163 resultados para Reproductive Science


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Population growth and reproductive capacity of brackishwater rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis, were evaluated, for a period of 8 days in a temperature controlled ( =25°C) microalgallaborarory, under three different algal feeding regimens. The algal species that were tested are: (i) Chlorella sp. (T1), Tetraselmis chui (T2), Nannochloropsis oculata (T 3). The feeding density of each algal species was maintained similar as of 4.5xW6 ceHs mi. The rotifer fed on T. chui showed the highest (p<0.05) population growth (131.5 ind./ml), compared to that fed on Chlorella sp (45.67 ind./ml) and N oculata (43.44 ind./ml). The abundance of egg bearing rotifers was also higher (35.77%) with T. chuithan with Chlorella sp (27.76%) and N oculara (24.60%). The results of the present study indicate that T. chui could be the most suitable algal food for the stock culture of locally isolated rotifer B. plicatilis.


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This study was aimed to analyze the annual reproductive cycle of the freshwater crab Paratelphusa spinigera (Wood Mason, 1871). P. spinigera breeds only once in a year; hence, it is a monovoltine species. Gonad maturation, changes in abdomen shape, size and female maturity index (FMI) marked the onset of sexual maturity of female P. spinigera. The occurrence of berried females marked the onset of breeding season. The fecundity of P. spinigera ranged from 533 to 1306 in number, with an average of 699.11 ± 217.38. The correlation of fecundity with carapace width and body weight was also found to be positively significant (r = 0. 780 and 0.933, respectively). The eggs were carried on the pleopods and nurtured for approximately 30-35 days, until the eggs hatch, showing perfect maternal care. The FMI values ranging between 0.70 and 0.80 represented immature stage of gonadal development. When the FMI ranged from 0.91 to 1.00, all stages of gonadal development, i.e. developing, maturing and mature stages were observed. The females with fully ripe ovary had FMI values greater than 1.00.


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Role of eye-stalk of Macrobrachium gangeticum Bate, 1868 in its reproductive behaviour has been examined by conducting deletion and addition experiments. Eye-stalk ablation induced gonadal maturity in both sexes, leading to change in colour and size of ovaries and increase in GSI and oocyte diameter in females and increased length of testes and diameters of seminiferous tubules in males. Injection of eye-stalk extracts tended to at least partly restrict the effects in both sexes. The experiments thus suggested that the eye-stalk of M. gangeticum released some gonad inhibiting factors.


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The rule of light on the timing of maturation and spawning in tropical and subtropical regions is not clear well, because the reproductive cycle in these systems is lunar synchronized. In this study, thus, the effects of different light regimes were investigated on maturational progress of whitespotted rabbitfish, Siganus sutor, the commercial species in Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. During prespawning season, 50 adult fish were randomly divided into ten 300-l tanks (n=5). The fish in control tank received indoor light condition and the fish in each other tanks were exposed to nine different combinations of photoperiod (8L: 16D, 12L: 12D, 16L: 8D) and light intensity (1000, 2000, 3000 lux). After 60 days, GSI and HSI values, serum levels of estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), 17-α hydroxyprogestrone (OHP), calcium (Ca2+) and gonad histology were evaluated for females and males. In females the GSI mean values of exposed fish increased in comparison with control except for fish were kept under 8L, 2000 lux (tank 8). These differences were significant only for fishes in tank 7 (8L, 3000 lux). In the cases of HSI, the results were converse, so that, the most of thanks showed significant decreasing than fishes reared under indoor condition. Morphology and histology study of Ovaries showed three developmental phases including 3, 4 and chiefly 5 that were parallel with GSI values. Fortheremore the serum levels of E2 was recorded between 0.54-15.8 ng/ml in different fish and their mean values were lower than control in all treatmants (P> 0.05). In males, the similar results were obtained. The GSI and HSI mean values in experimental regimes compared with control were upper and lower, respectively, except for fishes were reared in tank 1 (16L, 3000 lux). Testes histology of fishes were reared under different regimes showed signs of stage 5, since no blood vessels observed and thick milt exuded on slight pressure. The mean values of testosterone consentration in fishes were kept in tanks 1 and 6 (12L, 1000 lux) were higher and in other ones were lower than control group. It is also noted that the OHP and Ca2+ had diverse results including increasing and decreasing mean values than control. So, these factors contrary to E2 and T were not suitable to evaluation of maturity in both sexes. On the basis of ovarian structure in stage 5, oocyte development pattern in this species was group synchronous. So, increased mean of GSI versus decreased values of HSI, E2 and perhaps Ca2+ were the signs of improved maturation. But in males, reduced levels of T and similarity of testes morphology in all samples caused that GSI mean value was the only indicator for differentiating among treatments. These findings suggest that alternations were used in light regimes have been the reason of improved maturity in all treatments except fishes reared in tank 8. The ١٠٧ rule of light intensity on induction of maturity was cleared by comparision between fishes in tanks 4, 5, 6 and control group. Because day length was the same whereas fishes in tanks 4, 5 and 6 were exposed to increased light intensity compared with control. This fact verified by results was obtained from fishes in tanks 9 and especially 7, since photoperiod in this group was lower than control. So, higher intensity was considered as the reason of alternations. Contrasting with indoor condition, Induced maturity was also cleared for fishes were kept in tanks 1, 2 and 3, where both of light duration and intensity were increased. But, the rule of photoperiod was individually demonstrated when obtained results were compared with similar light intensities in other treatments. In conclusion, with comparison among different light regimes it is declared that siganids were kept under light condition of tank 2 including 16h light duration combined with 2000 lux intensity showed the best signs of sexual maturation in both sexes. On the basis of this study, setting up the spring light condition during prespawning season induces maturation in withspotted rabbitfish. This improvement not only by influence of photoperiod or light intensity, separately, but obtained through interaction between them. Thus, determination of threshold and resistance to light be recommended before exposure, although using proper regime during suitable time are necessary to achieve purposes considerably.


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In this study, Iranian and French male and female Oncorhynchus mykiss broodstocks were divided into two groups 50 and 24 respectively in Research center of genetic and breeding of coldwater fishes, Yasouj, Iran and the genetic structure of them was investigated using 6 microsatellite markers. Then 19 morphometric and 5 meristic of broodstock were measured and compared in two populations. Along with broodstock maturation, fertilization 1:1(female:male) were randomly assigned and occurred in 25 of 12 Iranian and French treatment respectively. Reproductive parameters were recorded for the whole family. Average number of observed alleles in Iranian and French stocks was 6.68 and 6.83, respectively. Average number of effective alleles in Iranian and French stocks was 3.13 and 3.45 respectively. Fixation index Fst was calculated based on allelic frequency between two stocks was 0.058 with significant difference between 2 stocks. Morphometric analysis showed significant difference between two stocks in 8 characteristics. Meristic characters was without significant difference in broodstock groups. Eyed percentage for french broodstock calculated zero and deleted. Fertilization rate (100-0), the eyed percentage (98- 0), The hatch rate (98-0), the average fecundity 4114.708, the average eggs size 4.88 mm, Survival in the first three months 19-73% calculated for Iranian broodstocks. Considering the quality of eggs and larvae at different stages and selection between the different family and the within family remained 10 treatments and are kept as future broodstocks. The relationship between fecundity - egg size, fecundity - weight , fecundity - length, egg size- weight was performed using regression. The results showed that Fecundity was influenced more by weight and productive length. The research is beginning to ID the broodstock in our country.


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This study was carried out to seasonal determination of some morphological characteristics, Seasonal fecundity, Seasonal fluctuations of vertebrate-type steroids and seasonal analysis of gonadal histology in both female and male sexes of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz 1823) in the area of Aras dam Lake. Crayfish were collected respectively in June, August, November (2011) and January (2012). The average length and weight of male crayfish was higher than that of females. %GSI of females fluctuated within an extended range (between 0.6 and 13.5% from June to January). Both of synchronous and asynchronous ovaries were seen in August sampled ovaries; however asynchronous form was higher than another. The annual reproductive cycle of male A. leptodactylus was surveyed by study on the seasonal changes of the external appearance of the testes and vasa deferentia, fluctuations in the gonadosomatic index (GSI%) and the histological analysis of the male reproductive system. Based on the histological differentiation of testis, spermatogenisis devided to 5 separated stages. The findings suggested asynchronous testis in the species A.leptodactylus. The presence of primary spermatophore layer may help keeping spermatozoa alive while the secondary spermatophore layer may produces spermatophore or synthesize of acellular material which forms spermatophre. Pleopodal fecundity was 37.3%lower than ovarian fecundity observed. The significantly higher number of eggs attached to 3rd and 4th pairs of pleopods. The egg number and gonadosomatic index increased with female size while egg weight and egg diameter didn’t increase with female size. Hemolymph levels of 17β-estradiol and progesterone followed a similar fluctuation pattern with % GSI in females, while testosterone didn’t follow the mentioned pattern. The testis of November sampled crayfish presented significantly higher gonadosomatic (%GSI) index (P < 0.05).The most observed gonadosomaticindices were 13.5%(forfemales) and 1.21% (for males, in autumn. Althogh the lowest GSI was (0.50%) formales in spring and (0.26%0 for spent females in January. Testosterone which followed a similar pattern with %GSI in males increased remarkably in November. 17β-estradiol increased strictly in January. The strictly enhancement of the three estroid hormones in January in both male and female sexes could bedue totheir stimulating role in in spermatophre and egg lying in the mating season (In January). Most of the ovaries followed the asynchoronous growth pattern. Also the testes presented asynchoronous growth pattern in autumn.


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Spined loach, Cobitis taenia, is a predominant fish in the river systems of the southern Caspian Sea basin. Although there is evidence of the geographical divergence of this taxon, but no information is available on morphological differences within the species populations. This study was designed to evaluate some biological factors including; morphometric and meristic characters, length-weight, age-growth, condition factor, diet, reproduction, variation and differentiation, in the Babolrud, Talar and Siahrud Rivers in south of the Caspian Sea basin. Age, sex ratio, fecundity, ova diameter and gonadosomatic index were estimated. Also, regression analyses was tested the relation between fecundity and fish length, weight, gonad weight, and also age. Totally 858 fish of which 721 were matures, were collected from these rivers by electrofishing. 37 morphometric characters, 9 meristic characters and 78 truss network system characters were estimated. Resulats of DFA analysis based on data of morphometric and meristic showd that these populations are highly (94.5%) varios from each other. In discriminate function analysis, the proportion of individuals correctly classified into their original groups was 61%, 65.4% and 86.5% for upstream and downstream, respectively. Clustering based on Euclidean distances among groups of centroids using an UPGMA and also principal component analysis’ results for morphometric data indicated that these populations from these three rivers were clearly distinct from each other. Regression equations between length and weight in these three populations were significantly different from Folton factor (b=3), that showed the fish has a negative Alometric growth process. Condition factor was estimated between 0.8912 to 1.2736 and 0.8131 to 1.4489 for males and females, respectively. Sex ratio (female: male) in these populations was 1.2816:1. The difference between the number of females and males was significant and females were more than males. The female and male specimens reach maturity by Tl more than 40 and 30 mm and at the age of 2+ and 1+, respectively. The mean of ova diameter was 0.5824±0.2882. The spawning took place from May to late July, at the water temperature from 18.7 to 24.0°C. The GSI values average at the beginning of the reproduction period was about 9%, with ranged from 2 to 26% in ripe mature females. The absolute and relative fecundity were 2109±792 and 579±208 respectively. The absolute fecundity was significantly related to body weight and gonads weight. Based on the pattern of gonado-somatic index, it was concluded that this fish has prolong active reproductive period, which is a type of adaptation by short-lived small fishes to environmental conditions. The macroscopic and histological results showed that the female and male have 5 and 4 stages in their maturation process, respectively. The RLG index was about 0.4732, which showed the fish is a carnivorous species. Significant difference was observed between fishes with different length and diet. The main foods of the fish were Trichoptera, Chironomidae larvae and Ephemeroptera which were their prefered food as well, however it was estimated that the food selection and diet are affected by environmental conditions.


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The reproductive biology of Catla catla (Hamilton-Buchanan) in the Udawalawe reservoir was studied from June 2007 to December 2008. Samples of eggs from Indian major carp C. catla were collected from fish landed in the reservoir and analysed in the laboratory to assess the reproductive characteristics. C. catla. Cirrhinus mrigala, exotic Cichlids and Labeo rohita accounted for 62.2%, 21.0%, 12% and 1.0% respectively of the total landings in the Udawalawe reservoir during the study period. Gonads of C. catla were collected in the field and examined in the laboratory to determine the stage of maturity and fecundity. Data on fish length and gonad weight were collected to estimate the gonado-somatic indices (OSI). Landed catches were also examined in the field to determine the sex ratio of C. catla in the catch and was found to be 1:5.6 male to female. Results of fecundity estimates revealed that C. catla females in the Udawalwe reservoir were fully mature in June and October of the year. From the monthly variation of OSI, two recruitment pulses per year were evident. The length of the body at first maturity in female C. catla in the Udawalwe reservoir was estimated to be 74.2 cm.


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As the most of the fish resources are known and exploited, protecting their generation is of the greatest importance. Aquaculture is one of the efficient procedures in protecting and reviving fish resources and knowing about the reproductive cycle and gonads development has an important role in approaching this aim. Liza abu belongs to the family Mugilidae that according to its resistance to the environmental condition and its fast growth , can be introduced as a fish with economical value. As there is no scientific data on the reproductive biology of this species , study on the reproductive biology and gonad development is considered as the aim of this research . For this purpose , 360 samples of this species were investigated during the period from February 2007 to January 2008 in Khozestan Province . After studing morphological and histological characteristics of gonad specimen , they were prepared through histological method. Samples were prepared through usual histological method and studied under light microscope. According to the results, the maturity stages of male and female Liza abu were separated to six different successive stages. In ovaries , these stages were as follow : In stage І, the oocytes were small , this stage was observed from July to October . In stage ІІ, considerable growth was observed in the oocytes . This stage was observed from October to January . In stage III, due to vitellogenesis, the maximum growth was observed and three layers of theca, granullosa and follicle cells were visible. This stage was observed during January and February . In stage IV, migration of germinal vesicle was observed and due to hydration of the oocytes , their diameter was increased. The ovaries were yellowish and in maximum size and ovules could be easily observed with naked-eye . This stage was observed in February and March . In stage V, spawning occured. This stage was observed in April . In stage VI, ovaries consisted of immature and atretic oocytes and also empty follicles. This stage was observed in May and June. In testes , these stages were as follow : In stage I , the testes were small in size and contained the spermatogonia which were the only cellular components.This stage was observed in August and September . In stage II (maturing virgin ) , the spermatogonia and the primary spermatocytes were visible. This stage was observed in October . In stage III (developing), intensive spermatogenesis was occured and the primary and the secondary spermatocytes were the most visible cells during this stage .This stage was observed from November to January. In stage IV(developed), cells of all stages of spermatogenesis could be seen but the secondary spermatocytes and spermatids were in large number. This stage was observed from January to March. In stage V , the testes were filled with sperms. This stage was observed in March and April .In stage VI, residual spermatozoa and the spermatogonia were visible in the testes. This stage was observed from May to August. According to cyclic changes in GSI, sexual maturation in breeding begins in January and spawning occurs in April. The ova diameter ranged from 30.75 μ in stage I to 472.19 μ in stage IV. In this study , the sex ratio was 1:2.7, and male and female percentage were 27.02% and 72.98% respectively. This means that females predominate males. In this study absolute fecundity was calculated and changing between 30805.44 to 431247.3 was observed and absolute fecundity was calculated 111275.3 in average.


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Histoarchitecture, seasonal variation and reproductive function of the neuroendocrine structure, brain of freshwater prawn Macrobrachium gangeticum were studied. Three types of NSCs - 'B', 'C' and 'D' were found to be concentrated in four groups in brain. These cells showed larger diameters and higher activity during breeding season. In case of females, the 'C' cells were more active during vitellogenic period. Brain extracts were found to induce gonadal maturation of both males and females.


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Effects of various combinations of photoperiod and temperature (NL-NT, LD 15:9-28°C, NL-28°C and LD 15:9 NT) were studied on testicular activity and pituitary gonadotropic cells in Channa punctatus during resting phase of reproductive cycle. Long photoperiod (LD 15:9-28°C) and warm temperature (NL-28°C) regimes were found to be more effective for testicular maturation and secretory activity of gonadotropic cells suggesting testicular maturation via brain-pituitary-testicular axis.


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This survay has been done from Januray 2000 till May 2002 in Khouzestan costal waters. Four species of grouper were identified from which orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) was the dominant species. For studing environmental parameters and reproductive biology, age, growth parameters and mortality rate samples were collected by fishing ship. Samples were taken montly in 4 days by fishing traps and trawls. In addition, some samples were obtained from Khozestan fish landing centres. Environmental factors such as PH, 02, salinity, water temperature and depth of traping areas, were measured. To identify species, morphometric characteries of 452 individal fishes were measured. Stomach contents of 394 fish were has survaid, from which stomach of 226 fish, and 168 fish had empty stomachs. Percentage of empty stomachs (cv) in males was more than females. Food items found in 73 percent of stomach were crab (11%), shrimps (8.8%) , squids (3.9%), gastropods (17%) and bivalves (0.4%). Feeding intensity in year classes did not obay logic trends The importance relatively indicator (I.R.I) were 81, 9.9, 4, 1.5 and 0.3 percent for fish, crab, shrimp, squid, gastropod and bivalve respectively. For age determination, sagita otoliths of 450 fish were taken and countable sections were obtained from 425 specimens. Relative frequency distribution of opaque and transparent rings showed that each opaque growth ring generates once a year from November to September. It seemed that generation of opaque rings is affected by temperature and photoperiod changes. Correlation between length and age was calculated using Von Bertalanffy's least square method. Following equasion was obtaind: L(t) : 122.27 (1 e 0.146 (t+0.482)) Growth parameters were determined through by Ford Walford equasion and Response Surface and Shepherd subcommands in Elefan program and L00 and K amounts were have determined. Correlation between length and age of 635 fish was determined by gender . Length and age correlation was calculated by exponential model and between total length and standard length by straghit line model. Correlation between age and weight of sagita was calculated by total length and age. The most Correlation was between sagita weight and fish age (r=0.876). Total mortality rate (z) was estimated by Length Converthed Method , Jones and Vanzaling and Powel Wetherall. Total mortality rate was z=0.39. Natural mortality rate, using Pauly method was calculated M=0.32. Fishing mortality (F) was 0.08. Gonads of 425 fishes were surveid within 18 month, from which 363 were female, 46 were male and 16 were sex reversing individuals .Total length of females varied from 26 to 95.5 centimeters while males length varied from 56.5 to 107 centimeters. Sex reversing individuals had a length of 47.5 centimeters, when two years old and 62.5 centimeters at age of 3 years. From the mentioned 425 fish, 401 individuals were matured, containing 339 females and 62 males, 5.47 females against each male. Montly changes of Gonadosomatic Index (GSI) by total body weight and standard length and total body length showed that this index increases from march to May and maximum increase was in May . This experiment was adapted in spawning season. Potential, relative, and absoulate fecundity was estimated by counting eggs in three samples. Total amount of traped fish using special traps was 16182.18 kg from which Epinephelus coioides provided catching 15353.43 kg of it (91.27 %) and By catch was 141.18 kg (8.24 %). Total average CPUE for whole catch was 123.33 kg/day/vessel. Total amount of catch was estimated 232.04 tons, considering CPUE of total catch and total Khuzestan trap ships effort.


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This report presents presentations from representatives of 12 countries, key outcomes and recommendations for the future.