outstanding papers dealing with Mexican lakes. The lakes of Michoacan probably formed in the late Pliocene or Holocene, and were part of a tributary to the Lerma River, which became isolated by successive volanic barriers to form lake basins. Lake Zirahuen is a warm monomictic waterbody with unique water dynamics amongst the Michoacan lakes. Because it is relatively deep (max depth 40m), seasonal patterns of alternating circulation and thermal stratification develop in the lake, a feature not shared by the other two polymictic shallow lakes, Patzcuaro and Cuitzeo.
The work reported here results from material collected by the author made during 12 years residence in the East Usambaras in the 1950s and early 1960s, as well as a more recent visit. The faunal list the author has compiled comprises 45 species. As well as named species known to occur in the torrential section of the River Sigi, it includes those that are distinct but insufficiently well defined at present to have been formally described. For the sake of completeness, five species of Cloeon and one of Procloeon known to occur in ponds and pools formed by the damming of end-streams in forest clearings, have been included.
There are 34 species of the family Corixidae (Hemiptera Heteroptera) in Britain and Ireland of which Sigara striata and Sigara dorsalis are the only two British representatives. In this article the authors briefly consider a range of diagnostic features that may be used to separate British specimens of striata from dorsalis. Most of these morphological features have been used in keys to the British species of the subgenus Sigara sensu strictu. A scoring system has also been devised to facilitate the identification of individuals from the southeast of England, although it is applicable to the whole of the British Isles, and a new (short) key is presented.
In a recent study in Freshwater Forum on Speakman's Pond (also known as Nursery Pond) the impression was given that it had been a permanent water-filled pond which had recently dried out due to exceptionally low rainfall. In fact, Nursery Pond was created by the extraction of gravel and was never more than 50 cm deep, until the creation of trenches in 1989 to provide a refuge for aquatic life. The Nursery Pond followed a seasonal pattern of filling with winter rain and slowly drying out between 1940 to 1970. It had no established aquatic vegetation, no fish, and only rarely amphibians. Permanent water was present only from about 1979 until 1995 due to leakage from a Thames water storage reservoir.
Data on the distribution of aquatic bugs in Scotland was compiled with a widely-used biological recording software called RECORDER supplemented by a mapping program (DMAP) and a program that linked the two. Status lists are given with a brief account of the distribution of each species. Common and widespread species are listed in group one, including Velia caprai and Gerris lacustris, with less common species in group two such as Hydrometra stagnorum and Microvelia reticulata. Rare, uncommon or under-recorded species are also listed. These include Hebrus ruficeps, Gerris najas and Cymatia coleoptrata.
This new project is multidisciplinary, with physical and chemical palaeolimnological aspects mainly the responsibility of Swiss and Russian scientists, and the biological limnology and palaeolimnology components mainly undertaken by the British and Russian groups. The overall project aim is to improve palaeoclimate reconstructions using sedimentary diatoms by promoting better understanding of diatom ecology and sediment-forming processes. The initial work plan is divided into four main parts: To understand diatom phytoplankton ecology more fully, to assess taphonomic changes associated with the transformation of phytoplankton diatom communities into sediment assemblages, to demonstrate sediment core integrity and representativity and to calibrate modern diatom assemblages against contemporary climate records. The preliminary results from the interrelated studies of phytoplankton, sediment traps and sediment cores used in GEOPASS-NERC, demonstrate the complexity of links between the living and fossil systems. Furthermore, the nature of recent sedimentation in Lake Baikal is spatially variable and incompletely known. This poses a major challenge to palaeolimnological interpretation. Turbidite deposits and differential preservation of microfossils, combined with inadequate knowledge of the modern ecology of endemic diatoms, all conspire to obfuscate the sedimentary record of environmental change.
This note describes changes to the relative extent of four structurally dominant submerged macrophytes in a pond on Holy Island National Nature Reserve, Northumbria, between 1991 and 1998. The estimated extent of the four submerged macrophytes and bare substratum between 1991 and 1998 showed dramatic changes with no obvious pattern or periodicity, as well as no identifiable natural or anthropogenic causes. Chaotic variation may be an important character of submerged pond plant populations, so that surveys taken in a single year may give an unreliable picture of plant populations.
Pike, Esox lucius, are present in Loch Callater at their highest altitude and most extreme habitat in the British Isles, with subarctic winter conditions and extended winter ice-cover. The response of pike in this environment is slower growth, due to a shorter growing season and the low availability of forage fish, giving the poorest reported length-at-age for pike in the British Isles. All pike were mature or had spawned in the same year, with gravid ovaries in April and normal recovering ovaries in June-July. As in other lochs with few prey fishes, the larger pike ate small items such as invertebrates.
This account concentrates on the six species of crayfish found in Austria, and the current state of knowledge on their distribution and laws affecting conservation. In general the occurrence and distribution of crayfish in Austria is poorly known, although information obtained by researchers and the general public, after careful checking, is increasing. Three native crayfish species occur in Austria: Austropotamobius torrentium which is relatively widespread, A. pallipes with a restricted distribution, and Astacus astacus which is widespread. Three species of non-native (alien) crayfish have been recorded from a total of 158 localities in Austria. They are Astacus leptodactylus from eastern Europe, and two Nearctic species: Pacifastacus leniusculus and Orconectes limosus. The introduction of alien species causes considerable problems as they act as vectors of crayfish plague and are able to outcompete native species by higher reproductive capacities.
This article arises from the 1998 Ponds Conference organised by Pond Action. A workshop entitled "How do we raise the profile of ponds?" was held on the first evening of the conference, taking the form of three syndicate groups each tackling one of the following three issues: How to get volunteers and the community involved with ponds; raising the profile of ponds within the government sector; and raising the profile of ponds with scientists. It is clear that, as scientists, our understanding of ponds is not great. However, some progress has been made in understanding the rare species that are likely to occur in them. A great deal more scientific research is required to understand the nature, diversity, distribution, formative processes and wise management options for ponds. However, perhaps of equal or even greater importance is the need for scientists and pond managers to understand the broader values that people across society hold about ponds.
The aim of this study was to compare statistically the zooplankton assemblage ingested by brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Loch Ness with that of the zooplankton in the water column. This would allow the examination of the apparent paradox that very few copepods appear to be consumed by trout at a time of year when they are numerous and readily available as food. The investigation was limited to the crustacean zooplankters, since the Rotifera are generally so small that they are only of interest to fish in the first few days of life. 25 trout were obtained from anglers, and the stomach contents of non-"ferox" animals analysed. Samples of pelagic zooplankton were obtained approximately monthly from 30-m vertical net-hauls (mesh size 100 km). It is concluded that the variation in dietary composition with trout wet weight indicates an ontogenetic habitat shift producing spatial separation of young and older individuals.
The proposed EC Water Framework Directive (WFD)incorporates some new concepts in the field of water protection. Most of these concepts rely on the use of applied ecology of water systems. The expected improvement of environmental management is very new in this context. The new WFD will allow the checking of the eco-epidemiological results of several human impacts on aquatic ecosystems, such as toxic pollution and habitat modification. This paper intends to show some consequences of the WFD in the field of ecotoxicology.