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A study has been made primarily of the food of the chironomid Procladius nigriventris: this includes Alona affinis, Bosmina coregoni, Camptocercus, Eucyclops serrulatus, Paracyclops fimbriatus, Acanthocyclops viridis, Harpacticoida, Diaptomus graciloides, Ostracods, Chironomus sp, Polypedilum sp and Tanytarsus sp. Chironomus larvae usually found in the gut are in their 1st or 2nd instars , though occasional 3rd instars are present. The study summarises other findings on the feeding behaviour of Procladius nigriventris.


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Three ponds were chosen for this study. The two lower ones were of 2 - 4 hectares in area, the depth of the littoral zone was 2.5 - 3 metres at the time of maximum flooding and the mud which covered the floor of the ponds was homogeneous and autochthonous in nature with very few vegetable remnants. The ponds which were originally set up in 1950. were intended for water supply and populated with Crucian Carp (for human consumption). A survey was done in the ponds in order to establish number and biomass of Tendipes semireductus. The author concludes that in these ponds T.semireductus has 2-3 generations per year.


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This study focusses on the plants in the open parts of the lake - mostly aquatic charophytes and mosses, in what are called in Lake Sevan (Armenia), the ”zones of chara and moss”. Distribution and other ecological conditions are reviewed. Quantity of chara in the littoral zone of lake Sevan is provided


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To ascertain the effect of various concentrations of oxygen in water on the fry of rainbow trout experiments were made with aquaria at various concentrations of oxygen. The food supplied was chironomid larvae (Chironomus plumosus). A surplus of food was supplied to the fry. Indices are given of the reaction of the fry to different temperatures.


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The winter eggs of Daphnia pulex, after passing safely through the winter , develop and hatch in the spring, multiplying by themselves, while some males emerging among them with the changes in environment produce fertile eggs, which are universally known as winter eggs . This study researches the factors governing the development of winter eggs through experiments.


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The Laboratory of Lake Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1956 undertook this complicated study of Lake Ladoga. The plan of the laboratory made allowance for the detailed investigation of the phytoplankton of the lake during a series of years. In the present article are given the preliminary results of observations on the phytoplankton of the Yakimvarskii Bay from 1956 to 1957. Details are also given on the concentration of dissolved gases and biogenic substances of the bay.


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This information is based on the limnological observations of the very interesting and remarkable discharge of the Lunzer Obersee, (1117m). On journeying towards the Mittersee, the Lunzer Obersee discharge takes on all the characteristics of spring-water; it was found to be of interest to take note of the change of the composition of the water on those stretches of the course where it flows shows the ground. For this purpose it was necessary to take temperature-recordings, chemical examination of the water and a quantitative determination of the plankton. Samples were taken in 1954 of zooplankton at different times of the year at the discharge of the lake and analysed. The significant loss of organisms in the way of discharge is discussed.


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Laboratory research was done in order to study the feeding of larval Cricotopus silvestris F. in relation to characters of structure of oral apparatus. Results of the experiments are summarised and the oral apparatus morhologically described.


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Laboratory research was done in order to study the feeding of larval Cricotopus silvestris F. in relation to characters of structure of oral apparatus. Results of the experiments are summarised and the oral apparatus morhologically described.


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The osmotic pressure of the perivitelline fluid and the yolk of trout (Salmo trutta) eggs were measured separately by the Drucker-Schrein method. The permeability of the egg membrane and the variations in the osmotic pressure of the eggs when placed in salt solutions were also investigated.


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The efficiency of utilisation of the sun's radiation by natural communities has not been properly demonstrated with what so far has been obtained of reliable values, and it represents a great interest in many respects. A systematic study of the biotic balance of lakes was done in the course of a succession of summers starting in 1932, extensive material was obtained, which permitted to compute a value fear the utilisation of the sun's radiation by plankton in lakes, and to compare this with corresponding values for marine plankton and terrestrial vegetation.


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It was on July 1960 when 10 algal balls were acquired for exhibition at Suma Aquarium, Kobe. Permission to remove the specimens from the Lake Akan Reserve was given by the National Nature Reserve Committee. Algal balls, as a rule, lose their natural beauty when they are kept in an ordinary tank for a certain length of time. In an effort to retain the natural beauty it was decided to exhibit them in culture. This paper summarises the findings of this experiments with Cladophora sauteri. The author concludes that serious consideration has to be given as to the intensity of light, the sunlight, the water temperature and the nutrition for algal balls in culture in order to retain the natural beauty and shape.


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These minutes report on colloquium on the methodology of radiation measurement under water. The meeting was held on 3-5 January 1957, at the Biological Station, Lunz, Austria. The participants of the colloquium discussed various methodologies of radiation measurements, basic methods such as Secchi Disc and underwater photometer as well as specialist equipment like the absolute radiation apparatus.


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During recent years in connection with the industrialisation of the Kola Peninsula, the study of this district in the botanical respect, in particular the study of the microflora of various bodies of water, began to advance markedly. This article describes the algal flora of the Kola Peninsula. Morphological descriptions are given for three Tetraspora: Tetraspora simplex, Tetraspora tenera, Tetraspora imperfecta. Chlorophysema aduata is also described, and short descriptions of further algae found in the Kola Peninsula are given.


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There is at the moment no direct method of determining the organic matter content of natural waters. In 1940/41 8 different water bodies in central Russia were studied and their organic matter identified. The author concludes that there is currently no easy method to determine organic matter in water. A number methods need to be applied.