731 resultados para pelagic fish


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Eleven ichthyoplankton surveys were conducted (1 in 1972 and 10 between 1977 and 1979) in the northeastern Pacific Ocean over the continental shelf off Kodiak Island, Alaska. In the 677 neuston and 632 bongo tows, eggs or larvae of more than 80 fish taxa were found. They were present in every season and throughout the survey area, although more taxa and more individuals were found in summer than in other seasons. Among the more abundant species were the gadid Theragra chalcogramma and several hexagrammids and pleuronectids. The hexagrammids and several coUids were abundant in the neustonic layer, where they spent close to a year as larvae and prejuvenlles. Although the seasonal and geographic distribution of most taxa was complex, two patterns emerged: Late summer-fall spawners produce demersal eggs and have neustonic larvae that remain pelagic for several months (hexagrammids and some cottlds), and spring-summer spawners have pelagic eggs and larvae that spend several weeks in the plankton but are not closely associated with the surface (Theragra chalcogramma, pleuronectlds). (PDF file contains 95 pages.)


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Taxonomic descriptions, line drawings, and references are given for the 30 named and 5 unnamed species of North American fish Eimeriidae. In addition, a key was developed based on available morphologic data to distinguish between similar species. Taxa are divided into two genera: Eimeria (27 species) which are tetr&sporocystic with dizoic, nonbivalved sporocysts, and Goussia (3 species) which are tetrasporocystic with dizoic, bivalved sporocysts that lack Stleda bodies and have sporocyst walls composed of two longitudinal valves. (PDF file contains 24 pages.)


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Growth data obtained from a ten-year collection of scales from Maryland freshwater fish is presented, in this report,in graphs and tables especially designed to be useful for Maryland fishery management. (PDF contains 40 pages)


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This document is part of a series of 5 technical manuals produced by the Challenge Program Project CP34 “Improved fisheries productivity and management in tropical reservoirs”. This manual is based on the experience gained by the partners of the project “Improved Fisheries Productivity and Management in Tropical Reservoirs” (CP34) funded by the Challenge Program on Water and Food. As part of this project, the partners designed, developed and tested in the field three enclosures in Lake Nasser in Egypt. The objective of the manual is to document for practitioners the main technical lessons gained from these experiments. (Document contains 16 pages)


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These guidelines have been produced to support the implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries particularly with regard to the need for responsibility in the post– harvest sector of the fish producing industry. The industry that produces fish for food has three major areas of responsibility: to the consumer of the food to ensure that it is safe to eat, is of expected quality and nutritional value, to the resource to ensure that it is not wasted and to the environment to ensure that negative impacts are minimized. In addition the industry has a responsibility to itself to ensure the continued ability of many millions of people throughout the world to earn a gainful living from working within the industry. Article 11.1 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and other related parts of the Code are concerned particularly with these responsibilities. This publication provides annotation to and guidance on these articles to assist those charged with implementation of the Code to identify possible courses of action necessary to ensure that the industry is conducted in a sustainable manner. (PDF contains 42 pages)


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The purpose of this study was to measure and evaluate relationships between populations of benthic macroinvertebrates and fish, as well as variations in water quality in streams affected by acid Mine drainage. (PDF contains 21 pages)


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The implementation of the precautionary approach in the mid-1990s required commercial fish stocks to be classified into different categories. These are based on the degree to which stocks have been exploited or are threatened by fishing activities. According to current ICES terminology, stocks are classified as being either “within” or “outside safe biological limits”, or as being “harvested outside safe biological limits”. Between 1996 and 2002, the relative share of stocks in these three categories remained relatively stable (at about 20 %, 30 % and 15 %, respectively). Over the same time span, the number of stocks were insufficient data is available to quantify and thus to appropriately classify the state of the spawning stock biomass (“status unknown”) has increased. Neglecting potential impacts of fishing pressure, the combined average proportion of all stocks with sufficiently high spawning stock biomass is at about one third, while only one fifth of the stocks assessed have been managed sustainably. For some important fish stocks in the ICES environment – specifically demersal ones –, science recently had to call for rebuilding plans or even a closure of the fishery to allow recovery, in spite of the management’s agreement to manage the resources according to the precautionary approach. This obvious difference between approach and implementation has a number of potential causes: erroneous or imprecise input data (landings, discard and sampling information), insufficient assessment models, problems in the understanding of the scientific advice, and implementation errors. The latter could be either a difference between advised and implemented total allowable catches (TACs), or an excess of legal TACs. During the fifteen years covered by this analysis (1987 to 2002), the average deviation between the implemented TACs for a specific stock and that recommended by ICES for the same stock was more than 30 %. The overall average deviation (summed over all stocks) for the entire period was 34 %, excluding, however, four extreme outliers in the data, representing cases in which scientific recommendations were exceeded by as much as 1000 to 2500 %. If these were included, the overall average would be as high as 45 %. The annual deviation has substantially increased in recent years (from roughly 20 % in earlier years of the surveyed period). This recently observed high deviation also matches ICES’s estimate that the fishing mortality in the ICES convention area in the 1990s was well above recommended sustainable levels in the pelagic and demersal fishery. A direct comparison of scientifically proposed and politically implemented TACs is problematic in many case


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12 samples (6 original samples and 6 diluted samples) were analysed by 14 WEFTA laboratories for their pH values in an inter-laboratory comparison exercise. As a result it can be stated that the majority of participating laboratories could determine the pH values very exactly. The pH values obtained are ranging only little around the calculated mean (less than 0.1 pH unit). It could also be demonstrated that the participating institutes could analyse both, pH values in fishery products and aqueous salt solutions. However, also in this exercise a number of outliers and deviating values have been detected. Therefore it is of utmost importance to calibrate the pH electrodes in regular intervals and to maintain them carefully. Intra-laboratory comparison measurements are recommended to detect weak points.


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Die West European Fish Technologists Association (WEFTA, gegründet 1970) ist ein Zusammenschluß von Europäischen Insti-tuten, die auf dem Gebiet Fischerei, Fischqualität und -verarbeitung arbeiten und forschen. Ziele der WEFTA ist der Informa-tionsaustausch zwischen Wissenschaftlern und Fischindustrie sowie die Ausweitung und Verbesserung der Zusammenarbeitunterschiedlicher Interessengruppen und Instituten in Projekten.


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The reduction of discards will only be achieved, if more effective methods of catch selection will be developed and used. In principle, the unavoidable by catch of commercial fish should be used for human consumption, independent of the requirements for minimum length and existing catch quotas. The amount of such bycatch should be charged to the total catch quota and preferably be used for processing of fish portions with skin (carcasses with skin), because this kind of processing results in higher yields and nutrional advantages compared to fillet processing. Unfortunately, nowadays, in the German fishery and fish trade this traditional form of supply is only of minor importance because of the predominance of fillets and fillet products. However, cooperation between fishing industry and fish trade and a good advertising of processed fish portions with skin could overcome this problem. In the pelagic fishery of herring, mackerel and other similar pelagic species the bycatch of small sized specimen of these species can be a problem. These small sized fish can principally be processed to traditional fish products, but the processing costs for them are much higher. The prospects for processing of the bycatch into minced fish meat, fish protein concentrate or fish protein hydrolysate are very poor under the existing regime in the German fishing industry. A further way for processing of the bycatch, which can not be used for human consumption, is the production of fishmeal. However, only three German factory ships dispose of fish meal plants. Under the current economic conditions, i.e. because of limited storage capacity, the Ger-man trawler and cutter fleet is not able to transport the bycatch for fish meal production ashore.


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In der West European Fish Technologists’ Association (WEFTA) arbeiten zahlreiche europäische Institute zusammen, die sich mit Fisch als Lebensmittel oder mit Fischtechnologie befassen. Ziel der WEFTA ist es, einen Austausch von Informationen über Forschung und ihre Ergebnisse europaweit möglich zu machen. Die Jahrestagungen sind eine gute Gelegenheit, Einblick in die Arbeiten anderer Institutionen zu erhalten und europäische Kontakte zu knüpfen. Die Tagungen sind besonders interessant für junge Wissenschaftler, die hier ihre Ergebnisse einem grösseren Publikum vorstellen konnen.


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When drafting a new model of a towed technical system for fisheries (trawl, towed TV gear or similar), and also when measuring an existing and already tested system it is not easy to foresee of practical behaviour, which depends of various parameters. The measuring programme for recording all data needs a lot of time and money, and also has some limitations. Therefore we developed for such systems mathematical-physical models, which allow a complex calculation. Their real value, however, results only from practical verification. During the cruise no. 222 of “Walther Herwig III” in November 2000 comparative investigations for 2concrete systems were carried out. This was done in cooperation with the University in Rostock, where such models are being developed and computerized. One of the systems mesasured was a pelagic herring trawl and the other one the towed TV gear for underwater observations of the Institute for Fishery Technology and Fish Quality. The correspondence between model calculation and measurements was very high for both systems.


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New regulations of the German “Fisch-Hygiene-Verordnung” lay down that all fish except pelagic species have to be gutted immediately after catch or killing, especially fresh water fish from aquaculture. Only gutted fish should be sold to the consumer. At the present time, however, it is not unusual to sell ungutted fish like tropical or mediterranean species from foreign countries, even the EC area. In this investigation the influence of gutting on the fish quality during storage on ice was tested in tench (Tinca tinca) as a model. Quality changes were controlled by sensory, chemical, physical and microbiological assessment. It was shown that for tench there were no differences between gutted and ungutted fish during 12 days of storage on ice.


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Vom 27.-31. Mai 2001 fand in Espoo, Finnland, die 31. Jahrestagung der WEFTA (West European FishTechnologist’s Association) statt. 75 Teilnehmer aus15 europäischen Ländern, der FAO und der Europäischen Kommission sowie aus den USA und Kanadawaren der Einladung des VTT Biotechnology, eines großen finnischen Forschungsinstituts auf dem Gebiete der Biotechnologie und biologischer Materialien, zu dieser Tagung gefolgt. Die Durchführung in einemKongresszentrum in Espoo, nahe der finnische Hauptstadt Helsinki direkt am Bottnischen Meerbusen gelegen, ermöglichte einen straffen organisatorischen Ablauf und die Einhaltung des Zeitplanes der mit 41 Vorträgen und 18 Postern recht umfangreichen Veranstaltung, die in 7 Themenkomplexe gegliedert war. Nachfolgend werden wesentliche Ergebnisse der einzelnen Beiträge zusammengefasst