459 resultados para Lake Chad


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Bottom trawl surveys were conducted in Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria during the period September 1997 and March 1999. The means of fish biomass for the two most important species: Lates niloticus (L.) and Oreochromis niloticus (L.) were estimated at 61.5 kg ha and 4.5 kg ha respectively. There were few L. niloticus greater than 80 cm TL and O. niloticus greater than 50 cm TL, though these species attain maximum sizes of 205 cm and 65 cm respectively. Oreochromis niloticus was mostly found shallower than 5 m though some specimens were encountered deeper than 10 m, suggesting that the species has extended its ecological range. Very low catches were obtained from areas under water hyacinth cover. Water in such areas was turbid with oxygen levels below the critical 3.0 mg L.


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The number and size composition of gillnets, fishing grounds, and the quantity and composition of fish catches were related to the size of fishing boat. The overall number of gillnets per boat increased from 20.9 + or - 2.3 nets in 5-6 m long boats to 88.6 + or - 11.8 nets in 11-12 m long boats. The proportion of large mesh sizes, + or more than 127 mm, also increased from 40% in 5-6 m long boats to 100% in boats longer than 10 m. Fish catches are related to the size of boat and this should be considered when formulating management guidelines of the lake's fishery. Promotion of large fishing boats 8 m or longer and restriction on the number and/or mesh size of gillnets of smaller boats could increase ecological and socio-economic benefits.


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Catch and effort assessment surveys have been used to assess trends in fish landings in Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria since 1976. Landings reached a maximum of 200000 t annually in 1989-1991 as Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.), catches increased due to an expansion in stock size and increased fishing effort. CPUE peaked at 180 kg boat day-1 in 1989 and decreased thereafter with increasing effort. By 1998 total Nile perch catches were half those at the beginning of the decade despite increased effort. Catches of Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) have levelled off despite increased effort.


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Four fleets of hanging coefficients 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 were used to determine size selectivity and selection factors of Nile perch populations. There was a linear relationship between mesh size and modal length of capture. Positively skewed length frequency distributions were found for smaller mesh sizes with entanglement becoming more prominent in mesh sizes above 101 mm. Nets of 114 to 141 mm stretched mesh yielded higher economic returns than small meshes, the catch consisting of few largefish.


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Catch trends from Fisheries Department reports from the last eleven years (1985-1995) were analyzed. These showed a shift in the fishery from a cichlid-based system to one dominated by Nile perch and tilapias. In recent years, catches have declined from a peak in the early 1990s. Catch per unit effort appears to have remained stable except for a drop in 1995, however, this is considered dubious because the effort showed a doubling in that year. Limitations of the fisheries data collection system for the Tanzanian sector of Lake Victoria are highlighted and discussed.


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In the Ukraine there are several thousand large, medium and small lakes and lake-like reservoirs, distinguished by origin, salinity, regional position, productivity and by construction a significant number of large and small water bodies, ponds and industrial reservoirs of variable designation. The problem of national systems necessitates the creation of specific schemes and classifications. Classifying into specific types of reservoir by means of suitable specifications is required for planning national measures with the objective of the rational utilisation of natural resources. It is now necessary to consider the present-day characteristics of Ukranian lakes. In the case of the Ukraine it is possible to use two approaches - genetical and ecological. This paper uses the genetical system to classify the lake-like water bodies of the Ukraine.


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The problem of the peculiar reproductive biology of the cladoceran Daphnia middendorffiana is investigated from a cytological viewpoint, and by direct observation the meiotic phenomena of the eggs both subitaneous and resting is studied. and during maturation, the true mechanism of the succession of reproductive phases of different ecological significance. Samples were collected in the Italian Alpine Lake of Campo 4°.


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Egeria densa (PLANCH.) ST. JOHN, a submerged plant invader, forms a wide submerged plant zone, particularly along the west coast of the south basin, Lake Biwa. The macrophyte occupies over 82% of the plant zone in the basin and its biomass reaches 93% of the total. The estimated annual net production was approximately 1 kg dry wt./m2 in a dense area, which is about 4.5 times as much as the net production by phytoplankton in an offshore area of the basin. Although the area covered by the macrophyte is only 5.8% of the total of the basin, it produced about one-tenth of the total annual primary production. In the most productive season Egeria produced 46% of the total primary productivity. Thus, the macrophyte never be neglected when one considers the energy flow or material circulation in the basin. This study was initiated in order to clarify the role of submerged macrophytes, particularly E. densa, in Lake Biwa. The following points are reported in this paper: the distribution of macrophytes in the south basin; seasonal change in standing crop of E. densa; seasonal change in values related to production, utilizing a model proposed by Ikushima with its parameters experimentally determined.


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The zooplankton and macrobenthic communities of Lake Victoria were sampled by lift net and Ponar grab, respectively. The zooplankton comprised copepods and cladocerans, rotifers and aquatic insect larvae. Most taxa exhibited wide distribution in the lake, with the exception of rotifers which were rare in deep offshore waters. The main components in the macro-benthos were chaoborid and chironomid larvae and molluscs. Caridina nilotica (Roux) and other groups were rare in the samples. Zooplankton density ranged from 100000 or more to 4 million ind. m2 and increased from the shallow inshore to deep offshore waters. Numerical dominance of cyclopoids and nauplius larvae was a common feature at all stations sampled. Most macrobenthic taxa were also widely distributed, although chaoborid and chironomid larvae were rare in the samples. Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) and larval Lates niloticus (L.) ate mainly cyclopoid copepods, while cichlids showed a strong preference for adult insects. High ecological stability of the cyclopoids, and the zooplankton community in general, despite radical ecosystem changes in recent years, coupled with what appears to be high predation pressure, offers good prospects for the pelagic fishery in the lake.


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Caridina nilotica (Roux) (Decapoda: Atyidae) was investigated over a period of four months in three zones of Lake Victoria. Abundances were estimated by vertical net sampling. The importance of C. nilotica in the diet of the three commercial fish species was investigated. Caridina nilotica is a primary food for Lates niloticus (L.), Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin). A quantitative study of C. nilotica in the fishing area indicated high biomass which can support the Lake Victoria fisheries.


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The zooplankton community of the littoral zone of Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, was studied between June 1998 and June 1999 to identify and quantify various zooplankton groups, and investigate the interactions that occur between them and the littoral fish through the food chain. Zooplankton samples were collected from five stations using a 83 micro-m mesh size plankton net hauled vertically through the water column. Fish samples were obtained by beach seine, except at Gingra (May 1999), where trawl samples were used. Gut/stomach analysis was carried out on the three major commercial species, Lates niloticus (L.), Oreochromis niloticus (L.) and Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin).


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Oreochrimis niloticus (L.) was introduced to Lake victoria in the 1950s. It remained relatively uncommon in catches until 1965, when the numbers began to increase dramatically. It is now the third most important commercial fish species after the Nile perch, Lates niloticus (L.) and Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin). Oreochromis niloticus is considered a herbivore, feeding mostly on algae and plant material. The diet now appears to be more diversified , with insects, fish, algae and plant materials all being important food items. Fish smaller than 5 cm TL have a diverse diet but there is a decline in the importance of zooplankton, the preferred food item of small fish, as fish get larger. The shift in diet could be due to changes which have occurred in the lake. Water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms, which harbours numerous insects in its root balls, now has extensively coverage over the lake. The native fish species which preyed on these insects (e.g. haplochromines) have largely been eliminated and O. niloticus could be filling niches previously occupied by these cichlids and non cichlid fishes. The change in diet could also be related to food availability and abundance where the fish is feeding on the most readily available food items.


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Size at first maturity, breeding periods and condition factor were determined for the small pelagic cyprinid Rastrineobola argentea (Pellegrin) in the Jinja waters of Lake Victoria in 1996-1997. Females showed a reduced size at maturity compared to ten years earlier when exploitation of the species was minimal. The males, however, have changed little. Although the species breeds throughout the year, two breeding peaks were observed during the drier months of August and December-January. Minimal breeding was observed in the rainy months of April-May and October-November. Fish from the open water station at Bugaia showed a higher proportion of breeding individuals than those from inshore areas. The mean monthly condition factor of fish from Napoleon Gulf confirmed breeding peaks obtained from examination of gonad development.


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The reproduction of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria was studied from June 1998 to May 1999. Length at maturity ranged from 28-30 cm TL for females and from 32-34 cm TL for males. Males were more abundant in all length classes longer than 36 cm TL. Relative condition factor was above unity, except in August, October and May for males, and October for females. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) was low during the post spawning period (July to October) and high during the protracted breeding period (December-June).


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Recent surveys have indicated an increase in haplochromine biomass recorded from the bottom trawl and in the beam trawl. The haplochromines recovering in the offshore waters belong to three species in the zooplanktivorous trophic group: Yssichromis laparogramma (Greenwood and Gee), Yssichromis fusiformis (Greenwood and Gee) and Astatotilapia lacrimosa (Boulenger). In this paper, the species composition and relative abundance of the zooplanktivorous haplochromines recorded from the bottom and frame trawl surveys in the various parts of the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria are discussed.