194 resultados para Feed industry


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One of the major constraints in seabass (Lates calcarifer) culture is feed supply. Details are given of work conducted at AQD regarding the formulation of a 'standard' feed suitable for carnivorous species like the seabass and groupers. Diet formulae for seabass grow-out and for larval rearing are given.


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A brief outline is given of the Philippine seaweed industry, which involves mainly the red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii, produced as a source of the semi-refined or Philippine natural grade (PNG) carrageenan. Other species cultured and marketed include: Gracilaria changii, G. firma, G. heteroclada, G. manilaensis and G. tenuistipitata. The Philippines has the largest carrageenan refinery in Asia. However, production of seaweeds is rather erratic, which is attributed to the following factors: 1) indiscriminate harvesting, seasonal abundance of different species in different areas and lack of proper management; 2) shortage and deteriorating quality of seedlings, especially for Kappaphycus; and 3) natural calamities.


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A brief description is given of the milkfish (Chanos chanos) farming industry in the Philippines. Over the past 20 years, the relative importance of milkfish has declined with the expansion of tilapia, tiger shrimp and seaweed farming. In 1975, some 141,461 mt of milkfish made up 10% of the total fish production, whereas in 1995, the total milkfish harvest of 150,858 mt made up only 5.5% of the total fish production. Milkfish are harvested and marketed mostly fresh or chilled, whole or deboned, but some are canned or smoked. The domestic markets, mainly in Metro Manila, absorb most of the production. Milkfish is also absorbed in different product forms: dried, canned, smoked, or marinated. An export market for quick-frozen deboned milkfish fillets has begun to develop and fish processing companies are responding fast. The milkfish farming industry has important linkages with the various sectors that supply the inputs, and those that transport, store, market or process the harvest. For intensive milkfish farming to be both profitable and sustainable, more value-added products must be developed and marketed.


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Crocodiles have a long breeding life, which ranges from 25-30 years. There are 27 species and subspecies of crocodiles throughout the world, 18 of which are in danger of extinction, the rest being threatened with declining population due to overhunting and habitat destruction. Two known crocodile species exist in the Philippines: Crocodylus mindorensis (freshwater crocodile) and C. porosus (saltwater crocodile). Killing adult crocodiles, as is being done now, drastically reduces the potential population. Moreover, toxic wastes from mines, destruction of marshes and riverine habitats, and the conversion of their natural habitats for fishponds additionally threaten their populations. Estimates indicate that there are only about 100 Philippine crocodiles in the wild now. The Crocodile Farming Institute (CFI) was established in Palawan, in 1987, in order to save the crocodiles from extinction in the Philippines. It is now one of the components of the Palawan Wildlife and Conservation Center, and aims to conserve the 2 endangered species in the Philippines and also to develop and introduce a suitable crocodile farming technology that will help uplift the socio-economic well-being of the Filipino people. CFI believes in the potential of commercial utilization of crocodiles as a dollar-generating industry for the Philippines. It is a very profitable business and could be a multi-million dollar industry. A brief outline is given of the economic and marketing potentials of farming crocodiles in the Philippines.


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Live 'agiis' have been proven to be a good feed for shrimp for the past ten years by polyculture fish farmers in the province of Capiz, in the island of Panay, west central Philippines. A brief account is given of culture and feeding operations. Its cultivation period is short and seeds are readily available. It can reduce dependence on trash fish which is now getting to be scarce; it also seems much cheaper. Perhaps this fast-growing tiny bivalve can be scientifically investigated by students of aquaculture as feed for other commercial aquaculture species. Its scientific identification can be a good start.


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The African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) is a commercially farmed fish in Uganda, second in importance after the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). This catfish has gained rapid popularity in aquaculture because of its faster growth and higher pond yields attaining average weight of over one kg with pond yields as high as 3.0 kg/m2 in six months compared to an average weight of 500g and pond yields of 1.2 kg.m2 for the Nile tilapia


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The foregoing account gives a picture of the exploitation and control of the wild population of Crocodilus niloticus in Uganda from 1920 to the present day. The economic value of the crocodile is shown, and some idea is given of the possibility of maintaining this economic return to Uganda by farming crocodiles in captivity. The Uganda Fisheries Department is actively pursuing the issues which arise from the present status of the wild population, and the need for artificial rearing of crocodiles.


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The brochure explains the types of feeds needed by fish and how to detail with over feeding. Fish need to be provided enough nutritious food in order to attain big sizes in a short period of time under culture conditions.