259 resultados para run-of-river


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An electrofishing survey was undertaken in the period April 24th - 28th as part of the detailed biological study of the Calder Catchment being carried out by this department in early 1978. The sites to be fished were selected to indicate broadly the fishing status of the major sections of the main river and its larger tributaries and by no means intended to describe the fishing status of the whole catchment in detail. The results on the distributions of fish species are discussed, in general, in relation to the major polluting influences on the catchment. The results of the second survey are given and discussed separately in Appendix I.


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This report looks at previous findings that egg survival was related to the percentage of fine solids in the spawning gravels of the River Taff. Green salmonid eggs were planted out at 8 sites in the Taff catchment; and eyed salmonid eggs were planted out at 27 sites. Gravel cores were taken at 18 of these sites and an analysis of their composition was carried out, particular attention being given to the pecentage of particles less than 1mm. As well as its method, the report includes its own findings and recommendations, which includes other factors influencing egg survival such as the need for water quality improvements.


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A case study of Atlantic Salmon runs into the R. Tyvi (S. Wales) is presented. Radio tracking of over 200 salmon in 1988 and 1989 has demonstrated that flow is an important factor in modifying both run timing and migratory success. Entry of salmon into the river is typically in response to flow events, and periods of low falling flows delay entry and may directly result in reduced runs into the river. Delayed entry may also increase the proportion of the run migrating after the end of both rod and net fishing seasons. The implications of these results for net and rod catch and catch/effort data are discussed, using both statutory reported catch data and data from specific catch/effort studies. Flow is demonstrated to be a dominant factor in determining the within-season distribution of rod catch and catch/effort during low-flow years. Estuarial seine net catch and catch/effort tend to be controlled more by time of return than by flow although low flows may delay runs. Annual reported rod catch is correlated with flow, which controls in season availability, catchability and consequently the amount of fishing effort. Use of catch or catch/effort data should take account of inter-year variations in flow and other environmental factors. Although catch and catch/effort are valuable indicators of fishery performance, they are inadequate to represent changing stock levels.


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The stock assessment task group report (1991) mentions that fish counters could play a key role in providing data on the size of the adult stock, and in particular the migratory salmonid stock. This report assesses the performance of the 'logie' fish counter at Forge Weir on the River Lune. Using video surveillance, a total of 1137 hours time lapse and 15 hours real time were used for validation purposes. This report looks at materials and methods, counting accuracy, sizing ability and environmental conditions, performance across the electrode array and salmonid swimming speed.


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This report looks at the interests of the Fisheries Department for the Lancashire River Board, focusing on the Liverpool and Leeds Canal Survey. It looks at finding parasites in fish from an electrofishing survey (roach and perch). This was to contribute towards the main survey with a possible view to suggesting whether or not the parasites were one reason for the poor fish population. Methods of finding parasites are given, and results of what parasites that were found in the fish are discussed.


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The report looks at experiments into electric fishing equipment and effects on salmon and trout within the Lancashire River Board. Experiments include obtaining information on voltage gradients, ascertaining what damage to fish of the larger size groups resulted from electric fishing, determining whether or not fractures could occur in coarse fish and brown trout,similar to those occurring in salmon and sea trout, and effects low temperatures have on electrofishing techniques.


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Brown shrimp (Farfantepenaeus aztecus) are abundant along the Louisiana coast, a coastline that is heavily influenced by one of the world’s largest rivers, the Mississippi River. Stable carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur (CNS) isotopes of shrimp and their proventriculus (stomach) contents were assayed to trace riverine support of estuarine-dependent brown shrimp. Extensive inshore and of fshore collections were made in the Louisiana coastal zone during 1999–2006 to document shrimp movement patterns across the bay and shelf region. Results showed an unexpectedly strong role for nursery areas in the river delta in supporting the offshore fishery, with about 46% of immigrants to offshore regions arriving from riverine marshes. Strong river influences also were evident offshore, where cluster analysis of combined CNS isotope data showed three regional station groups related to river inputs. Two nearer-river mid-shelf station groups showed isotope values indicating river fertilization and productivity responses in the benthic shrimp food web, and a deeper offshore station group to the south and west showed much less river inf luence. At several mid-shelf stations where hypoxia is common, shrimp were anomalously 15N depleted versus their diets, and this d15N difference or mismatch may be useful in monitoring shrimp movement responses to hypoxia.


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We examined whether the relationship between climate and salmon production was linked through the effect of climate on the growth of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) at sea. Smolt length and juvenile, immature, and maturing growth rates were estimated from increments on scales of adult sockeye salmon that returned to the Karluk River and Lake system on Kodiak Island, Alaska, over 77 years, 1924–2000. Survival was higher during the warm climate regimes and lower during the cool regime. Growth was not correlated with survival, as estimated from the residuals of the Ricker stock-recruitment model. Juvenile growth was correlated with an atmospheric forcing index and immature growth was correlated with the amount of coastal precipitation, but the magnitude of winter and spring coastal downwelling in the Gulf of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest atmospheric patterns that influence the directional bifurcation of the Pacific Current were not related to the growth of Karluk sockeye salmon. However, indices of sea surface temperature, coastal precipitation, and atmospheric circulation in the eastern North Pacific were correlated with the survival of Karluk sockeye salmon. Winter and spring precipitation and atmospheric circulation are possible processes linking survival to climate variation in Karluk sockeye salmon.


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Ichthyoplankton samples were collected at approximately 2-week intervals, primarily during spring and summer 1999−2004, from two stations located 20 and 30 km from shore near the Columbia River, Oregon. Northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) was the most abundant species collected, and was the primary species associated with summer upwelling conditions, but it showed significant interannual and seasonal fluctuations in abundance and occurrence. Other abundant taxa included sanddabs (Citharichthys spp.), English sole (Parophrys vetulus), and blacksmelts (Bathylagidae). Two-way cluster analysis revealed strong species associations based primarily on season (before or after the spring transition date). Ichthyoplankton abundances were compared to biological and environmental data, and egg and larvae abundances were found to be most correlated with sea surface temperature. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation changed sign (from negative to positive) in late 2002 and indicated overall warmer conditions in the North Pacific Ocean. Climate change is expected to alter ocean upwelling, temperatures, and Columbia River flows, and consequently fish eggs and larvae distributions and survival. Long-term research is needed to identify how ichthyoplankton and fish recruitment are affected by regional and largescale oceanographic proces


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Estimates of the growth (K), natural mortality (M), consumption/biomass (Q/B) rate and trophic level (TL) for 35 species in the upper Paraná river floodplain and the Itaipu reservoir (interconnected ecosystems) are presented. A compilation of these biological statistics is made for comparison purposes and some general trends are briefly discussed.


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Length-weight relationship parameters of Heterobranchus longifilis males, females and combined sexes are given. The samples were collected from Idodo River, with size ranging from 123 mm total length, L, to 936 mm L. The values obtained for the mean L by sex show that males were significantly (p<0.05) larger than females. The results show that the slope (b) is significantly (p<0.05) below 3.0 for the male, female and pooled sample. The species exhibit a negative allometric growth pattern. The relative condition of fish shows seasonal variation, with females generally being in better condition than the males.


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The Mekong River is one of Asia's greatest rivers. It is the lifeblood of millions of small-scale farmers and fishers in China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. In the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), the river is particularly important because for the landlocked country, the Mekong is the Sea of Laos. In southern Lao PDR, fisheries for native fish species constitute an extremely important source of subsistence protein and income for local people. It has been estimated that wild-caught fish constitute at least 90% of the protein for lowland Laotians living next to the Mekong. Despite the extreme importance of fish to the diets and economics of communities along the Mekong, the resource, and the people who depend upon it, are in danger.


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A cheap method of propagating the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, by incubating the fertilized eggs in a cage placed directly in a flowing river is described. Hatching ranged between 39 and 70%. This is not significantly different from the commonly used water recirculating flow through system. The economic advantages of the river hatching method are discussed with special emphasis on the rural fish farmers.


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Between May and October 1990, fecundity, egg size and condition factor of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Lacépède) in the Cross River, Nigeria, were studied. The fecundity (F) of this population varied from 3 046 eggs (total length, L=28.5 cm) to 28 086 eggs (L=64 cm). A mean relative fecundity of 231 eggs/cm or 13 eggs/g of fish was obtained for this population. The fecundity of this population can be estimated with the formula F=2.511 · L 2.30 or F=52.893 · W 0.78 , total length being in cm and weight (W) in g. The mean egg diameter of this population varied from 0.65 mm to 3.54 mm. Condition factor (CF) of the population varied from 0.24 to 1.34 with 0.977 as the mean; 52.8% had CF higher than the mean and 47% had CF above unity. Smaller fish in this population were in better condition than bigger ones. The egg size and condition factor obtained in this study are evidence that the Cross River population of C. nigrodigitatus can provide excellent broodstock.


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The parameters a and b of length-weight relationships of the form W = a L super(b) were estimated for 45 fish species sampled in the Oti, Pru and Black Volta rivers, Ghana. Also, the slope and intercepts of regressional enabling standard to total length conversions were estimated for each of these same species. The estimates of b, which ranged from 2.35 to 3.27 have a mean of 2.98, with a s.e. of 0.036. These results are complemented with a brief discussion of the need for data summaries such as presented in this article.