208 resultados para Palladium species


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A method of handling hooked fish at intermediate depth was developed for species which occur deeper than conventional scuba depths. Juvenile pink snappers, Pristipomoides filamentosus, were hauled from 65-100 m to a depth of only 30 m, where the ambient pressure change was a fraction of that produced by hauling fish to the sea surface. This method afforded a unique opportunity to acoustically tag deepwater, physoclistous fish without the need to alter the fish's original swim bladder volume and without the high risk of further injury associated with surface handling. Tagged P. filamentosus survived and behaved well and were tracked successfully. This basic method could be applied to a variety of deepwater species in a number of research approaches, including tagging and dietary studies.


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In addition to providing an overview of the party boat fishery in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, a management-oriented methodology is presented that can be used elsewhere to assess regulatory impacts. Party boat operators were interviewed to determine species targeted, percent time committed to targeting each species, and opinions on current catch restrictions. Over two-thirds of the fieet was located on the west coast of Florida. Overall, most boats targeted <5 species. Four species accounted for 90 percent of the estimated effort by party boats in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico: Snapper; Lutjanus sp.; grouper, Epinephelus sp. and Mycteroperca sp.; amberjack, Seriola dumerili; and king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla. Party boat effort in Texas was devoted primarily to snapper, whereas in Florida most effort was devoted to snapper and grouper collectively. Party boat operators were diverse in their opinions of management regulations in force when interviewed. Results revealed why major opposition would he expected from Texas party boat operators for red snapper bag limits and other restrictions proposed by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council.


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The charter boat industry in U. S. Gulf of Mexico provides access to offshore fishing opportunities for about 570,000 passengers per year on 971 boats. A 25% random sample of charter boat operators was interviewed during 1987-88 to determine species targeted, percent time committed to targeting each species, and reactions to existing catch restrictions. Three-fourths of the charter boat fleet was in Florida, 13% in Texas, 5% in Louisiana, 4% in Alabama, and 2% in Mississippi. Responses were diverse regarding species focus within the region. Species of dominant importance included groupers, Epinephelus sp. and Mycteroperca sp. (Fla.); snapper, Lutjanus campechanus (Ala., Fla., Miss., and La.); king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla (Miss., Tex., Ala. and Fla.); spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus (Tex. and La.); and red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus (Tex. and La). Catch restrictions were generally supported with higher levels of opposition to restricted high effort fish and/or one fish or closed fishery limits.


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For purposes ofthe Endangered Species Act (ESA), a "species" is defined to include "any distinct population segment of any species of vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreeds when mature. "Federal agencies charged with carrying out the provisions of the ESA have struggled for over a decade to develop a consistent approach for interpreting the term "distinct population segment." This paper outlines such an approach and explains in some detail how it can be applied to ESA evaluations of anadromous Pacific salmonids. The following definition is proposed: A population (or group of populations) will be considered "distinct" (and hence a "species ")for purposes of the ESA if it represents an evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) of the biological species. A population must satisfy two criteria to be considered an ESU: 1) It must be substantially reproductively isolated from other conspecific population units, and 2) It must represent an important component in the evolutionary legacy of the species. Isolation does not have to be absolute, but it must be strong enough to permit evolutionarily important differences to accrue in different population units. The second criterion would be met if the population contributes substantially to the ecological/genetic diversity of the species as a whole. Insights into the extent of reproductive isolation can be provided by movements of tagged fish, natural recolonization rates observed in other populations, measurements of genetic differences between populations, and evaluations of the efficacy of natural barriers. Each of these methods has its limitations. Identification of physical barriers to genetic exchange can help define the geographic extent of distinct populations, but reliance on physical features alone can be misleading in the absence of supporting biological information. Physical tags provide information about the movements of individual fish but not the genetic consequences of migration. Furthermore, measurements ofc urrent straying or recolonization rates provide no direct information about the magnitude or consistency of such rates in the past. In this respect, data from protein electrophoresis or DNA analyses can be very useful because they reflect levels of gene flow that have occurred over evolutionary time scales. The best strategy is to use all available lines of evidence for or against reproductive isolation, recognizing the limitations of each and taking advantage of the often complementary nature of the different types of information. If available evidence indicates significant reproductive isolation, the next step is to determine whether the population in question is of substantial ecological/genetic importance to the species as a whole. In other words, if the population became extinct, would this event represent a significant loss to the ecological/genetic diversity of thes pecies? In making this determination, the following questions are relevant: 1) Is the population genetically distinct from other conspecific populations? 2) Does the population occupy unusual or distinctive habitat? 3) Does the population show evidence of unusual or distinctive adaptation to its environment? Several types of information are useful in addressing these questions. Again, the strengths and limitations of each should be kept in mind in making the evaluation. Phenotypic/life-history traits such as size, fecundity, and age and time of spawning may reflect local adaptations of evolutionary importance, but interpretation of these traits is complicated by their sensitivity to environmental conditions. Data from protein electrophoresis or DNA analyses provide valuable insight into theprocessofgenetic differentiation among populations but little direct information regarding the extent of adaptive genetic differences. Habitat differences suggest the possibility for local adaptations but do not prove that such adaptations exist. The framework suggested here provides a focal point for accomplishing the majorgoal of the Act-to conserve the genetic diversity of species and the ecosystems they inhabit. At the same time, it allows discretion in the listing of populations by requiring that they represent units of real evolutionary significance to the species. Further, this framework provides a means of addressing several issues of particular concern for Pacific salmon, including anadromous/nonanadromous population segments, differences in run-timing, groups of populations, introduced populations, and the role of hatchery fish.


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Genetic variation of Contracaecum ogmorhini (sensu lato) populations from different otariid seals of the northern and southern hemisphere was studied on the basis of 18 enzyme loci as well as preliminary sequence analysis of the mitochondrial cyt b gene (260 bp). Samples were collected from Zalophus californianus in the boreal region and from Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus, A. pusillus doriferus and A. australis from the austral region. Marked genetic heterogeneity was found between C. ogmorhini (sensu lato) samples from the boreal and austral region, respectively. Two loci (Mdh-2 and NADHdh) showed fixed differences and a further three loci (Iddh, Mdh-1 and 6Pgdh) were highly differentiated between boreal and austral samples. Their average genetic distance was DNei = 0.36 at isozyme level. At mitochondrial DNA level, an average proportion of nucleotide substitution of 3.7% was observed. These findings support the existence of two distinct sibling species, for which the names C. ogmorhini (sensu stricto) and C. margolisi n. sp., respectively, for the austral and boreal taxon, are proposed. A description for C. margolisi n. sp. is provided. No diagnostic morphological characters have so far been detected; on the other hand, two enzyme loci, Mdh-2 and NADHdh, fully diagnostic between the two species, can be used for the routine identification of males, females and larval stages. Mirounga leonina was found to host C. ogmorhini (s.s.) inmixed infections with C. osculatum (s.l.) (of which C. ogmorhini (s.l.) was in the past considered to be a synonym) and C. miroungae; no hybrid genotypes were found,confirming the reproductive isolation of these three anisakid species. The hosts and geographical range so far recorded for C. margolisi n. sp. and C. ogmorhini (s.s.) are given.


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This is the Species management in aquatic Habitats overview of sub projects and their management produced by the Environment Agency in 1998. This report was under the R&D Project, which it was initiated in 1995 to provide information on species of conservation value of particular relevance to the Environment Agency (then the National Rivers Authority, NRA), in relation to its activities affecting aquatic environments. Outputs comprise Species Action Plans (SAPs), practical management guidelines for Agency staff and third parties, and various research and survey outputs to improve the knowledge base on the status and ecological requirements of priority species. This R&D Technical Report provides an overview of the work undertaken, additionally identifying lessons to be learnt in the management of species-related research within the framework of the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. The process of species selection was initially based upon a wide ranging review of priority species of relevance to the then NRA, encompassing both highly threatened species and species that are relatively common but are at particular risk from Agency activities.


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This is the Species management in aquatic Habitats WRc Dec 1993 produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1993. This report is focused on the Phase 1 of the Species Management in Aquatic Habitats, based on the Development of priority lists of rare and nuisance species for the National Rivers Authority (NRA). Certain ‘nuisance’ species cause problems for conservation by having a negative impact on more valued species or ecosystems. This project was initiated as part of a programme of research to develop strategies for the management of both rare and nuisance species. This project identified key rare and nuisance species of interest to the NRA and prioritised research needs to develop conservation strategies for these species. A combined provisional list of almost a thousand rare species, a priority list of 58 species of potential interest and a priority list of nine nuisance species was developed by a process of literature review and from suggestions by NRA conservation staff.


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This is the Species management in aquatic Habitats WRc Nov 1993 produced by the National Rivers Authority (NRA) in 1993. This report identified key rare and nuisance species of interest to the NRA and prioritised research needs to develop conservation strategies for these species. The NRA has in the past adopted a habitat maintenance and protection approach to conservation paying less attention at individual species. There is a risk that conservation based on a habitat management policy will no further the conservation of certain species. In addition, certain ‘nuisance’ species cause problems for conservation by having a negative impact on more valued species or ecosystems. Through the combination of the review of current legislation and literature and consultation with NRA staff, this project identified key rare and nuisance species of interest to the NRA and prioritised research needs to develop conservation strategies for these species.


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This is the Species management in aquatic Habitats WRc Interim 1997 document produced by the Environment Agency in 1997. This document reports progress on R&D Project 640, which aims to provide information on species of conservation value of particular relevance to the Environment Agency, in relation to its activities affecting aquatic environments. A range of stand-alone outputs is being produced, comprising Species Action Plans, practical management guidelines for Agency staff and third parties, and various research outputs to improve the knowledge base on the status and ecological requirements of priority species. The species of conservation values are: water shrew, daubenton’s bat, Kingfisher, yellow wagtail, Grey wagtail, sand martin, reed bunting, dipper, marsh warbler, great crested new, spined loach, brook lamprey, river lamprey, sea lamprey, shining rams-horn snail, little whirlpool rams-horn snail, depressed river mussel, a freshwater pea mussel, native crayfish, and triangular club-rush. The process of species selection was altered during the course of the project by the report on biodiversity by the UK Biodiversity Steering Group (1995). Whilst still including species that were not particularly endangered but were greatly influenced by the activities of the Agency, the project addressed species on the ‘short’ and ‘middle’ priority lists of the Biodiversity report, particularly those for which the Agency had specific responsibilities.


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When different strains or breeds of a particular species are available, the best choice is seldom immediately obvious for producers. Scientists are also interested in the relative performance of different strains because it provides a basis for recommendations to producers and it often stimulates the conduct of work aimed at unraveling the underlying biological mechanisms involved in the expression of such differences. Hence, strain or breed comparisons of some sort are frequently conducted. This manual is designed to provide general guidelines for the design of strain comparison trials in aquaculture species. Example analyzes are provided using SAS and SPSS. The manual is intended to serve a wide range of readers from developing countries with limited access to information. The users, however, are expected to have a basic knowledge of quantitative genetics and experience in statistical methods and data analysis as well as familiarity with computer software. The manual mainly focuses on the practical aspects of design and data analysis, and interpretation of results.


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To ensure the authentication of fishery products lacking biological characters, rapid species identification methods are required. Two DNA- and protein-based methods, PCR-SSCP (polymerase chain reaction - single strand conformation polymorphism) of a 464 bp segment of the cytochrome b – gene and isoelectric focusing (IEF) of water-soluble proteins from fish fillets, were applied to identify fillets of (sub-) tropical fish species available on the European market. Among the samples analysed were two taxonomically identified species from the family Sciaenidae and one from Sphyraenidae. By comparison of DNA- and protein patterns of different samples, information about intra-species variability of patterns, and homogeneity of batches (e.g. fillet blocks or bags) can be obtained. PCR-SSCP and IEF may be useful for pre-checking of a large number of samples by food control laboratories. Zusammenfassung Zur Sicherstellung der Authentizität von Fischerei-Erzeugnissen ohne biologische Merkmale sind schnelle Verfahren zur Speziesidentifizierung hilfreich. Zwei Methoden der DNA- bzw. Protein-Analyse wurden eingesetzt, um Filets (sub-) tropischer Fischarten, die auf dem europäischen Markt angeboten werden, zu identifizieren. Bei diesen Methoden handelt es sich um die PCR-SSCP (Polymerase-Kettenreaktion – Einzelstrang-Konformationspolymorphismus) – Analyse der PCR-Produkte und die IEF (isoelektrische Fokussierung) der wasserlöslichen Fischmuskelproteine. Unter den untersuchten Proben waren zwei taxonomisch bestimmte Arten aus der Familie Sciaenidae und eine Spezies aus der Familie Sphyraenidae. Durch Vergleich der DNA- bzw. Proteinmuster lassen sich Informationen über die intra-spezifische Variabilität solcher Muster und die Einheitlichkeit von Partien (beispielsweise Filetblöcke oder Filetbeutel) gewinnen. PCR-SSCP und IEF können in Laboratorien der Lebensmittelüberwachung als Vortest gerade bei hohen Probenzahlen sinnvoll eingesetzt werden.